
Overnight Open Thread

Bagua6/07/2010 12:40:05 am PDT

Aboard the Mavi Marmara, the commandos first responded to the violence with crowd dispersion measures, and after almost an hour of scuffles, during which a number of soldiers were wounded – some of them stabbed or shot – the commandos were given permission to use live fire. At one point, activists succeeded in stealing a handgun from one of the soldiers, leading to an escalation in violence.

So for nearly an hour after those marines were beaten with iron bars, stabbed and shot at, the Israelis held fire and responded with only crowd control measures. Only after two marines were shot and they were under fire did the order come to use lethal force.

Good lord, any American Police Officer would open fire immediately when attacked with pipes and knives. The Israelis showed amazing restraint and courage.