
Hot Air Comments of the Day

suchislife10/18/2009 8:07:01 am PDT

re: #937 littleugly

Iceweasel is quoting official autopsy reports. If you think they are fake (they are not) then attack her sources. I have no idea what your point is, here.
Are you saying no American ever murdered someone?
The thing I really don’t get is this: it seems like it is important to you that America as a nation is not responsible for things like that. Well, the proper way to accomplish that is not shooting the messenger, but carefully ascertaining what the facts are, whether in fact people who were or are in charge did things that were wrong, and then holding them accountable, in accordance with the law. Or, democratically changing the law.
That is the only way to absolve the collective.
I can see how someone might say security is more important than liberty and the rule of law, or why someone who doesn’t care might not have seen the evidence that things like this happened.
But people like you who say accusations like this are unacceptable, yet at the same time don’t carefully use all avaiable sources with constant fact checking and an open mind, I really don’t get that. It’s like you’re saying, you don’t care if it happens, but no one may say it aloud.