
White Supremacists Heart Pamela Geller

researchok8/29/2010 12:30:51 pm PDT

re: #86 Obdicut

Is this yet another iteration of the Magical Balance Fairy?

The media has always been, first and foremost, sensationalist. But the right-wing media, at the current moment, as Charles has aptly demonstrated over and over, has gone over a cliff. It has become an absolute pit of insanity. It has become far more politicized than anything on the ‘left’ outside the Worker’s Vanguard.

I’m still unsure why. I think it’s a confluence of a large number of factors, but I do think that the close ties between the GOP and the right-wing media are far stronger than those between the Democrats and any media outlets.

No, it’s reality.

Further, sensationalism is long and time honored tool used by all when necessary as you note.

Now I would agree that in this cycle the ties between the GOP and the right media is tight. An argument can be made that during the last cycle an argument could be made about the left.

You can bet donuts to dollars that political/media relationships will change as long as there is a dollar to be made.

My political leanings have become much more centrist as a result of my sojourn on LGF, though I admittedly tilt more to the right.

I do agree with one issue brought up by the hard left- it is becoming harder and harder to discern the internal politics of the left and right.