What’s New on Ron Paul’s Website?

Weird • Views: 3,359

Adam Holland takes a look through the Campaign for Liberty website (formerly Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s official campaign site, now a Paulian gathering place), and discovers a motherlode of really bad craziness — raving antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and extreme anti-government paranoia: What’s new on Ron Paul’s website?

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1 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 1:48:14pm

Well, at least they are flocking to Laup Nor and not to the "mainstream" GOP...for now.

48 hour rule before they start flocking to the GOP.

2 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 1:50:48pm
Here's a post that touts "33 Conspiracy Theories that Turned out to be True", put on the site by someone calling himself illuminati hater. Mysteriously, only 26 conspiracy theories appear in the post. I assume the Illuminati are responsible for deleting the other 7.


3 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 1:55:47pm

"Hi Weird, let me introduce you to Dark, oh and you already know Twisted..."

Party Le Strange.

4 [deleted]  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 1:56:31pm
5 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 1:57:43pm

Here's one from Liberty Forest (a Paulian message board)
Jewish Interests Apprehensive About Tea Party
[Link: www.forward.com...]

Perhaps they are afraid that the truth of the absolute Zionist dominance over America may get out of the bag.

They really do HATE Ron Paul.


OH NOOOOOO! No more free money that they (Israel -ed) didn't do SHIT to earn! Now they will have to earn it through production & international trade. What a HORRIBLE prospect. OH THE HUMANITY!


In other news, vampires apprensive about silver bullets, crosses, daylight and wooden stakes.


6 jhrhv  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 1:57:51pm
raving antisemitism, conspiracy theories, and extreme anti-government paranoia

I guess Ron is posting as himself then.


7 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:01:00pm

Ahhh yes this one gets filed under the very important to make people aware of, but as surprising as saying that puppies are cute category.

Raving racist lunatics at the website of a paleo-con racist isolationist from Texas?


8 Bubblehead II  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:03:21pm

"As US citizens if we don't have legal use of silver and gold coinage and don't repeal national legal tender laws then we are heading toward either a type of the 'beast' cashless society or we will be at the doorstep ready to walk through the doorway into the end times having to face in reality 'the beast coming up out of the earth' ."

Wonder if he even went to the U.S. Mint site?

United States Mint American Buffalo Gold Bullion Coins

American Buffalo Gold Bullion Coins are the first .9999 fine 24-karat gold coins ever struck by the United States Mint and offered for sale through a network of Authorized Purchasers. These $50 gold coins are available to members of the public seeking a simple and tangible means to own and invest in 24-karat gold in the form of legal tender coins whose content and purity is guaranteed by the United States Government.

Not to mention you can still find and use real Silver dollars if you want.

9 SixDegrees  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:04:20pm

Tonight's dinner - sweet Italian sausage links, sauteed, then braised in Pinot Noir together with plums. Maybe some sort of fried rice on the side; not sure yet.

Off to prep.

10 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:04:50pm

re: #7 LudwigVanQuixote

Ahhh yes this one gets filed under the very important to make people aware of, but as surprising as saying that puppies are cute category.

Raving racist lunatics at the website of a paleo-con racist isolationist from Texas?


some of us are just enjoying the one post on occasion that isn't pure right wing 100 proof crazy//

11 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:06:24pm

re: #8 Bubblehead II

it really says "the beast"? like, 666 and bad Revelations interpretation?

12 darthstar  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:09:06pm

Perky cup of coffee, anyone?

Sorry to be off topic, but I find Ron Paul about as interesting as Orly Taitz anymore.

13 cliffster  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:09:59pm

At the store you can get Live Strong style yellow bracelets saying either "Stop Inflation" and "Demand Gold". I bet going up to a chick at a bar wearing a "Demand Gold" bracelet would get you to at least second base.

14 MandyManners  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:10:07pm
Revise high school and college text books to include honest discussions of the Federal Reserve Banking System, Fractional Reserve Banking, the origin of money, the history of the House of Rothschild banking interests, and the part that Wall Street investment groups like the Carlyle Group, Goldman Sachs and Blackstone have on our country's monetary and foreign policies.

Include discussions of groups like the "Council on Foreign Relations", the "Bilderbergers", The "Trilateral Commission", and the "International Monetary Fund." Explain how members of these groups, which, by the way, are not elected, control the domestic and foreign policies of this country.

What? No mention of Queen Elizabeth being a shape-shifting, reptilian alien?

15 Shiplord Kirel  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:10:41pm

The favorite themes of conspiracists, bad money, nefarious Jews, masonic plotters, go all the way back to the late 18th century and the conservative reaction to the Enlightenment and its tangible offspring, the American and French revolutions. These people are reactionary in a profound sense, and to a greater degree than even many of their critics realize.

16 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:11:48pm

re: #1 Alouette

Well, at least they are flocking to Laup Nor and not to the "mainstream" GOP...for now.

48 hour rule before they start flocking to the GOP.

Paulians are all over the GOP website. [Click the "blog" tab, scroll to third article. It's from Lew Rockwell dot com.] I don't think they show themselves to be as unhinged as the examples Adam Holland shows from Paul's own site, but I haven't scoured the place either.

But the GOP is not responsible, of course.

Please note that any groups created as a result of individuals’ participation in [Link: our.gop.com...] are not official affiliated groups of the Republican National Committee. The Republican National Committee does not control the content posted by groups on [Link: our.gop.com...] and is therefore not responsible for any content posted by such groups.

That's at the bottom of the linked page.

But wait, there's more!

17 darthstar  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:11:49pm

re: #13 cliffster

At the store you can get Live Strong style yellow bracelets saying either "Stop Inflation" and "Demand Gold". I bet going up to a chick at a bar wearing a "Demand Gold" bracelet would get you to at least second base.

The yellow bracelet, like the yellow ribbon on the back of an SUV, has lost pretty much all meaning as a social statement anymore. Of course, that's true with any fad that becomes a commercial success.

18 Bubblehead II  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:12:29pm

re: #11 Aceofwhat?

Oh yes. Here is a more complete quote .

"The dragon is Lucifer, the Devil.

Rev. 13:15 And there was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast might even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

As US citizens if we don't have legal use of silver and gold coinage and don't repeal national legal tender laws then we are heading toward either a type of the 'beast' cashless society or we will be at the doorstep ready to walk through the doorway into the end times having to face in reality 'the beast coming up out of the earth' .

If this is only a type of the 'beast' cashless society than it is the sworn duty of every Christian to oppose with all their strength this evil. And if it is not known to be a type or the real thing than it is still the duty of anyone calling themselves Christian to fight this evil and oppose it because it is in fact, 'evil' usury."

There is even more. He definatly goes off the deep end

19 darthstar  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:13:11pm

re: #16 wrenchwench

When you have a big tent, you need an umbrella of a disclaimer.

20 cliffster  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:14:28pm

re: #12 darthstar

Perky cup of coffee, anyone?

Sorry to be off topic, but I find Ron Paul about as interesting as Orly Taitz anymore.

Yeah - bout the same as Twin Peaks and Hooters. Pretty shameless, but what'rya gonna do?

21 Linden Arden  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:14:44pm

I watched crazy Ron Paul grill Bernanke about the Fed's involvement in Watergate and buying weapons for Saddam Hussein in the 80's during House testimony last week.

Bernanke called Ron Paul's questions "absolutely bizarre" in the understatement of the day.

The crazy does not fall far from the crazy tree.

22 Shiplord Kirel  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:14:51pm

re: #14 MandyManners

What? No mention of Queen Elizabeth being a shape-shifting, reptilian alien?

Yeah, these Paulian assholes are at least as crazy as David Icke but not nearly as much fun.

23 Eclectic Infidel  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:15:12pm

re: #18 Bubblehead II

I wonder how fundamentalist Christians square the need to return to silver and gold coinage with the glaring fact that there simply isn't enough to go around for the entire nation. Ah, I may have answered my own question...perhaps only the 'chosen' will use the coins and the rest of us will boil in the lake of fire for eternity?

24 MandyManners  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:16:15pm

re: #23 eclectic infidel

I wonder how fundamentalist Christians square the need to return to silver and gold coinage with the glaring fact that there simply isn't enough to go around for the entire nation. Ah, I may have answered my own question...perhaps only the 'chosen' will use the coins and the rest of us will boil in the lake of fire for eternity?

I don't know any fundamentalist Christian who believes that.

25 Neutral President  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:16:51pm

re: #23 eclectic infidel

I'm sure that none of them thought it out that far. I know the Paulians haven't.

26 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:18:09pm

Three hits for Trilateral Commission in a search of the GOP site.

27 darthstar  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:18:32pm

re: #20 cliffster

I think it's great that Hooters bills itself as a 'family restaurant'...Me, never been there. Not because I don't admire attractive women, but because places like Hooters, Applebee's, TGI Friday's, Planet Hollywood, and Hard Rock Cafe all serve the same mediocre shit food. The only exception I make is if I'm at Harvey's in Lake Tahoe and want some crap food to hold me for the drive home and I feel like dropping twenty bucks in a poker machine while eating...then I go to the Hard Rock.

28 Eclectic Infidel  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:18:40pm

re: #24 MandyManners

I'm surprised if there wasn't at least one. I've encountered a few fundamentalists and each one had a different take on their brand of fundamentalism.

It seems quite nuanced despite the basic premises such as inerrancy, a triune deity, unwavering belief in the resurrection, etc.

29 cliffster  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:19:17pm
30 darthstar  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:19:58pm

re: #23 eclectic infidel

I wonder how fundamentalist Christians square the need to return to silver and gold coinage with the glaring fact that there simply isn't enough to go around for the entire nation. Ah, I may have answered my own question...perhaps only the 'chosen' will use the coins and the rest of us will boil in the lake of fire for eternity?

It's hard to build a golden calf out of paper.

31 MandyManners  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:20:24pm

re: #28 eclectic infidel

I'm surprised if there wasn't at least one. I've encountered a few fundamentalists and each one had a different take on their brand of fundamentalism.

It seems quite nuanced despite the basic premises such as inerrancy, a triune deity, unwavering belief in the resurrection, etc.

Maybe I associate with those who aren't loony-tunes such as these idiots.

32 cliffster  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:20:47pm

re: #27 darthstar

You can say that again. Here in Austin, there are so many local joints I don't know how places like TGI Fridays or Chilis' ever make it.

33 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:21:28pm

re: #31 MandyManners

Maybe I associate with those who aren't loony-tunes such as these idiots.

I suggest you keep that up, personally.

34 darthstar  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:21:56pm

re: #32 cliffster

You can say that again. Here in Austin, there are so many local joints I don't know how places like TGI Fridays or Chilis' ever make it.

Oh...Austin...you do have another exception that I enjoyed...Joe's Crab Shack. I went in with low expectations, and they met them easily. Plus, they're a little irreverent.

35 Eclectic Infidel  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:22:43pm

re: #31 MandyManners

Maybe I associate with those who aren't loony-tunes such as these idiots.

FYI, I did *not* mean to suggest that you do Mandy. Nor do I wish to pigeon hole all fundamentalists for that matter. Honestly, despite my atheism, I find the topic of religion to be very, very interesting. Always have.

36 albusteve  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:22:53pm

re: #9 SixDegrees

Tonight's dinner - sweet Italian sausage links, sauteed, then braised in Pinot Noir together with plums. Maybe some sort of fried rice on the side; not sure yet.

Off to prep.

dirty rice

37 Bubblehead II  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:23:09pm

re: #23 eclectic infidel

Well you see, there are these thing called nodules on the ocean floor. They contain gold and other precious minerals. Using robotic harvesters we will mine these nodules and thus end the shortage of gold.

/ only half as they do exist and some are trying to figure out how to get to them.

38 MandyManners  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:24:44pm

re: #33 SanFranciscoZionist

I suggest you keep that up, personally.

I run away if I think someone is as unhinged as the one I quoted above.

39 MandyManners  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:25:04pm

re: #35 eclectic infidel

FYI, I did *not* mean to suggest that you do Mandy. Nor do I wish to pigeon hole all fundamentalists for that matter. Honestly, despite my atheism, I find the topic of religion to be very, very interesting. Always have.

No problem.

40 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:25:42pm

re: #14 MandyManners

What? No mention of Queen Elizabeth being a shape-shifting, reptilian alien?

The Queen is a lizard?
(I always wondered if Reine was her real name)

41 Shiplord Kirel  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:26:00pm

re: #26 wrenchwench

Three hits for Trilateral Commission in a search of the GOP site.

Trilateral Commission, official site.

The actual TC is a fairly harmless and largely ineffectual conclave of billionaires and other prominent types, who attempt to foster large-scale cooperation among the US, Europe, and Japan. It was founded by David Rockefeller when the similar Bilderberger group refused to include Japan.
Imho, the TC owes its position in conspiracist lore largely to its strikingly ominous name.

42 MandyManners  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:26:19pm

re: #40 Spare O'Lake

The Queen is a lizard?
(I always wondered if Reine was her real name)

So is George W. Bush and a whole host of others.

43 darthstar  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:26:39pm

re: #9 SixDegrees

Tonight's dinner - sweet Italian sausage links, sauteed, then braised in Pinot Noir together with plums. Maybe some sort of fried rice on the side; not sure yet.

Off to prep.

Tonight's dinner for me: Turkey leg confit. I seasoned a whole turkey leg yesterday, then got up at 4:30 this morning to put it in the oven for a couple of hours...so now all I have to do is heat it when I get home (probably just broil it for a half hour to crisp the top half, as the bottom half was sumerged in olive oil--I'm out of duck fat, unfortunately).

44 cliffster  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:27:21pm

How bout a little 2Pac

I love you like a sister but ya need to switch

45 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:30:33pm

re: #42 MandyManners

So is George W. Bush and a whole host of others.

The thing I like about Laup Nor is that he remains entirely predictable - always an asshole.

46 Bubblehead II  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:31:56pm

re: #42 MandyManners

The biggest give away is the dark wrap around sun glasses they wear even when indoors. Something about the eyes.

47 darthstar  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:31:59pm

Ha! Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson leading in a Republican Primary poll.

The poll has Grayson leading the 13 Republicans -- among Republicans -- with 27.8 percent of the vote. The congressman who mocked the GOP health care plan by saying that it amounts to telling people not to get sick and if they do, to die quickly, received more support than all of the Republican candidates combined.

No GOP candidate scored above 3.7 percent; 57.7 percent said they were undecided. Grayson did particularly well with women, undercutting the notion that referring to a Washington lobbyist as a "K Street whore" would turn female voters away. (Grayson later apologized for the word choice.)

Naturally, the national GOP establishment dismissed the results -- "This is the most bogus thing I've ever seen in my life," said Andy Seré, Regional Press Secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee.

Well, that says a lot about the GOP's chances in that race come November.

48 MandyManners  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:33:33pm

re: #45 Spare O'Lake

The thing I like about Laup Nor is that he remains entirely predictable - always an asshole.

He's probably got worse with the Internet.

49 researchok  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:33:36pm

That Ron Paul website is psycho-town.

Pretty much covers it.

50 MandyManners  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:34:32pm

re: #46 Bubblehead II

The biggest give away is the dark wrap around sun glasses they wear even when indoors. Something about the eyes.

I saw a photograph recently on--I think--Infowars that purported to be proof that Clinton is a reptilian alien.

51 cliffster  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:36:52pm

re: #44 cliffster

Don't make it like they used to...

Keep your mind on your money,
enroll in school.
And as the years pass by
you can show them fools.

But you ain't tryin' to hear me
'cause your stuck,
you're headin' for the bathroom
'bout to get tossed up.

Still lookin' for a rich man
you dug a ditch,
got your legs up
tryin' to get rich.

I love you like a sista
but you need to switch
and that's why they called
U bitch, I betcha

52 Shiplord Kirel  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:38:43pm

Please note that I have changed my LGF header website in "honor" of the batshit conspiracy quacks whose influence seems to spread like a contagious disease these days.

53 Bubblehead II  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:41:03pm

re: #50 MandyManners

Can't remember who posted the link to some really weird blog, but that's what they were saying was a give away. Didn't see Bush wearing any of those, but he could have had artificial irises surgically implanted to avoid being detected.


54 MandyManners  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:45:22pm

re: #53 Bubblehead II

Can't remember who posted the link to some really weird blog, but that's what they were saying was a give away. Didn't see Bush wearing any of those, but he could have had artificial irises surgically implanted to avoid being detected.


Her eyes supposedly had horizontal pupils.

55 Bubblehead II  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:51:07pm

re: #54 MandyManners

Oh Kay. For some reason I thought reptilian irises were vertical. BTW, They're still carping downstairs about your avatar. Info only. No response asked for the last.

56 Achilles Tang  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:51:23pm

re: #24 MandyManners

I don't know any fundamentalist Christian who believes that.

Evening. I thought I would point out that I don't know any Americans who are Ron Paul fans.

You and I must both travel in good circles.

57 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:52:26pm

re: #22 Shiplord Kirel

Yeah, these Paulian assholes are at least as crazy as David Icke but not nearly as much fun.

David Icke forum pwn3d by Zionists

58 RogueOne  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 2:54:48pm

re: #34 darthstar

Oh...Austin...you do have another exception that I enjoyed...Joe's Crab Shack. I went in with low expectations, and they met them easily. Plus, they're a little irreverent.

There used to be a fantastic sea food place in Indy but it went under about 5 years ago. Now the only place to get decent food in the middle of this cornfield is Joe's.

BTW, It took a week but I finally have my droid set-up so it almost mimics my old blackberry. Now I'm finally starting to enjoy it.

59 Bubblehead II  Thu, Mar 4, 2010 3:13:33pm

Kirk : Bones, What's the condition of this thread?
Bones: It's dead Jim
Kirk : Well, I guess it shouldn't have put the red shirt on.
Scotty: Aye

60 Stevie the K  Fri, Mar 5, 2010 3:44:08am

WHERE THE HELL's my monthly International Zionist Banking Conspiracy Dividend Check?? I want to continue to get money for doing nothing! It said so!

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