
LGF on Glenn Beck

Fearless Freep4/17/2009 9:49:18 am PDT

re: #42 Idle Drifter

So we are suppose to be lemmings with a collective agenda towards political power for the right people to lead this country. That objecting to part or whole of that agenda makes us lesser in their eyes and receiving slander and mocker is our just reward. Why in the hell does this sound so familiar?

Charles, keep up the good fight.

If this is how you feel you should be on Beck’s side. Beck doesn’t just side with Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians or anyone else; he examines the issues and does his research. You may rarely agree with Beck’s analysis, but he actually does research and bases his opinion on something more substataive than party loyalty.

How about criticizing Beck for Beck’s actions and words instead choosing some BS from some fruit loops from the grass roots movement.

And yes a grass roots movement is necessary.
What else have we left to persuade our officials to stop spending our country into insolvency?