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Searched LGF articles for: anti-semit (1,340 matches, in 54 pages)

Trump's Staff Finally Responds to Portland White Supremacist Murders

Mon, May 29, 2017 at 1:35:18 pm
Today Donald Trump's staff finally tweeted something for him, tepidly denouncing the murders in Portland Oregon by a white supremacist. The violent attacks in Portland on Friday are unacceptable. The victims were standing up to hate and intolerance. Our prayers are w/ them. — President Trump (@POTUS) May 29, 2017 ReplyReply w/ ...

Trump Returns From Europe, Immediately Goes on Rage-Tweeting Binge

Sun, May 28, 2017 at 11:09:57 am
Our so-called president couldn't even wait one day after returning from Europe before going on a typically deranged tweeting spree, spewing conspiracy theories, praising violent people and accusing journalists of making up sources. Interestingly, this blinkered buffoon calls the information coming out of the White House "leaks" at the same time ...

Trump's Lawyers Argue That Protesters Have "No Right" to Protest Against Him

Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 2:06:47 pm
Well, this one takes the cake. And I'm not talking about the most beautiful chocolate cake you've ever seen. Donald Trump is being sued for inciting violence at his 2016 Louisville rally at which several African American protesters were assaulted by his fans after he screamed "Get 'em out of here!" ...

White Supremacists Sending Mass Emails to Recruit for the "Alt-Right"

Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 11:40:42 am
In the Trump era, it's no secret by now that white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups have been greatly emboldened. The owner of the vile hate site Daily Stormer notoriously wrote, “Our Glorious Leader has ascended to God Emperor. Make no mistake about it: we did this. If it were not ...

SPLC Sues Trump-Supporting Neo-Nazi Leader Who Targeted Jewish Woman in Anti-Semitic Harassment

Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 2:47:22 pm
The Southern Poverty Law Center has filed a federal lawsuit against the owner of the vile "Daily Stormer" neo-Nazi website, for targeting a Jewish woman in a disturbing anti-Semitic harassment campaign. The Southern Poverty Law Center, along with its Montana co-counsel, filed suit in federal court today against the founder ...

EPA Staffer Retires With a Scathing Letter to Climate Change Denier Scott Pruitt

Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 10:56:13 am
Former EPA employee Mike Cox (Family photo) Mike Cox worked for the Environmental Protection Agency for 25 years, and retired last week -- with a blistering letter to the anti-environment ideologue appointed by Donald Trump to head the agency, Scott Pruitt. Cox's letter blasts Pruitt and Trump for their dangerous anti-science attitudes, ...

A Former Trump Adviser Met With a Russian Spy, and Another Trump Pal Held a Meeting to Set Up Contact With Moscow

Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 6:30:26 pm
The Trump-Russia scandal just keeps expanding, and tonight we have two interesting pieces to draw your attention to, dear members of the resistance. First, Buzzfeed reports that former Trump adviser Carter Page actually met with a Russian spy in 2013. NEW YORK — A former campaign adviser for Donald Trump met ...

Climate Scientist Faces Off With the Virulently Anti-Science House Science Committee

Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 7:39:10 am
At a congressional hearing on climate science Wednesday, Michael Mann lamented that he was the only witness representing the overwhelming scientific consensus that manmade global warming poses a major threat. "We find ourselves at this hearing today, with three individuals who represent that tiny minority that reject this consensus or ...

Anti-Choice Activist David Daleiden and Accomplice Charged With 15 Felonies in California

Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 7:36:03 pm
Today, anti-choice fanatic David Daleiden and his accomplice Sandra Merritt were charged with 15 felonies for secretly filming Planned Parenthood under false pretenses. State Attorney General Xavier Becerra announced the charges Tuesday against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. The two operate the California-based Center for Medical Progress. The allegations say the ...

Breaking: Former Trump Campaign Manager Manafort Secretly Worked to Benefit Putin Government

Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 6:16:49 am
The Associated Press has a report today that may cause heads to explode in the Trump administration. It appears former campaign manager Paul Manafort's ties to the Putin regime were quite a bit more extensive than he's admitted: AP Exclusive: Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government. WASHINGTON (AP) — ...

Dutch PM Mark Rutte Set to Beat Geert Wilders in Election

Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 2:26:52 pm
Dutch PM Mark Rutte Far right anti-Muslim Dutch demagogue Geert Wilders has been riding a populist wave and getting campaign funding from right wing US organizations, in an effort to become the largest political party in the Dutch parliament. But in a piece of good news, the latest exit polls from ...

Steve King Goes All the Way White Supremacist

Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 12:26:19 pm
Republican Rep. Steve King has had a long history of borderline racist statements. But this weekend he crossed that border for good, with a tweet that openly endorsed white nationalism. And "white nationalism" is just another term for "white supremacism," no matter how they try to deny it. Hundreds of Islamists shouting ...

Trump on Rise of Antisemitic Threats and Attacks: "Sometimes It's the Reverse"

Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 11:40:57 am
Here's today's evidence that there's something seriously wrong with the man in the White House. Today, when asked about the recent wave of antisemitic threats and attacks across the nation (which is arguably one of the results of Trump's legitimization and wink-and-nod approach to the far right) the Narcissist in ...

Former Director of US Foreign Disaster Assistance on Trump: "Welcome to My Nightmare"

Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 2:30:19 pm
Jeremy Konyndyk was the Director of US Foreign Disaster Assistance under President Obama, and he posted this chilling series of tweets yesterday about the ultimate nightmare scenario: the highly likely outbreak of a dangerous disease or virus during the Trump administration. This is terrifying stuff, and it's coming from someone who ...

Trump's Key Aide Stephen Miller Follows David Duke On Twitter, And "Liked" Duke's Pizzagate Tweet

Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 12:40:13 pm
Stephen Miller joined Trump's campaign in January 2016, but did not gain worldwide attention until last week, as it became clear that this super-conservative 31 year old misanthrope, now a "senior advisor" to Trump, is drafting executive orders like the Muslim Ban. And he appeared on the Sunday talk ...

Trump Horror, Day 20: Kellyanne Conway Blatantly Violates Key Ethics Rule

Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 11:15:07 am
Uh oh. Here we are, not even a month into the Trump Horror, and his chief counselor Kellyanne Conway has already violated one of the most important rules of the Office of Government Ethics, by blatantly hyping Ivanka Trump's line of merchandise on Fox News. Federal employees are banned from ...

Trump Releases List of "Unreported" Terror Attacks, Many of Which Were Front Page News

Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 5:27:00 pm
Well, today's craziest blatant fear-mongering lie from Donald Trump and his gang of hapless clowns is that the media are deliberately failing to cover numerous terror attacks. (An accusation that may have come directly from Alex Jones.) When Trump spokeshole Baghdad Sean Spicer was confronted about this ridiculous claim from our ...

Quebec Mosque Terrorist: Right Wing Anti-Immigration Fan of Donald Trump and French Fascist Marine Le Pen

Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 11:50:15 am
Alexandre Bissonnette, suspect in Quebec City mosque killings (source: Facebook) Six people were killed last night in a terrorist attack on a Quebec City mosque. Right wing blogs and media instantly jumped to the conclusion that Islamists were responsible for the shootings, as they always do. But today we're learning more about ...

Trump Appoints Anti-Vaccination Crackpot Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Head Committee on Vaccine Safety

Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 12:02:51 pm
Donald Trump has nominated a head of education who's a creationist, an attorney general who is openly hostile to civil rights laws, and now is appointing anti-vaccination crackpot Robert F. Kennedy to chair a committee on vaccine safety: Trump Moves To Challenge Vaccine Science. Donald Trump moved to question one ...

Confirmed: White Supremacist Troll Chuck C. Johnson Is Advising the Trump Team on Appointees

Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 2:35:31 pm
White supremacists Richard B. Spencer (L) and Chuck C. Johnson at the GOP convention Last month we pointed out that infamous cyberstalker and overt white supremacist troll Chuck C. Johnson, banned for life from Twitter and suspended multiple times from Facebook for hate speech, was bragging that he was helping the ...

Right Wingers Seize on Horrific Torture Story to Smear Black Lives Matter

Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 11:46:53 am
In a terrible story from Chicago, four African Americans are now in custody for allegedly kidnapped a mentally disabled man and torturing him, broadcasting it live on Facebook. Right wing blogs and Twitter demagogues immediately seized on the story, of course, doing their best to spread the absolutely false meme that ...

A Little More Nightmare Fuel: Trump Will Inherit More Than 100 Judicial Vacancies

Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 12:30:30 pm
This Washington Post headline is truly chilling: Trump to inherit more than 100 court vacancies, plans to reshape judiciary. In addition to the open Supreme Court position, Trump is going to have an opportunity to appoint an appalling number of federal judges. Confirmation of Obama’s judicial nominees slowed to a crawl ...

And Now, Donald Trump Announces Plan to Relaunch the Nuclear Arms Race

Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 4:49:55 pm
So today Donald Trump decided to reignite the nuclear arms race, with a bizarre delusional tweet saying the US needs to "greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability." Apparently the Chest-Pounder in Chief thinks this will only be necessary "until the world comes to its senses" about nuclear weapons. The United States ...

Video: John Bolton Suggests Russian Election Hacks Were "False Flag" by Obama Administration

Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 2:13:32 pm
The "Russian election hacking," @AmbJohnBolton asks: "false flag?" Your view? Watch: I anchor @Foxnews 4 pm EST. — Eric Shawn (@EricShawnTV) December 11, 2016 ReplyReply w/ Quote And now, here comes another face from the past you were hoping you'd never see again, John Bolton, telling Fox News host Eric ...

Trump Team Prepares to Purge Government Employees Who Believe in Climate Change

Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 11:07:49 am
The incoming Trump administration is apparently planning to implement a purge of any Energy Department officials who have worked on issues related to climate change. According to Bloomberg, the Trump transition team has presented the DOE with a 74-point questionnaire that asks for the names of employees and contractors who worked ...

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