
Amazing Acoustic Jam: Preston Reed, "The Last Viking"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/26/2016 10:04:34 pm PDT

re: #93 ObserverArt

Are not all beginning relationships, especially when young and uncomfortable (scared to approach) a bit of stalking?

And really Bill was admitting it, he was not the big hang dog everyone thought he is.

And is everyone forgetting that Monica Lewinski was in some ways the stalker in that whole thing. She has admitted it has she not? That is what everyone seems to forget. Monica admits she was fine with it, it was mutual.

I think the way it was painted by the media and how it was made into an impeachable offense play it like he was the initiator. I think Monica made herself available. Check out her story, it might surprise you.

Monica TOTALLY made herself available. She walked to the door of the Oval Office and showed him her thong.

I had a friend who was in politics (before the whole thing soured her completely) and she said everyone knew Bill liked women and she wouldn’t have been remotely surprised if a political foe put Lewinsky up to it.

FWIW, I think Bill was the best POTUS (behind Obama) in my lifetime.