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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Public Affairs Council (1,838 matches, in 74 pages)

Anti-Vax Study Retracted by The Lancet

Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 1:09:27 pm
British medical journal The Lancet has officially retracted the study they published in 1998 that began the still-spreading anti-vaccination craziness. [Video] Britain’s General Medical Council has issued a ruling as well, calling the research done by Dr. Andrew Wakefield for his discredited study linking MMR vaccine to autism “callous, unethical, and dishonest.” ...

Poll: Bad Craziness in the GOP Base, Part 2

Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 10:24:41 am
Imagine my surprise that linking to a piece about a disturbing Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll of Republicans prompted several hyper-emotional meltdowns in our comments, and three hate mails so far today. Apart from the insult-spewers, though, many readers wanted to know exactly which questions were asked, and where the samples came ...

Poll: Bad Craziness in the GOP Base

Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 5:01:40 pm
A new poll conducted among 2,000 self-identified Republicans by Daily Kos and Research 2000 shows that the Republican base is possibly even crazier than I previously thought: Poll: Republicans Think Obama Is A Socialist, And Palin More Qualified To Be President. [Item List] Oh brother.

A Reply to Dennis Prager's Open Letter

Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 2:38:41 pm
In many ways I have an enormous amount of respect for Dennis Prager; unlike some of his fellow talk radio hosts, he gets deep into the issues, and for the most part refrains from demagoguery. And he and I have many things in common, particularly an understanding of the danger ...

For Whom Does the Paperboy Toll?

Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 6:56:04 pm
Shrieking harpy said what? “He’s a traitor, a turncoat, a plant. We may not know for years what actually happened.” Insert sigh. I have a few significant disagreements with the angle taken by Jonathan Dee in his profile for the New York Times, most of all his willingness to accept unverifiable anecdotal ...

Norris at WND: Obama's Sekrit Vault

Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:40:45 am
Last seen at LGF with a strange op-ed arguing that if “Mother Mary” had Obamacare she would have aborted God, Chuck Norris is back with an even more whacked out sequel for World Net Daily: Obama’s secret vault. Yes, that’s right. Chuck thinks the dreaded Executive Order 12425 will give Interpol ...

Steve Schmidt Goes Even More Rogue

Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 6:38:31 pm
Former John McCain campaign strategist Steve Schmidt now says Sarah Palin has trouble with the truth. John McCain’s top campaign strategist said in an interview Sunday that Sarah Palin was dishonest as the GOP’s vice-presidential nominee and that her untruths have done long-term damage to her public image. “There were numerous ...

Barrett Brown vs. Donald Douglas

Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:57:49 am
At True/Slant, Barrett Brown has been getting into it with wingnut blogger Donald Douglas, and the story of Douglas’s latest attempt to defend the white supremacist connections of Robert Stacy McCain has some amusing turns. Brown has put up two posts that should be read in order for the full effect: Seven ...

Feelin' the Love from Danish Kounterjihad Kultur Warriors

Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 3:02:37 pm
A few days ago a writer for the Danish weekly Weekendavisen, Jesper Vind Jensen, emailed and asked for my opinion on a Danish critic of Islam named Lars Hedegaard who’s apparently now in the midst of a controversy, over statements he made calling for a sort of paramilitary strategy of ...

Detroit Muslims: 'We Love America. We Love Life.'

Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 10:11:18 am
Muslims, Arabs, and Nigerians in the Detroit area held a demonstration yesterday outside the courthouse where Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was arraigned, to speak out against terrorism. Major LGF kudos to them. Detroit — Muslims, Arab-Americans and Nigerian-Americans stood together Friday outside the federal courthouse downtown to speak out against terrorism ...

Sarah Palin Bails on CPAC, Goes for SoRepubCon

Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 5:34:00 pm
Chris Cillizza has a bit about Sarah Palin’s decision to attend the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, but not CPAC 2010, at The Fix: Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s decision to attend — and speak at — the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans in April transforms ...

Louisiana Education Board Considers Sneaking Creationism Into Schools

Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 2:36:42 pm
They laid low for more than a year, waiting for attention to go elsewhere, but the Louisiana Family Forum and right wing Republican legislators are now poised to use Louisiana Governor (and part time exorcist) Bobby Jindal’s stealth creationist bill to sneak the teaching of this anti-science doctrine into public ...

The Return of the Cartoon Jihad

Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 7:43:19 am
Yesterday in Denmark, a Somali armed with an axe and a knife was shot after trying to break into the home of the cartoonist who drew the infamous cartoon of Mohammed with a bomb for a turban: Somali shot after allegedly attempting to attack Danish cartoonist. (CNN) — A Somali ...

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