
Ted Cruz and Ben Carson Held a Secret Meeting in a Closet: 'It Didn't Go Well'

BeachDem2/19/2016 8:13:50 pm PST

re: #57 De Kolta Chair

Maybe it’s the craft beer talking, but I’m going to crawl out on a limb and call South Carolina for Cruz. He’s been drumming up the Pentacostals there like Gene Krupa at a reefer party.

re: #60 b.d.

My Biale Zinfandels make me bet my dough on Trump. I can be disgusted with Trump and looking for alternatives but shuddering when you realize the alternative is Cruz.

Side bet. Jeb doesn’t medal at all and the post primary talk all becomes about Jeb dropping out.

Go Mitt!

re: #64 Reality Based Steve

Since I’m all jacked up on a Burger King Irish Mint Oreo Shake (don’t be judging), I’m going to call it Trump, then Cruz a fairly close 2nd (say <= 5 percentage points), with Rubio pulling the last podium spot. IF I were a betting man, I’d bet it Trump-Cruz-Rubio and if i wanted to wheel it, I’d wheel Rubio and Kasich in the 3rd spot. Bush will finish well out of the money, and as for Carson, he’ll still be trying to get out of the gate.


On the ground here in South by dog Carolina all I hear and see is TRUMP. They’ve lined up to see him and get their pictures taken with him for months. And, at least at his local “headquarters” there are always cars there. I saw a string of Rubio signs yesterday—looked like one over-zealous supporter was staking them every 10 feet—sure that made a huge difference. Only seen one Cruz sign, and haven’t heard anyone mention his name. All anecdotal, of course.

Earlier today, a friend saw Brett Baer from Fox setting up shop for his show, and went up to him to show him a screen grab from that station where she (my friend) was on stage with Hillary at an event. Told him she didn’t watch his network, but was glad to be featured on it nonetheless.