
Live Video: Obama on the Downgrade

califleftyb8/08/2011 11:48:49 am PDT

Real politics requires us to think the unthinkable. For all his many strengths and suitability as President, the fact is Obama has lost the faith of the independent voters big, and with little over a year to go to the next election there is precious little time to recover them. Nouriel Roubini says a double dip recession is unavoidable and we should be working to avoid a full blown depression. Can you imagine what that will mean for America? If true, give me the scenario that Barack Obama is re-elected for a second term?

So is our only course of action is to stay the course and continue to mouth platitudes that will only lead to the debacle of handing over the White House to any of the crack-pot Republicans? Is it time to ask if we owe it to ourselves and to America to find a Democratic candidate that is prepared to recapture the independents who will flock to a candidate that offers a rational alternative? Does loyalty to Barack Obama trump a higher responsibility to save the country from the madness of a Republican Administration? I think we are standing on the precipice.