
Tech Note: Improvements to LGF Pages

Gus7/14/2011 4:53:00 pm PDT

Por ejemplo…

Hugo Chvez declares his support for Muammar Gaddafi

[On Thursday, February 24, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez declared his support for his fellow petrodollar populist and social democratic nationalist, Muammar Gaddafi. With this declaration, a controversy and debate among supporters of Venezuela and more broadly among “Third World Marxists” has opened up. And Chavez’ encouragement and support for Gaddafi has undoubtedly prolonged and intensified the attacks on Libya’s rebellious and revolutionary people.

Revolutionary and anti-imperialist people everywhere are challenged by these events, and are struggling to understand how the people’s movement for national independence a half-century ago became dominated and controlled by such a powerful bourgeois figure as Gaddafi, who in the last decade has proven to be an imperialist tool and an enemy of the people.

Victory to the people of Libya! Down with Gaddafi! Imperialism—Keep your hands off Libya! — Frontlines ed.]