
LGF Poll: 9/11 Terror Trials in New York

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/18/2009 9:02:38 pm PST

re: #851 Bagua

Agreed, to compare the waterboarding of a few terrorists who flew planes full of civilians into buildings full of civilians

Really, I thought those terrorists were blown up.

What we have here are five people accused of being the masterminds. I do not know if they are. The government has not made its case. Ever hear of innocent until proven guilty?

Now in the case of KSM I do know he murdered Daniel Pearl. I do not know a thing about the others.

Or does the idea of having the government make it’s case before we kill people not appeal to you?

And that question goes to the rest of you who are being all emotional about this too.

God forbid we act like civilized people. Lynch mobs are very outdated.