
Scott Brown Wins in Massachusetts

ausador1/19/2010 9:10:06 pm PST

Here is my prediction, we will now see a completely gridlocked Senate that is incapable of passing anything more than “housekeeping” bills. After the “mid-term” elections the house will join in due to more Republicans being seated.

Obama will be unable to get anything of substance on his agenda thru Congress and then Republicans will blame him for not getting anything done in the 2012 elections. Screw the country, it is all about winning the next election…err…right? This “party of no” tactic seems to be working pretty good so far, why not carry it on another couple of years?

Then again maybe some grown-ups among the Republican party might actually stand up and try to lead (and no I don’t just mean in the last four or five months before Nov. 2012).