
Newt Gingrich in 2007: Urgent Action Needed to Address Climate Change

goddamnedfrank12/04/2011 3:44:41 pm PST

re: #87 engineer dog

i have a lot of trouble believing in the reality of the newt surge, since even the freepers seem to find him distasteful. this is markedly different than their attitude toward cain, who they seemed really enthusiastic about until his libido got in the way

Yeah, but even previously staunch pro-Romney people like D_F have been praising Newt recently. I think a lot of it has to do with gamesmanship, coalescing around a candidate they think will debate well against Obama. Gingrich has the right combination of name recognition, gravitas (everyone has to address him as Mr. Speaker) and combative pig headed dickishness that conservatives tend to admire.