
Krauthammer: The Hamas 'Peace' Gambit

Vercimber5/08/2009 1:47:00 pm PDT

I’ve been an amateur middle east expert since the 90’s, and this sort of article is always disheartening to me. Krauthammer always comes out with these comments, and yet, he never offers a resolution. It seems, his only solution is, perpetual, eternal conflict between Israel and its neighbors. I would be content if Krauthammer would come out with an article saying something like “All the Arab nations should offer to take in the Palestinian people, giving them a home amongst their brethren, and ending the conflict with Israel”.

Do I want Hamas to have its way? No, but I also know that you can’t resolve a conflict this way, and the idea of a perpetual, and worsening conflict is just too much for me to stomach at this point in my life.