Robert Stacy McCain’s Sitemeter Username: ‘Porch Monkey’

Wingnuts • Views: 8,150

Since white supremacist blogger Robert Stacy McCain has been tweeting all day about how little traffic he received from my link to his hate hole (which makes sense, because decent people don’t want to visit racist websites), I thought I’d check to see if he had a Sitemeter account, and have a look at his traffic numbers. Turnabout’s fair play, right?

For the record, he’s been letting people post comments using my name (classy!) and deleting any comments criticial of him, and one of the people who used my name at his site posted a link to LGF. Total number of visits from that link: 6. Yes, that’s SIX. Which is, uh, pathetic.

But even more interesting, when I searched his source code for “sitemeter,” I discovered the username he registered for his Sitemeter account:


Well, isn’t that lovely. “Porch Monkey.” A disgusting Southern slur for black people. McCain obviously thought he was being clever.

In the racist world of Robert Stacy McCain, this is what passes for good clean silly fun — just like calling Mexicans “beaners” and Brits “faggots,” and then trying to pass it off as a joke. I don’t read his hate site, so I didn’t know that McCain and his sycophants have been laughing it up over their “porch monkey” joke for quite a while.

Strange how the “jokes” McCain finds so funny all seem to involve racist slurs.

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1 austin_blue  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 3:52:19pm

Sic ‘im, Charles!

2 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 3:55:36pm

My guess here is that he’s going to go for the “I’m so ignorant of how racially biased I am that I need to be educated, not punished” routine.

Except that he’s an adult, not a child, and I’m not buying it for a second.

3 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 3:57:59pm

Wow, that is pretty bad… IIRC porch monkey was term used for favored slaves, domestic help as opposed to field labor. Kinda an insult with in an insult implying a kind of complacence.

4 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:01:05pm

See, Robert, when a Kevin Smith movie lampoons the exact scenario that you try to take seriously, it’s sign #357 that you’re a few thrusters short of liftoff…

Racial slurs…he’s taking them back!

5 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:01:06pm

every kid in my neighborhood growing up was a porch monkey….we were wholesome and happy and made due…if this cat is slurring me it fails, but I’m white…he’s slurring black kids

6 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:01:50pm

His assistant is using a blatantly racist nick on a political blog. How disgusting.

Ok, I didn’t know what the term meant, but then I don’t associate with people like that. Of course I’d google a nick I used and I could go on for pages about the meaning of the nic I chose.

7 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:04:50pm

re: #5 albusteve

every kid in my neighborhood growing up was a porch monkey…we were wholesome and happy and made due…if this cat is slurring me it fails, but I’m white…he’s slurring black kids

One of the meanings in Urban Dictionary is kids in general. But all the others refer to Black People.

And he has a blog post admitting denying that the term is racist.

8 researchok  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:06:51pm

It is interesting to watch in real time, the degradation of so much of the right.

You have to dislike yourself a whole lot (read:morals, ethics. This does not imply all conservative values are tainted. They are not) to reject self correction/improvement and instead grasp onto high levels of dysfunction.

When so many people so desperately seek attention and worthiness from extraneous sources (the origin of identity politics) they are in effect making a choice to severe themselves from the rules of civilized society. They won’t compromise, they won’t interact and won’t even really communicate with people outside their fold.

This is important because all human progress is tied to the interaction we have with each other. When we fail to have positive interactions, sooner or later there will be conflict. This is true of progressives as it is of conservatives.

By deliberately choosing to not participate in an honest exchange with others, or by believing that forced or coerced interactions (i.e., ‘necessary compromise in a political environment) are the equivalent of real exchanges, many conservatives have chosen to deliberately separate themselves from reality. They perceive even forced interaction immediately places them center stage, with a script that allows them to dictate reality.

The Pauls, RS McCain and every other like lunatic believe that progressives will simply disappear because they believe strict fidelity to their cause with no deviation of compromise will make it so. They believe fidelity to the cause excuses all kind of dysfunctional behavior, including racism and bigotry. Why? because they mean well.

Something to think about- and not a cause to throw stones.

9 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:07:08pm

re: #7 Bagua

One of the meanings in Urban Dictionary is kids in general. But all the others refer to Black People.

And he has a blog post admitting denying that the term is racist.

then he hardly has a finger on the pulse of America does he?….denying the term only increases his stupidity….Backfire Bob strikes again

10 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:07:38pm

re: #5 albusteve

re: #6 Bagua

that term is also used by Blacks to refer to someone as a sellout, or someone that is comfortable being the master’s tool… if you remember it’s was used sometimes to insult Condi Rice for example.

11 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:09:25pm

I would like to announce my new sock puppet:


It doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a little joke.

(I was going to use chien, but decided not to insult dogs everywhere, who haven’t done anything to deserve this.)

12 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:10:53pm

re: #3 brookly red

Wow, that is pretty bad… IIRC porch monkey was term used for favored slaves, domestic help as opposed to field labor. Kinda an insult with in an insult implying a kind of complacence.

Yep, and by substituting the term manquer (french for “to lack”), they crudely attempt to dress it up as a ‘gotcha, this isn’t really a racist slur’ routine.

Problem is, playing shuffleboard with slurs is still racism. The “how close to the line can i get without crossing it” game is racism. It sets back everyone else who innocently walks too close to the line and rightly wishes that we’d all be less sensitive.

When you have a wound, you don’t keep poking it every five minutes to help it get better. You bandage it and stay the hell away from it so that when you accidentally bump it, you do as little damage as possible.

13 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:12:50pm

re: #10 brookly red

re: #6 Bagua

that term is also used by Blacks to refer to someone as a sellout, or someone that is comfortable being the master’s tool… if you remember it’s was used sometimes to insult Condi Rice for example.

Thanks. No I don’t remember, I hadn’t heard it before. But I’m familiar with monkey as a derogatory term for black people.

14 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:13:13pm

good catch I thought the spelling was just phonetic…

15 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:15:29pm

re: #14 brookly red

good catch I thought the spelling was just phonetic…

Of course, now i’m idly wondering whether any of the creeps who stalk LGF will read my post above and think that i’ve gotten the word wrong, rather than realizing that ‘manquer’ is the infinitive…

Oops. spilled nerd on my chin again. pass a napkin?

16 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:17:16pm


Manqué = To Miss or fail.

So he is s32PorchFail

17 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:18:43pm

re: #16 Bagua


Manqué = To Miss or fail.

So he is s32PorchFail

How about 32 Epic Fail?

18 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:19:02pm

RSM probably gets a stiffy listening to his anthem…Brown Sugar

19 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:19:23pm

Wait, does this mean there are 31 other “Porchmanques?”

20 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:19:39pm

re: #16 Bagua


Manqué = To Miss or fail.

So he is s32PorchFail

sounds like one of those “you could be” jokes…

“you could be a redneck if you came home so drunk you missed the porch…”

but somehow I am guessing no.

21 Stanley Sea  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:20:45pm

His mask no longer exists. Slime

22 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:21:10pm

re: #17 EmmmieG

How about 32 Epic Fail?

Imagine picking a public nic which you had to explain that the obvious racial slur connotation didn’t apply because you weren’t, you know, racist and all having lived with them in the military?

23 Randall Gross  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:21:30pm

In that search you find that American Power shithead — wasn’t he posting links to his blog here awhile?

24 Kronocide  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:22:17pm

Charles, I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort to forward your previous email to AS Editors with this new information about ‘s32porchmanque.’

25 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:22:59pm

re: #22 Bagua

Imagine picking a public nic which you had to explain that the obvious racial slur connotation didn’t apply because you weren’t, you know, racist and all having lived with them in the military?

his readers are drooling idiots that will sop up anything he says, so yeah, I can imagine it

26 Summer Seale  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:26:37pm

One thing that worries me:

RS McCain is clearly and undoubtedly a racist. It’s been proven here time and time again. And yet, almost none of the MSM is picking up on this, when they usually eviscerate his kind. The same goes for Pat Buchanan and others.

I’m just wondering if it is fear of slander or sycophantic fawning for their own kind that prevents other journalists from taking this on. What is it with them?

It really pisses me off.

27 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:27:46pm

re: #26 Summer

One thing that worries me:

RS McCain is clearly and undoubtedly a racist. It’s been proven here time and time again. And yet, almost none of the MSM is picking up on this, when they usually eviscerate his kind. The same goes for Pat Buchanan and others.

I’m just wondering if it is fear of slander or sycophantic fawning for their own kind that prevents other journalists from taking this on. What is it with them?

It really pisses me off.

RSM is not mainstream, even if his ideas seem to be

28 Political Atheist  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:29:58pm

re: #26 Summer

The very second there is a ratings gain, or PR gain to be had it will happen. Until then, it’s random. The MSM is as negligent as congress, arguably far worse.

29 Gus  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:34:13pm

There’s also some references to Porch Manqué Productions at his website”


It’s not a real production company yet it’s racist nonetheless.

30 crimsonfisted  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:34:16pm

ok, from the Marc Cooper article in the comments:

Even Hitchens is now a funded “fellow” of some sort at the Hoover Institute, which harbors such third-rate cranks as Thomas Sowell and Victor Davis Hanson

Thomas Sowell? Victor Davis Hanson? True? Thoughts? I have been wrong so often lately. (Although one comment does not a truth make. Still, third rate are they?)

31 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:34:16pm

re: #28 Rightwingconspirator

The very second there is a ratings gain, or PR gain to be had it will happen. Until then, it’s random. The MSM is as negligent as congress, arguably far worse.

right..the MSM knows who he is, and they know CJ has been beating him like a rented mule….so ask yourself what’s in it for them?

32 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:36:07pm

re: #30 crimsonfisted

ok, from the Marc Cooper article in the comments:

Thomas Sowell? Victor Davis Hanson? True? Thoughts? I have been wrong so often lately. (Although one comment does not a truth make. Still, third rate are they?)

neither are third rate cranks…both are very bright people, whether you agree with them or not has little to do with economics or history

33 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:37:53pm

re: #32 albusteve

neither are third rate cranks…both are very bright people, whether you agree with them or not has little to do with economics or history

i agree, although that column by Sowell the other day was disappointingly off of the reservation.

34 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:38:25pm

Oh come on as if that means anything, everyone knows that McCain loves monkeys so much that he gives all the “stray” monkeys he runs across shelter on his porch. Porch monkee’s is just a reference to the poor unfortunate homeless monkeys that are staying on his porch.

Geez, and you guy’s are trying to make it sound racist or something…


35 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:40:03pm

re: #34 ausador

Oh come on as if that means anything, everyone knows that McCain loves monkeys so much that he gives all the “stray” monkeys he runs across shelter on his porch. Porch monkee’s is just a reference to the poor unfortunate homeless monkeys that are staying on his porch.

Geez, and you guy’s are trying to make it sound racist or something…


America’s tragic feral monkey problem…

(Actually, my daughter’s coach’s day job is with the Humane Society. If you saw the videos she posts of her rescues, you would get your animals spayed right now.)

36 crimsonfisted  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:40:31pm

re: #32 albusteve

re: #33 Aceofwhat?

I had always thought of both of them highly. But I have been so wrong it seems at times. I needed some reassurance.

You may resume the thread. The High Priestess has spoken.

37 Political Atheist  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:40:46pm

re: #31 albusteve

So nothing happens.
Screw ‘em, the MSM is going the way of the dodo. Better sources abound.

38 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:41:26pm

re: #33 Aceofwhat?

i agree, although that column by Sowell the other day was disappointingly off of the reservation.

right, and VDH is dirt because of his outspoken views on illegal immigrants…you gotta reach out there to get the boss his hits…I have no beef with VDH but Sowell was a disappointment, th guy is brilliant

39 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:43:07pm

re: #36 crimsonfisted

re: #33 Aceofwhat?

I had always thought of both of them highly. But I have been so wrong it seems at times. I needed some reassurance.

You may resume the thread. The High Priestess has spoken.

It’ll be interesting to see if Sowell reconsiders his words after a few more days of reaction.

VDH - i like his style; liberals tend not to (one way to have an LGF page downdinged is to link to one of his columns, apparently, but i sorta think that’s funny), but he’s no idiot.

40 Gus  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:43:13pm


In Popular Culture

A cleverly hidden reference to ‘Manqué’ is found in a song by the British artist Robbie Williams from the 2003 album Escapology (album). A song called ‘Me and my Monkey’ referrs to ‘Manqué’ or ‘Monkey’ as a slightly disturbed and dangerous companion in which the ‘Monkey’ is acting independently of the singer. In fact, they are one person, and ‘Monkey’ is the dark, ‘failed’ side of his character.

41 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:44:11pm

re: #37 Rightwingconspirator

So nothing happens.
Screw ‘em, the MSM is going the way of the dodo. Better sources abound.

heh…one leg of my illustrious Triumvirate
I hate the MSM with a passion…they are killing us, sometimes literally

42 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:46:17pm

re: #28 Rightwingconspirator

The very second there is a ratings gain, or PR gain to be had it will happen. Until then, it’s random. The MSM is as negligent as congress, arguably far worse.


OTOH, Charles’ diligence is the only reason i know of him. I don’t veer far enough into quackland to have ever encountered him on my own.

That’s praise for CJ, for expanding my awareness of such creeps…but to the extent that he isn’t very well known among moderates, well…i don’t know if it’s such a bad thing. If we can counter his hate without driving his ratings through the roof, is it perhaps better that the MSM not get too involved?

(that was an actual question…i’m still pondering what my answer would be)

43 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:46:18pm

re: #39 Aceofwhat?

It’ll be interesting to see if Sowell reconsiders his words after a few more days of reaction.

VDH - i like his style; liberals tend not to (one way to have an LGF page downdinged is to link to one of his columns, apparently, but i sorta think that’s funny), but he’s no idiot.

the guy has a massive intellect, who can make his thoughts clear, simple and concise….he’s a college prof among other things

44 SixDegrees  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:48:49pm

Following up earlier posts about the sad state of Detroit, I’ll balance them by noting that we do have one of the country’s finest art museums, with a vast and varied collection. Today, I read that we have an artifact I never knew about - Custer’s battle flag from Little Bighorn - and it is going up for sale. This isn’t a bad thing - the flag is rarely here, and it’ll bring in serious dough for further acquisitions. It’s just an indication of the richness of the collection itself, a bright gem in an increasingly bleak landscape.

45 Batman  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:48:55pm

re: #26 Summer

I’ve honestly never heard his name anywhere but LGF, so I highly doubt the MSM would take the time to skewer someone that would make the audience go, “Huh?”

46 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:49:48pm

re: #42 Aceofwhat?


OTOH, Charles’ diligence is the only reason i know of him. I don’t veer far enough into quackland to have ever encountered him on my own.

That’s praise for CJ, for expanding my awareness of such creeps…but to the extent that he isn’t very well known among moderates, well…i don’t know if it’s such a bad thing. If we can counter his hate without driving his ratings through the roof, is it perhaps better that the MSM not get too involved?

(that was an actual question…i’m still pondering what my answer would be)

don’t know…maybe someday Charles will have to work the circuit when LGF becomes a legit political party…kiss a few babies, slap flesh and denounce racists at the Mayberry Founders Day gig…think about it

47 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:50:44pm

re: #38 albusteve

right, and VDH is dirt because of his outspoken views on illegal immigrants…you gotta reach out there to get the boss his hits…I have no beef with VDH but Sowell was a disappointment, th guy is brilliant

I don’t get the VDH thing, though. Here’s an excerpt from a recent column of his…

A wiser administration would call in opponents and, in bipartisan fashion, agree to finish the border fence, toughen up employer sanctions, issue a tamper-proof ID, deport alien felons and recent arrivals, and then work out a process through which illegal aliens who are long-standing residents of the United States could reapply for residency and embark on a pathway to eventual citizenship, contingent upon payment of fines, lack of criminality, compliance with current law, and mastery of English.

I mean, sure, someone could disagree with that opinion. But why is that dirty? (Steve - i’m not asking you, i’m asking any of the lizards who have major issues with VDH here)

48 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:51:43pm

re: #44 SixDegrees

Following up earlier posts about the sad state of Detroit, I’ll balance them by noting that we do have one of the country’s finest art museums, with a vast and varied collection. Today, I read that we have an artifact I never knew about - Custer’s battle flag from Little Bighorn - and it is going up for sale. This isn’t a bad thing - the flag is rarely here, and it’ll bring in serious dough for further acquisitions. It’s just an indication of the richness of the collection itself, a bright gem in an increasingly bleak landscape.

and consider Dearborn….home of the Ford Museum and GFV

49 Charles Johnson  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:52:01pm

re: #45 nonsense

I’ve honestly never heard his name anywhere but LGF, so I highly doubt the MSM would take the time to skewer someone that would make the audience go, “Huh?”

RS McCain is regularly linked by right wing blogs, and he writes for a high profile conservative publication, the American Spectator.

50 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:52:37pm

Ok, somebody has used the wrong “key words” on this page somehow, why else would we be getting this ad…

Image: imgad.jpg

51 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:54:18pm

re: #46 albusteve

don’t know…maybe someday Charles will have to work the circuit when LGF becomes a legit political party…kiss a few babies, slap flesh and denounce racists at the Mayberry Founders Day gig…think about it

Nah. We should run SFZ and i’ll be her veep. We’d need Charles’ brains managing the whole thing (a higher-paying job than the office itself).

52 BongCrodny  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:54:49pm

re: #12 Aceofwhat?

Yep, and by substituting the term manquer (french for “to lack”), they crudely attempt to dress it up as a ‘gotcha, this isn’t really a racist slur’ routine.

If we were to take him at his word, then the screen name would mean “I don’t have a porch”?

Perfectly innocuous. ///

53 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:54:52pm

re: #50 ausador

Ok, somebody has used the wrong “key words” on this page somehow, why else would we be getting this ad…

Image: imgad.jpg

/OK, don’t panic… just try to work the word “boobs” into your next 3 posts.

54 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:55:08pm

re: #47 Aceofwhat?

I don’t get the VDH thing, though. Here’s an excerpt from a recent column of his…

A wiser administration would call in opponents and, in bipartisan fashion, agree to finish the border fence, toughen up employer sanctions, issue a tamper-proof ID, deport alien felons and recent arrivals, and then work out a process through which illegal aliens who are long-standing residents of the United States could reapply for residency and embark on a pathway to eventual citizenship, contingent upon payment of fines, lack of criminality, compliance with current law, and mastery of English.

I mean, sure, someone could disagree with that opinion. But why is that dirty? (Steve - i’m not asking you, i’m asking any of the lizards who have major issues with VDH here)

because messing with the border is racist, supporting federal law is racist, anything less than amnesty is racist….it’s all racist and now even VDH is a racist…so be it, but the real lunatics are the people screaming racist! whenever the two issues arise….gimme a break

55 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:55:43pm

re: #50 ausador

Ok, somebody has used the wrong “key words” on this page somehow, why else would we be getting this ad…

Image: imgad.jpg

I’ve said it a million times…eastern women (indian, persian, arab, etc.) are wasted on eastern men.

56 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:57:21pm

re: #51 Aceofwhat?

Nah. We should run SFZ and i’ll be her veep. We’d need Charles’ brains managing the whole thing (a higher-paying job than the office itself).

Johnson/Rove?….better square it with him first

57 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:57:42pm

re: #53 brookly red

/OK, don’t panic… just try to work the word “boobs” into your next 3 posts.

Anyone seen “Monsters Inside Us” yet? The Botte fly and it’s fondness for hatching in womens BOOBS is particulary disgusting…

/like that?

58 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:57:46pm

re: #50 ausador

Ok, somebody has used the wrong “key words” on this page somehow, why else would we be getting this ad…

Image: imgad.jpg

They must’ve known I was lurking…

59 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:59:24pm

re: #58 CuriousLurker

They must’ve known I was lurking…

You have lovely eyes.

60 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 4:59:42pm

re: #54 albusteve

/I had one of those polling companies call me yesterday and they first asked if I was over 18 & then the wanted to know if I was a democrat, a racist or an independent…

61 crimsonfisted  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:00:15pm

re: #45 nonsense

I’ve honestly never heard his name anywhere but LGF, so I highly doubt the MSM would take the time to skewer someone that would make the audience go, “Huh?”

I heard of him here FIRST. Like (probably) you, I don’t read the American Spectator, or any other conservative magazines.

I just subscribe to Cook’s Illustrated. That’s it. And I read blogs.

62 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:00:31pm

re: #60 brookly red

/I had one of those polling companies call me yesterday and they first asked if I was over 18 & then the wanted to know if I was a democrat, a racist or an independent…

How did you answer?

63  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:00:33pm

re: #51 Aceofwhat?

Nah. We should run SFZ and i’ll be her veep. We’d need Charles’ brains managing the whole thing (a higher-paying job than the office itself).

Oh hell, you’ve got to get me in there somewhere. I have actual gubmint experience.

64 crimsonfisted  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:00:37pm

Good night all.

65 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:00:44pm

re: #60 brookly red

/I had one of those polling companies call me yesterday and they first asked if I was over 18 & then the wanted to know if I was a democrat, a racist or an independent…

“I can’t get no respect!”

66 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:00:58pm

re: #57 ausador

Anyone seen “Monsters Inside Us” yet? The Botte fly and it’s fondness for hatching in womens BOOBS is particulary disgusting…

/like that?

not exactly what I had in mind but it will count as a key word I guess…

67 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:02:02pm

re: #62 Bagua

How did you answer?

I am registered D…

68 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:02:07pm

re: #63

Oh hell, you’ve got to get me in there somewhere. I have actual gubmint experience.

Sec of Homeland Propriety
you rock missy

69 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:02:10pm

re: #52 BongCrodny

If we were to take him at his word, then the screen name would mean “I don’t have a porch”?

Perfectly innocuous. ///


Apparently it was an “ironic” take on his “slaving away” for McCain, while lacking in pay or profile or wit or intelligence or whatever…

My guess, although admittedly i’m biased by how little of this bile i’ve had to encounter, is that this is a far-right syndrome that I like to call Pissus Christitits, wherein an inflammation in the medulla oblongata leads one to believe that certain cultural “expressions” such as Piss Christ, having been fêted in some corners of society, permit the rest of society to make equally crude attempts to dress their inner racist up in ironic clothing and take it out for a walk.

/armchair psych off

70  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:03:49pm

re: #68 albusteve

Sec of Homeland Propriety
you rock missy

thank you

71 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:04:26pm

re: #63

Oh hell, you’ve got to get me in there somewhere. I have actual gubmint experience.

It be kinda fun to have a poll where we nominate and then vote for Lizards to fill different positions in a make-believe government.

72 Charles Johnson  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:04:59pm

Psst. Retweet this! Share it! Your help is requested!

73 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:05:17pm

re: #49 Charles

RS McCain is regularly linked by right wing blogs, and he writes for a high profile conservative publication, the American Spectator.

Which is why i celebrate our vigilance here…we clearly aren’t driving his traffic up, but one cannot google Robert Stacy McCain without coming across a trove of LGF-based facts about how vile this guy is.

I love that we are cramming this little man’s true stripes down the throat of the right-wing blogosphere, who will be increasingly forced to admit they’re sanguine about sharing their tent with this racist or kick him out…

74 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:06:12pm

re: #71 CuriousLurker

It be kinda fun to have a poll where we nominate and then vote for Lizards to fill different positions in a make-believe government.

I got dibs on the Food & Drug Adnim… you can keep the rest.

75  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:06:42pm

re: #71 CuriousLurker

It be kinda fun to have a poll where we nominate and then vote for Lizards to fill different positions in a make-believe government.

Which position do you want?

76 Why I Never!  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:07:53pm

Oh wow. What an asshole.
Great catch. Let’s see his excuse machine rev up over this one.

77 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:07:57pm

re: #75

Which position do you want?

I will let that slide out of respect :)

78  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:08:22pm

re: #72 Charles

Psst. Retweet this! Share it! Your help is requested!

And, remember that there are quite useful tags that can be appended.
#tcot = top conservatives on twitter
#tlot = top liberals on twitter.

79  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:09:01pm

re: #77 brookly red

I will let that slide out of respect :)

Oh, gawd.
Thank you!
(can’t believe I didn’t catch it myself, I’m banging my head on the desk)

80 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:10:35pm

re: #63

Oh hell, you’ve got to get me in there somewhere. I have actual gubmint experience.

You can have any job you want, girlfriend. But i’m a helluva public speaker…you should see me in a boardroom…magic, i tell you! Put me on stage with Biden and Palin and I’ll take over;)

81 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:11:32pm

re: #80 Aceofwhat?

You can have any job you want, girlfriend. But i’m a helluva public speaker…you should see me in a boardroom…magic, i tell you! Put me on stage with Biden and Palin and I’ll take over;)

yeah?…and I should be the Cowboys head coach

82 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:11:52pm

re: #80 Aceofwhat?

You can have any job you want, girlfriend. But i’m a helluva public speaker…you should see me in a boardroom…magic, i tell you! Put me on stage with Biden and Palin and I’ll take over;)

/with all due respect all that would prove is you can count to 10…

83 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:12:35pm

re: #50 ausador

Ok, somebody has used the wrong “key words” on this page somehow, why else would we be getting this ad…

Image: imgad.jpg

What, you’re telling me you never get oasis fever?

84  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:12:41pm

re: #80 Aceofwhat?

You can have any job you want, girlfriend. But i’m a helluva public speaker…you should see me in a boardroom…magic, i tell you! Put me on stage with Biden and Palin and I’ll take over;)

I want some behind-the-scenes sort of job, I freeze up when I have to speak in public, I become Biden-esque. You can have the speaking parts. I can just advise.
I’d make a hell of an advisor.

85 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:12:54pm

Special Envoy to the NFL

86 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:13:32pm

re: #75

Which position do you want?

Well, I’ll sat away from head of DHS since that might make people skittish…/

I think I want to be in charge of something tech related. Or work in the same office as Cato so I can watch him chew people up & spit ‘em out, and then 30 seconds recite some elegant poetry. I’d never be bored. ;o)

87 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:14:12pm

re: #83 goddamnedfrank

What, you’re telling me you never get oasis fever?

I used to date a girl from Iran… I called it my own personal dimitude

88 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:14:40pm

re: #85 albusteve

Special Envoy to the NFL

600k per year…must visit every league city at least once per season

89 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:15:54pm

re: #88 albusteve

600k per year…must visit every league city at least once per season

must meet with each head coach, player reps, and key players

90 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:17:33pm

I nominate Walter for Secretary of State.

91 Decatur Deb  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:18:04pm

I’d like the Board of Tea Appeals, and the launch codes.

92 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:19:18pm

re: #90 CuriousLurker

I nominate Walter for Secretary of State.

hey? it just occurred to me that we got 2 wars going on, so why don’t we have a Secretary of Offense? only makes sense…

93 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:19:31pm

re: #71 CuriousLurker

It be kinda fun to have a poll where we nominate and then vote for Lizards to fill different positions in a make-believe government.

Except we can’t see each other in front of a mic…besides my enormous brain and my overwhelming humility (heh), public speaking is my gift.

But i don’t have the need to be #1, so i’d be happy to serve under a female exec…

94  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:19:40pm

re: #90 CuriousLurker

I nominate Walter for Secretary of State.

Yes, indeed.
So diplomatic, he is.

95 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:20:02pm

re: #82 brookly red

/with all due respect all that would prove is you can count to 10…

In other words, already miles ahead of the veep competition/

96 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:21:10pm

re: #94

Yes, indeed.
So diplomatic, he is.

I figure he’d keep our enemies in a constant state of uncertainty, whcich could be a good thing.

97 Why I Never!  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:21:13pm

re: #45 nonsense

I’ve honestly never heard his name anywhere but LGF, so I highly doubt the MSM would take the time to skewer someone that would make the audience go, “Huh?”

he’s a former asst editor at the Washington Times, and while there he pushed articles and columns that linked hate sites like VDARE. There’s a whole article at the SPLC about it:

The same day, Winter ousted four contributors to Human Events whose background was provided by the Report: Wayne Lutton and Peter Gemma, both members of the racist Council of Conservative Citizens; Marian Kester Coombs; and Robert Stacy McCain, a key Washington Times editor who has suggested that “perfectly rational people” react with “altogether natural revulsion” to interracial marriage.

After he got the boot from there, he put more energy into blogging. (Can’t recall if the blog overlapped with his editorial career there). The frightening thing is that he started getting more attention from the conservative blogosphere while all his racist connections and associations were being exposed. He’s over at AmSpec, HotAir, and other places now. I believe InstaHack has linked him before too (more than once).

I can also personally attest that he’s a liar who deletes critical comments —-and will even vanish a whole post rather than correct it once someone exposes his asshattery in the comments.

See also this, from March at the SPLC:
He’s Back: Robert Stacy McCain and the Washington Times

98 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:21:21pm

re: #89 albusteve

must meet with each head coach, player reps, and key players

partial oath of office….
“I hearby swear to subvert, to the best of my abilities, the game of ‘sock her’ and to reinstate these wayward ticket buyers to the game of American NFL Football”

99 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:22:02pm

re: #92 brookly red

hey? it just occurred to me that we got 2 wars going on, so why don’t we have a Secretary of Offense? only makes sense…

Sounds good to me. You wanna nominate someone?

100 Aceofwhat?  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:22:52pm

re: #81 albusteve

yeah?…and I should be the Cowboys head coach

i nominate you for that position…i love to see the Cowboys fail…

101 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:23:05pm

re: #96 CuriousLurker

I figure he’d keep our enemies in a constant state of uncertainty, whcich could be a good thing.

our enemies are already in constant state of uncertainty… they never know where or when our next concession will be!

102 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:23:45pm

re: #100 Aceofwhat?

i nominate you for that position…i love to see the Cowboys fail…

LOL!….but I may be their Last Best Hope!

103 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:23:55pm

re: #99 CuriousLurker

Sounds good to me. You wanna nominate someone?

well I would have to go into the banned file….

104 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:24:51pm

re: #101 brookly red

our enemies are already in constant state of uncertainty… they never know where or when our next concession will be!

our enemies would plough through Walter like poop through a goose

105 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:25:46pm

re: #98 albusteve

partial oath of office…
“I hearby swear to subvert, to the best of my abilities, the game of ‘sock her’ and to reinstate these wayward ticket buyers to the game of American NFL Football”

Curtis? is that you?

106 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:26:13pm

re: #103 brookly red

well I would have to go into the banned file…

Nope, sorry. The banned file would be our penal colony—It’d have to be a Lizard in good standing.

107 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:27:42pm

re: #105 brookly red

Curtis? is that you?

as I see it, the enemies of America are the Eagles and the Gints, in that order…

108 The Shadow Do  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:27:56pm

re: #102 albusteve

LOL!…but I may be their Last Best Hope!

Instead of head coach, I nominate you for Cowboys offensive coordinator - just cause you’re so darn, well you know…

109 brookly red  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:28:11pm

re: #106 CuriousLurker

Nope, sorry. The banned file would be our penal colony—It’d have to be a Lizard in good standing.

well then maybe Steve… not that he would be all that good but he would make sure they were all dead by kickoff time. one way or an other.

110 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:29:13pm

re: #109 brookly red

well then maybe Steve… not that he would be all that good but he would make sure they were all dead by kickoff time. one way or an other.

kool!…let’s move forward from here!

111 Killgore Trout  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:29:15pm

I think I retweeted.

112 CuriousLurker  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:30:21pm

re: #109 brookly red

well then maybe Steve… not that he would be all that good but he would make sure they were all dead by kickoff time. one way or an other.


113 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:30:43pm

He admits denies it’s a racial slur on his blog.

There is also the bit that the term veers quite close to a racial slur. Having served several years in the military, I’m about as un-racially biased as anyone

114  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:31:43pm

re: #111 Killgore Trout

I think I retweeted.

It really ain’t all that hard to do, Killgore.
Are you tweeting under the Killgore nic?

115 Reginald Perrin  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:31:55pm

I checked with Urban Dictionary to see if they had an entry for porch manque and this is what I got,”porch manque isn’t defined yet”.

I wonder how long it will take before it is no longer undefined?

Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink

116 albusteve  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:33:09pm

re: #112 CuriousLurker


I say…
kill em all and let Pete Rozelle sort em out!

117 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:35:02pm

re: #111 Killgore Trout

I think I retweeted.

New prescription?

118 Why I Never!  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:35:25pm

re: #115 Reginald Perrin

I checked with Urban Dictionary to see if they had an entry for porch manque and this is what I got,”porch manque isn’t defined yet”.

I wonder how long it will take before it is no longer undefined?

Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink

Oh yeah. We need to get on that.

119 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:36:14pm

re: #115 Reginald Perrin

I checked with Urban Dictionary to see if they had an entry for porch manque and this is what I got,”porch manque isn’t defined yet”.

I wonder how long it will take before it is no longer undefined?

Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink

Porch Monkey is already there. He is trying to be clever using the french.

120 Reginald Perrin  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:36:53pm

re: #118 iceweasel

Oh yeah. We need to get on that.

I have the feeling someone has already taken care of that little task.

nudge nudge, wink wink

121 Killgore Trout  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:37:36pm

re: #114

It really ain’t all that hard to do, Killgore.
Are you tweeting under the Killgore nic?

Sort of. I had to choose Killg0reTr0ut but I used my LGF avatar so there’s no confusion.

122  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:39:28pm

re: #121 Killgore Trout

Sort of. I had to choose Killg0reTr0ut but I used my LGF avatar so there’s no confusion.

Your retweet just came through on my tweetdeck.
Mission accomplished!

123 Bagua  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:42:29pm

re: #122

Your retweet just came through on my tweetdeck.
Mission accomplished!

Tweeters to battle-stations! Prepare to engage.

124 Killgore Trout  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:44:31pm

re: #122

Your retweet just came through on my tweetdeck.
Mission accomplished!


125 Killgore Trout  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:45:33pm

I tried to tweet something to #tcot but I don’t think it showed up. I’ll figure it out eventually. It seems pretty simple.

126 Cato the Elder  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 5:50:45pm

re: #49 Charles

RS McCain is regularly linked by right wing blogs, and he writes for a high profile conservative publication, the American Spectator.

And before that, he was an editor at the Washington Times.

Hardly an unknown quantity.

127 Why I Never!  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 6:25:15pm

re: #120 Reginald Perrin

I have the feeling someone has already taken care of that little task.

nudge nudge, wink wink

Possibly more than one person….heh.

128 mich-again  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 7:04:38pm

Way back when I was a teenage kid, my buddies and I considered using the name “Porch Honkeys” for our rock band but decided against it.

129 mich-again  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 7:09:21pm

RSM has written some pretty nasty racist stuff using a pseudonym before (BurkeCalhounDabney). I wonder if he’s hiding behind the s32porchmanque moniker out there in the fever swamps.

130 Why I Never!  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 7:21:23pm

re: #129 mich-again

RSM has written some pretty nasty racist stuff using a pseudonym before (BurkeCalhounDabney). I wonder if he’s hiding behind the s32porchmanque moniker out there in the fever swamps.

Good idea. the s32 bit IIRC would have been auto-generated by site meter. Maybe RSM is using that name ‘porchmanque’ at Free Republic or similar (after he had his old posts under the BCD moniker deleted because he wanted to hide them).

131 Charles Johnson  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 7:24:38pm

re: #130 iceweasel

Good idea. the s32 bit IIRC would have been auto-generated by site meter. Maybe RSM is using that name ‘porchmanque’ at Free Republic or similar (after he had his old posts under the BCD moniker deleted because he wanted to hide them).

‘s32’ is a designation added by Sitemeter to the username. It denotes the server on which that user’s stats reside.

132 mich-again  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 7:29:21pm

re: #130 iceweasel
Actually, that word made regular appearances at RSM’s old website.. link

133 Why I Never!  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 7:49:12pm

re: #131 Charles

‘s32’ is a designation added by Sitemeter to the username. It denotes the server on which that user’s stats reside.

Ah, thanks. I know they append something to the username you choose, but didn’t know what it denoted. Cheers.

134 Why I Never!  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 7:54:45pm

re: #132 mich-again

Actually, that word made regular appearances at RSM’s old website.. link

Also thanks. I’m just finding that out. Cheers!

135 Mich-again  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 7:55:09pm

Its not really much of a secret at RSM’s blog. His co-blogger Chris L. Smith is commonly referred to there as McCain’s “Porch Manque”. Here’s Smith’s twitter page..

136 dan_lo  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 8:23:03pm

I had never actually payed much attention to RSM, but I was always pretty sure that his writing was that sort of faux intellectual shit that’s really just coding for “I hate browns/blacks/teh gay” whatever.

Basically: this guy is Phyllis Schlafley with a penis.

137 Flavia  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 9:31:14pm

Anyone who consciously fiddles w/a word to pretend that it isn’t racist - the whole “look, I’m going to fool the people who are trying to catch me in something racist by changing something that starts as racist ever-so-slightly” attempt - IS racist. ONLY a racist would even think of making a joke from a racist slur. And the only reason I am ranting at the choir is because I am too sickened & disgusted to actually try to log into a site like that to swim in the filth & tell them all what I think of them - they are too sick for it to do any good.

138 ClaudeMonet  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 9:32:18pm

re: #81 albusteve

yeah?…and I should be the Cowboys head coach

You want to coach at Oklahoma State? Or is it Wyoming?

139 ClaudeMonet  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 9:38:53pm

re: #65 albusteve

“I can’t get no respect!”

Perhaps you don’t deserve any./

140 ClaudeMonet  Sun, Jun 27, 2010 9:47:04pm

re: #75

Which position do you want?

Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Just watch where we start locating new public housing—next door to very urban mayor and uberliberal elected official. Then we move on to places like Greenwich, Palm Beach, Beverly Hills, Malibu, the Hamptons, etc. Maybe locate one right across the street from the entrance to places like Bill Clinton’s in New York.

After that, it’s on to the conservatives.

If they all love the unfortunate people of this country so much, then certainly they won’t mind them as neighbors.

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