
Melanie Phillips Takes a Wrong Turn on 'Intelligent Design' Creationism

Mike LaSalle5/04/2009 6:52:45 pm PDT
But even if a Big Crunch does occur, it will not happen for another 26 billion years at the earliest.

So what? The Causal Order Postulate was disproved by Bell’s experiments long ago — therefore it makes no difference that God will emerge at a particular time in the history of the universe.

And Jimmah - you like the heat death. Whoopty-do. I like the heat death, too. But in a MULTIVERSE, some universes go to heat death, and others to collapse. Either way, it only need to happen ONCE for God to create Himself and thus create the whole friggin system retroactively. (And don’t tell me you don’t like the multiverse either? Wheeler, Feynman, Hawking, Deutsch, and Leonard Susskind all think the multiverse is true — the heck with Karl Popper. I think I will stand over there with those guys instead of you.)

Charles - the Holy Grail is a wave, dude. You can read my twitters if you want a poetic overview: