
Mugabe Gets Ready to Bail

zombie2/14/2009 6:50:48 pm PST
In Zimbabwe, meanwhile, inflation has reached 231m%, unemployment stands at 94% and 3,467 people have died in recent months from cholera.

That’s 231,000,000% inflation.

94% unemployment. And the 6% who are working, their paychecks are worthless before they’re even paid.

Basically, a country could not be in worse shape. Perhaps if Ghengis Khan swept down and laid waste to the landscape, it’d be a little worse, but not much.

As Rhodesia, it was the most prosperous country on the entire continent.

It’s not the fact that the country ended white rule and instituted black rule in 1979; race has nothing to do with it. The problems arose entirely because the new leader, Mugabe, instituted a communist system and destroyed the economy.

If he had simply assumed power and kept the same capitalist system they had to begin with, Zimbabwe would still be prosperous today.

Communism ruins everything, regardless of the race of the dictator who imposes it.