
Bush Bowed Too

Cdat884/06/2009 3:33:11 pm PDT

re: #960 Charles

Listen to you folks.

“It’s not a bow, he was only receiving a medal.”

“This is nothing like what Obama did.”

Right, because accepting a medal from the misogynist, religious apartheid kingdom is really just so much better than that horrible Barack Obama, who did something no other president has ever done!

“Impeach him!”

This is Obama Derangement Syndrome, plain as day.

Please, take a look around the Arab papers, and see if any of them are crowing over how Obama prostrated himself. Here’s a hint — they are not. The only people who noticed this at all are right wing bloggers, and the denial on the right over the simple fact that Barack Obama was following in a long line of US presidents who pander to the Saudis is purely hypocritical.

Okay, I will ask again, what do you think of those of us that accepted medals from the “misogynist, religious apartheid kingdom”? Or is that different?

The medal in question is this.

I hate to repeat myself.