
Scott Brown Wins in Massachusetts

Ali Al-Beheshti1/19/2010 9:16:42 pm PST

@ boondock bender
wow where is this place where the poor are turned away from hospitals?

It is the USA. With all respect to your anecdotal tales from your Mum’s work history, you really need to get better sources.
Any hospital in the USA that has met its Hill-Burton Act obligation (certain $ amount of free care provided for the indigent each fiscal year by hospitals that were recipients of *any* federal funds for construction, expansion, or rebuilding) is free to turn away any further indigents (barring true emergent crises) without regard to their DX.

Another point for your consideration, many procedures, medications & devices (not to mention medical specialists) are not available to the persons whom, because of extreme poverty & severe disability receive their “health care coverage” from Medicaid.

You would likely also benefit from familiarising yourself with the staggering numbers of American families that have to declare “?b>medical” bankruptcy each year. The picture is not pretty, at least not for the poor, the “pre-existing condition” uninsurable, and the benefit-less employed.

Finally, did you actually read my post? there is nothing in it that correlates to any of your “points”.