CPAC Panel Will Feature White Nationalist Leader Brimelow

Overt racism at CPAC
Wingnuts • Views: 49,180

It was bad enough when CPAC recently allowed the wacko paleo-conservative John Birch Society to have an exhibit, but this year things are exponentially worse.

This year, the Conservative Political Action Conference, at which presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich will appear, is having a panel discussion featuring an overt racist and white nationalist: Peter Brimelow, founder of hate site VDARE.

12:30 The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity – Wilson C

Sponsored by: ProEnglish

Speakers: Robert Vandervoort, Executive Director, ProEnglish; John Derbyshire, contributing editor at National Review and author of We Are Doomed; Peter Brimelow, author of The Patriot Game: National Dreams and Political Realities and founder of; Dr. Serge Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor for Chronicles magazine; & Dr. Rosalie Porter, author of American Immigrant: My Life In Three Languages, chairwoman of the board, ProEnglish

Here’s the CPAC 2012 Schedule of Events (PDF).

I admit, this one kind of shocks me, and it’s not easy to do that any more. I knew the right wing had gone bug-eyed loony, but this is way beyond the usual xenophobia and paranoid bigotry; this is open white nationalism at the Republican right’s premier high-profile conference, in an election year. Stunning. Masks are dropping all over Wingnutland.

Here are some more details on Brimelow’s vicious racial hatred, from Right Wing Watch:

VDARE is a White Nationalist website, run by Brimelow, which frequently publishes the works of anti-Semitic and racist writers and is named after Virginia Dare, who is believed to be the first child of English parents born in the Americas. Brimelow, an immigrant from Great Britain, expresses his fear of the loss of America’s white majority, blames non-white immigrants for social and economic problems and urges the Republican Party to give up on minority voters and focus on winning the white vote. He also said that a New York City subway is the same as an Immigration and Naturalization Service waiting room, “an underworld that is not just teeming but also almost entirely colored.”

VDARE has published the work of people like Robert Weissberg, who says that black and Hispanic students are responsible for problems in the American education system, Marcus Epstein, the Youth for Western Civilization leader who karate-chopped a black woman after calling her a “n****r” (he later pled guilty to assault), and J. Philippe Rushton of the eugenicist Pioneer Fund.

The Southern Poverty Law Center lists VDARE as a White Nationalist hate group and notes that “’s archives contain articles like ‘Freedom vs. Diversity,’ ‘Abolishing America,’ ‘Anarcho-Tyranny — Where Multiculturalism Leads’ and ‘Why Immigrants Kill,’” compiled quotes from other VDARE writers that call the U.S. an exclusively white nation and denounce Jews for “weakening America’s historic White majority”:

“America was defined — almost explicitly, sometimes very explicitly — as a white nation, for white people, and what that means is that there is virtually no figure, no law, no policy, no event in the history of the old, white America that can survive the transition to the new and non-white version. Whether we will want to call the new updated version ‘America’ at all is another question entirely.”

— Sam Francis,, July 21, 2003

“Jewish activity collectively, throughout history, is best understood as an elaborate and highly successful group competitive strategy directed against neighboring peoples and host societies. The objective has been control of economic resources and political power. One example: overwhelming Jewish support for non-traditional immigration, which has the effect of weakening America’s historic white majority.”

— Kevin MacDonald,, Nov. 14, 2006

“What race realists find most infuriating about the liberalism of the last half century is not just that it has lost its instinctive appreciation for the culture and people of the West but actively, viciously attacks them. Whites are doing something no other people have ever done in human history. Our rulers and elites welcome replacement by aliens, they vilify our ancestors and their own, they sacrifice our interests to those of favored minorities, and they treat the entire history of the West as if it were a global plague of rapine and exploitation. This is a disease that is killing us, and we must fight it head on.”

— Jared Taylor,, July 4, 2008

Also see

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1 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:47:22am

GOP, you're forgetting that you supposedly give a shit about Jews again.

2 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:48:23am

Gotta love that RWNJ minority outreach.

3 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:49:38am
4 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:49:45am

The tent gets bigger and bigger./

5 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:52:10am

The shit gets deeper and deeper, and yet come November, they'll be convinced that they lost because they weren't "conservative enough."

6 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:53:00am
This year, the Conservative Political Action Conference, at which presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich will appear,

Guilt by association!!1!

Will anyone at CPAC denounce Brimelow?

7 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:53:10am

What do these nice folks have in common:

Kevin MacDonald, a notorious antisemitic pseudoscholar, who wrote a lot of thick volumes "exposing" Jews and their supposed "evolutionary strategies".

Sam Francis, a radically racist Council of Conservative Citizens guy, thankfully dead.

Michelle Malkin, an infamous scumbag who wrote in defense of the Japanese internment.

Jared Taylor, a well-known anti-black racist who runs the American Renaissance.

They all wrote for the white nationalist site VDARE, owned by Peter Brimelow, a white American immigrant who rails against (non-white) immigration to the US.

8 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:54:23am

"Preserving Western Civilization" Conference Draws Racists and Anti-Immigrant Figures

Peter Brimelow, the Editor of VDare, a Web site that features the work of racists, anti-Semites, and anti-immigrant figures. In January 2009, Brimelow spoke on a panel to promote a report released by The American Cause, a group founded by anti-Semite and racist Pat Buchanan. VDare promotes and archives pieces authored by anti-Semitic professor Kevin MacDonald, Georgia-based xenophobic leader D.A. King, white supremacist Jared Taylor and others. At the PWC conference, Brimelow will speak about the "Problems Caused by Immigration."

9 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:55:04am
John Derbyshire, contributing editor at National Review and author of We Are Doomed;

We Are Doomed? Sounds like a great panel and conference. Very encouraging. Yes, conservatives, please run on that.

10 AK-47%  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:56:31am

re: #8 Gus

"At the PWC conference, Brimelow will speak about the "Problems Caused by Immigration."

Yes, there are problems caused by immigration, I do not dispute that.

But I suspect this fellow is going to concentrate on problems caused by immigrants.

11 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:56:35am

The Department of the Current Danger advocates running around in a mild panic while waving your arms in the air. You need the exercise.

12 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:57:24am

re: #5 Targetpractice

The shit gets deeper and deeper, and yet come November, they'll be convinced that they lost because they weren't "conservative enough."

That depends. Actually the best thing that can happen for the GOP is to nominate Frothy, because when he loses, they won't be able to argue that. Frothy's conservative credentials are strong, and I suspect that he won't be able to run from them in the general election. The loss to Obama will give the establishment back some power and likely cause some shift back towards the middle. If Romney wins and loses in the general, the wingnuts will run the asylum next cycle.

13 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:58:51am

re: #12 Petero1818

That depends. Actually the best thing that can happen for the GOP is to nominate Frothy, because when he loses, they won't be able to argue that. Frothy's conservative credentials are strong, and I suspect that he won't be able to run from them in the general election. The loss to Obama will give the establishment back some power and likely cause some shift back towards the middle. If Romney wins and loses in the general, the wingnuts will run the asylum next cycle.

Santorum/Bachmann 2012 - Vote Purity of Essence

14 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:58:57am

re: #12 Petero1818

Since Romney is now speaking at a conference with a white nationalist speaking on a panel, I think the wingnuts are already running the asylum.

15 Mattand  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 11:59:49am
John Derbyshire, contributing editor at National Review and author of We Are Doomed;
16 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:01:00pm

re: #12 Petero1818

That depends. Actually the best thing that can happen for the GOP is to nominate Frothy, because when he loses, they won't be able to argue that. Frothy's conservative credentials are strong, and I suspect that he won't be able to run from them in the general election. The loss to Obama will give the establishment back some power and likely cause some shift back towards the middle. If Romney wins and loses in the general, the wingnuts will run the asylum next cycle.

I gotta agree with Obdi, the wingnuts are the ones running the show, the establishment's just along for the ride. At the same time, the base continues to believe that they're not really running things, that the party's still full of "RINOs," and that a Romney nomination is a guaranteed loss versus putting up Santorum or (*gag*) Newt.

17 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:01:45pm

re: #10 ralphieboy

"At the PWC conference, Brimelow will speak about the "Problems Caused by Immigration."

Yes, there are problems caused by immigration, I do not dispute that.

But I suspect this fellow is going to concentrate on problems caused by immigrants.

Note that the speech title is not problems caused by "illegal immigration" but rather just plain old "immigration". Should be an interesting speech.

18 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:03:05pm

re: #10 ralphieboy

"At the PWC conference, Brimelow will speak about the "Problems Caused by Immigration."

Yes, there are problems caused by immigration, I do not dispute that.

But I suspect this fellow is going to concentrate on problems caused by NON WHITE immigrants FROM ANYWHERE EXCEPT WESTERN EUROPE.

19 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:04:38pm

re: #16 Targetpractice

I gotta agree with Obdi, the wingnuts are the ones running the show, the establishment's just along for the ride. At the same time, the base continues to believe that they're not really running things, that the party's still full of "RINOs," and that a Romney nomination is a guaranteed loss versus putting up Santorum or (*gag*) Newt.

I fully acknowledge the wingnuts are running the asylum, but I think that it will actually look a lot worse next cycle should Romney win and lose in the general. If you look at the talking points for Gingrich and Santorum and the Paul, they spend as much time attacking the establishment GOP as they do Obama. Next cycle, the establishment GOP won't even dare run one of their own. They will get savaged.

20 SidewaysQuark  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:04:59pm

Obama, is your team taking notes?

21 erik_t  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:07:17pm

Whoa, that be some powerful crazy.

Like, damn.

22 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:08:51pm

re: #20 SidewaysQuark

The media is so useless these days I'm wondering if they'll even report on this. Maybe they'll call Brimelow 'brave' or something.

23 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:09:26pm

re: #7 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

What do these nice folks have in common:

Kevin MacDonald, a notorious antisemitic pseudoscholar, who wrote a lot of thick volumes "exposing" Jews and their supposed "evolutionary strategies".

Sam Francis, a radically racist Council of Conservative Citizens guy, thankfully dead.

Michelle Malkin, an infamous scumbag who wrote in defense of the Japanese internment.

Jared Taylor, a well-known anti-black racist who runs the American Renaissance.

They all wrote for the white nationalist site VDARE, owned by Peter Brimelow, a white American immigrant who rails against (non-white) immigration to the US.

Also appearing at VDARE:

Chuck Baldwin, the man Gary Johnson (Libertarian candidate for president, 2012) voted for in 2008

Paul Belien, friend and supporter of Geller and Spencer

Pat Buchanan, need I say more

Steve Sailer

Tom Tancredo

and many more.

24 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:09:37pm

re: #22 Obdicut

The media is so useless these days I'm wondering if they'll even report on this. Maybe they'll call Brimelow 'brave' or something.

He has "big ideas"! /

25 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:10:03pm

re: #22 Obdicut

The media is so useless these days I'm wondering if they'll even report on this. Maybe they'll call Brimelow 'brave' or something.

Instead of calling him names, why can't you address the Troof of what he is saying!1!1

26 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:10:39pm

re: #22 Obdicut

The media is so useless these days I'm wondering if they'll even report on this. Maybe they'll call Brimelow 'brave' or something.

You mesn, "financial journalist and author Peter Brimelow."

27 leftynyc  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:12:22pm

re: #10 ralphieboy

"At the PWC conference, Brimelow will speak about the "Problems Caused by Immigration."

Yes, there are problems caused by immigration, I do not dispute that.

But I suspect this fellow is going to concentrate on problems caused by immigrants.

Just the non-white ones.

28 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:12:51pm

re: #27 leftynyc

Just the non-white ones.

And I bet he has fancy reasons why some groups you might think of as 'white' really aren't.

29 erik_t  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:13:22pm

re: #28 Obdicut

And I bet he has fancy reasons why some groups you might think of as 'white' really aren't.

I hope he, personally, is from the Caucasus.

30 dragonfire1981  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:14:49pm

I always get tripped up on this site when I see the CPAC acronym because, having grown up in Canada, I associate it with this:

CPAC, the Cable Public Affairs Channel, is Canada’s only privately-owned, commercial free, not for profit, bilingual licensed television service. Created in 1992 by a consortium of cable companies to preserve an independent editorial voice for Canada’s democratic process, CPAC provides a window on Parliament, politics and public affairs in Canada and around the world. Since 1992, the cable industry has invested close to $50 million in CPAC, and today CPAC programming is delivered by cable, satellite and wireless distributors to over 10 million homes in Canada, and worldwide via 24/7 webcasting and podcasts available on this website.

Of course the U.S. equivalent of CPAC is C-SPAN so whenever I see CPAC here on LGF my mind goes to C-SPAN and I wonder why a government activity channel is giving a forum to these idiots.

Eventually, I'll learn to make the right connection.

31 leftynyc  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:16:08pm

re: #28 Obdicut

And I bet he has fancy reasons why some groups you might think of as 'white' really aren't.

We already know he doesn't consider us Jews as whites. From the prior thread came this quote from him:

MacDonald's most controversial claim is that a suite of traits that he attributes to Jews, including higher-than-average verbal intelligence and ethnocentricism, have eugenically evolved to enhance the ability of Jews to conspire to out-compete non-Jews for resources while undermining the power and self-confidence of the white majorities in Europe and America whom he insists Jews seek to disposess.

32 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:18:24pm

re: #31 leftynyc

We already know he doesn't consider us Jews as whites. From the prior thread came this quote from him:

MacDonald's most controversial claim is that a suite of traits that he attributes to Jews, including higher-than-average verbal intelligence and ethnocentricism, have eugenically evolved to enhance the ability of Jews to conspire to out-compete non-Jews for resources while undermining the power and self-confidence of the white majorities in Europe and America whom he insists Jews seek to disposess.

So "non-whites "are horrible for being above-average and horrible for being below-average. Horrible for being high wage earners and horrible for being low wage earners.

Talk about a game you can't win.

33 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:18:36pm

re: #31 leftynyc

We already know he doesn't consider us Jews as whites. From the prior thread came this quote from him:

MacDonald's most controversial claim is that a suite of traits that he attributes to Jews, including higher-than-average verbal intelligence and ethnocentricism, have eugenically evolved to enhance the ability of Jews to conspire to out-compete non-Jews for resources while undermining the power and self-confidence of the white majorities in Europe and America whom he insists Jews seek to disposess.

All my daughters married (or are marrying) blue-eyed blond guys. Just to be able to "pass" for white.

34 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:19:39pm

Guess they're all busy with Roland Martin's suspension. Of which I'd like to add a resounding yawn to that story. #fail

35 NJDhockeyfan  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:21:34pm

re: #34 Gus

Guess they're all busy with Roland Martin's suspension. Of which I'd like to add a resounding yawn to that story. #fail

Didn't he do Laugh In?

36 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:22:39pm

re: #32 EmmmieG

I just changed my comment because I realized it looked like I accepted MacDonald's classifications, which I do not.

Hey! I've got an idea! Let's make up arbitrary classifications just for fun.

Able to boogie/Not able to boogie

Mayonnaise/Miracle whip

Sexy and know it/not sexy and know it/sexy and oblivious/neither and sad

37 erik_t  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:25:03pm

re: #31 leftynyc

We already know he doesn't consider us Jews as whites. From the prior thread came this quote from him:

MacDonald's most controversial claim is that a suite of traits that he attributes to Jews, including higher-than-average verbal intelligence and ethnocentricism, have eugenically evolved to enhance the ability of Jews to conspire to out-compete non-Jews for resources while undermining the power and self-confidence of the white majorities in Europe and America whom he insists Jews seek to disposess.

Well, at least this particular variety of dumbass believes in evolution?


38 Tumulus11  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:25:09pm
'Brimelow, an immigrant from Great Britain, ....'

'At the PWC conference, Brimelow will speak about the 'Problems Caused by Immigration.'

. If he's having problems he should remove himself.

39 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:25:52pm

Pat Buchanan gets to stay at MSNBC for years and years before he's finally fired. Roland Martin makes one stupid Tweet during the Super Bowl and boom! Suspended within a week.

40 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:26:44pm

re: #39 Gus

Pat Buchanan gets to stay at MSNBC for years and years before he's finally fired. Roland Martin makes one stupid Tweet during the Super Bowl and boom! Suspended within a week.

Was Buchanan actually fired?

41 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:27:17pm

re: #40 Bulworth

Was Buchanan actually fired?

I don't know. Did they just not renew his contract?

42 recusancy  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:27:25pm

re: #39 Gus

Pat Buchanan gets to stay at MSNBC for years and years before he's finally fired. Roland Martin makes one stupid Tweet during the Super Bowl and boom! Suspended within a week.

What was the tweet?

43 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:27:35pm
44 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:28:00pm
@TeamBoehner Team Boehner
RT @johnboehner Looking forward to addressing #CPAC 2012 tomorrow afternoon. Follow @CPACnews 4 updates & look for @TeamBoehner's booth!
45 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:29:05pm

re: #42 recusancy

What was the tweet?

"If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham’s H&M underwear ad, smack the ish out of him!"

More here.

46 recusancy  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:29:49pm

Wasn't there a lizard on here telling us how multi-culturalism has failed and is a bad thing?

47 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:30:11pm

re: #46 recusancy

Wasn't there a lizard on here telling us how multi-culturalism has failed and is a bad thing?


48 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:31:08pm

I predict that right wing bloggers will defend Brimelow, VDARE, and CPAC, by the way.

49 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:31:36pm
If you've ever wanted to hang out with the next President of the United States, you'll have your chance this weekend at D.C.'s Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. The three top candidates for the Republican nomination -- former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum -- will speak Friday at the 39th Conservative Political Action Conference. Sarah Palin will give the final keynote speech on Saturday and, if that's not enough to excite your interest, the protesters from "Occupy DC" have promised to show up and keep things lively.

On their website, Occupy DC vows "non-violent resistance" at this year's CPAC, aiming to "make this a conference the attendees will never forget." And Occupy DC calls CPAC "a who's who of dastardly politicians... another gathering of bigots, media mouthpieces, corrupt politicians, and their 1 percent elite puppet masters," who will "attempt to perpetuate the radical right wing's imperialist ideologies... pursuing its racist, sexist, patriarchal and exploitative agenda."

Indeed, this is exactly what my friends and I have in mind when CPAC convenes Thursday. In between attending speeches, seminar panels and cocktail parties -- where our "elite puppet masters" will exhort us to perpetuate their "imperialist ideologies" -- we'll make occasional visits to the Marriott lobby, hoping to catch an entertaining glimpse of the clashes between police and smelly hippies from the Occupy DC encampments. What could be more fun than watching left-wing scum getting tased, pepper-sprayed and hauled away in handcuffs by the Metropolitan Police?


That's from RS McCain.

50 recusancy  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:33:00pm

re: #47 Gus


I think it was DF

51 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:33:09pm

re: #47 Gus


Nope, Dark actually though evidently he was using a different definition than most of the rest of us. (His was seemed to deal with assuming automatically that all cultures are equally good)

52 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:33:54pm

re: #48 Charles Johnson

I predict that right wing bloggers will defend Brimelow, VDARE, and CPAC, by the way.

Or go the "Why do you care what happens at CPAC? Obama's ruining the country and you're worrying about some piddly little conference!" route.

53 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:33:57pm

After the rank-and-file of the Republican Party didn't pillorize Ron Paul for his racist newsletters and other associations, it really should have struck home that the reason for the silence was due to the fact that they actually didn't have a problem with it.
A line has been crossed - they are now openly accepting and embracing the same racists and nationalists who in the not-too-distant past were considered as radioactive poison to the party. At this point, nothing that they do could really surprise me anymore.

54 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:35:32pm

Pro-Choice GOP Warns Party That Contraception Fight Will Be A Disaster

Biggest news there: There are still pro-choice people in the GOP.

55 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:36:05pm

re: #50 recusancy

I think it was DF

re: #51 jamesfirecat

Nope, Dark actually though evidently he was using a different definition than most of the rest of us. (His was seemed to deal with assuming automatically that all cultures are equally good)

Right. Milty had the gender feminist rage.

56 Killgore Trout  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:37:12pm

re: #49 wrenchwench

They are certainly welcome to protest but the OWS idiots are probably going to take it too far by disrupting the events, blocking the doors and generally being stupid. There's no one for me to cheer for in that conflict.

57 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:37:50pm

re: #53 RadicalModerate

After the rank-and-file of the Republican Party didn't pillorize Ron Paul for his racist newsletters and other associations, it really should have struck home that the reason for the silence was due to the fact that they actually didn't have a problem with it.

A line has been crossed - they are now openly accepting and embracing the same racists and nationalists who in the not-too-distant past were considered as radioactive poison to the party. At this point, nothing that they do could really surprise me anymore.


But Obama used to attend Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church!!11ty

58 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:37:53pm
12:30 The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity
– Wilson C
Sponsored by: ProEnglish
Speakers: Robert Vandervoort, Executive Director, ProEnglish; John Derbyshire, contributing
editor at National Review and author of We Are Doomed; Peter Brimelow, author of The Patriot
Game: National Dreams and Political Realities and founder of; Dr. Serge
Trifkovic, foreign affairs editor for Chronicles magazine; & Dr. Rosalie Porter, author of
American Immigrant: My Life In Three Languages, chairwoman of the board, ProEnglish
Open to all CPAC attendees

Link to .pdf of the agenda.

59 Killgore Trout  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:39:08pm

re: #58 wrenchwench

Speakers: Robert Vandervoort, Executive Director, ProEnglish; John Derbyshire, contributing

Both Vlaams Belang supporters, IIRC.

60 Interesting Times  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:39:51pm

re: #53 RadicalModerate

A line has been crossed - they are now openly accepting and embracing the same racists and nationalists who in the not-too-distant past were considered as radioactive poison to the party.

The Democrat party are the real racists for noticing it and complaining. Derp.

61 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:40:06pm

re: #59 Killgore Trout

Both Vlaams Belang supporters, IIRC.

And don't miss

Dr. Serge

Sorry about the format of that last post. I c&p'd it.

62 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:40:55pm


(edit.....ok, nevermind)

63 nines09  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:41:07pm

It seems that nobody is in charge of the GOP/TP and yes, the masks are dropping. I am astounded at the utter ignorance of the voters and the arrogance of the candidates. They might just as well hand out armbands at the conference. Maybe they could string a few people up for good measure. Insane.

64 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:42:11pm

re: #54 Kragar

They DO Exist!

65 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:43:05pm

re: #64 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

They DO Exist!


66 leftynyc  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:44:02pm

re: #48 Charles Johnson

I predict that right wing bloggers will defend Brimelow, VDARE, and CPAC, by the way.

That'll be.....interesting. And by interesting, I mean disgusting. Hope the Dems hammer them - over and over again.

67 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:45:46pm

Well. At least someone is thinking about this at one of the Palin sites:

Here is some news about CPAC that maybe is something they should revise there:


Yes you may object that it is at littlegreenfootballs, but this is important if true.

68 Daniel Ballard  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:48:16pm

So given all ewe have seen who want's to be the communications director for the DNC or a Dem SuperPac?

69 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:49:35pm
70 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:53:54pm

re: #69 Kragar

Secretary Of State Trump? The Donald Wants Romney Cabinet Position

Not just no, but FUCK NO.

Secretary of Hair?

71 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:54:00pm

After the acceptance of Brimelow, I really have to wonder how much further to the radical right they are willing to push this, and give a public forum to. Buchanan? James Edwards? Duke?

72 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:54:02pm

Just wondering, isn't there a big conservative conference thing in September? Which conservagroup puts that on? Is that Family Research Council or some other such outfit?

73 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:54:39pm

re: #4 Petero1818

The tent gets bigger and bigger./

And it looks like a starched white hood.

74 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 12:59:35pm

re: #48 Charles Johnson

I predict that right wing bloggers will defend Brimelow, VDARE, and CPAC, by the way.

At this point, they have no choice, lest they piss off the base.

Own it, RWNJs...

75 celticdragon  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:00:13pm
I admit, this one kind of shocks me, and it’s not easy to do that any more. I knew the right wing had gone bug-eyed loony, but this is way beyond the usual xenophobia and paranoid bigotry; this is open white nationalism at the Republican right’s premier high-profile conference, in an election year. Stunning. Masks are dropping all over Wingnutland.

Jesus wept. This is insane. WTF has happened to America?

I grew up as a Reagan fan in the 80's, although I did not know of...or did not care about...the darker under-lining of the GOP at the time (ie the support for the murderous psychopaths in the El Salvadorean military, the "states rights" dog whistles, racist comments about "young bucks" and t-bone steaks, defining the government as the enemy of the American people instead of the shared enterprise of the American people)

Now...what was started so very long ago in 1980 has bourne its poisonous fruit: Massive income redistribution to the very top of society, a need for unending existential war, the disinterment of "nullification" and open racism, religious hysteria and the great 'disenlightenment' of America.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't frightened.

I would also be lying if I did not acknowledge my own responsibility in voting for some of the people who helped make this happen.

76 celticdragon  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:01:22pm

re: #5 Targetpractice

The shit gets deeper and deeper, and yet come November, they'll be convinced that they lost because they weren't "conservative enough."

Yes. Conservatism can never fail. It can only be failed by mortals who are not ardent enough.

77 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:01:47pm

Right after the Matthew Broderick Honda commerical was shown I predicted RW whining about Ben Stein not being in it. Does Ben Stein himself whining count as being right?


78 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:08:27pm

re: #70 Vicious Babushka

Secretary of Hair?

Trump meets with Chinese Ambassador, says "You're Fired", Taiwan invaded.

79 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:08:58pm

re: #73 talon_262

And it looks like a starched white hood.

It's a big white teepee with eye slits.


80 Interesting Times  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:11:18pm

Speaking of the debased state of the GOP base...

81 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:11:22pm

Hmm. Wind-blown crystalline DHMO assault underway in Philadelphia. Occupy claiming that it's not their fault.

(Oops. Comment collision!)

re: #79 Gus

It's a big white teepee with eye slits.


The Republicans built "The Wig-Wam" for the 1860 Convention, so they're just going back to their roots and whitewashing it.

82 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:11:48pm

re: #77 oaktree

I was kinda surprised that other actors from Ferris weren't asked to (or alternatively, chose not to) participate in the spoof on Ferris. Ben Stein, Mia Sara, and Alan Ruck are all around and they could have been incorporated in some fashion. But I guess Honda wanted to focus on Broderick. Their coin; their choice.

And what's funny is that Stein couldn't even get the carmaker right. He first said Toyota, then corrected himself to Honda. Meh.

Either way, the ads overall weren't nearly as good as past years as a whole. Guess having a bunch of them run online before the game wasn't nearly as good as they would otherwise have been.

83 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:12:40pm

re: #80 Interesting Times

Speaking of the debased state of the GOP base...

Birth control is evil because when God sends a rapist to get them pregnant, they better get fucking pregnant.

84 ArchangelMichael  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:12:53pm

re: #77 oaktree

Right after the Matthew Broderick Honda commerical was shown I predicted RW whining about Ben Stein not being in it. Does Ben Stein himself whining count as being right?


Alan Ruck, Mia Sara, Jennifer Grey, Jeffrey Jones, Edie McClurg, and Charlie Sheen weren't in it either. Boo hoo Ben.

85 engineer cat  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:13:47pm

re: #70 Vicious Babushka

Secretary of Hair?

Secretary of Hair Extensions and Unconvincing Stage Effects

86 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:14:59pm

re: #55 Gus

re: #51 jamesfirecat

Right. Milty had the gender feminist rage.

IIRC he was also about multiculturalism.

87 leftynyc  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:16:04pm

re: #80 Interesting Times

Speaking of the debased state of the GOP base...

I think Bristol Palin is still living in Wasilla if he's really interested.

88 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:16:19pm

re: #86 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

IIRC he was also about multiculturalism.

That's what I thought. Last Summer if you recall he had his meltdowns.

89 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:17:01pm

When you click the number to see who dinged a comment, it now shows both display name and username.

90 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:17:07pm

re: #58 wrenchwench




91 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:18:06pm

re: #90 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib




I'm pretty sure Trifkovic has been there every year.

92 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:18:29pm

re: #91 Charles Johnson


93 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:19:11pm

re: #86 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

IIRC he was also about multiculturalism.

Good times.

94 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:19:24pm

O/T but this is cool. Guarantee the celery people will be pissed...

95 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:20:05pm

re: #69 Kragar

Secretary Of State Trump? The Donald Wants Romney Cabinet Position

Not just no, but FUCK NO.

So, that's Trump for SecState, Cain for SecDef, and Palin for SecEnergy.

Somebody call England and beg them to take us back. We'll pay the back-taxes on the tea, just please save us from this insanity!///

96 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:22:06pm

Interesting. My DrWeb blocks as a source of viruses.

97 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:24:08pm

AFA: 'What Makes Ellen DeGeneres Dangerous is That She's a Nice Person'

Wilson: JC Penney has employed Ellen DeGeneres as their new national spokesperson, so their re-branding themselves and they brought in Ellen, who happens to be very popular in the culture, she is, there is no doubt about that but ... we just don't believe that Ellen DeGeneres is wholesome, family. She is known, she made her name, by being the first real television star to come out in her homosexuality.

Jackson: You kind of mentioned it. What makes Ellen DeGeneres dangerous is that she's a nice person and, I haven't watched her program but apparently she does an interesting kind of funny program. So she does a good job of masking her very active role in the homosexual agenda - and she's extremely active in that agenda. But she doesn't go out on her program, I understand, and do that. But she's known, Buster. JC Penney knew exactly what it was doing when they hired Ellen DeGeneres. They know she's a homosexual activist [and] that she's out there fighting for greater homosexual rights.

98 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:25:56pm

re: #69 Kragar

Secretary Of State Trump? The Donald Wants Romney Cabinet Position

Not just no, but FUCK NO.

I almost think that having the Donald as SecState could be an advantage. Other nations would be giggling too hard to take advantage of the situation.

99 engineer cat  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:25:56pm

In Iowa the number of self-identifying Republicans was down by 11%, in New Hampshire 15% the reduction was 15% while in Florida overnight it was 16%.

if this rate keeps up, the republican party will be extinct in five election cycles

100 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:26:31pm

re: #96 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

Interesting. My DrWeb blocks as a source of viruses.

Probably a false alarm, but it won't let me in without turning off the SpiderGate.

101 engineer cat  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:27:38pm

re: #95 Targetpractice

So, that's Trump for SecState, Cain for SecDef, and Palin for SecEnergy.

as long as we haven't reached the state where there are actual clowns, nuns, or ducks on the short list

102 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:27:51pm

re: #97 Kragar

AFA: 'What Makes Ellen DeGeneres Dangerous is That She's a Nice Person'

She is a stealthy gay jihadist..the most dangerous of all the gays////

103 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:28:27pm

Well, Trifkovic was there in 2003:


Saturday, February 1, 2003 at 3:00pm

Islam: Religion of peace?
*Daniel Pipes, Middle East Forum
*Dr. Serge Trifkovic, Foreign Affairs Editor of Chronicles and author of
The Sword of the Prophet"
Kenneth R. Timmerman, Author and Senior Writer at Insight Magazine
*Moderator: Joseph Farah,

Googling doesn't show his name.

104 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:28:44pm

re: #97 Kragar

AFA: 'What Makes Ellen DeGeneres Dangerous is That She's a Nice Person'

That's sort of like the "All American Muslim" argument they used.

105 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:29:06pm

re: #102 Petero1818

She is a stealthy gay jihadist..the most dangerous of all the gays///

They're threatened by her openness actually. How dare she come out of the closet!

106 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:30:44pm

re: #105 oaktree

They're threatened by her openness actually. How dare she come out of the closet!

And the fact she doesn't make her whole show about it, means she's stealthy.

I think they're just jealous she's married to Portia De Rossi.

107 Sionainn  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:32:58pm

re: #80 Interesting Times

Speaking of the debased state of the GOP base...


Ugh, I don't know who that jackass is, but he called the woman he is arguing with a c**t.

108 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:34:35pm

I'd like to see the turnout numbers for this event:

10:30 Conservative Inclusion 101 – Wilson C
Sponsored Event
Speakers: Manny Rosales, the Latino Coalition; Tim Johnson, the Frederick Douglass Society;
Mario Lopez, Hispanic Leadership Fund
Moderator: Suhail Khan, Conservative Inclusion Coalition

109 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:34:55pm

re: #105 oaktree

They're threatened by her openness actually. How dare she come out of the closet!

Apparently not. They are more threatened by the fact that she has a show that she does not use exclusively for the explicit purpose of forcing the gay down their throats/. Her's is apparently a more subtle and dangerous form of coercion. You know the one that says, " Hi I am Ellen, I am a lot of things, including gay, and you know I am a normal person who is nice and happens to be funny." These people are far more comfortable with the image of men in assless chaps soaking the crowd with water canons at the Pride parade wearing a T shirt that says "silence = death". That they know how to deal with.

110 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:35:13pm

re: #107 Sionainn

Ugh, I don't know who that jackass is, but he called the woman he is arguing with a c**t.

Dear GOP,

Dan Ackroyd calling Jane Curtin "an ignorant slut" in those old SNLs was an attempt at comedy, not a guideline for how to carry out a debate with a woman.

111 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:35:22pm

"She's dangerous because she's nice." How pathetic.

112 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:36:20pm

In that case we should bring back Rosie O'Donnell!


113 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:36:49pm

re: #111 Gus

"She's dangerous because she's nice." How pathetic.

"How dare she not act like an inhuman space lizard from Tau Ceti intent on destroying America and reducing us to slaving in their Jovian ammonia mines!"

114 Interesting Times  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:37:00pm

re: #107 Sionainn

Ugh, I don't know who that jackass is, but he called the woman he is arguing with a c**t.

Per his profile info:

South Carolina lawyer handling civil litigation, the occasional criminal case, and election law on the GOP side. Also, I've got jokes.

Since OCIHACOSP isn't here, I'll say it: dumb, stupid confederate.

115 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:38:31pm

This sounds evil, given the context:

1:30 A New Voice Panel - Solutions to Battling Race & Class in Politics - McKinley Red Carpet Event
Speakers: Kevin Jackson, Anita MonCrief, and Clarence Mason

116 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:39:20pm

The Anon's message to the Russian authorities (with English subs):

117 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:39:40pm

All the panels look pretty chilling. American Exceptionalism! Nullification! And that 80's sitcom guy.

118 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:41:20pm

And Chuck Woolery! Jeebus.

119 erik_t  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:43:21pm

Oh, Fox.

GUTFELD: This makes no sense to me. There are two elements that kinda drive me crazy here: The decision is supposed to help make birth control affordable to millions. How much more affordable can you make it? It's like 50 bucks a month. I mean, do we -- should we start up like a "buy the pill" campaign? Like "feed the children" where we make sure we all adopt one woman and pay for her pills? Anybody can afford this.

120 HappyWarrior  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:44:23pm

re: #97 Kragar

AFA: 'What Makes Ellen DeGeneres Dangerous is That She's a Nice Person'

What-the-fuck. Seriously the AFA comes off as more deranged by the day. Hard to do.

121 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:44:30pm

re: #116 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

For some context:


122 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:45:10pm

re: #113 oaktree

"How dare she not act like an inhuman space lizard from Tau Ceti intent on destroying America and reducing us to slaving in their Jovian ammonia mines!"

If I remember correctly this was exactly the rationale they used to boycott Lowes over the sponsorship of the "All American Muslim" show. Not enough blowing themselves up, therefore dangerous.

123 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:45:58pm

Ah. Frederick Douglass Society? That's got to be one of those "this can't be advocating what their name implies" groups.


That's right folks. MLK would be a conservative in today's society since he was all about the Bible.

124 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:46:35pm

re: #123 oaktree

Ah. Frederick Douglass Society? That's got to be one of those "this can't be advocating what their name implies" groups.


That's right folks. MLK would be a conservative in today's society since he was all about the Bible.

And yet, they don't seem to like Jim Wallis, and his evident conservatism.

125 Fortitudine  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:46:39pm

Conservatives have convinced themselves that in order to win, they have to corner the market on crazy.

126 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:47:27pm

re: #69 Kragar

Secretary Of State Trump? The Donald Wants Romney Cabinet Position

Not just no, but FUCK NO.

And herman cain as Secretary of Defence...

127 Sionainn  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:47:39pm

From a friend on FB:

"Rick Santorum for President!

Because America needs a Dan Quayle with severe sexual hang-ups in the White House....."

128 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:48:06pm

re: #126 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

And herman cain as Secretary of Defence...

We forgot putting Ron Paul in as Secr of the Treasury.

129 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:49:32pm

re: #128 oaktree

We forgot putting Ron Paul in as Secr of the Treasury.

And Palin with a dual portfolio, Secretary of Education, and Energy, because today's lesson is sponsored by Exxon.

130 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:49:35pm
2:50 Obama vs. The Constitution: How a Harvard Law Graduate President Is Shredding the Constitution – Marshall Ballroom
The Honorable Ed Meese III, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy and Chairman of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, The Heritage Foundation and Former Attorney General of the United States
Carrie Severino, Chief Counsel and Policy Director, Judicial Crisis Network
Sheriff Paul Babeu, Pinal County, Arizona and Candidate for United States Congress
The Honorable George Allen, Former United States Senator
Moderator: J. Christian Adams, Former Justice Department Official and Author of Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department

Babeu will sound like an idiot among the mediocre.

131 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:50:04pm

You know who else was nice don't ya?

That's right.

Rock Hudson.


132 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:50:35pm

No comment needed:

3:30 Islamic Law in America: How the Obama Justice Department Is Selling Us Out - McKinley Red Carpet Event
Speakers: Allen West, AtlasShrugs- Pamela Geller, Spencer, J. Christian Adams, Robert Muise, Ilario Pantano

133 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:50:37pm

re: #119 erik_t

Oh, Fox.

He obviously lives in a world in which $50 a month is no big deal.

Somehow he's oblivious to the fact that this isn't everyone's world.

134 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:55:37pm

re: #133 EmmmieG

He obviously lives in a world in which $50 a month is no big deal.

Somehow he's oblivious to the fact that this isn't everyone's world.

That also means the Bush tax refund a few years back was trivial as well by the same standard.

135 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:56:13pm


136 erik_t  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 1:58:50pm

re: #133 EmmmieG

He obviously lives in a world in which $50 a month is no big deal.

Somehow he's oblivious to the fact that this isn't everyone's world.

Well, he's not concerned with the very poor.

137 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:00:07pm

re: #130 wrenchwench

Who is Paul Babeu?

138 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:00:35pm

re: #137 ProGunLiberal

Who is Paul Babeu?

IIRC the sheriff from McCain's dang fence ad.

139 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:01:29pm

re: #138 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

Ah, okay.

Still not as bad a sheriff as Arpaio though.

140 lawhawk  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:01:45pm

re: #89 Charles Johnson

Might get complicated for those most remarkable posts though (think annefrank's mega down ding, and any number of massively updinged posts). Gonna take some getting used to that we've got more names to keep in mind.

141 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:02:04pm
11:40 The Phony Divide Between Fiscal & Social Conservatives: Protecting Marriage as a Case Study
– Marriott Ballroom*
Phyllis Schlafly, Founder, Eagle Forum
Tim Goeglein, Vice President of External Relations, Focus on the Family
The Honorable David McIntosh, Former United States Representative
Dr. John Eastman, Chairman, National Organization for Marriage; Henry Salvatori Professor,
Chapman University School of Law
Moderator: Maggie Gallagher, Co-Founder, National Organization for Marriage

Just posting that for those who still say, "I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative."

142 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:02:23pm

re: #133 EmmmieG

He obviously lives in a world in which $50 a month is no big deal.

Somehow he's oblivious to the fact that this isn't everyone's world.

He has never paid for a doctor visit it seems. One needs a prescription for the pill and I'm not sure how many months supply they will give at one time, but an uninsured visit for consultation alone will be at least $120 per visit, plus I assume a basic physical for probably another hundred or so, and then a need to come back when the prescription runs out.

143 Bulworth  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:02:38pm

From Yahoo:

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Birth and abortion rates among U.S. teens fell to record lows in 2008 as increased use of contraceptives sent the overall teen pregnancy rate to its lowest level since at least 1972, a study showed on Wednesday.

Why is that Kenyan fake prez killing all our babies? //

144 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:04:21pm

I go over occasionally to look at Something Awful (not a member).

Here is the title about the discussion of the Republican Primaries:

2012 Republican Presidential Primary : Wait Til Ya See My Rick

They are so mature over there....


The only way it could be worse was if it was:

2012 Republican Presidential Primary : There's froth everywhere

145 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:06:37pm

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

Arizona woman off ballot after high court agrees her English isn't good enough

A woman trying to run for the San Luis, Arizona, City Council will not appear on the ballot after the Arizona Supreme Court upheld a ruling that her English was not good enough.

Alejandrina Cabrera has been locked in a political battle regarding her proficiency in the English language. But her story is more than a local election dispute, with possibly widespread implications in a country that prides itself as a melting pot.

In the border town of San Luis, 87% of residents speak a language other than English in their homes, and 98.7% are of Hispanic origin, according to 2010 U.S. census data. Most of the people there, by all accounts, speak both English and Spanish.


Last month, Yuma County Superior Court Judge John Nelson ruled the woman's name should be taken off the ballot after testimony from linguistics experts and Cabrera. A U.S. citizen born in Yuma, Arizona, Cabrera moved to Mexico and then returned to Yuma for the last three years of school, graduating from Kofa High School.

146 Daniel Ballard  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:06:53pm

re: #141 wrenchwench

Just posting that for those who still say, "I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative."

I would have loved to heckle that forum. Heh.

147 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:13:49pm

re: #145 RadicalModerate

That implies the city has some sort of language proficiency requirement for office holders doesn't it? Otherwise what grounds would be the basis for the legal challenge?

(Edit: Ah. The article covers it. An attempt to apply a couple of state laws to extend to cover this.)

148 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:14:32pm

re: #145 RadicalModerate

It's quite old news.

149 Amory Blaine  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:14:40pm

re: #145 RadicalModerate

How is that possible?

At present it's unclear what factored into the justices' decision, but Cabrera's story has caught the attention of people nationwide and sparked a debate about who is best able to represent the people of a certain community.

after this ruling, that is the last debate we should be having.

150 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:17:05pm

re: #139 ProGunLiberal

Ah, okay.

Still not as bad a sheriff as Arpaio though.

Arpaio is pushing 80. Babeu is 43. Somebody has to fill Joe's shoes pink underwear.

151 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:18:29pm

re: #145 RadicalModerate

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

Arizona woman off ballot after high court agrees her English isn't good enough

Oh, good grief.

152 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:18:31pm

Report Finds Radical American Muslims Are Not Such A Big Threat

In 2011 there was a “relatively low level of radicalization among Muslim-Americans” and that number has been continuously decreasing over the last couple of years, according to a report by a professor at the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security.

Professor Charles Kurzman of the UNC’s Department of Sociology released his annual report Wednesday on domestic terrorism by Muslim-Americans, and found that there were only 20 indictments for violent terrorist plots in 2011, compared to 26 in 2010. Since September 11, there have been a total of 193, an average of just under 20 each year.

“This number is not negligible — small numbers of Muslim-Americans continue to radicalize each year and plot violence,” Kurzman writes. “However, the rate of radicalization is far less than many feared in the aftermath of 9/11.”

For example, Kurzman quotes FBI Director Robert Mueller, who in 2003 told Congress that “FBI investigations have revealed militant Islamics [sic] in the US. We strongly suspect that several hundred of these extremists are linked to al-Qaeda.”

“Fortunately, we have not seen violence on this scale,” the report says.

153 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:19:45pm

re: #145 RadicalModerate

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

Arizona woman off ballot after high court agrees her English isn't good enough


154 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:20:25pm

re: #142 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Since my employer changed our insurance to the Fuck You & Die plan, I have to meet a large (to me) deductible before they pay anything. Last time I went to the doctor's office, I was billed for visit and a blood test (main points of interest were thyroid levels, as mine doesn't work worth a shit, and lipids because I hadn't been tested in a while). That by itself was over $350, and it supposedly included some "discounts" I get by virtue of being a FY&D customer. As it happens, it didn't break me, but I certainly couldn't make a hobby out of it. And I don't even want to think about needing an MRI or even an X-ray and having to pay full price. I figure if I start crapping blood and finding lumps all over the place, I'll probably decide that I'm not really interested in another 30-35 years of this bullshit anyway and let that be that.

At any rate, even if $50 is supposedly "no big deal", I'm sure it's astoundingly more expensive to pay for an unwanted kid in the form of state adoption agencies and all that jazz. Bah.

155 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:20:39pm

re: #147 oaktree

That implies the city has some sort of language proficiency requirement for office holders doesn't it? Otherwise what grounds would be the basis for the legal challenge?

Arizona is one of the states who has enacted "official language" legislation, and they are using that as justification. The fact that she does speak English, and is a United States citizen isn't good enough for the state.

re: #148 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

It's quite old news.

This story is about the Arizona Supreme Court upholding her removal from the ballot. Previously, it was a local (Yuma County) judge's decision.

156 ArchangelMichael  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:20:45pm

re: #152 Kragar


157 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:21:00pm

re: #153 wrenchwench

Yep, I thought it was 2 weeks old or so.

158 Kronocide  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:23:44pm

re: #152 Kragar

Report Finds Radical American Muslims Are Not Such A Big Threat

Rationality and reason is for PINKO COMMIE WUSSIES! GO AMERICA!

159 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:23:46pm

Peter Brimelow Good God. He is such a white supremacist.
The white supremacists have been working stealthily within the right wing for years. There influence is seen everywhere. I have even seen comments here from otherwise reasonable right wingers claiming multi culturalism does not work.
Listen, "multiculturalism" has been going on since the beginning of man. Thats all cultures are, a mix of many different people and ideas coming together.
People use to believe Catholics and Protestants were two different cultures that could not coexist.
No culture exists or develops within a vacuum. Doesn't happen. No culture is stagnant. It is always being pushed and molded into many directions over time by new ideas that come from other cultures, peoples, places. Everyone borrows or becomes inspired by everyone else. There is not a big glass dome over America or Europe or China.
When people put forth the idea that multi culturalism does not work today it is code for whites cannot live with non all non whites can somehow live together i guess, but whites are different, better more special than all non whites except perhaps a very few Asian groups like the Japanese but that has only been a recent development.
For anyone here who thinks multiculturalism does not wok, what about our country today is so so unbearable to live with? Do you really have it that bad here in this country? I kind of like our society. It could be worse, a lot worse. No the recession is not fun but multi culturalism did not cause it.

160 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:25:06pm

re: #69 Kragar

Secretary Of State Trump? The Donald Wants Romney Cabinet Position

Not just no, but FUCK NO.

I doubt Romney would ever be brain-dead enough to consider that.

Jon Huntsman, OTOH, would make a much better choice at State.

161 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:27:22pm

re: #97 Kragar

AFA: 'What Makes Ellen DeGeneres Dangerous is That She's a Nice Person'

ZOMG! Nice gay people might make straight people realize that we're batshit insane for hating on gays. We can't allow that! Eleventy!


162 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:27:48pm

re: #159 I am the Walrus

Peter Brimelow Good God. He is such a white supremacist.
The white supremacists have been working stealthily within the right wing for years.

Stealthily? ;)

163 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:28:51pm

Intrade now has Obama's reelection odds at 61% likely, signifying something like a 5-6% jump over just the past couple of days. Santorum's clean sweep last night is definitely pushing Obama's numbers higher. Romney will now have to invest money and time attacking Santorum as unelectable, and the lines of attack he'll have to emply are guaranteed to further alienate the social conservatives.

164 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:29:36pm

re: #159 I am the Walrus

No the recession is not fun but multi culturalism did not cause it.

Can you prove that?//

165 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:29:44pm

re: #162 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

Stealthily? ;)

As stealthy and subtle as an atom bomb.

166 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:30:16pm

re: #162 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

LOL. Hey, as much as i would like to take credit for it, it wasn't my first choice. It was spell check's! ;)

167 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:30:31pm

re: #155 RadicalModerate

This story is about the Arizona Supreme Court upholding her removal from the ballot. Previously, it was a local (Yuma County) judge's decision.

Thanks for the update. I hope she appeals further, and/or makes the mayor face the same test of his English.

168 RadicalModerate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:31:25pm

re: #70 Vicious Babushka

Secretary of Hair?

I see a trend here.
Donald Trump's hair for Commerce Secretary
John Bolton's mustache for Secretary of State

The possibilities here are mind-boggling.

169 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:31:39pm

re: #164 Petero1818

Yeah i guess i was being pretty presumptuous with out providing any back up material. Oops.

170 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:32:36pm

re: #168 RadicalModerate

I see a trend here.
Donald Trump's hair for Commerce Secretary
John Bolton's mustache for Secretary of State

The possibilities here are mind-boggling.

Michelle Bachmann's eyes for Secretary of crazy

171 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:32:48pm

re: #166 I am the Walrus

LOL. Hey, as much as i would like to take credit for it, it wasn't my first choice. It was spell check's! ;)

I deny that accusation!

172 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:34:19pm

re: #170 Petero1818

Michelle Bachmann's eyes for Secretary of crazy

Gingrich's "patriotism" for Secretary of the Interior.

173 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:41:13pm

re: #166 I am the Walrus

LOL. Hey, as much as i would like to take credit for it, it wasn't my first choice. It was spell check's! ;)

That ... wasn't my point. See #165 ;)

174 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:43:44pm

re: #155 RadicalModerate

Arizona is one of the states who has enacted "official language" legislation, and they are using that as justification. The fact that she does speak English, and is a United States citizen isn't good enough for the state.

re: #148 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

This story is about the Arizona Supreme Court upholding her removal from the ballot. Previously, it was a local (Yuma County) judge's decision.

How does she compare in comprehensibility to Ahnold?

176 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:44:20pm

re: #80 Interesting Times

Speaking of the debased state of the GOP base...


And the men who get "all these whores" pregnant? What are they? Do they bear any responsibility? Obviously not, in some people's world.

178 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:45:09pm

Oklahoma Democrat Adds ‘Every Sperm Is Sacred’ Amendment To Personhood Bill

To poke fun at the absurdity of the measure, Oklahoma state Sen. Constance Johnson (D), has tacked on a provision affirming — in the words of a famous Monty Python song — that every sperm is sacred:

State Senator Constance Johnson of Oklahoma City has served Oklahoma’s 48th Senate District since 2005, but it was yesterday’s introduction of Senate Bill 1433 that really pushed her over the edge. The bill sought to define human life as beginning at the moment of conception, before it’s even implanted in the womb, and offers full legal protection to those tiny multicelled lumps. In the words of the bill, “the unborn child at every stage of development (has) all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents of this state.”

Johnson submitted an amendment of her own to the bill, which would have added the language,

However, any action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman’s vagina shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child.

179 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:47:00pm

re: #108 wrenchwench

I'd like to see the turnout numbers for this event:

A panel discussion between this group and Bigelow's would be, shall we say, interesting.

180 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:47:41pm

Hey Sergey - try out your Unicode again for the display name. I think I finally solved that problem of breaking long strings while still allowing Unicode.

Through the magic of regular expressions, each Unicode sequence (actually, any numeric HTML entity, not just Unicode) is now treated as a single character.

181 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:48:28pm

re: #176 CuriousLurker

Hey there. ;)

182 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:49:00pm

re: #142 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Up-ding for the cool nic. ;)

183 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:49:07pm

re: #178 Kragar

Oklahoma Democrat Adds ‘Every Sperm Is Sacred’ Amendment To Personhood Bill

Hah. Awesome. It would have been hilarious if the amendment had gone through.

184 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:49:15pm

re: #175 Lidane

Massive props on your profile pic :)

185 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:49:49pm

re: #180 Charles Johnson

Hey Sergey - try out your Unicode again for the display name. I think I finally solved that problem of breaking long strings while still allowing Unicode.

Through the magic of regular expressions, each Unicode sequence (actually, any numeric HTML entity, not just Unicode) of Sergey's multiple identities is now treated as a single character.


186 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:49:54pm

re: #180 Charles Johnson


187 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:50:27pm

re: #145 RadicalModerate

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

Arizona woman off ballot after high court agrees her English isn't good enough

We could certainly have a proficiency test in science for holding public office, but while I don't like the picking on one poor woman like this I also don't have a great deal of sympathy for people who can't be bothered to learn the dominant, if not official, language of their country.

I do think a key factor for unity is the ability of all groups to have a common language. There really is no excuse for not learning a language to a reasonable extent if one is not disabled or very old.

188 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:50:41pm

re: #184 Wozza

Massive props on your profile pic :)

Heh, thanks. I thought it was funny and fit the whole ponytail thing. XD

Still haven't decided if I'm going to keep using a display name or not.

189 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:50:44pm

re: #180 Charles Johnson

It works! But I can only input 6 or 7 Unicode chars max in the settings. :(

190 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:52:12pm

re: #181 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

Hey there. ;)

Hey, you! I see you're using your new nic, heh.

191 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:52:21pm

re: #187 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

We could certainly have a proficiency test in science for holding public office, but while I don't like the picking on one poor woman like this I also don't have a great deal of sympathy for people who can't be bothered to learn the dominant, if not official, language of their country.

I do think a key factor for unity is the ability of all groups to have a common language. There really is no excuse for not learning a language to a reasonable extent if one is not disabled or very old.

Read my Page and see whether it alters your opinion.

‘It’s strange to speak English here,’ said Archibaldo Gurrola, a UPS deliveryman and former San Luis councilman who is a political ally of Mrs. Cabrera. ‘Spanish is what you hear everywhere, maybe with some English thrown in.’

192 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:52:29pm

re: #190 CuriousLurker


193 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:52:32pm

re: #188 Lidane

Heh, thanks. I thought it was funny and fit the whole ponytail thing. XD

Still haven't decided if I'm going to keep using a display name or not.

I'm turning myself inside out on whether to keep my wozza handle or go with something else.

194 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:52:32pm

re: #173 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

OOOHHH! I guess flagrantly would have been a better choice.
Stealthily flagrant. Much like my husbands farts.

195 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:53:26pm

re: #194 I am the Walrus

OOOHHH! I guess flagrantly would have been a better choice.
Stealthily flagrant. Much like my husbands farts.


196 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:54:10pm

re: #182 CuriousLurker

Up-ding for the cool nic. ;)

Thanks. I have a year's supply of variants for the theme. Watch this space.

197 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:55:25pm

re: #189 Сергей

It works! But I can only input 6 or 7 Unicode chars max in the settings. :(

Right, because the Unicode sequences take up 8 characters each. The display names are limited to 48 characters. Changing that is a can of worms.

But that should give you a full set of Russian swear words, at least!

198 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:55:48pm

Louie Gohmert opens his pie hole, ignorance ensues:

Rep. Gohmert: Ninth Circuit ‘Not Smart Enough’ To Bring Egg And Sperm Together

Sorry, but Louie Gohmert questioning someone else's intelligence is like Newt ripping someone for cheating on their spouse. WTF.

199 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:56:04pm

re: #193 Wozza

I'm turning myself inside out on whether to keep my wozza handle or go with something else.

Keep it. It reminds me of Fozzy Bear for some reason. Hmm, speaking of Fozzy, whatever happened to the LGF Fozzy Bear? Haven't seen him in forever.

200 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:56:38pm

re: #197 Charles Johnson

Right, because the Unicode sequences take up 8 characters each. The display names are limited to 48 characters. Changing that is a can of worms.

But that should give you a full set of Russian swear words, at least!

Now, don't give me ideas! //

201 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:56:48pm

re: #190 CuriousLurker

I think you are the only regular user to have not changed their Nic.

I personally liked the first Visible nic I had yesterday.

202 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:57:47pm

re: #195 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib


203 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:57:48pm

re: #191 wrenchwench

No, it doesn't change my opinion. By supporting the principle, like teaching in Spanish instead of teaching English, we create subcultures that have little contact with the rest of the country. In time this can only create division, not unity, IMHO.

204 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:58:22pm

Santorum Compares 9th Circuit To Soviet Union, Says Court Is ‘Intolerant’ For Striking Down Proposition 8

So the court is intolerant for striking down a piece of legislative intolerance?

And this douche won three states last night. Way to go, GOP.

205 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:58:24pm

re: #201 ProGunLiberal

I think you are the only regular user to have not changed their Nic.

I personally liked the first Visible nic I had yesterday.

What was it? I was lurking but busy when Charles implemented the new feature, so I had a hard time following everyone's changes.

206 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 2:59:29pm

re: #205 CuriousLurker

For about 30 minutes yesterday, I was "Dwarf Tossing Champion, 2011"

Then, I went to the more serious one you see now.

207 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:00:22pm

re: #206 ProGunLiberal

For about 30 minutes yesterday, I was "Dwarf Tossing Champion, 2011"

Then, I went to the more serious one you see now.

Ah, okay, that was you. I remember seeing that scroll by in the Spy.

208 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:00:51pm

re: #206 ProGunLiberal

For about 30 minutes yesterday, I was "Dwarf Tossing Champion, 2011"

Then, I went to the more serious one you see now.

Do you consider yourself pro-choice now?

209 CuriousLurker  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:02:01pm

Gah, work calls. Gotta go.

210 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:02:07pm

re: #208 Путин

Do you consider yourself pro-choice now?

OK smartass. Please provide translations.

211 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:02:43pm


212 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:02:46pm

re: #203 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

No, it doesn't change my opinion. By supporting the principle, like teaching in Spanish instead of teaching English, we create subcultures that have little contact with the rest of the country. In time this can only create division, not unity, IMHO.

Yeah, we should force those Amish kids into public school and make them speak murican./

213 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:02:51pm

re: #203 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

No, it doesn't change my opinion. By supporting the principle, like teaching in Spanish instead of teaching English, we create subcultures that have little contact with the rest of the country. In time this can only create division, not unity, IMHO.

The town is a suburb of a big Mexican city. There's no reason for Spanish not to be used there. The 'subculture' was there before the border was, it wasn't 'created'. And I believe their contact with the rest of the country is just fine. The article appeared at, did it not?

214 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:03:12pm

re: #210 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

OK smartass. Please provide translations.

It's a Russian swear word. You'll have to guess!

215 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:03:14pm

Because Republicans and independents don't get Parkinson's, so there's no way they could ever be offended --

John Kasich Parkinson's Imitation Marks Ad Hoc Speech That Veered Off The Rails

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) does not generally script his speeches, preferring to form his remarks off-the-cuff based on notes. In the case of his State of the State address on Tuesday, that approach appears to have come back to bite the first-term chief executive, as he issued a rambling 100-minute speech that featured a series of bizarre -- and potentially offensive -- statements and actions.

During the address, Kasich imitated a Parkinson's patient, cried, insulted the people of California, praised his "hot wife," gave 14 shout-outs to the same person and played an awards show host while tearfully channeling a famously emotional fellow Ohio Republican, House Speaker John Boehner.

216 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:03:18pm

re: #210 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

He wants to know if they consider themselves pro choice now.


217 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:03:47pm

re: #210 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

OK smartass. Please provide translations.



218 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:04:21pm

re: #216 I am the Walrus

He wants to know if they consider themselves pro choice now.


Are you sure you're the Walrus? Because your Russian English is poifect!/

219 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:04:42pm

re: #208 Путин

By default, yes.

Two Reasons:

One. When I signed up, I assumed my position at the time (Illegal with exception to Rape, Incest, health of the Mother, and Terminally Ill Baby) was Pro-Life. Apparently, Pro-Life has changed in stupid ways.

Two. My view on when a the fetus becomes human has changed. Which means First & Second Trimester Abortions are acceptable.

221 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:07:19pm


222 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:07:33pm

re: #220 Varek Raith

Mississippi Legislator Proposes Renaming Gulf Of Mexico As ‘Gulf Of America’

I propose renaming the US into "Free World".

Then the President of America will again be a leader of the Free World.

223 erik_t  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:08:15pm

North Dakota just can't leave well enough alone - University of North Dakota to resume use of 'Fighting Sioux' nickname in defiance of NCAA sanctions and local Sioux tribal disapproval.

Before you ask, yes, of course there is a state law requiring the school to maintain the use of this mascot/logo, because that government which governs best governs least.

224 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:08:26pm

re: #220 Varek Raith

It's a wily scheme too. Then you rename it to China. And since the President of China obviously has authority over China, you take over China.

225 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:08:33pm

re: #220 Varek Raith

Mississippi Legislator Proposes Renaming Gulf Of Mexico As ‘Gulf Of America’

Reminds me of how the Cypriot-owned restaurants and grocery stores in my old London neighborhood would sell "Greek coffee" and "Greek Delight".

226 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:10:20pm

re: #225 SanFranciscoZionist

I have my opinions about Greece, but I'll hold my tongue.

227 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:11:03pm

re: #220 Varek Raith

Mississippi Legislator Proposes Renaming Gulf Of Mexico As ‘Gulf Of America’

Another child left behind in school. WTF.

That's almost as stupid as "freedom fries".

228 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:11:16pm

re: #220 Varek Raith

Mississippi Legislator Proposes Renaming Gulf Of Mexico As ‘Gulf Of America’

That will teach those nassy messicans not to steal our Gulf!

229 ProGunLiberal  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:11:41pm

re: #227 Lidane

And what's worse, it was a Democrat who proposed this.

Where's the quality control?!?

230 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:14:01pm

re: #221 Varek Raith


Gulfik of freedom!

//Unfortunately one has to know Russian to get this. Well, OK. Gulfik=codpiece.

231 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:15:40pm

re: #229 ProGunLiberal

And what's worse, it was a Democrat who proposed this.

Where's the quality control?!?

Quality control left the building when you start talking about Democrats in the deep South. A lot of them are just as derp-filled and ignorant as the wingnuts.

It's why I have no use for the Texas Dems. Most of the ones that get elected around here are barely distinguishable from the Republicans. I might vote for them to lodge a protest, but it's not out of any real party loyalty.

232 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:15:46pm

re: #212 Todayismybirthday

Yeah, we should force those Amish kids into public school and make them speak murican./

Yeah and those Hasidic kids too!
/make them stop breeding like alouettes

233 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:16:42pm

re: #230 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

I totally got it! // ;)

234 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:17:45pm

re: #219 ProGunLiberal

Two. My view on when a the fetus becomes human a person has changed. Which means First & Second Trimester Abortions are acceptable.

FTFY. It is never not human, as the pro-lifers will no doubt point out.

235 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:18:56pm

re: #228 Todayismybirthday

Happy birthday!

(for reals?)

236 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:20:00pm

re: #199 CuriousLurker

Keep it. It reminds me of Fozzy Bear for some reason. Hmm, speaking of Fozzy, whatever happened to the LGF Fozzy Bear? Haven't seen him in forever.

I haven't seen fozzy either.

Decided to split the diff on my nic.

237 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:21:53pm

re: #235 wrenchwench

Happy birthday!

(for reals?)

Really really. And thanks!

238 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:22:27pm

I have to stop reading the comments at YNet. They are worse than anything you can see on Fox Nation.

239 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:24:07pm

Has anyone seen an authoritative confirmation of this story? Not that I doubt he would say something like this, but wnd involvement makes me twitchy.


240 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:24:09pm

re: #230 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

Gulfik of freedom!

//Unfortunately one has to know Russian to get this. Well, OK. Gulfik=codpiece.

The new way of doing whatever it is you and Charles worked out for your nic makes my google translate plugin not work on it. But I'm pretty sure it says 'Sergey Romanov'.

241 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:25:16pm

re: #240 wrenchwench

The new way of doing whatever it is you and Charles worked out for your nic makes my google translate plugin not work on it. But I'm pretty sure it says 'Sergey Romanov'.

I had to use Latin characters for similar Cyrillic characters to get around 7 characters limit.

242 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:27:34pm

re: #221 Varek Raith

The Exxon Gulf of BP.

243 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:28:16pm

re: #239 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

Has anyone seen an authoritative confirmation of this story? Not that I doubt he would say something like this, but wnd involvement makes me twitchy.


I'd have to see it sourced somewhere other than Weird Nut, but it's the Ayatollah, so it's like "Bear poop found in the forest!"

244 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:31:04pm

re: #242 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

The Exxon Gulf of BP.

And from now on, in Mississippi the state of New Mexico will be known as "New Fuck Yeah, America!"

245 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:36:23pm

I've read more than half of 11/22/63, and it's still gripping. Recommended!

246 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:37:21pm

re: #245 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

I've read more than half of 11/22/63, and it's still gripping. Recommended!

I second that recommendation. Stephen King in top form.

247 Digital Display  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:39:48pm

Hi Lizards! I took the plunge..Welcome the Hoopster to the room.
There are a few things on my mind..I have a question about searching for past posts here.. ( Calling all Angels Geeks by Train )
And the other is about what I learned about Diamond rings recently.. We may have to wait till the sun sets to talk about a diamond ring story.. ( That's called a tease )

248 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:45:00pm

re: #247 The Hoopster

I have a question about searching for past posts here

Fire away.

249 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:45:57pm

Ha! I found you.

Thought you could all hide from me did you?

You can't escape the nose that knows.

250 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:46:48pm

re: #249 NullHypothesis

Ha! I found you.

Thought you could all hide from me did you?

You can't escape the nose that knows.

Nice nose.

251 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:46:54pm

re: #249 NullHypothesis

Ha! I found you.

Thought you could all hide from me did you?

You can't escape the nose that knows.

I was spying at your search efforts from afar.

252 Charles Johnson  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:47:02pm
253 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:48:02pm

re: #252 Charles Johnson

CPAC Won't Renounce White Nationalist

It's really just a half-step from inviting David Duke.

254 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:48:57pm

re: #250 wrenchwench

Nice nose.

I have a whole box full.

255 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:50:23pm

re: #252 Charles Johnson

CPAC Won't Renounce White Nationalist

Why would they? They know who their target audience is.

256 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:50:44pm

re: #239 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

Has anyone seen an authoritative confirmation of this story? Not that I doubt he would say something like this, but wnd involvement makes me twitchy.


I've been seeing that one for several days, but it's turning up pretty solely on dicy sites--Daily Mail is probably the MOST respectable one I've seen.

This report's
been going around on more mainstream news sites.

Long story short: dunno.

257 erik_t  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:50:59pm

re: #252 Charles Johnson

CPAC Won't Renounce White Nationalist


CPAC is proud to have more than 150 sponsors and exhibitors this year... This panel was not organized by the ACU, and specific questions on the event, content or speakers should be directed to the sponsoring organization. Cosponsors and affiliated events do not necessarily represent the opinions of the American Conservative Union.

What a worthless goddamned statement from a worthless goddamned organization.

258 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:51:38pm

The "House" show is ending after this season!

Now who will be the Biggest Asshole on Television?

259 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:51:48pm

re: #257 erik_t

Of course, when it came to GOProud...

260 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:52:58pm

re: #257 erik_t


What a worthless goddamned statement from a worthless goddamned organization.

How's that minority outreach going, GOP?

261 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:53:00pm

Cue the Next Great Wingnut Freakout:

Washington state lawmakers pass gay marriage bill

Washington state lawmakers voted to approve gay marriage Wednesday, setting the stage for the state to become the seventh in the nation to allow same-sex couples to wed.

The action comes a day after a federal appeals court declared California's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, saying it was a violation of the civil rights of gay and lesbian couple.

The Washington House passed the bill on a 55-43 vote. The state Senate approved the measure last week. And Democratic Gov. Chris Gregoire is expected to sign the measure into law next week.

262 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:53:15pm

re: #252 Charles Johnson

CPAC Won't Renounce White Nationalist

From that link:

"This panel was not organized by the ACU, and specific questions on the event, content or speakers should be directed to the sponsoring organization. Cosponsors and affiliated events do not necessarily represent the opinions of the American Conservative Union."

Yet they 'decline to invite' GOProud and JBS. Logically that would indicate they approve of some and not others.

263 ArchangelMichael  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:53:32pm

re: #258 באבושקא

The "House" show is ending after this season!

Now who will be the Biggest Asshole on Television?

Oreilly? Hannity? Is Beck still on somewhere?

264 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:54:27pm

re: #258 באבושקא

The "House" show is ending after this season!

Now who will be the Biggest Asshole on Television?

It finished its course 2 years ago. There is only so many time you can have some weird disease cured in the last minute while a jerk manipulates people.

265 Digital Display  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:54:59pm

re: #248 wrenchwench

Fire away.

Thanks.. Here is the background...When I first got here in 2008 around 30,000 posts ago.. I had just gotten the first pet in my whole life..Winston.. I remember posting thousands of stories about what it was like to be a newly single man stuck with a spoiled Beverly hills chihuahua. I probably have several thousands of posts about our stories.. I'd like to write a little book about the experience.. Lots of funny stories..Maybe a Screenplay for the Family and kids...I know it's a project.. But what the heck..I'm stuck in Oklahoma anyway..

266 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:57:32pm

re: #265 The Hoopster

I got 176 matches for Winston on an LGF comment search, so I guess that would be a start.

267 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:57:37pm
268 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:57:49pm

re: #213 wrenchwench

The town is a suburb of a big Mexican city. There's no reason for Spanish not to be used there. The 'subculture' was there before the border was, it wasn't 'created'. And I believe their contact with the rest of the country is just fine. The article appeared at, did it not?

I don't have a problem with multilingualism. In fact the more the better, but either this is an American city or a Mexican one.

I learned Spanish when I was in my forties after I got an international sales job that included Latin America. It took me a few months to be able to converse in business. I learned French in my late teens, along with modest German, and I learned English when I was 8. I am no linguist.

If I live in a country I think I should respect the primary language spoken there.

269 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:57:59pm

re: #262 wrenchwench

White nationalism is now acceptable in the mainstream of the GOP.

270 Robert O.  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:58:48pm

Breaking: Washington State Lawmakers pass gay marriage bill. Right-wingers are going to wet their beds again.

271 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:58:52pm

re: #265 The Hoopster

Thanks.. Here is the background...When I first got here in 2008 around 30,000 posts ago.. I had just gotten the first pet in my whole life..Winston.. I remember posting thousands of stories about what it was like to be a newly single man stuck with a spoiled Beverly hills chihuahua. I probably have several thousands of posts about our stories.. I'd like to write a little book about the experience.. Lots of funny stories..Maybe a Screenplay for the Family and kids...I know it's a project.. But what the heck..I'm stuck in Oklahoma anyway..

Click on your avatar and then on 'recent comments', maybe add '+ Winston', and then adjust the date range. Then sell the book here!

272 Digital Display  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 3:59:00pm

re: #266 Todayismybirthday

I got 176 matches for Winston on an LGF comment search, so I guess that would be a start.

How did you enter that in?

273 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:00:05pm

re: #268 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Cities like New York use to have multiple daily newspapers written in languages like Yiddish. There were communities in the Midwest made up entirely of Germans or Norwegians. Somehow America survived.

274 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:01:05pm

re: #272 The Hoopster

There is a search LGF box in the upper left hand corner of the page.

Its right above Bruce Hornsby.

275 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:01:10pm

Sam Francis in 2003:


Unable to destroy real terrorists, the Administration is inventing new ones, as the Washington Post discussed this week.

The funny thing about the fake terrorists is that they all seem to be on the extreme right.

Thus, in Northern Virginia, federal agents recently nabbed a gentleman named Byron Calvert Cecchini, a "self-described white supremacist," who runs a website "rife with anti-Semitic and racist language," as the Post describes it.[...]

But the feds seem to have had virtually no good reason to arrest him. Their warrant alleged he had a "violent criminal history" and "probably" owned weapons. But after the feds threw him in jail and walked off with his computer and files, all they could charge him with was trademark violations. Mr. Cecchini sold T-shirts that resembled those of another manufacturer.

"You prosecute what you can prosecute," a "law enforcement source" smirked to the Post, in what ought to be the motto of anarcho-tyranny.

You can't or won't prosecute the guilty and the dangerous, so you prosecute political eccentrics who have done nothing illegal or violent and call it a "war on terrorism."

Mr. Cecchini isn't the only victim. In the last few months far right activists all over the country have run into legal problems from the federal government.

In February, Ernst Zündel, an immigrant from Canada and "Holocaust denier" living legally in Tennessee with his wife, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was deported back to Canada where he was denied bail and kept in a prison cell with the lights on 24 hours a day. His offense: He missed a single immigration hearing.

More serious charges have landed white racial activist David Duke in prison, and Matthew Hale of the "white supremacist" World Church of the Creator has been charged with conspiracy to kill a judge.

Some might even have broken a real law or two, but the pattern discloses nothing less than a government witch hunt against the far right, criminal or not.

Note the use of terminology throughout. "Holocaust denier" in quotes. David Duke is a "racial activist".

276 erik_t  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:04:02pm

re: #267 Lidane

Whatever happened to intelligent right-wing commentary?

Fox's Andrea Tantaros: "Something Tells Me People At Media Matters Aren't Having A Lot Of Sex Anyway"

People are having a lot of sex at Fox News? Isn't that just a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen?

277 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:04:50pm

A VDARE blogger links to David Duke as a source:


(Friere also shreds Steel’s claims to be a Conservative. David Duke has collected some damning quotes too.)

278 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:05:21pm

re: #267 Lidane

Whatever happened to intelligent right-wing commentary?

Fox's Andrea Tantaros: "Something Tells Me People At Media Matters Aren't Having A Lot Of Sex Anyway"

Their target audience finds intelligence suspicious and threatening.

279 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:05:44pm

re: #268 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

I don't have a problem with multilingualism. In fact the more the better, but either this is an American city or a Mexican one.

I learned Spanish when I was in my forties after I got an international sales job that included Latin America. It took me a few months to be able to converse in business. I learned French in my late teens, along with modest German, and I learned English when I was 8. I am no linguist.

If I live in a country I think I should respect the primary language spoken there.

The primary language spoken in that town is Spanish. The same assholes who arranged this CPAC appearance by this white nationalist Brimelow had a hand in denying the woman in San Luis a place on the municipal ballot.

ProEnglish assisted the City Attorney of San Luis, Arizona this week in a controversial English language matter. City Attorney Glenn Gimbut was asked by San Luis Mayor Juan Carlos Escamilla to determine the level of English language proficiency that a candidate for elected office in Arizona must have to effectively carry out their duties.

Former San Luis mayor Guillermina Fuentes, who initially raised concerns about city council candidate Alejandrina Cabrera’s English language abilities, told the Los Angeles Times, “I interpreted everything to Alejandrina because in many cases she did not understand what was being said.”

ProEnglish pointed to Arizona’s 2006 law which made English the official language of the state, in addition to the Arizona’s Enabling Act. The Enabling Act, passed by Congress in 1910, allowed Arizona to become a state under certain requirements. The act states, “the ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English languagesufficiently [sic] well to conduct the duties of the office without aid of aninterpreter [sic] shall be a necessary qualification for all state officers and members of the state legislature.” (Emphasis added).

The city has filed an action within the Yuma County Superior Court, requesting the candidate be required to prove she has sufficient English language abilities. A hearing is set for this coming Friday, January 13th. ProEnglish will continue to keep you informed as this matter develops.

They have not updated their website on this issue.

I'm not impressed by how many languages you know. I have two siblings who are professional translators in several languages. The fact is the women knows enough English for the place where she lives and is denied a spot on the ballot by political rivals and bigots. I think that's a despicable state of affairs.

280 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:08:07pm

re: #277 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

A VDARE blogger links to David Duke as a source:


I noticed that the blogger's pseudonym, "Patrick Cleburne", is a Confederate General.

281 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:11:08pm

re: #280 Todayismybirthday

I noticed that the blogger's pseudonym, "Patrick Cleburne" is a Confederate General.

Yea. A general that advocated freeing and arming blacks to fight for the CSA. And as a result was essentially black-balled from promotion for the rest of his short career. (Killed at the Battle of Franklin.)

282 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:12:59pm

re: #281 Dept of the Current Danger

Yea. A general that advocated freeing and arming blacks to fight for the CSA. And as a result was essentially black-balled from promotion for the rest of his short career. (Killed at the Battle of Franklin.)

Considering that the blogger is posting on VDare, I doubt that Cleburne's relatively progressive view of African-Americans is the reason he adopted the pseudonym.

283 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:13:48pm

re: #279 wrenchwench

What would they do if she was deaf, or wasn't able to speak? If she communicated only through sign language? Sign language is not English.

284 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:16:24pm

re: #283 Obdicut

What would they do if she was deaf, or wasn't able to speak? If she communicated only through sign language? Sign language is not English.


285 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:17:49pm

re: #283 Obdicut

What would they do if she was deaf, or wasn't able to speak? If she communicated only through sign language? Sign language is not English.

Right. They'd be required to provide an interpreter. In fact, the town does provide an interpreter for those who don't speak Spanish, because they recognize that the people who live there want to speak Spanish at the council meetings.

(I'm really steamed since I found out that ProEnglish provided help to the bigots in this case.)

286 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:18:59pm

CNN's Dana Loesch fails at life again:


287 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:19:22pm

re: #283 Obdicut

What would they do if she was deaf, or wasn't able to speak? If she communicated only through sign language? Sign language is not English.

P.S. IIRC, sign language is the third most common language in the US, after English and Spanish. I enjoy stumping people with that.

288 aagcobb  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:22:30pm

re: #286 Lidane

CNN's Dana Loesch fails at life again:


CNN, you can't win playing Fox News' game. Show some class and get rid of this woman.

289 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:23:19pm

re: #279 wrenchwench

The primary language spoken in that town is Spanish. The same assholes who arranged this CPAC appearance by this white nationalist Brimelow had a hand in denying the woman in San Luis a place on the municipal ballot.

They have not updated their website on this issue.

I'm not impressed by how many languages you know. I have two siblings who are professional translators in several languages. The fact is the women knows enough English for the place where she lives and is denied a spot on the ballot by political rivals and bigots. I think that's a despicable state of affairs.

I started out by saying that I am sympathetic to this woman. There is little point in scapegoating one person when we do nothing elsewhere to unify a country in language.

I'm not trying to impress you, just make the point that any fool can learn a language reasonably if they are encouraged to do so and given some assistance. We do neither except perhaps by this kind of harassment. Go to Europe and every immigrant knows the language of the country they are in, and most likely English too.

Only in the USA do you find entire cities where many native born people don't speak the language of their country.

290 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:24:08pm

re: #288 Todayismybirthday

CNN, you can't win playing Fox News' game. Show some class and get rid of this woman.

And son of erik

291 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:24:13pm

re: #289 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Only in the USA do you find entire cities where many native born people don't speak the language of their country.

Mainly because there is no language of the country.

292 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:25:04pm

re: #283 Obdicut

What would they do if she was deaf, or wasn't able to speak? If she communicated only through sign language? Sign language is not English.

That is considered a disability. Laziness is not.

293 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:25:50pm

re: #292 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

That is considered a disability. Laziness is not.

Way to miss the point. She's not being ousted because of laziness, is she, but because of language barrier problems. Those would exist in the case of a deaf or non-speaking person.

294 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:26:20pm

re: #291 Obdicut

Mainly because there is no language of the country.

Yes there is; or are you playing lawyer now?

295 simoom  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:26:34pm


1:00 Conservative Dating – McKinley - Red Carpet Event.

Learn everything from how to avoid scaring away your own personal Dagny Taggart in the first five minutes of the conversation, to whether Tea Partiers and Occupiers can share something more than a dislike for bailouts.

Speaker Name: Professional Dating Coach Wayne Elise
Open to Conservative Singles

296 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:26:45pm

re: #289 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Only in the USA do you find entire cities where many native born people don't speak the language of their country.

Tell me about it. I spent 6 years in North Carolina without hearing real English spoken.

297 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:27:10pm

re: #293 Obdicut

Way to miss the point. She's not being ousted because of laziness, is she, but because of language barrier problems. Those would exist in the case of a deaf or non-speaking person.

I don't miss your point, but you do miss mine.

298 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:27:28pm

re: #293 Obdicut

Way to miss the point. She's not being ousted because of laziness, is she, but because of language barrier problems. Those would exist in the case of a deaf or non-speaking person.

If she don't know no English, its cause she's too damned lazy to learn.

299 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:27:33pm

re: #292 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

That is considered a disability. Laziness is not.

What makes you think she's lazy?

300 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:28:34pm

re: #294 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Yes there is; or are you playing lawyer now?

In areas of California, there are towns-- like the one we're talking about-- where the majority of people speak Spanish. There are counties, likewise.

I'm not playing anything. Maybe you want there to be a national language. But there isn't one.

Learning a language is not also as accessible to everyone as you make it out to be. Many adult learners never reach any degree of fluency, and it's not because of lack of effort.

301 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:28:38pm

re: #298 B_S

If she don't know no English, its cause she's too damned lazy to learn.

Too lazy to learn proper English grammar?

302 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:29:03pm

re: #289 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Only in the USA do you find entire cities where many native born people don't speak the language of their country.

And it wasn't a problem until the fucking bigots got involved.

303 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:29:04pm

re: #297 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

I don't miss your point, but you do miss mine.

Okay, you completely failed to deal with my point.

304 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:30:25pm

re: #289 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Only in the USA do you find entire cities where many native born people don't speak the language of their country.

Only in the USA do people get mad at the fact that people living in an area where Spanish has been spoken for hundreds of years are still speaking Spanish.

305 Kronocide  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:30:57pm

re: #298 B_S

If she don't know no English, its cause she's too damned lazy to learn.

Ayup. Dem dam immigraynts aw too lazy too wahk an learn English.

306 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:31:01pm

Even here at LGF! Yes LGF! People have display names in languages that Murkans can't read!

307 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:32:33pm

re: #299 wrenchwench

What makes you think she's lazy?

Sorry for not writing between the lines. I think anyone who wants to vote but can't understand a word of presidential candidate debates, is lazy; but I also said that we as a nation are lazy since we make no real effort to help all of us converse in the same language. If anything we encourage the opposite.

Bottom line of my point is simply that I think common language is important for national unity in the long term, and it is a relatively easy thing to achieve, without doing what started this discussion.

308 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:34:43pm

This one registered, logged in, dinged up the front page posts, stayed logged in for a bit, then logged out, and then this one registered and logged in, and updinged a comment.

309 Killgore Trout  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:35:59pm

Obama's big Zionist paycheck!
Haim Saban considering giving to Obama super PACs

The office of Israeli-American billionaire media executive Haim Saban, a big past donor to the Democratic Party, confirms that he is considering donations to Democratic-leaning super PACs - including the pro-Obama group Priorities USA Action
So far, the only billionaires revealed in FEC reports as giving to Democratic Super PACs are movie director Steven Spielberg, who gave Priorities USA Action $100,000, and investor George Soros, who gave two congressional candidate-focused super PACs a total of 175,000.

His Political background here:Haim Saban

310 simoom  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:36:29pm

The stupid New Black Panther crap is still alive and well at CPAC 2012:

Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department– Conservative Book
Book signing with Author J. Christian Adams
Open to all CPAC attendees in Exhibit Hall B

311 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:36:45pm

re: #308 wrenchwench

This one registered, logged in, dinged up the front page posts, stayed logged in for a bit, then logged out, and then this one registered and logged in, and updinged a comment.

I think "number of comments rated" should be displayed in a user's profile, maybe even "number of plus ratings" and "number of minus ratings."

I also thought there was supposed to be a minimum number of comments before a "dinger" was activated? Guess not.

312 Obdicut  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:37:08pm

re: #310 simoom

They're really doing their best to cement the "Conservative = racist" meme.

313 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:37:28pm

re: #307 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Sorry for not writing between the lines. I think anyone who wants to vote but can't understand a word of presidential candidate debates, is lazy; but I also said that we as a nation are lazy since we make no real effort to help all of converse in the same language. If anything we encourage the opposite.

Bottom line of my point is simply that I think common language is important for national unity in the long term, and it is a relatively easy thing to achieve, without doing what started this discussion.

Tell it to Switzerland.

I live in an area that is majority Hispanic. Am I lazy for not becoming fluent in Spanish?

314 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:38:08pm

re: #311 באבושקא

I think "number of comments rated" should be displayed in a user's profile, maybe even "number of plus ratings" and "number of minus ratings."

I also thought there was supposed to be a minimum number of comments before a "dinger" was activated? Guess not.

That was here when I initially registered but I think it was removed a few months later.

315 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:38:59pm

re: #311 באבושקא

I think "number of comments rated" should be displayed in a user's profile, maybe even "number of plus ratings" and "number of minus ratings."

Good idea.

I also thought there was supposed to be a minimum number of comments before a "dinger" was activated? Guess not.

That was undone.

316 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:39:25pm

re: #314 Dept of the Current Danger

That was here when I initially registered but I think it was removed a few months later.

It's worth re-appraising imho.

317 ArchangelMichael  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:40:00pm

re: #306 באבושקא

Even here at LGF! Yes LGF! People have display names in languages that Murkans can't read!

Murkans can't mouseOver?

318 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:40:39pm

re: #317 מיכאל

Murkans can't mouseOver?

Not if Santorum has his way.

319 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:40:47pm

re: #316 Wozza Matter?

It's worth re-appraising imho.


320 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:40:54pm

re: #316 Wozza Matter?

It's worth re-appraising imho.

We should also get a new toaster when we pass 10,000 karma.

321 simoom  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:41:16pm

Some variation of this panel seems to be there pretty much every year:

3:30 Islamic Law in America: How the Obama Justice Department Is Selling Us Out - McKinley Red Carpet Event
Speakers: Allen West, AtlasShrugs- Pamela Geller, Spencer, J. Christian
Adams, Robert Muise, Ilario Pantano

Open to all CPAC attendees

Though Rep. Allen West is a new addition I believe.

322 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:42:13pm

re: #320 B_S

We should also get a new toaster when we pass 10,000 karma.

And a parker pen for registering...

323 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:42:16pm

re: #321 simoom

Word cloud writes itself: hive; scum; villainy.

324 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:43:25pm

If I moved to a US town, I'd outright refuse to learn American.

325 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:44:24pm

re: #320 B_S

We should also get a new toaster when we pass 10,000 karma.

A gift card.

326 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:44:36pm

re: #324 B_S

If I moved to a US town, I'd outright refuse to learn American.

As would I. But then, I was raised on HM the Queen's English.

327 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:44:59pm

re: #316 Wozza Matter?

It's worth re-appraising imho.

I don't think it's necessary. Wild downdingers will get banned, wild updingers don't hurt anyone, and they make themselves more visible.

328 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:45:06pm

re: #326 Wozza Matter?

As would I. But then, I was raised on HM the Queens English.


329 PhillyPretzel  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:45:48pm

GOP is getting nuttier and nuttier.

330 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:46:31pm

re: #313 wrenchwench

Tell it to Switzerland.

I live in an area that is majority Hispanic. Am I lazy for not becoming fluent in Spanish?

Lazy no, impractical maybe.

331 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:47:01pm

re: #328 Varek Raith


They don't speak it on your home planet old bean, but the British Council will soon open a mission spreading Hugh Grant movies and books of Association Football rules/

332 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:47:56pm

re: #313 wrenchwench

Tell it to Switzerland.

I live in an area that is majority Hispanic. Am I lazy for not becoming fluent in Spanish?

Switzerland is a bad example because they do have "official" languages in the different regions. If you want to go that route we would have the official language of some states, or cities, made Spanish. I thought you were against any official language.

Yes, you are lazy if you find that you have trouble communicating with people on an everyday basis. I suspect that most of them however do quite well in English, so they are not lazy, and you don't need to do anything.

333 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:47:57pm

re: #327 wrenchwench

I don't think it's necessary. Wild downdingers will get banned, wild updingers don't hurt anyone, and they make themselves more visible.

Points taken, but its worth a discussion now and again.

334 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:48:26pm

re: #326 Wozza Matter?

As would I. But then, I was raised on HM the Queens English.

She's my queen too, but I don't speak good like you.

335 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:49:21pm

re: #320 B_S

We should also get a new toaster when we pass 10,000 karma.

You can get a new ID, from a troll if you wish.

336 Killgore Trout  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:50:02pm

Poll finds broad support for Obama’s counterterrorism policies

By better than 2 to 1 Americans say the president’s handling of terrorism is a major reason to support rather than oppose his bid for reelection.

The survey shows that 70 percent of respondents approve of Obama’s decision to keep open the prison at Guantanamo Bay.
The poll shows that 53 percent of self-identified liberal Democrats — and 67 percent of moderate or conservative Democrats — support keeping Guantanamo Bay open,...

Obama has also relied on armed drones far more than Bush did, and he has expanded their use beyond America’s defined war zones. The Post-ABC News poll found that 83 percent of Americans approve of Obama’s drone policy, which administration officials refuse to discuss, citing security concerns.


337 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:52:14pm

re: #334 B_S

She's my queen too, but I don't speak good like you.

Nobody is perfect. Except Her Most Gracious Majesty, natch.

338 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:53:43pm

re: #335 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

You can get a new ID, from a troll if you wish.

Say what?

339 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:54:57pm

re: #337 Wozza Matter?

Nobody is perfect. Except Her Most Gracious Majesty, natch.

When Elizabeth beats Victoria, and she retires, are we going to be stuck with Chuck?

340 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:55:07pm

Good night folks and folkettes.

341 Wozza Matter?  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:55:56pm

re: #339 Stealth Troll II

When Elizabeth beats Victoria, and she retires, are we going to be stuck with Chuck?

Yeah, but I've never had a downer on the guy, his Mum is a helluva lady to live up to.

342 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:57:16pm

Well my new ride has finally shown up.

Plan on using it for errands around town that don't require any heavy transport. Have already researched upgrading the batteries from the wimpy 7 AH to 12 AH batteries.

Have even given thought to a possible trailer hitch. Sort of like those used for towing a kiddy cart behind a bicycle to handle bulky items.

Also looking into a headlight for it.

Charles, you ride a bike. What do you think about this?

343 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:58:20pm

Hey LGF. Shout out to any accounting folks. Need advice for filing sales tax in all 50. Anyone willing to offer free advice via email?

Gracias & hello Wednesday nite!

344 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:58:47pm

re: #341 Wozza Matter?

Yeah, but I've never had a downer on the guy, his Mum is a helluva lady to live up to.


345 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:59:09pm

re: #297 Red Sea Desjardini Tang
The pro English speaking Canadians would so love you!

346 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 4:59:59pm

re: #343 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

Hey LGF. Shout out to any accounting folks. Need advice for filing sales tax in all 50. Anyone willing to offer free advice via email?

Gracias & hello Wednesday nite!

Move to Canada.

347 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:00:19pm

re: #310 simoom

The stupid New Black Panther crap is still alive and well at CPAC 2012:

because the KKK is alive and well at CPAC

They want Jim Crow back

348 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:01:30pm

re: #346 Stealth Troll II

Move to Canada.

If no more birth control is available in the US, I fucking will.

Jesus, it's come down to the big birth control debate. I can't believe it. Neither can our mothers. They went through the exact same thing. IN THE 50'S.

pitiful America.

349 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:01:45pm

re: #342 Bubblehead II

Wimp. Put the wheels next to each other:

The future of scooters

350 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:03:35pm
351 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:03:49pm

re: #289 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

I started out by saying that I am sympathetic to this woman. There is little point in scapegoating one person when we do nothing elsewhere to unify a country in language.

I'm not trying to impress you, just make the point that any fool can learn a language reasonably if they are encouraged to do so and given some assistance. We do neither except perhaps by this kind of harassment. Go to Europe and every immigrant knows the language of the country they are in, and most likely English too.

With what time? With what energy? if it was mandatory for me to learn a second language, it would impact my life, because it'd be another thing I have to learn, on top of all the other shit I have to learn to keep my business afloat

And I'm a middle class dork with no kids! Imagine if I was

A) working a whole lot (70+ hours a week)

B) retraining myself constantly (because that's what ya gotta do if you work in a field where tech changes)

C) taking care of kids

D) AND told by a conservative neckbeard that I must learn a second language on top of that?

yeah, fuck that shit

352 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:04:03pm

re: #347 windupbird is in the gravity well

because the KKK is alive and well at CPAC

They want Jim Crow back

Jim Crow is far too modern and hoity-toity for CPAC. They want the antebellum South back.

353 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:04:58pm

re: #349 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Well out side my price range.


354 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:05:15pm

re: #345 I am the Walrus

The pro English speaking Canadians would so love you!

Canada is a good example of where lack of common culture leads. It may not only be language, but it helps.

355 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:07:52pm

re: #351 windupbird is in the gravity well

I bet you feel a lot better now that you got that out.

356 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:08:00pm

re: #353 Bubblehead II

I had a really cool electric bike. It was just for fun, but dang, we moved to hills and no way. It just wouldn't make it.

357 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:08:52pm

re: #348 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

If no more birth control is available in the US, I fucking will.

Jesus, it's come down to the big birth control debate. I can't believe it. Neither can our mothers. They went through the exact same thing. IN THE 50'S.

pitiful America.

it'll never be taken away from the middle class, only the poor

the fight for the vaginas of women, it's only poor women that are fucked over by the theocrat pigs. Rich Christer tarts will still be able to abort all the kids they like! Just get the number of Daddy's Special Doctor :D

358 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:09:17pm

re: #354 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Canada is a good example of where lack of common culture leads. It may not only be language, but it helps.

You lost me.

359 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:09:28pm

re: #355 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

I bet you feel a lot better now that you got that out.

It is the height of white entitlement to say dumb stuff like "any fool can just learn another language!"

as if people don't already work for a living

360 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:10:04pm

re: #354 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Canada is a good example of where lack of common ground culture leads. It may not only be language, but it helps.

And really, I already feel great, because I know I'm correct

361 Prideful, Arrogant Marriage Equality Advocate  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:12:56pm

re: #354 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Yes, poor Canada their lack of common culture has led to what most consider, hell on earth. Oh the Misery...I think we should help those poor Canadians out. Let me start by formally adopting Sheldon Sourey! ////
Look there are a lot of places in this world where their obsession with keeping one "common culture" has not resulted in any better or happier culture than anywhere else.

362 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:13:41pm

Night in the cells accidentally became two years in solitary

Stephen Slevin was driving along a rural highway in southern New Mexico in August 2005 when traffic police pulled him over and arrested him on suspicion of drink-driving, along with a string of other motoring offences.

By the time all of the charges against him were dismissed and Mr Slevin was released from custody, it was 2007. For reasons that remain unclear, officials had forced him to spend the intervening two years in solitary confinement.

During the ordeal, he claims to have been denied access to basic washing facilities for months at a time. He'd lost a third of his body weight, grown a beard down to his chest and was suffering from bed sores. Prison officials had also ignored his pleas to see a dentist, forcing him to pull out his own tooth. They declined other requests for attention, including an audience with a mental health professional. He duly became delirious and says that by the time of his release he'd "been driven mad".

This week, a jury in Albuquerque ordered Dona Ana County, which was responsible for incarcerating Slevin without trial, to pay $22m (£14m) in compensation. It was the largest award ever granted to a US prisoner whose civil rights have been violated.

363 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:14:56pm

re: #359 windupbird is in the gravity well

It is the height of white entitlement to say dumb stuff like "any fool can just learn another language!"

as if people don't already work for a living

Yeah, well, first I learned Fortran. Then I learned Pascal.
then PL/1
Then Basic
Then Visual Basic
Then VBA
Then ASP
Then VBScript
Then javascript
Then Perl
Then Ajax
Now they want me to learn C#

364 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:14:58pm

re: #330 B_S

Lazy no, impractical maybe.

It's majority Hispanic, but not majority Spanish-speaking. And I have conducted business in my rudimentary Spanish.

I also play music that has the lyrics in Spanish. A lot of older Hispanics hear it and look at me quizzically and say, 'Do you like that?"

Which I do. And then we laugh over my vocabulary learned from songs, like 'lagrimas' and 'corazon' and 'mi pecho'.

365 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:15:00pm

I no longer have any idea who is commenting here.

366 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:15:59pm

re: #363 באבושקא

Yeah, well, first I learned Fortran. Then I learned Pascal.
then PL/1
Then Basic
Then Visual Basic
Then VBA
Then ASP
Then VBScript
Then javascript
Then Perl
Then Ajax
Now they want me to learn C#

I learned COBOL as a lark. And then paid the bills for 10 years programming in it.

367 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:16:13pm

re: #362 Kragar

Night in the cells accidentally became two years in solitary

Dear god did he deserve that money, and probably enough to make sure he can retire in comfort for the rest of his life.....

368 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:16:17pm

re: #363 באבושקא

Learn assembler and go hax0rin'!

369 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:16:38pm

Shannyn Moore @shannynmoore

Remember when people were afraid to vote for JFK because the pope would boss America around? #TimeWarpNation

370 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:16:59pm

re: #368 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

Learn assembler and go hax0rin'!

Yeah I also learned COBOL and assembler, but I've used my college French more!

371 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:17:10pm

re: #348 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

If no more birth control is available in the US, I fucking will.

Jesus, it's come down to the big birth control debate. I can't believe it. Neither can our mothers. They went through the exact same thing. IN THE 50'S.

pitiful America.

Don't be silly. The debate is on how birth control will be paid for, and when and how it is available to minors. Nobody is suggesting denying birth control to grown women.

Breathe. Breathe.

372 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:17:46pm

re: #363 באבושקא

Yeah, well, first I learned Fortran. Then I learned Pascal.
then PL/1
Then Basic
Then Visual Basic
Then VBA
Then ASP
Then VBScript
Then javascript
Then Perl
Then Ajax
Now they want me to learn C#

Wow. I can speak some of those languages, and C, C++ and Assembler, but you're really multilingual.

373 PhillyPretzel  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:17:53pm

re: #365 EmmmieG
It is used to confuse the trolls. /

374 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:18:15pm

re: #369 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

Shannyn Moore @shannynmoore

Remember when people were afraid to vote for JFK because the pope would boss America around? #TimeWarpNation

Laugh now. When you're in line buying your mandatory Donny & Marie CD's, and cheering for BYU for fear of what happens when you don't, you won't be laughing.

375 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:18:20pm

re: #372 Stealth Troll II

Wow. I can speak some of those languages, and C, C++ and Assembler, but you're really multilingual.

Not so much, I never really stepped over to the Unix side.

376 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:18:22pm

re: #365 EmmmieG

I no longer have any idea who is commenting here.

All you have to do is hover over the person's name to see who the user is.

377 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:18:59pm

re: #371 EmmmieG

Don't be silly. The debate is on how birth control will be paid for, and when and how it is available to minors. Nobody is suggesting denying birth control to grown women.

Breathe. Breathe.

But to even be discussed is crazy. BIRTH CONTROL? As one of the headlines on Google News?

I am freaked out. Breathing tho, tks.

378 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:19:04pm

re: #370 באבושקא

Yeah I also learned COBOL and assembler, but I've used my college French more!

Damn. And I've just imagined the headlines! "Grandmother hacks Putin's, Hamas' accounts, takes 20000000$, says 'See ya!'"

Or better yet, "The Anon hates her! Vicious Babushka's Hax0ring Tricks."

379 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:19:19pm

re: #332 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Switzerland is a bad example because they do have "official" languages in the different regions. If you want to go that route we would have the official language of some states, or cities, made Spanish. I thought you were against any official language.

I've been to Switzerland. It is an example of a country with multiple languages. I was not proposing that we 'go that route'. I was saying that multiple languages do not make a country fall apart, even over the long term. I refuted your statement.

Yes, you are lazy if you find that you have trouble communicating with people on an everyday basis. I suspect that most of them however do quite well in English, so they are not lazy, and you don't need to do anything.

See above. We all get along with Spanglish here. It's almost the official language of New Mexico.

380 jaunte  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:19:22pm

re: #365 EmmmieG

I no longer have any idea who is commenting here.

We're doomed!

381 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:20:20pm

re: #380 jaunte

We're doomed!


382 jaunte  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:20:44pm

re: #381 Kragar

It's been happening with some regularity.

383 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:20:53pm

re: #356 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

I had a really cool electric bike. It was just for fun, but dang, we moved to hills and no way. It just wouldn't make it.

Seems the same caveat applies to this as well. Hence the research into a better battery configuration. I haven't found a site that offers a better motor, but if these take off, I bet there will be.

Probably along the lines of we will rewire your motor with a higher guage wire to provide you with more torque as well as a improved battery pack.

384 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:21:18pm

re: #374 EmmmieG

Laugh now. When you're in line buying your mandatory Donny & Marie CD's, and cheering for BYU for fear of what happens when you don't, you won't be laughing.

BYU, Donny & Marie, no prob. Off switch.

Birth Control? too far reach. Again, I cannot believe it is an ISSUE.

385 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:21:20pm

re: #382 jaunte

It's been happening with some regularity.

What's the doom flavor this week?

386 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:21:29pm

re: #382 jaunte

It's been happening with some regularity.

Is this the weekly doom or the daily doom?

387 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:22:24pm

re: #386 Kragar

Is this the weekly doom or the daily doom?

I think it's the recurring European von doom.

388 jaunte  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:22:32pm

re: #385 Dept of the Current Danger

John Derbyshire thinks it's the Doom of Slightly More Darkness.

389 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:22:38pm

re: #378 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

Damn. And I've just imagined the headlines! "Grandmother hacks Putin's, Hamas' accounts, takes 20000000$, says 'See ya!'"

Or better yet, "The Anon hates her! Vicious Babushka's Hax0ring Tricks."

Just wait.

390 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:22:39pm

re: #386 Kragar

Is this the weekly doom or the daily doom?

I'm hiding in the closet in case it's the monthly doom.

391 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:22:48pm

re: #383 Bubblehead II

Seems the same caveat applies to this as well. Hence the research into a better battery configuration. I haven't found a site that offers a better motor, but if these take off, I bet there will be.

Probably along the lines of we will rewire your motor with a higher guage wire to provide you with more torque as well as a improved battery pack.

It definitely will be fun.

392 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:24:18pm

I feel a disturbance in the Force... coming from the direction of the DC...

393 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:25:07pm

re: #392 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

You and Alouette/VB must translate. por favor?


394 Kronocide  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:25:08pm

The Death of America, Extra Doom version.

395 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:25:44pm

re: #393 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic


396 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:26:13pm

re: #392 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

I feel a disturbance in the Force... coming from the direction of the DC...


Washington state legislature votes to approve same-sex marriage

397 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:26:38pm

re: #394 Kronocide

The Death of America, Extra Doom version.

Yes, see #396.

398 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:27:26pm

Oh Charles, so quick.

Cannot change your user name, word not permitted.


399 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:27:33pm

re: #394 Kronocide

The Death of America, Extra Doom version.

Needs the Doom Song

400 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:27:51pm

re: #342 Bubblehead II

Well my new ride has finally shown up.

Plan on using it for errands around town that don't require any heavy transport. Have already researched upgrading the batteries from the wimpy 7 AH to 12 AH batteries.

Have even given thought to a possible trailer hitch. Sort of like those used for towing a kiddy cart behind a bicycle to handle bulky items.

Also looking into a headlight for it.

Charles, you ride a bike. What do you think about this?

There are a lot of good LED lights out there. I am not familiar with the brand you linked to. You can't go wrong with a Cateye. Get a tail light too.

401 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:28:11pm

re: #395 Cepгeй Poмaнoв

Cepгeй Poмaнoв

402 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:29:27pm

re: #401 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

Guess ;)

403 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:29:58pm

re: #398 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

Oh Charles, so quick.

Cannot change your user name, word not permitted.


What do you mean?

404 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:33:23pm

re: #402 FUСK

Guess ;)

how the hell? I used asshole. not even

405 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:33:54pm

re: #404 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

how the hell? I used asshole. not even


406 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:34:30pm

re: #404 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

how the hell? I used asshole. not even

"Stanley Sea hates him! Sergey's Weird Trick!"


407 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:34:32pm

Think about it. The Republican Party has no qualms about being associated with Vdare, Peter Brimelow, et al. This is the very nature of the GOP and it's repulsive.

408 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:36:09pm

re: #404 Didn't like nic, now nostalgic

how the hell? I used asshole. not even

Whatever you mean?

409 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:36:34pm

re: #403 FUСK

What do you mean?

Why is it that when I see F you see K?

410 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:37:18pm

And why the heck are we even having a debate about what the freaking Catholic Church thinks. Seriously? What is this the 15th century? This country was founded to get away from King George and the Church of England. Or is the Catholic Church now the official church of the Republican Party? Typically it's been the protestant church. And this contraception crap combined with the Catholic Church? What is this North America and the USA or is this just another country in the African continent.

See this middle finger Republicans? It's for you.

411 jaunte  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:37:33pm

re: #407 Gus

Just reading this interesting piece on the politics of the recent birth control fight:

Barack Obama's brilliant play on birth control

....The first step was always - to the impatient whining of many - to expose the extremism of the GOP. The first step was always to lay their extreme philosophies bare in front of the American people while being open to reasonable compromise that in no way sacrifices the most important principles for the president (in this case, protecting women's access to health care). The President has followed the same method on every one of these fights: let the GOP scream, take up the mantle of reasonable-ness, and expose the GOP for who they are: reactionary social radicals who cannot be trusted. He hands them enough rope and then puts them in a corner.

412 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:38:01pm

re: #400 wrenchwench

Looked into them. Reviews said they were good for letting cages (cars) know that you were, but that was about it. You have a better link?

413 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:39:04pm

re: #408 Аsshole

Whatever you mean?

There may be innocent underage minors reading this blog and from you they learn naughty language.

Or maybe undercover police officers.

414 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:39:41pm

re: #413 Play Nicely Please

There may be innocent underage minors reading this blog and from you they learn naughty language.

Or maybe undercover police officers.

OK. I'll stick with my Jihadi name.

415 Sheila Broflovski  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:40:49pm

re: #414 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

OK. I'll stick with my Jihadi name.

You made many Lizards jealous with an awesome display name.

416 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:41:34pm

re: #414 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

OK. I'll stick with my Jihadi name.


417 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:41:39pm

re: #415 Play Nicely Please

You made many Lizards jealous with an awesome display name.

Does this mean they hate me? I read that in the ads! //

418 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:41:52pm

re: #416 Kragar



419 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:42:34pm

re: #414 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

OK. I'll stick with my Jihadi name.

Fodder of Allah?

420 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:43:00pm

re: #416 Kragar



421 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:44:17pm

re: #418 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib


Don't act like a dog...


422 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:45:20pm

re: #413 Play Nicely Please

There may be innocent underage minors reading this blog and from you they learn naughty language.

Or maybe undercover police officers.

Or Chris Matthews.

/take a seat...

423 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:48:07pm

re: #412 Bubblehead II

Looked into them. Reviews said they were good for letting cages (cars) know that you were, but that was about it. You have a better link?

No, sorry. Go to a bicycle shop.

424 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:48:42pm

GOP Ripe For Splits In Assault On Birth Control Rule

Behind the political haze is a new poll showing that a majority of the public — including self-identified Catholics — favors the birth control rule when told what it actually entails. It exempts churches and houses of worship that primarily employ persons of the same faith and grants religious nonprofits that employ and serve persons of different beliefs one additional year to begin complying.

Senate GOP leaders took turns bashing the decision Wednesday. “It violates our First Amendment to the constitution,” said Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH). “This is not a women’s rights issue. This is a religious liberty issue.” But Ayotte’s state of New Hampshire already has the same mandate without a religious exemption, and she hasn’t expressed concerns with it. Twenty-seven other states have the same requirement.

For now Republicans have stuck together without any divisions spilling out. But that could change if members are forced to take votes as GOP support for contraception mandates have even been backed by staunch conservatives in the past.

425 wrenchwench  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:49:55pm

Later, lizards, whoever you are.

426 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:50:02pm

re: #424 Kragar

So basically anyone can invent a religion. With any rules. And laws that clash with these rules will need to be repealed. After all, "religious freedom!".

427 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:51:03pm

re: #423 wrenchwench

No, sorry. Go to a bicycle shop.

Only because you run one :-)

428 MittDoesNotCompute  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:51:12pm

re: #425 wrenchwench

Later, lizards, whoever you are.

Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash...

429 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:54:35pm

*rubs eyes* Now I remember why I generally stay away from MMORPGs.

430 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:54:49pm

re: #358 Stealth Troll II

You lost me.

You are not aware that the French Canadians want to secede every now and then?

431 socialrepublican  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:54:59pm

Don't know if anyone's mentioned it but "Serge Trifkovic" or Srđa Trifković was an unofficial spokesperson for the Bosnian Serb statelet during the Bosnia genocide and has remained one of the most prominent Srebrenica deniers around. He is pure Chetnik residue and a coy anti-semite

432 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:55:23pm

re: #430 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

You are not aware that the French Canadians want to secede every now and then?

I thought it was "on days ending in y."

433 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:56:39pm

re: #379 wrenchwench

I didn't say "fall apart". This is getting argumentative for it's own sake.

434 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:57:22pm
435 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 5:58:49pm

re: #426 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

So basically anyone can invent a religion. With any rules. And laws that clash with these rules will need to be repealed. After all, "religious freedom!".

My religion calls for me to fully explore the riddle of steel, so banning my chain-axe from public places is religious oppression.

436 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:02:15pm

re: #434 Lidane

New Hampshire Republicans Propose Bill To Eliminate Workers’ Lunch Breaks

The GOP are quickly surpassing "ordinary evil" and approaching comic villain levels of evil. Seriously, this idea that monolithic corporations can be "shamed" into providing lunch hours is utterly ridiculous. The cost of lost labor from letting workers take a 30-60 minute lunch break vs the potential lost sales of a few dozen protesters isn't exactly a tough one to figure out.

437 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:02:17pm

Feewings. Nothing moar than feewings...


438 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:03:11pm

re: #359 windupbird is in the gravity well

It is the height of white entitlement to say dumb stuff like "any fool can just learn another language!"

as if people don't already work for a living

Bullshit; bringing in comments like "white entitlement" into a discussion of having a common method of communication. And yes, any fool can learn a language, if it is the language of their country and they want to be a part of it. Just watch only that language on TV for a start. Millions have done so.

439 jaunte  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:05:04pm

re: #434 Lidane

“This is an unneeded law,” [Republican state Representative Kyle Jones] said. “If I was to deny one of my employees a break, I would be in a very bad position with the company’s human resources representative [who is also my employee].

Where do they find these idiots.

440 Only The Lurker Knows  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:05:12pm

Night Lizards. Tomorrow will brings up many uncertain events. I shall meet them as they appear, As do many of us.

May You have a good night and may the Deity of your choice smile down upon you.

441 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:06:21pm

re: #426 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

So basically anyone can invent a religion. With any rules. And laws that clash with these rules will need to be repealed. After all, "religious freedom!".

Just ask Mitt.

442 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:07:32pm

re: #424 Kragar

GOP Ripe For Splits In Assault On Birth Control Rule

Schiavo, all over. IDIOTS

443 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:08:30pm

re: #436 Targetpractice

The GOP are quickly surpassing "ordinary evil" and approaching comic villain levels of evil. Seriously, this idea that monolithic corporations can be "shamed" into providing lunch hours is utterly ridiculous. The cost of lost labor from letting workers take a 30-60 minute lunch break vs the potential lost sales of a few dozen protesters isn't exactly a tough one to figure out.

Not only that, but how much of an asshole do you have to be to think that cutting lunch breaks is a good idea? Who sits down and thinks that passing a bill to eliminate laws giving people time to eat makes sense?

The guy from the AFL-CIO had it right. The idea that anyone was even talking about this in 2012 is insane. WTF.

444 PhillyPretzel  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:09:51pm

Good Night to my fellow Lizards.

445 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:09:51pm

Talking to myself on Twitter again. What a fecking waste of time.

446 jamesfirecat  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:10:19pm

re: #436 Targetpractice

The GOP are quickly surpassing "ordinary evil" and approaching comic villain levels of evil. Seriously, this idea that monolithic corporations can be "shamed" into providing lunch hours is utterly ridiculous. The cost of lost labor from letting workers take a 30-60 minute lunch break vs the potential lost sales of a few dozen protesters isn't exactly a tough one to figure out.

Waylon Smithers: And when he planned to steal our sunlight, he crossed that line between everyday villainy and cartoonish super-villainy.

447 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:10:53pm

re: #439 jaunte

Where do they find these idiots.

Well, that, plus... if everybody will provide a break anyway, there's no sense in getting rid of mandated breaks, is there?

448 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:11:16pm

re: #445 Gus

Talking to myself on Twitter again. What a fecking waste of time.

Waste time with us!

449 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:12:23pm

re: #436 Targetpractice

The GOP are quickly surpassing "ordinary evil" and approaching comic villain levels of evil. Seriously, this idea that monolithic corporations can be "shamed" into providing lunch hours is utterly ridiculous. The cost of lost labor from letting workers take a 30-60 minute lunch break vs the potential lost sales of a few dozen protesters isn't exactly a tough one to figure out.


450 Targetpractice  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:13:26pm

re: #443 Lidane

Not only that, but how much of an asshole do you have to be to think that cutting lunch breaks is a good idea? Who sits down and thinks that passing a bill to eliminate laws giving people time to eat makes sense?

The guy from the AFL-CIO had it right. The idea that anyone was even talking about this in 2012 is insane. WTF.

Well, the AFL-CIO guy is from an "evil" union, you know, the ones who supposedly have bankrupted every state of the union by forcing state governments to choose between honoring the contracts signed in good faith and giving even more tax breaks to their big business buddies.

Seriously, the GOP's entire theme when it comes to worker's rights is "We think things were better when workers were treated like slaves, rather than human beings." They seem bound and determined to roll back every major labor accomplishment of the last century, either arguing that they're "unnecessary" because corporations supposedly can be brought to heel by just a few angry citizens, or that they're "costing too much" and doing away with them will return America to an economic powerhouse status.

451 Gus  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:13:39pm

re: #448 Al-Qatil min al-Akadhib

Waste time with us!

Yeah. I tell yeah there's like this clique there. It's like high school or something.

452 Varek Raith  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:14:51pm

re: #451 Gus

Yeah. I tell yeah there's like this clique there. It's like high school or something.

I'm too cool for cliques.

453 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:15:40pm

re: #452 Varek Raith

I'm too cool for cliques.

You and me both...

454 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:17:42pm

Who speaks for the racists?

455 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:18:25pm

re: #450 Targetpractice

Seriously, the GOP's entire theme when it comes to worker's rights is "We think things were better when workers were treated like slaves, rather than human beings." They seem bound and determined to roll back every major labor accomplishment of the last century, either arguing that they're "unnecessary" because corporations supposedly can be brought to heel by just a few angry citizens, or that they're "costing too much" and doing away with them will return America to an economic powerhouse status.

Once they legitimately started coming up with excuses for why child labor laws were bad, nothing surprises me anymore. Now a few morons are going after lunch breaks. Unbelievable.

456 Kragar  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:18:33pm

re: #454 Ron Paul Ain't Winnin' Shit!

Who speaks for the racists?

First, they came for the racists...

457 Lidane  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:21:07pm
458 jaunte  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:23:58pm

re: #457 Lidane

Self-appointed authorities distinguished chiefly by holding XY chromosomes.

459 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:25:36pm

re: #457 Lidane

To be fair my understanding of the legislation in that it does not allow Catholic hospitals to opt out. Church's and religious organizations yes, but not hospitals and universities operated or affiliated with them. I could be wrong though.

460 Jimmi the Grey  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:28:57pm

re: #459 Petero1818

To be fair my understanding of the legislation in that it does not allow Catholic hospitals to opt out. Church's and religious organizations yes, but not hospitals and universities operated or affiliated with them. I could be wrong though.

Then to also be fair maybe they should only be allowed to hire catholics? Or is it ok for them to impose their values on others in exemption of federal law?

461 Petero1818  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:33:24pm

re: #460 Jimmi the Grey

Then to also be fair maybe they should only be allowed to hire catholics? Or is it ok for them to impose their values on others in exemption of federal law?

I think you misunderstand me. I totally support Obama on this. I was simply correcting what I believe was a misunderstanding in the above post on Catholic hospitals.

462 Jimmi the Grey  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:38:33pm

re: #461 Petero1818

Ah. My bad.

Yes, you got the jist of it.

463 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:42:30pm

re: #459 Petero1818

To be fair my understanding of the legislation in that it does not allow Catholic hospitals to opt out. Church's and religious organizations yes, but not hospitals and universities operated or affiliated with them. I could be wrong though.

Begs the question of why as a nation we even have hospitals, as the only providers in many areas, that call themselves Catholic? They are not charities providing free services to all.

464 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:48:12pm

re: #430 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

You are not aware that the French Canadians want to secede every now and then?

As do several in the western provinces. So?

465 moderatelyradicalliberal  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 6:59:39pm

I hope some sneaky liberal gets in and gets this shit on tape. They tend to try to keep these speakers from being televised. I'd love to see the GOP try to defend this crap if the actually speeches got public.

466 Achilles Tang  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 7:15:15pm

re: #464 Stealth Troll II

As do several in the western provinces. So?

Secede from the French? I didn't know that, but I go back to DeGaulle days.

467 prairiefire  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 7:17:20pm

re: #442 Femanazi forever

Schiavo, all over. IDIOTS

Your nic times infinity!

468 prairiefire  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 7:17:53pm

re: #465 moderatelyradicalliberal

I hope some sneaky liberal gets in and gets this shit on tape. They tend to try to keep these speakers from being televised. I'd love to see the GOP try to defend this crap if the actually speeches got public.

CPAC gets a lot of attention.

469 b_sharp  Wed, Feb 8, 2012 7:31:21pm

re: #466 Red Sea Desjardini Tang

Secede from the French? I didn't know that, but I go back to DeGaulle days.

The power Ontario wields because of its population size has far more of an effect on how the rest of the country views confederation than does cultural diversity.

470 Randall Gross  Thu, Feb 9, 2012 3:49:51am

One other thing worthy of note: Srj Trfkovic hails from "The Chronicles" - which is another hotbed of white nationalism from the Rockford Institute (Rockford Illinois) - it's where the Northern Fundamentalist and Orthodox Catholic Bigots cross pollinate with Southern Baptist NeoConfederate bigots on subjects such as Western Civilization and "race realism" etc.
The Chronicles John Randolph club & meetings are where the circles sometimes overlap (Lew Rockwell, Rothbardians, NE Father Coughlin crowd descendants like Buchanan, Immigrant Far right "race realists" and white nationalists, Jason Raimondo, etc. etc.)

It's also worthy of note that Rockford is the Christian white nationalist think tank that planted the original seeds for today's "culture war"

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