
Wisconsin Republicans Ram Through Union-Busting Bill

jamesfirecat3/10/2011 9:03:38 am PST

re: #997 Buck

Wow, let me clear it up for you. US Constitution, Article I, Section 5
Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings.

Now for a huge part of the two years, the democrats had that supermajority, they had the majority in both houses, and the presidency. What you are really wondering is how come they were still having trouble passing just about anything they wanted. You are going to your default, which is to blame the republicans, but IF you can count, then you know that democrats did not have the votes. They didn’t have a unified caucus. You should be asking why THAT is.

How about a compromise then Buck.

If the sate senates had a filibuster which required a 60% super majority to break, would you be okay with the democrats filibustering this bill?