
Breivik Inspiration 'Fjordman' Reveals Identity

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)8/05/2011 11:10:34 am PDT

Hahaha, oh wow:

LGFers base their world-view on the existence of a moderate Islam, which doesn’t exist, and on the existence of a large and rabid network of neo-Nazis in Europe, which also doesn’t exist. Neo-Nazi groups do exist, but they are generally quite marginal, for the very simple reason that people don’t like them. I agree that they should be watched, but they are far down the list of enemies of freedom in Europe right now, behind Muslims, Leftists and the European Union. You’re not behaving in a rational manner. The only theoretical reason why even a fraction of Europeans would embrace real extremists groups would be if they have their backs against the wall and everybody else has abandoned them. That’s exactly what we’re trying to avoid with this network. The only thing Charles will achieve with these posts is to delay the formation of anti-Islamization efforts in Europe and thus drive people further into the hands of the few extremist groups that do exist. I don’t care whether that is the intention or not, that is the actual result.

From Fjordman’s last post. Could have come right out Breivik’s manifesto: Self-victimization with the “everybody calls us European freedom lovers nazi” straw man, railing against Leftists and the European Union in cohorts with the Muslims.