
Human-Toad Hybrid Dick Morris Dropped by Fox

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/05/2013 9:25:49 pm PST

And speaking of anthropology, I see that National Review has found them a favorite writer on the subject:

Razib Khan on Cultural Anthropologists

He [Razib Khan] rips into them and weighs in on on their criticisms of Jared Diamond (whose The World until Yesterday I reviewed in a recent NR) […]

In case anyone has not heard the news, a few days ago some special interest groups who work with indigenous groups around the world (who have not integrated into modern society) took Jared Diamond to task for Diamond’s insistence that many groups’ cultures included self-limiting practices that we, in our modern society, would consider barbaric.

Anyway, that NRO likes Razib Khan ought not be a surprise, given Khans association in the past with very dodgy characters.