
Great Segment From Rachel Maddow: White House Struggles to Clean Up After Trump's Incoherent Spectacle at G7

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/27/2019 2:56:26 pm PDT

Populism in Trumpian America sneaks into everywhere:

NASA Administrator Says Pluto Is Still a Planet, And Things Are Getting Heated


But not everyone agreed with the International Astronomical Union’s ruling - and now NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine has added his voice to the chorus declaring support for Pluto’s membership in the Solar System Planet Club.

“Just so you know, in my view, Pluto is a planet,” he said during a tour of the Aerospace Engineering Sciences Building at the University of Colorado Boulder.

“You can write that the NASA Administrator declared Pluto a planet once again. I’m sticking by that, it’s the way I learnt it, and I’m committed to it.”


Sure, there are scientists who would still like Pluto to be officially designated a “planet”, but the argument is never, ever based on “it’s the way I learnt it”.

Everything, and I mean everything, that Trump has touched will need to be fixed when he is out of office.