
NYT's Revkin Responds to Limbaugh's 'Suicide' Suggestion

No Malarkey!10/20/2009 9:55:36 pm PDT

re: #954 Guanxi88

Boy, I’d think that all those people they hired would earn them some pardon for their sins, but no, I see that it doesn’t.

“The police, courts and prisons protect their property from the poor.” - Talk about contempt for the poor masquerading as solicitous concern for them.

“Their children are more likely to go to college which receives government funds.” Yes, loans to students and need-based grants, to lower income students. Try again.

“The military, staffed primarily by the children of the poor, protects their investments around the world.” You really think that’s what the military does, and that it is staffed primarily by the children of the poor? Disgusting on both counts.

“They consume more government subsidized public utilities. ” For which they pay the utility companies.

“The government funds arts and sports arenas with luxury suites and prohibitively expensive tickets.” - Tickets for which the spectators who sit there PAY.

“Without the government, the rich would soon be reduced to the status of the common man. ” - And with the government’s further assistance, the impoverishment can be made more general and widely-distributed. An excellent plan.

The US imprisons more people than any other country in the world. Madoff excepted, the vast majority of them are poor. Most kids never go to college, most rich kids do. I’m glad you are disgusted that the rich don’t volunteer for military duty at the same rate as the poor do.
The rich wouldn’t be able to buy tickets to sports events if the government hadn’t funded the arenas. I suppose if you think the government impoverishes the rich, you’ll soon be moving to Somalia, which has no government at all, so by your theory should be extremely wealthy compared to the US!