
And Now, Trump's 3rd Party Challenger: A Raving Wingnut, of Course

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/31/2016 9:16:26 pm PDT

National Racists Online are, once again, earning their moniker:

They are pushing a new article by VDH which lauds, among other things, Charles Murray, the incoherency of the Drumpfskind supporters, while jumping on Obama for race-baiting, etc.

Classic. Just classic.

And then, their website now offers a banner on each page with links to old articles, and what shows up on the splash page (for me anyway)? Well, none other than Derbyshire, with his column “White Like Me”, in which he is promoting white identity.

And yet the editors of NRO think they are on some moral high ground by criticizing Drumpfskind?