
Bush Bowed Too

spudly4/06/2009 12:16:51 pm PDT

re: #27 Charles

Oh please. “Technically” not a bow? This is silly.

America has been bowing to these throwbacks for decades.

A bow is like a handshake, only it specifically denotes supplication at some level. It a specific act of protocol when dealing with royalty.

Accepting a medal is NOT a bow, period. If you duck to pass under a low doorway, you are not bowing to the person inside the room. A “bow” requires the intent to bow for formality.

Bush absolutely did not bow in that video. Technically or otherwise.

I don’t argue that we are too friendly with many in the ME by far, but it is flatly wrong to suggest that a bow and this Bush video are the same thing when they clearly are not.