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Searched LGF articles for: muslim students association (1,001 matches, in 41 pages)

The NYT's 'Softball Profile' of Pamela Geller

Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 12:40:02 pm
Salon's Justin Elliott says the New York Times did a softball profile of hate monger Pamela Geller, and he's right. I wouldn't call it a "puff piece," exactly, but it's another example of "magical balance fairy" journalism -- lacking quite a bit of context about Geller's more extreme statements and ...

Violent British Anti-Muslim Gang Connects with Tea Party Movement

Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 10:46:51 am
The violent British anti-Muslim gang known as the English Defence League (a group of football hooligans and criminals with roots in the neo-Nazi British National Party) is developing links with the Tea Party movement -- and is being legitimized in America by Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and their Bigot Brigade. ...

English Defense League Riots Again in Britain

Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 9:26:28 pm
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, arguably the two most visible spokespeople of the anti-Muslim group "Stop Islamization of America," are both very vocal supporters of the British organization called the English Defense League -- an offshoot of the neo-Nazi British National Party, composed in large part of skinheads, white supremacists, ...

AFA Spokesman Bryan Fischer: Letting House Burn Down Was 'The Christian Thing To Do'

Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 10:05:27 am
I've been a bit amazed (and not in a good way) at the cruel and inhuman responses of some right wingers to the story about the Tennessee subscription-based firefighters who watched a family home burn down because the owner hadn't paid the fee -- some of these people actually seem ...

Israel's Education Ministry Fires Chief Scientist for Creationism

Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 2:14:38 pm
In Israel, the Education Ministry has fired chief scientist Dr. Gavriel Avital, a global warming denier and young earth creationist. Kudos! Letting someone like this be in charge of children's education is a recipe for ignorance and failure. If only Texas could figure that out. Sources familiar with the affair said ...

Reza Aslan vs. Robert Spencer

Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 10:29:03 am
Robert Spencer gets torn a new nether orifice by Reza Aslan in this segment of the CNN "town hall" meeting on Islam. Aslan quite correctly identifies Spencer's group "Stop the Islamization of America" as a branch of the European hate franchise "Stop the Islamisation of Europe," and points out that ...

Sharron Angle: Sharia Law is Already Taking Over

Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 11:27:21 am
On Thursday night the Nevada member of the GOP's Crazy Candidate Club, Sharron Angle, met with a hand-picked group of teabaggers behind closed doors and told them (among other things) that sharia law is already taking over America. One of the last questioners asked about "Muslims taking over the U.S.," ...

Fox News is the GOP

Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 10:40:14 am
Today we learn about another huge donation to the Republican Party's campaign efforts from Fox News owner News Corp. News Corp., the parent company of Fox News, contributed $1 million this summer to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the business lobby that has been running an aggressive campaign in support ...

Dead Man Talking

Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 9:54:39 am
Osama bin Laden (or an incredible facsimile) has issued a new statement calling for government projects to save people from floods like the ones in Pakistan. He didn't add, "Or we'll kill you," because that's a given. The top al-Qaida leader said a new "well-funded" relief organization should be created ...

Colbert's Keeping the Fear Alive

Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 5:28:21 pm
Stephen Colbert is terrified of Muslim vampires, and you should be too. [Video]

What Right Wing Extremist Violence?

Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 2:42:16 pm
This incident took place a few days ago, but in case you missed it, another deranged person spouting anti-Muslim smears and threats against the President was arrested in East St. Louis and ordered to undergo a mental evaluation. EAST ST. LOUIS • A federal judge on Thursday ordered the man ...

Rand Paul a Member of AIDS-Denying Conspiracy Theory Group

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:56:25 pm
The Louisville Courier-Journal reports that Rand Paul is a member of the totally whacked-out Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a group with an innocuous-sounding name that touts some really insane conspiracy theories: Rand Paul part of AAPS doctors’ group airing unusual views. Republican U.S. Senate nominee Rand Paul belongs ...

The Roots of Sharia Hysteria

Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 1:14:12 pm
Matt Duss has a good piece about The Roots Of ‘Sharia’ Hysteria, pointing out this interesting article at Foreign Policy about the Muslim Brotherhood, which concludes: At a global level, the Brotherhood is no Mafia. Nor is it a rigid and disciplined Stalinist-style Comintern. It most closely resembles today's Socialist ...

Randall Terry's Campaign to Destroy Qurans

Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 11:03:52 am
Anti-abortion religious fanatic Randall Terry (founder of the militant Operation Rescue) has a new cause: he's launching a cross-country campaign to destroy Qurans. Because that's what Jesus and Mary want him to do. “What would Jesus do?” Maybe He would overturn tables, or chase or hit people with a whip; maybe ...

GOP Candidate Ellmers: Terrorists, Muslims, What's the Difference?

Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:38:42 pm
Renee Ellmers is running in North Carolina's 2nd Congressional District, and she's the latest fear-mongering Republican to exploit the rise of anti-Muslim bigotry, with a campaign ad in the "all Muslims are terrorists" genre. [Video]

Return of the Texas Taliban: Schoolbooks Are Anti-Christian

Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:23:40 am
Here we go again with the Republican religious fanatics of the Texas State Board of Education. Led by young earth creationist Don McLeroy, now they're jumping on the anti-Muslim bandwagon and working themselves up into another frenzy of outrageous outrage over world history books that aren't even being used any ...

GOP Candidate Sharron Angle Speaks at John Birch Society Event

Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 10:44:40 am
There was a time when openly associating with the cranks, racists, and conspiracy freakazoids of the John Birch Society would have spelled instant disaster for a politician's career. But in today's climate of right wing extremism, the John Birch Society has not only been re-legitimized, it's been welcomed back into the ...

Friends of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer: Sweden Democrats

Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 10:37:43 am
One of the European allies of American anti-Muslim demagogues Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer is a political party called the "Sweden Democrats" -- a party with roots in outright Nazism. Last week a Sweden Democrats politician was forced to quit after posting an ugly racist rant at his blog, claiming that ...

Values Voter Summit Features Fake Ex-Jihadi

Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 12:59:33 pm
Here's another thread to discuss the fundamentalist convention called the Values Voter Summit, as fake ex-jihadi Ergun Caner takes the stage: Video Some background information on Ergun Caner: Caner has said that he was born in Sweden and raised as a devout Sunni Muslim in Turkey before converting to Christianity, after he ...

Christine O'Donnell: Coed Dorms Will Lead to Orgy Rooms

Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 1:13:10 pm
At Salon, Justin Elliott found a 2003 article by anti-wanking creationist Christine O'Donnell in which she warned America's youth about the lurking threat of coed dorm rooms, leading inevitably, inexorably, to orgy rooms and menage a trois rooms (with any luck): O'Donnell warned of 'orgy rooms' in college dorms. Dorm ...

Anti-Islam Rally Attendees in Their Own Words

Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 10:17:20 am
Here are some interviews with the people who attended Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's anti-Muslim rally last weekend. [Video]

Pamela Geller's Fans, Part 3: Youth for Western Civilization

Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 6:05:23 pm
Here's another photo from Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's anti-Islam rally last weekend, showing one of their English Defense League allies standing with two representatives of "Youth for Western Civilization" -- a thinly veiled white nationalist student group that often promotes alliances with Eurofascists such as the EDL. Youth for Western ...

English Defense League Leader Refused Entry to US - Update: FBI Searched EDL's Rooms

Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 10:17:48 am
One of the English Defense League thugs who was planning to attend Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's hate rally last weekend was refused entry into the US. I’ve picked up a rumour this morning that EDL leader 'Tommy Robinson' has been refused entry into the United States where he was ...

American Family Association Spokesman Fischer: Muslims Are Inbred

Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 8:17:11 pm
Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association is scheduled to speak at the upcoming Values Voter Summit, along with a full card of top GOP politicians and pundits, including Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Jim DeMint, Mike Huckabee, Mike Pence, and Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Here's Fischer's latest: A huge Muslim problem: ...

Why I'll Never Vote for the GOP Again, Exhibit C for Creationism

Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:20:48 am
The San Angelo Standard-Times interviews Texas governor (and GOP candidate) Rick Perry about his views on education, and out comes the ugly anti-science fanaticism again. Perry thinks the Texas State Board of Education is doing a terrific job, and he's "a firm believer" in teaching creationism in public schools. Do ...

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