
John Mayer, Featuring the Dancing Pandas: "Still Feel Like Your Man"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/22/2017 12:28:20 am PDT

Some tool on Faux News is saying that hordes of “paid protesters” are converging on DC for the March for Science, as though there are no real scientists or real people who support them. The slack-jawed Faux audience will buy it though. To them, a “billion” might as well be infinity, so they have no trouble believing that a billionaire like Soros could easily shell out thousands of dollars each to thousands of people every day for years on end. That kind of expense is in the same ballpark as, say, the Marine Corps payroll but no word of it or real proof ever leaks out, not even a check stub. The Faux dupes could never imagine that the more numerous right-wing billionaires would resort to such tactics, since their support comes straight from the heart of every patriotic ‘merkin and no other inducement is needed.