
RedState Proves the GOP Isn't 'Anti-Science' - By Promoting Creationism

koedo5/13/2009 4:26:59 am PDT


I disagree with your conclusion that Christians can not accept the psychological truth and its implications; that humans do not have a divine origin.

Evolution and Intelligent Design are compatible, at least in my mind. I’ll take it a step further, they compliment each other.

Evolution has survived rigorous scrutiny by the best minds of the academy over the last 150 or so years (Publication of Origins of Species). Clearly, evolution has very important things to say to us, truths even. Darwin may be more challenged than Pythagoras!

Again, in my mind, there’s nothing that prevents the idea of a Designer who manages evolution itself

People have just stubbornly purchased their intellectual (or not) positions and refuse to attempt a reconciliation between the two positions. In an time long past, religion, philosophy and science where closely linked. I’m not advocating a return to that era, I’m simply showing that the seemingly disparate disciplines are not incompatible.

I apologize if I misrepresented your position in any way. I’m trying to think coherently, drink my coffee and get my son ready for school. Clearly, I’m attempting too much