
Update: Rep. Cantor's Office Was Not Targeted

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce3/25/2010 5:31:14 pm PDT

re: #916 WindUpBird

at LEAST tell me you don’t take his movie reviews seriously!

I remember a long time ago hearing him go on an indignant (not frothing, mind you) tangent about “Beavis and Butthead”, which he made a point to call “Beavis and Friend”. He was lamenting that it was a horrible force contributing to what he called “the coarsening of our national culture.”

This country, while certainly nothing like Russia for example, has had a “coarse” national culture since the first European set foot on the shore. We’ve been through slavery, a Civil War, formed our very own terrorist groups, played a decisive role in the bloodiest war in human history - during which we invented the nuclear bomb and used it twice, and and endless list of other things.

But from the way Medved told it, our culture is that of a bunch of delicate snowflakes, all dressed in our Little Lord Fauntleroy outfits, in danger of being “coarsened” by a cartoon show about wiener jokes. Gut up, Nancy. Jeezus.