
A Cannon in a Hamas Mosque

Taqiyyotomist1/13/2009 11:25:46 am PST

re: #59 subsailor68

I’m a little rusty on the Crusades, but didn’t they start after the Moslems took Jerusalem? In other words, didn’t the Moslems start it?

Kinda like Hamas and the rockets?

They were a very human response to Centuries of Islamic takeover. Muslims expanded into Europe quite non-peacefully, for hundreds of years, sowing nothing but destruction, dhimmitude, and death. That the Crusaders attached the Cross of Jesus Christ to their HUMAN endeavor is irrelevant. They did need a rallying point. Whether Christ would have done what the Crusaders did is beside the point. Humans can only take so many centuries of the brutality that is Islam. Think “Braveheart”, only all across Europe, and over a MUCH longer timespan. Longshanks was Amish compared to the Ottoman horde. The Crusades were not “Christian”, they just appropriated the image. They were a reasonable human reaction to a few hundred years of murderous rampaging Muslim aggression.

I spit copious quantities of hawkkkk-pthyu on those who use the Crusades as an excuse for Islam’s current “back-to-the-basics” approach to the Jihad. “Well, Christians did it, so why don’t you shut your hole all religions are the same yadda yadda yadda BANG”