
Religious Right Attacks Southern Poverty Law Center

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)12/15/2010 12:37:51 pm PST

What hasn’t groups like the AFA, Christian Coallition, and others not desreved to earn the label of bigot? They justify discrimation against homosexuals because some Nazis jsut happened to be gay. Using that logic maybe we should discriminate against heterosexuals and Christians for the same reason. They have no credibility what so ever and the fact that these assholes have any political capital what so ever is maddening. Bryan Fischer mocks medal of honor winners even though the coward himself would shake in fear if ever in combat. I try not to be angry person but fuck the Christian right. These people make their issue not spreading love but making people like my cousin and his husband out to be perverts simply because of their sexual orientation.