
What? Did I Say Something?

Cato the Elder12/01/2009 11:28:57 am PST

Several salient points from Andrew Sullivan’s piece today, “Leaving the Right” (which starts off with a big nod to Charles).

I cannot support a movement that is deeply homophobic, cynically deploys fear of homosexuals to win votes, and gives off such a racist vibe that its share of the minority vote remains pitiful.


I cannot support a movement that would back a vice-presidential candidate manifestly unqualified and duplicitous because of identity politics and electoral cynicism.


I cannot support a movement that refuses to distance itself from a demagogue like Rush Limbaugh or a nutjob like Glenn Beck.


I cannot support a movement that believes that the United States should be the sole global power, should sustain a permanent war machine to police the entire planet, and sees violence as the core tool for international relations.

Good on you, Charles. We have our disagreements, but you stand for reason. And a sense of humor into the bargain.

Keep your knives sharp and your wits sharper.