
Colbert and Julian Assange of Wikileaks

Dark_Falcon4/13/2010 6:31:05 pm PDT

re: #91 cenotaphium

Apologies if this has already been noticed, but since I exchanged posts about it a couple of threads back.. (also OT)

Apparently fueled by a shitty site called Crash The Tea Party with the goal of infiltrating the parties and presenting an even shittier image, there’s a counter movement to expose the infiltrators, now being a cause du jour over at Pajamas Media, where you can find the following (I won’t link directly, ‘cause I’m unsure about the policy on that):

..which ultimately is a bit toothless when, as noted here on LGF, the upper echelons of the movement refuse to make this distinction.

Well, the good news is that this might actually induce the Tea Party crowd to clean up their house.