
Thank You, Internet Gods

Dark_Falcon3/07/2010 11:04:42 pm PST

re: #91 avanti

More blog wars, I think Hot Air pulled the link, the linkee was amused:

“So, what do I spy this evening when I look? A headline link to my Glenn Beck post, which I haven’t enjoyed from Hot Air in maybe two years. For the record, Beck has also prominently misquoted Jefferson, as well as others and never admitted, or corrected it. And a great many people know he steals material without attribution, too.

We need to reject demagogy in all its forms. And if Beck can’t clean up his act given all his resources, then we have to reject him. No agenda will prevail to good effect with an ignorant buffoon leading the effort.

Recently, I was told he has been doing the Phoenix Group, which I broke out here in 2006. Of course, he may have gotten that lead elsewhere by now, who knows. But no self styled leader should be mangling the words of the Founders and not caring about it enough to correct himself, especially with his research staff.

So, what’s my complaint? None really. But, well-played, Allah, I assume. I’ll take the traffic but do please round up the retarded Beck fanatics by morning. I wouldn’t want them to get hurt in my comments area if I run over them. I’d hate to see them cry just like the silly mad matinee idol they worship did before maybe the shtick got old. heh!

Or maybe he’s saving up his tears for the next book tour, who knows.”

Great stuff. Watching your enemies tear into each other while you sit back and watch comfortably: That’s Entertainment!