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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Public Affairs Council (1,838 matches, in 74 pages)

Breaking: Trumpcare Fails Bigly - GOP Withdraws Bill

Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 12:48:00 pm
And there we have it, folks. Several sources are now reporting that the Trumpcare bill is dead in the water. BREAKING: Trump suggested pulling House healthcare bill and House Speaker Ryan has agreed - networks. — Reuters Top News (@Reuters) March 24, 2017 ReplyReply w/ Quote President Trump just called me. Still ...

Donald Trump's TIME Interview: Portrait of a Malevolent, Pathologically Dishonest Narcissist

Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 10:24:35 am
It's become so commonplace for our so-called president to blatantly lie about things that are easily checked and debunked that it's hard to label it "shocking" any more. But nonetheless, it really ought to be shocking that the leader of the United States is this unhinged and disconnected from anything ...

Video: FBI Director on Trump's Wiretap Conspiracy Theory: No Info to Support That

Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 10:45:57 am
YouTube FBI Director James B. Comey tells the US House Intelligence Committee there is “no information” that supports President Trump's claims that his predecessor ordered surveillance of Trump Tower during the election campaign. “I have no information that supports those tweets,’’ said Comey, testifying at the committee’s first public hearing ...

Another Loss for Trump: Hawaii Judge Denies Request to Limit Muslim Ban Injunction

Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 3:07:31 pm
The Trump Justice Department filed a motion asking federal Judge Derrick Watson to limit his injunction against Trump's second attempt at banning Muslims and refugees from entering the US, but today in Hawaii Judge Watson denied this request. He's losing every legal fight so far over his unconstitutional bigoted attempt to ...

The Bob Cesca Show: Fetuses in Food

Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:15:46 pm _031617.mp3?_=1 Today's program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show: Fetuses in Food: Cliff Schecter joins us for the hour; Cliff versus Cleta Mitchell; The Left and Winning; Trump campaign chair caught having hotel sex with a minor; Latest Muslim ban thwarted by Hawaii federal judge; Trump is a political ...

Federal Judge Shuts Down Trump's Latest Travel Ban Nationwide

Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 5:50:29 pm
Hawaii Attorney General Doug Chin Donald Trump's second attempt to impose an un-American Muslim ban on the United States has been blocked by a federal judge in Hawaii. Yes. A federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide order Wednesday evening blocking President Trump’s ban on travel from parts of the Muslim world, ...

Dutch PM Mark Rutte Set to Beat Geert Wilders in Election

Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 2:26:52 pm
Dutch PM Mark Rutte Far right anti-Muslim Dutch demagogue Geert Wilders has been riding a populist wave and getting campaign funding from right wing US organizations, in an effort to become the largest political party in the Dutch parliament. But in a piece of good news, the latest exit polls from ...

Steve King Goes All the Way White Supremacist

Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 12:26:19 pm
Republican Rep. Steve King has had a long history of borderline racist statements. But this weekend he crossed that border for good, with a tweet that openly endorsed white nationalism. And "white nationalism" is just another term for "white supremacism," no matter how they try to deny it. Hundreds of Islamists shouting ...

Report: Obama "Irked and Exasperated" by Trump's Wiretapping Lies

Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 11:15:44 am
President Obama hasn't made a personal public statement about Donald Trump's absurd and unsupported accusation that Obama ordered a "wiretap" on him during the campaign, but today CNN's sources report that Obama's "irked and exasperated." Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama was irked and exasperated in response to his successor's uncorroborated wiretapping ...

Trump Recycles His Muslim Ban, but It Doesn't Smell Any Better This Time Around

Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 5:40:53 pm
Well, the Trump Horror is trying again with its Muslim Ban, doing a cursory rewrite and removing Iraq from the list of banned countries, but doing nothing to change the bigoted and un-American intent. I predict it's going to get rather quickly thrown out by the courts again. For what it's ...

FBI Head James Comey Asks Justice Dept. to Publicly Announce That Trump Lied About Obama "Wiretapping" Him

Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 2:27:02 pm
While Donald Trump plays golf at Mar-a-Lago, his tweets accusing President Obama of "wiretapping" him during the campaign are making some big waves in Washington DC. According to the New York Times, FBI director James Comey has now asked the Justice Department to publicly reject Trump's claim. WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. ...

Fox News Uses Fake "Swedish Security Adviser" With Criminal Record to Hype Trump's Fake Swedish Terror Attack

Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 12:02:21 pm
YouTube Today we have an absolutely classic example of fake news to report, as Fox News talking head Bill O'Reilly interviews Nils Bildt, a man he identifies as "a Swedish defense and national security advisor." O'Reilly is, of course, trying to continue hyping Donald Trump's lies about a nonexistent Swedish terror ...

Swedish Police Featured in Fox News Segment Trump Cited: That Filmmaker Is a Madman

Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 11:11:45 am
Proving once again that there's nothing the right wing won't try to defend when it's pushed out there by one of their demagogic leaders, the Right Wing Unison Parrots' Chorus is screaming that TRUMP WAZ RIGHT! about terrorism caused by immigrants in Sweden. Never mind what the Swedish government says, ...

Former Director of US Foreign Disaster Assistance on Trump: "Welcome to My Nightmare"

Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 2:30:19 pm
Jeremy Konyndyk was the Director of US Foreign Disaster Assistance under President Obama, and he posted this chilling series of tweets yesterday about the ultimate nightmare scenario: the highly likely outbreak of a dangerous disease or virus during the Trump administration. This is terrifying stuff, and it's coming from someone who ...

Trump's Key Aide Stephen Miller Follows David Duke On Twitter, And "Liked" Duke's Pizzagate Tweet

Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 12:40:13 pm
Stephen Miller joined Trump's campaign in January 2016, but did not gain worldwide attention until last week, as it became clear that this super-conservative 31 year old misanthrope, now a "senior advisor" to Trump, is drafting executive orders like the Muslim Ban. And he appeared on the Sunday talk ...

The Trump Gang Was Warned Last Month That Flynn Was Vulnerable to Russian Blackmail

Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:24:08 am
Michael Flynn's resignation as National Security Adviser is all over the news, but here's the piece I found most interesting -- because it's a clear indication that the Trump gang not only knew abut Flynn's Russia problem long ago, they covered up the information and did nothing about it: Justice ...

Photos: Donald Trump's Shocking Incompetence; Held National Security Meeting in Public Dining Room

Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 11:23:01 am
One of the most disturbing incidents yet for the Trump Horror happened over the weekend, when North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile. I'm not talking about the missile test, although that's bad enough, and clearly intended to test the Narcissist in Chief. No, I'm talking about Donald Trump's response. Because he ...

After 3 Weeks in Office, Half the Country Thinks Trump Should Be Impeached

Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:04:34 pm
The latest data from Public Policy Polling shows that it's taken Donald Trump only 3 weeks in office to get half of the country to believe he should be impeached. PPP's new national poll finds that Donald Trump's popularity as President has declined precipitously just over the last two weeks. ...

BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court Unanimously Rules Against Trump on Muslim Ban - Read the Ruling Here

Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 3:23:44 pm
Excellent news, and we can now look forward to a massive freakout from the Trump-thing. Read this ruling -- it's a total, scathing repudiation of the government's case. https://assets.documentcloud.or g/documents/3457904/Read-the-9th-Circu it-s-opinion-on-the-travel-ban.pdf UP DATE at 2/9/17 3:44:05 pm by Charles Johnson And here's Pumpkin Pinochet's first ALL CAPS response: SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION ...

Trump Horror, Day 20: Kellyanne Conway Blatantly Violates Key Ethics Rule

Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 11:15:07 am
Uh oh. Here we are, not even a month into the Trump Horror, and his chief counselor Kellyanne Conway has already violated one of the most important rules of the Office of Government Ethics, by blatantly hyping Ivanka Trump's line of merchandise on Fox News. Federal employees are banned from ...

At Least One of Trump’s “Under-Reported Terror Attacks” is a Fake, Started By Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 3:01:55 pm
Our Deplorable In Chief included at least one murder in his list of "under-reported terror attacks" that was no terror attack at all. He exploited the death of this young woman for his own egomaniacal purposes. The mother of a young backpacker killed in an Australian hostel has criticized President ...

Mike Pence Breaks Senate Tie to Confirm Creationist Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary

Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 10:52:32 am
The United States took another big step toward becoming a theocratic autocracy today, as Mike Pence broke the tie in the Senate and rammed through the nomination of creationist Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary, a religious fanatic openly hostile to public education. This is a heart-breaking development for anyone who cares ...

Trump Releases List of "Unreported" Terror Attacks, Many of Which Were Front Page News

Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 5:27:00 pm
Well, today's craziest blatant fear-mongering lie from Donald Trump and his gang of hapless clowns is that the media are deliberately failing to cover numerous terror attacks. (An accusation that may have come directly from Alex Jones.) When Trump spokeshole Baghdad Sean Spicer was confronted about this ridiculous claim from our ...

Trump Horror, Day 17: "Any Poll I Don't Like Is Fake"

Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 11:04:59 am
Credit: Gage Skidmore Our ranting Narcissist in Chief took to the Twitters again this morning, and blurted out a series of tweets that reveal a mind in disarray, denying reality and attacking critics. It's the same old spiel, but his tone is becoming increasingly unhinged as he realizes there's someone on ...

Trump Appointed Bannon to the National Security Council Without Reading the Executive Order He Signed

Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 6:52:27 pm
If this New York Times story is accurate, Breitbart white nationalist Stephen Bannon slipped his appointment to the National Security Council into an executive order without telling the tiny-fisted fascist. And Trump signed it without reading it. But for the moment, Mr. Bannon remains the president’s dominant adviser, despite Mr. Trump’s ...

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