
Candy Crowley Interjects: Obama 'Did in Fact' Say Libya Attack Was Terrorism

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)10/16/2012 11:12:15 pm PDT

re: #90 freetoken

Among Romney’s many un-Presidential statements, all too overlooked is his extreme demagoguery wrt foreign policy. He’d destroy relations with just about any nation in an attempt to sound macho enough for the rabid, insecure right.

I have no love lost for the PRC but it drives me nuts when Romney talks about China. I mean it’s not “Thank You Debbie Spent-It-Now” bad but it’s still playing into the worst xenophobia Americans have about China and the fact it’s so damn hypocritical coming from Mitt who invested in firms that outsourced.