
TN Tea Party Groups Demand School Textbooks Overlook Slavery

Dark_Falcon7/08/2012 5:17:02 am PDT

re: #93 freetoken

Right-wing Dutch politician urges U.S. lawmakers not to build new mosques

Iceweasel posted some results of that urging. In brief one of the two GOP Colorado state senators (Kevin Grantham) quoted said that mosques are not churches like we would think of churches. They think of mosques more as a foothold into a society, as a foothold into a community, more in the cultural and in the nationalistic sense. The other state sen., also with the personal name of Kevin but with the surname of Lundberg, had a rather different reply: “We’re a free society, and there are risks with freedom. In my mind, we need to give every citizen the opportunity to succeed or fail on their merits, and there are limits we have to put in place for certain public safety issues, but I am much more a stronger defender of the First Amendment than I am of immediately restricting people because of a perceived concern. (bolding in original in both cases)

So there you have it: One Kevin is sane and the other has been seduced by Gellerism.