
The Complete Pedophilia-Advocating Video of Milo Yiannopoulos Is Even Worse Than You've Heard

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/19/2017 9:00:11 pm PST

re: #95 Targetpractice

The foundation of their belief system is that a man is the only party whose consent matters. Thus spousal rape is a myth because marriage vows = consent, date rape also being a myth because “real” rape involves violence, and the idea that the vast majority of accusations of rape where one or both parties are white are “false” because the woman “cried rape” to avoid social stigma of having per-marital sex.

It’s also part of the child marriage problem in many parts of the world. Girls are regarded as only baby-making utensils and sex toys, not as beings with equal rights to boys.