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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,328 matches, in 54 pages)

Some Ideas for Saving Twitter From Its Trolls

Thu, May 14, 2015 at 4:20:17 pm
Here's a good article with a list of eight ideas to Save Twitter From Its Trolls. Everyone knows that Twitter has a serious, unsolved problem with abuse and harassment on its platform. I know it. Twitter knows it. If you're a frequent Twitter-user -- particularly a female -- you likely ...

The Noah's Ark Theme Park Is on the Move, Maybe

Thu, May 14, 2015 at 1:39:26 pm
While Ken Ham's Noah's Ark theme park is breaking apart on the reefs of Kentucky government regulations, a new plot is afloat to move the whole shebang to Louisiana. How wonderfully providential for Ham that his lawyer, who is suing Kentucky for millions over the failed venture, is also a brand ...

Michelle Obama Talks About Overcoming Prejudice, Breitbart Commenters Spew Torrents of Racist Hatred

Mon, May 11, 2015 at 5:19:45 pm
In a speech to the graduating class of Tuskegee University, Michelle Obama talked about how she had to deal with fear, misperceptions and prejudice as the first African American First Lady. And then the commenters at Breitbart "News," the hate site Andrew built, spewed an unbelievably awful deluge of racist hatred ...

Stupidest "Debate" of the Week: Nutbag Islamist Anjem Choudary vs. Raving Bigot Pamela Geller

Thu, May 7, 2015 at 2:44:58 pm
More: "You Want Her to Die!": Watch Pam Geller and Anjem Choudary Brawl on "Hannity" Last night on "Hannity," anti-Muslim activist Pam Geller and outspoken Islamist Anjem Choudary barely even attempted to have a civil discussion about the intersection of faith and free speech in America, choosing instead to shout ...

At Least 2 Shot Outside Muhammad Cartoon Exhibit

Sun, May 3, 2015 at 8:59:32 pm
48 hour rule applies here, we don't have real details on who or why, although we all probably want to speculate. At least two people were shot Sunday afternoon in the parking lot outside the Curtis Culwell Center, where the American Freedom Defense Initiative was hosting its inaugural Muhammad Cartoon ...

Chuck C. Johnson's Epic Drunken Racist Meltdown

Fri, May 1, 2015 at 1:07:42 pm
I kind of hate to write another article about this disgusting creep, but his descent into open racism marks another milestone on his journey to outright unemployable white supremacism, and it should be documented so that anyone considering an association with Chuck C. Johnson in the future will be aware ...

Family Values Anti-Gay GOP Politician Outed After Sending Dick Pic to Another Man on Grindr

Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 5:41:16 pm
Have you ever suspected that a lot of the Republicans protesting so loudly about same sex marriage and voting for anti-gay laws might be secretly gay themselves? Well, here's one who definitely is: Anti-Gay GOP Lawmaker Outed After Sending Explicit Photo to Another Man. The Forum, a North Dakota-based newspaper, reported ...

Republican Congressman Confronted by Extreme Anti-Immigrant Protesters, Threatens to Punch Them Out

Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 4:23:02 pm
YouTube This is one of those stories in which everybody involved sucks. California Republican Rep. Stephen Knight was recently confronted by anti-immigrant protesters from the group "We The People Rising" at his office in Simi Valley, and the conversation got so heated that Knight threatened to fight one of the protesters. "You ...

LA Times Calls on California Lawmakers to Pass Vaccination Bill Despite Anti-Science Parents

Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 1:55:02 pm
The Los Angeles Times editorial board is calling out the state legislature for caving in to the demands of the deluded, selfish anti-vaccination movement: California Lawmakers Should Pass the Vaccination Bill. Anti-vaccination parents showed up last week in Sacramento threatening to leave the public schools en masse, and the Senate ...

New York Times Pays Right Wing Activist for Access to Anti-Clinton Research

Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 10:45:23 am
In today's story of grossly unethical journalistic practices, the New York Times announced yesterday that they made a deal with a disreputable Republican activist with a long history of errors and distortions to grant them access to his anti-Clinton research. Speaking to anonymous sources, Politico's Dylan Byers reported on Monday ...

In Which Award Winning High-IQ Journalist Chuck C. Johnson Threatens to Shoot Me

Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 12:31:36 pm
Our article about pseudo-journalist Chuck C. Johnson's "men's rights advocate," Jeremiah True (who was arrested on Thursday for sexual abuse of under-age girls at a rugby practice session) apparently got the Ginger Avenger quite upset, sending him into a multi-tweet tirade filled with insults and personal attacks. So, win! In the ...

Newsweek Reports on the Growing Alliance Between Netanyahu's Likud Party and Europe's Anti-Semitic Far Right

Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 10:39:33 am
Long-time readers of LGF will recognize many of the names of people and organizations called out in this piece by Charles Hawley; these are the very fascists and antisemites who made alliances with American "counter-jihad" groups years ago, leading me to make a clean break with them and their hateful ...

Chuck C. Johnson's Creepy "Fake Rape Expert" Arrested for Sexual Abuse

Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 6:47:14 pm
Remember all those times that Chuck C Johnson was super creepy about women and rape? Yeah? You do? Good. Because it's happening again, only by proxy this time. Last month Chuck found himself a true hero in the war against all those college sluts telling lies about the young mens, one ...

Stanford Computer Scientists Develop "Troll-Spotting Algorithm," Explodes When Analyzing

Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 5:40:16 pm
A group of Stanford computer scientists have developed an algorithm that supposedly can detect trolls by analyzing as few as five comments. Today, Justin Cheng at Stanford University in California and a few pals say they have created just such a tool by analyzing the behavior of trolls on several ...

Dutch Far Right Anti-Islam Demagogue Invited to Address Members of Congress

Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 1:09:21 pm
One of the horrible political developments of the past few years has been the complete acceptance of radical anti-Muslim hatred by the Republican Party. The nastiest bigoted conspiracy theories and fear-mongering have become totally mainstream GOP positions; fantasies about shariah law taking over America, accusations of terrorist ties against innocent ...

Does MSNBC Know It's Giving a Platform to an Anti-Gay Hate Group?

Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 10:57:31 am
Media Matters MSNBC hosted a spokeswoman from a notorious anti-gay hate group twice in one day to discuss controversial "religious freedom" legislation, failing to identify her as an extremist who has opposed the decriminalization of gay sex. On April 1, American Family Association (AFA) spokeswoman Sandy Rios appeared twice on MSNBC ...

Indiana Anti-Gay Activist Opposes Mike Pence's Plan to "Clarify" the RFRA

Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:29:54 pm
YouTube Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has been all over the media yesterday and today, pretending the "Religious Freedom Restoration Act" has nothing to do with discriminating against LGBT people, and today he announced that he'd push for a "clarification" of the bill, to show that it doesn't do that thing everybody ...

Indiana GOP Shocked - SHOCKED - People Think 'Religious Freedom' Law Is Anti-Gay

Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 11:22:19 am
Spoiler, for those not aware of how the GOP operates: they're not really shocked. They knew exactly what they were doing. In some circles, this tactic is known as "lying." WASHINGTON -- Indiana's Republican leaders said they were shocked, confused and completely caught off-guard by the backlash to their new ...

Charles Barkley Urges Final Four and Super Bowl To Stay Out of Indiana

Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 7:31:59 pm
At Sports Illustrated tonight: NCAA Tournament Analyst Charles Barkley Denounces Indiana Law. NCAA tournament analyst Charles Barkley released a statement Friday calling for big events such as the Final Four and the Super Bowl not to be held in Indiana in light of recent legislation in the state that many ...

Stupidest Man on Internet: Germanwings Copilot Was a SECRET MUSLIM

Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 11:15:33 am
DERPJim Hoft, Dumbest Man on the Internet, has discovered the only evidence he needs to assert that Germanwings copilot Andreas Lubitz was A SECRET MUSLIM! Jim's evidence: a completely insane, over the top writer for a German anti-Muslim website who goes by the pseudonym "Michael Mannheimer" (real name: Karl-Michael Merkle), who ...

Ted Cruz Will Announce Presidential Candidacy at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University

Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 11:01:35 am
One of the most dishonest, creepy, and fanatical Republicans in Washington, Ted Cruz, is going to be the first presidential candidate for the wacko wing of the GOP (which is pretty much the entire GOP now), and of course, he's going to announce it in a speech at Jerry Falwell's ...

Life With Gohmert: "Stop Slapping Israel Around, Obama! It's Time to Bomb Iran!"

Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 10:49:10 am
SoundCloud Our favorite batshit crazy Republican Congressman, the wonderfully loony Louie Gohmert, went on the radio show of anti-gay hate group leader Tony Perkins yesterday and declared that President Obama should stop slapping Israel around and just start a war with Iran right away! Bomb them back to the Stone Age, ...

Did James O'Keefe Try to Plant an Undercover Operative in Ferguson to Incite Protesters to Violence?

Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 8:18:07 pm
I don't trust any of the people involved in this story, neither the James O'Keefe associates nor the New York Post, but if true this could be the end of James O'Keefe's creepy business: Activist Allegedly Tried to Bait Protesters With 'Kill Cops' Script. A controversial conservative activist is being ...

AR Republicans Defend Colleague Who Gave Adopted Daughters to Pedophile

Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 1:23:36 pm
In a move surprising absolutely no one, Arkansas Republicans are supporting Justin Harris, the Republican lawmaker who thought his adopted daughters were possessed by demons and who gave them to a pedophile who raped one of the girls. Secretary of State Mark Martin says Harris "humble and gentle," his critics "hypocritically ...

Texas State Representative Identifies Himself as Former Fetus

Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 10:46:40 am
Texas lawmaker identifies himself as a 'former fetus' on a sign outside his office — BI Politics (@bi_politics) March 11, 2015 Austin may like to keep it weird, but this is definitely taking that weirdness to new levels. Rep. Jonathan Stickland (R-Dist 92) is trying to make a ...

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