Politico Suspends Joe Williams After Breitbart Hit Piece by John Nolte - Who Calls for Enemies to Be ‘Murdered’

Breitbart’s John Nolte declared war on journalists, and Politico gives him his first scalp
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Politico has suspended reporter Joe Williams, after breitbart.com’s John Nolte published some tweets from Williams’ private Twitter account: POLITICO Reporter Suspended for Remarks.

On MSNBC today, Williams made a remark suggesting Mitt Romney was only comfortable around white people. The video was first flagged by conservative website Washington Free Beacon. breitbart.com ran the video and also flagged a series of tweets Williams had written that made fun of the Republican candidate, particularly in regard to his wealth. 

“Regrettably, an unacceptable number of Joe Williams’s public statements on cable and Twitter have called into question his commitment to this responsibility,” POLITICO’s founding editors John Harris and Jim VandeHei wrote in a memo to the staff. “His comment about Governor Romney earlier today on MSNBC fell short of our standards for fairness and judgment in an especially unfortunate way.”

“Joe has acknowledged that his appearance reflected a poor choice of words,” the continued. “This appearance came in the context of other remarks on Twitter that, cumulatively, require us to make clear that our standards are serious, and so are the consequences for disregarding them. This is true for all POLITICO journalists, including an experienced and well-respected voice like Joe Williams.”

“Following discussion of this matter with editors, Joe has been suspended while we review the matter,” they wrote.

This is the actual quote from Joe Williams on Martin Bashir’s MSNBC show:

It’s very interesting that he does so many appearances on “ Fox & Friends .” And it’s unscripted. It’s only time they let Mitt off the leash, so to speak. But it also points out a larger problem he’s got to solve if he wants to be successful come this fall. Romney is very, very comfortable, it seems, with people who are like him. That’s one of the reasons why he seems so stiff and awkward in some town hall settings, why he can’t relate to people other than that. But when he comes on “ Fox & Friends,” they are like him, they’re white folks who are very much relaxed in their own company, so it really is a very stark contrast, I think, and a problem that he has not been able to solve to date, and he’s going to have to network harder if he’s going to try to compete.

And these are the tweets that Williams posted to his “protected” account (a protected account is private, and only approved followers can see it):

GOP definition of “voter fraud” @LOLGOP: Breaking: If people are able to vote, Obama will win. fb/me/1cby5M4ur


Or both @utaustinliberal: Either Ann Romney meant Mitt is flaccid or that when we “unzip him” we’ll find he’s a dick. abcnews.go.com

While I can appreciate Politico’s desire to appear impartial, and sort of agree that Williams may have gone over the line with his Twitter comments (although these tweets actually seem pretty mild to me, for a reason I’ll be getting to in a second), there’s another angle to this breitbart.com-driven hit job on Joe Williams that needs to be reported as well.

Because the author of the Breitbart story, John Nolte, has a documented habit of not simply criticizing his political enemies, but actually calling for them to be murdered. And not in a joking way, either.

Here’s a tweet posted by John Nolte last November, when he was ranting and raving about Occupy Wall Street:

And more recently, Nolte posted an article at breitbart.com about an HBO show he found offensive — and called for the mother of one of the show’s child actors to be murdered. Again, not kidding, and not private, either; right out in the open on a popular right wing website. Quote:

The Left is so far gone that we can’t even find agreement on the basis that this is unacceptable.

And whoever this little girl’s stage mom is — she should be murdered.

Hey Politico: maybe this should be reported as well? I’m not suggesting that you sink to the level of breitbart.com, but if the Breitbart crew is going to be launching attacks against your reporters, maybe their own ugly remarks should also be a subject of interest.

Just sayin’.

Oh, and by the way — the reader comments for John Nolte’s hit piece are just brimming with overt racism. As you might expect.

Williams makes a good case for the legitimacy of racism!


Monkeys don’t talk.. they tweet.


Suspended? He should be fired. Williams is a Biblical term for donkey!


These black reporters who cry “racist” at Romney are racist jokes themselves. Being called a racist by some of these walking turds should be considered a badge of honor.


One of obama’s brothas doing what they do best….

was that one too fat to fit in a Black Panther uniform.

Statistically, there is an 80% chance Williams is illegitimate,

perhaps that is what made him so bitter.


The usual gutter fare from the brothas who so obediently serve obama.

Evidence that;

you can take the man out of the ghetto,

you can not take the ghetto out of the man.


So sad to see dumb negroes making utter FOOLS out of themselves like this.


What a nasty sub-human.


This guy’s face resembles the thing he spoke about. The forward section that is. Next this piece of carbon paper will be a full professor at some 20,000 dollar a year uni.


Where da white womens at?


There must be an endless supply of these gutter dwellers just like rats at the garbage dump.


They’re all products of broken homes, liberal marriages (which basically wind up in divorce) no parents at home after school, and fetal alcohol syndrome, wiping out the empathetic region of the brain. There are legions of psychopaths like this thanks to the liberalism that swept the nation when God became irrelevant.


seems like joe williams is infatuated with white penis,,,i bet in progressive circle jerks he,s knows as chuggs….


i believe that william is just expressing his desire to have mitt’s white meat in his mouth. william is just tire off obama’s dark meat. his also tire of using his tongue to clean out obama’s royal butthole.


And black people wonder why they are disliked.


Another sex obsessed black racist. What a surprise.


Snarky blacks everywhere now! They are NASTY and MEAN.


And they called the GOP the party of the apes……this guy is Dr. Zaius.


looks more like General Ursus, but on the down low.


Jump to bottom

1 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 3:23:11pm

"people who are like him" Means whites only? WTF. And the part about being stiff at town hall meetings-Were those bereft of white men? I seriously doubt that. He nailed it-Mitt is cool among a friendly crowd, but feels awkward among everyone else.

Winning candidates can at least appear comfortable with everyone on the campaign trail. That's not Mitt.

Since when is "impartial" supposed to mean "without criticism"? Unless i misread, there is no mention of white at all.

BTW is a protected "friends only" account public? Really? Bullshit. Protected means NOT PUBLIC.

2 Mattand  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 3:29:05pm
Oh, and by the way — the reader comments for John Nolte’s hit piece are just brimming with overt racism. As you might expect.

Man, Charles, if I waded though this shit the way you do when researching this stuff, there's a good chance I'd be drunk for hours afterwards.

I grew up around a lot of this idiocy. You'd think it wouldn't bother me after a while. We've still got a looooooong way to go in the US with this garbage.

3 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 3:30:55pm

Reporters being "impartial" is what prevents them from reporting the plain, simple truth. That being that the right wing and Republicans are bat shit crazy.

4 Mattand  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 3:35:24pm

re: #3 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Reporters being "impartial" is what prevents them from reporting the plain, simple truth. That being that the right wing and Republicans are bat shit crazy.

I haven't watched it yet but apparently Jon Stewart went Full Metal MBF about Obama asserting executive privilege last night. I know he's not a journalist, but sometimes he veers into "Oh noes, they both do it!" without actually looking closely at the issue.

That leads to what you just cited: if someone is acting really insane, it's suddenly pearl clutching time when the bad behavior is pointed out.

5 gwangung  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 3:37:16pm

This was a useful tool for the Rs. Now, nobody is going to notice that Romney IS uncomfortable with people not like himself---which is a bad thing to have when dealing with world leaders and thinking about problems of the middle and lower class.

6 engineer cat  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 3:46:16pm

re: #5 gwangung

This was a useful tool for the Rs. Now, nobody is going to notice that Romney IS uncomfortable with people not like himself---which is a bad thing to have when dealing with world leaders and thinking about problems of the middle and lower class.

but our diplomatic relations with department store mannikins and sports equipment models will be stronger than ever in history

7 bluecheese  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 3:51:42pm

so politico lets the dogs out eh?

8 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 3:52:11pm

I think he just made his Twitter account private after the suspension. I don't know whether I'd have a problem with his Tweets, absent a clear policy on the part of Politico.

I don't see anything wrong with his on-camera remarks. It was an observation from a point of view. If you don't want divergent points of view being expressed, don't hire anyone.

9 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:03:22pm

re: #8 wrenchwench

I think he just made his Twitter account private after the suspension.

I was wondering about that - I wasn't following him so I didn't know when he had made it 'protected,' and most of the articles I've seen aren't clear on that either.

10 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:04:02pm

This is his Twitter page, by the way: @jdub321

11 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:05:59pm

re: #9 Charles Johnson

I was wondering about that - I wasn't following him so I didn't know when he had made it 'protected,' and most of the articles I've seen aren't clear on that either.

I think I saw somebody tweet to that effect this morning, but I don't have time to go find it.

12 Shvaughn  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:06:43pm

I don't think his commentary was that out of place. It just wasn't pleasing to our white overlords that someone point out that Mitt's got no clothes on.

13 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:07:33pm

re: #12 Shvaughn

I don't think his commentary was that out of place. It just wasn't pleasing to our white overlords that someone point out that Mitt's got no clothes on.

Like I needed that image. Thanks.

14 Shvaughn  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:10:08pm
Oh, and by the way — the reader comments for John Nolte’s hit piece are just brimming with overt racism. As you might expect.

Plenty of racism in Politico's comments, for that matter.

15 Shvaughn  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:10:45pm

re: #13 Kragar

Like I needed that image. Thanks.

You're welcome!

(It's all tied in with the unzipping, although I'm gonna claim it's an Emperor's New Clothes reference too.)

16 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:11:01pm

re: #12 Shvaughn

you mean he's finally been unzipped?


17 brennant  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:11:04pm

re: #13 Kragar

Like I needed that image. Thanks.


18 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:11:49pm

re: #12 Shvaughn

His commentary about Mitt Romney wasn't out of place at all, and in fact he was dead accurate. The tweets are a little more out of line.

I wouldn't have suspended him for them, though.

I think Politico got hit with a right wing shit storm, and just buckled without considering the source. They shouldn't have. All this is going to do is further embolden the Breitbart gang.

19 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:12:01pm

Texas Slashes Family Planning Services So It Can Underfund Women’s Health Progam

In March, the federal government cut off funds to Texas’ Women’s Health Program because the state chose to exclude abortion providers from the program in violation of federal law. But even without federal funds, which made up 90 percent of the funding, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) announced the state would fund the Women’s Health Program on its own.

But to pay for the reduced services provided by the program, the governor announced that the state would cut other health services. Perry directed Tom Suehs, executive commissioner of the state’s Health and Human Services department, to cut $40.1 million in department services to make up the missing federal funds.

Cuts will come by reducing dental services, programs for the elderly, and administrative pay. Even with this money freed up, the Women’s Health Program will not be nearly as strong as it was with federal funding.

20 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:13:36pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

I think Politico got hit with a right wing shit storm, and just buckled without considering the source. They shouldn't have. All this is going to do is further embolden the Breitbart gang.

Of course they did. In fact I bet all it took was a threat and they dropped the guy. Truth will be sacrificed by Politico in order to avoid any negative publicity.

21 Shvaughn  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:14:39pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

I think Politico got hit with a right wing shit storm, and just buckled without considering the source. They shouldn't have. All this is going to do is further embolden the Breitbart gang.

I agree, and it's not like Politico is beloved by the Right to begin with.

Joe Williams' crimes were these: being right about Romney, retweeting jokes, and being a black man. Obviously the Right has to crucify him for this.

22 Shvaughn  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:15:32pm

re: #19 Kragar

Texas Slashes Family Planning Services So It Can Underfund Women’s Health Progam

... and they'll blame it on Planned Parenthood somehow.

23 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:16:48pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

His commentary about Mitt Romney wasn't out of place at all, and in fact he was dead accurate. The tweets are a little more out of line.

I wouldn't have suspended him for them, though.

I think Politico got hit with a right wing shit storm, and just buckled without considering the source. They shouldn't have. All this is going to do is further embolden the Breitbart gang.

He's been Sherroded. It does say, "suspended while we review the matter," so he might not lose his job. But Politico would have to admit they made a mistake. And we all know how painful that can be.

24 engineer cat  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:24:34pm

Mitt's got no clothes on

in mitt's case i'll take it as unproven that he's capable of being naked

25 blueraven  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:26:55pm

Are you kidding me?

What he said and tweeted was pretty mild. Look at Eric Erickson and Dana Loesh. I know...they are CNN, not politico, but rightwingers can go on respectable networks as pundits and spew their rabid bile with impunity.
Rush Limbaugh is exalted and revered.

Something is rotten.

26 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:34:53pm

re: #14 Shvaughn

Plenty of racism in Politico's comments, for that matter.

Just the other day I ventured in and saw a politico commenter dropping the stupid slander (again..cut & paste) about FLOTUS saying "all this for a flag?"

Ya'll have heard this one? Dog, i just shake my head.

27 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:35:04pm

I watched the MSNBC clip and it looks like they made the right call. I'm not a huge fan of politico but they are trying to be a serious news network and are taking their reputation seriously. Fox should have fired Beck for making the similar claim about Obama hating white culture. Instead they chose to flush their reputation.

28 engineer cat  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:41:37pm

ooooooo new tesla model s now being delivered to customers oooooooo ooooo

[Link: bottomline.msnbc.msn.com...]

29 RadicalModerate  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:41:44pm

re: #27 Killgore Trout

I watched the MSNBC clip and it looks like they made the right call. I'm not a huge fan of politico but they are trying to be a serious news network and are taking their reputation seriously. Fox should have fired Beck for making the similar claim about Obama hating white culture. Instead they chose to flush their reputation.

The boat on FoxNews being a serious news network versus a rightwing propoganda machine, and having any reputation at all pretty much sailed on day one of its broadcasts. Roger Ailes at the helm guaranteed that.

30 Shvaughn  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:44:15pm

re: #27 Killgore Trout

Joe Williams' situation isn't Glenn Beck, in any way.

31 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:47:06pm

re: #27 Killgore Trout

I watched the MSNBC clip and it looks like they made the right call. I'm not a huge fan of politico but they are trying to be a serious news network and are taking their reputation seriously. Fox should have fired Beck for making the similar claim about Obama hating white culture. Instead they chose to flush their reputation.

Beck saying Obama hates white culture and Williams saying Romney is more comfortable with people like himself aren't even in the same category. I was going to say they were at opposite ends of the same category, but when I typed the phrase 'white culture', I realized one is an observation and the other is an inflammatory racist propagandistic claim. Anyone who doesn't know which is which is blind.

32 Varek Raith  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:50:16pm

re: #31 wrenchwench

Beck saying Obama hates white culture and Williams saying Romney is more comfortable with people like himself aren't even in the same category. I was going to say they were at opposite ends of the same category, but when I typed the phrase 'white culture', I realized one is an observation and the other is an inflammatory racist propagandistic claim. Anyone who doesn't know which is which is blind.

He's just being contrary to whatever position the majority of LGF holds.
He'll return to normal after the election.

33 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:56:03pm

re: #32 Varek Raith

He's just being contrary to whatever position the majority of LGF holds.
He'll return to normal after the election.

Nah, I think that is normal. Sometimes, it can be valuable contribution to do that. The rest of the time, it can still elucidate certain issues when countered with facts and other opinions. If it gets really bad, it's time to GAZE.

34 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:57:00pm

re: #31 wrenchwench

Why isn't implying Romney is a racist not as bad as Beck's stupid remarks?

35 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:57:27pm

re: #1 Daniel Ballard

"people who are like him" Means whites only? WTF. And the part about being stiff at town hall meetings-Were those bereft of white men? I seriously doubt that. He nailed it-Mitt is cool among a friendly crowd, but feels awkward among everyone else.

Winning candidates can at least appear comfortable with everyone on the campaign trail. That's not Mitt.

Since when is "impartial" supposed to mean "without criticism"? Unless i misread, there is no mention of white at all.

BTW is a protected "friends only" account public? Really? Bullshit. Protected means NOT PUBLIC.

He did mention Romney is only comfortable around whites.

"But when he comes on “ Fox & Friends,” they are like him, they’re white folks who are very much relaxed in their own company, so it really is a very stark contrast, I think, and a problem that he has not been able to solve to date, and he’s going to have to network harder if he’s going to try to compete."

I have no idea why this deserves suspension, unless the reader infers the comment is calling Romney a racist. That's hard to justify though, because of the later implication that Romney is also uncomfortable with anyone not comfortable in his own skin.

36 RadicalModerate  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:57:41pm

Time for today's edition of "What right-wing violence?"

Plano man behind explosive probe shared mistrust of government

PLANO - The man who federal agents believe detonated a homemade bomb in a Plano neighborhood had a deep mistrust for the U.S. government.

In his writings, he often talked of corruption involving the IRS, the Federal Reserve and U.S. presidents.

"It's not just the IRS," said Anson Chi in a 2007 online radio interview. "It's also the government and the federal reserve. It's everything tied together, and they're all working as one. And so, you can't just attack one part of the dragon, you've got to attack the whole dragon and slay the head off."

Chi's Facebook and MySpace pages are filled with political cartoons, gag photos and anti-Obama messages.
News 8 learned Chi published a 2008 e-book titled "Yellow on the Inside, Shame on the Outside," where he discussed his frustrations with his parents, threatened to kill himself and admits he needs counseling. He claims it's fiction, but based partially on his life.

He calls himself a "former Asian." He wrote: "I renounce my ethnicity (Chinese) because I do not like the egregiously selfish and deplorable culture."

Chi also posted an online tirade on YouTube, ranting against the government, physically ripping apart a federal income tax form and swearing. Chi often said there is no law requiring average American citizens to pay income tax.

"I will not file, nor will I pay a single penny in income tax until I see the law," Chi said in the video.

He backed Libertarian causes and described himself as a campaign director and contributor to Ron Paul's presidential campaigns.

37 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 4:59:10pm

re: #34 researchok

Why isn't implying Romney is a racist not as bad as Beck's stupid remarks?

Did he imply Romney's a racist?

38 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:00:28pm

re: #34 researchok

Why isn't implying Romney is a racist not as bad as Beck's stupid remarks?

Do you think that saying Romney is more comfortable with white folks is implying he's a racist? I don't. You might be inferring that.

39 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:00:58pm

re: #33 wrenchwench

Nah, I think that is normal. Sometimes, it can be valuable contribution to do that. The rest of the time, it can still elucidate certain issues when countered with facts and other opinions. If it gets really bad, it's time to GAZE.

What does GAZE mean?

40 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:02:00pm

re: #39 b_sharp

What does GAZE mean?

It means not responding at all.

41 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:02:43pm

re: #39 b_sharp

What does GAZE mean?

I didn't realize you're such a noob! Seems like you've been here forever!

42 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:03:10pm

re: #35 b_sharp

Recall Cornell West said of Obama he's most comfortable around whites and Jews.

I just believe those kinds of remarks are way out of line no matter who makes- and the not so subtle inference of racism of a sort is never far below the surface.

43 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:03:10pm

re: #40 wrenchwench

It means not responding at all.

What do the letters mean? I thought it was an acronym.

44 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:04:10pm

re: #43 b_sharp

What do the letters mean? I thought it was an acronym.

Nope. It's mysteriously rendered in all caps, but not an acronym.

45 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:04:17pm

re: #41 wrenchwench

I didn't realize you're such a noob! Seems like you've been here forever!

Fer crying out loud, I've only been here since 2009.

46 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:04:36pm

re: #37 b_sharp

I believe he did. When you imply he isn't comfortable around a partricular group, (as opposed to am individual) you do imply a bias.

47 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:06:43pm

re: #42 researchok

Recall Cornell West said of Obama he's most comfortable around whites and Jews.

I just believe those kinds of remarks are weay out of line no matter who makes- and the not so subtle inference of racism of a sort is never far below the surface.

I agree. And that's a closer analogy than the Beck comment. I think the bottom line is it's just kind of a stupid/silly thing to say. When this guy appears on TV he's a representative of his employer. Even when he's appearing on derpy shows it's important to not get caught up in the atmosphere and get too derpy. That's what got Juan Williams in trouble.

48 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:07:07pm

re: #42 researchok

Recall Cornell West said of Obama he's most comfortable around whites and Jews.

I just believe those kinds of remarks are weay out of line no matter who makes- and the not so subtle inference of racism of a sort is never far below the surface.

Anyone who says "whites and Jews" would be more suspect in my book. And from your link, it looks like he said a lot more than that.

49 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:07:15pm

re: #38 wrenchwench

I'm uncomfortable with the characterization of an entire group as opposed to a particular individual.

Substitute the word gay, Jewish, Muslim, etc. and the slight is more recognizable.

50 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:07:42pm

re: #45 b_sharp

Fer crying out loud, I've only been here since 2009.

Noob! Noob! Noob!

51 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:08:12pm

re: #42 researchok

Recall Cornell West said of Obama he's most comfortable around whites and Jews.

But the comment about Romney wasn't that specific, it also included whites.

I just believe those kinds of remarks are weay out of line no matter who makes- and the not so subtle inference of racism of a sort is never far below the surface.

Calling someone a racist has to be backed up with a shit load of evidence. If it isn't then it's never acceptable to fling the accusation around, even if done subtly.

52 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:09:17pm

re: #48 wrenchwench

He did say lots more- but all to validate his (false) point.

It's good t have tenure at Princeton.

53 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:10:01pm

re: #49 researchok

I'm uncomfortable with the characterization of an entire group as opposed to a particular individual.

Substitute the word gay, Jewish, Muslim, etc. and the slight is more recognizable.

It's a characterization of Romney, not a group.

54 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:11:05pm

re: #51 b_sharp

True- and I make be looking at this through occupational lenses.

That said, the whole notion of painting an individual as uncomfortable woth an entire group is troubling- especially with no substantive corroborating evidence, as you note.

55 Gus  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:11:13pm

re: #27 Killgore Trout

I watched the MSNBC clip and it looks like they made the right call. I'm not a huge fan of politico but they are trying to be a serious news network and are taking their reputation seriously. Fox should have fired Beck for making the similar claim about Obama hating white culture. Instead they chose to flush their reputation.

You think that Politico caving into Breitbart.com and Freebeacon is the right call and that it's good for their reputation? Seriously?

56 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:11:32pm

I don't see anything wrong with what he said about Romney appearing on Fox & Friends. He was absolutely right - that's about the whitest show on cable news. And don't forget -- it was on Fox & Friends that Glenn Beck made his ugly racial comments about Barack Obama.

There's a reason why African Americans like Joe Williams see shows like Fox & Friends as centers of white privilege. Because they are.

57 Varek Raith  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:11:48pm

re: #55 Gus

You think that Politico caving into Breitbart.com and Freebeacon is the right call and that it's good for their reputation? Seriously?

But getting corps to drop Rush is bad!

58 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:12:22pm

re: #49 researchok

I think you've got it kind of backwards. There's no possible slight against a group, there's only the possibility he was accusing Romney of a weak sort of racism-- that of being more comfortable around people like himself, one of the aspects being race.

It isn't an accusation of "thinks other races are inferior" sort of racism, or "has negative attitudes towards other races". It's very different from an accusation of that sort.

59 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:12:35pm

re: #44 wrenchwench

Nope. It's mysteriously rendered in all caps, but not an acronym.

I inferred from its use that it meant you should zone out when viewing a post from a poster who had been GAZEd, but I thought it was more interesting in that it was an acronym.

I was wrong.

It happens.

60 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:13:42pm

re: #59 b_sharp

I inferred from its use that it meant you should zone out when viewing a post from a poster who had been GAZEd, but I thought it was more interesting in that it was an acronym.

I was wrong.

It happens.

You could make up something that it's an acronym for. Then it would be a backronym.

61 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:14:20pm

re: #53 wrenchwench

I meant substitute the idea (unsubstantiated) and implication that Romney is not comfortable around gays, Jews, Muslims, etc.

Like I said, I may be looking at this through occupational lenses, but the notion that this is no more than opinion troubles me.

62 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:15:29pm

re: #58 Obdicut

I think you've got it kind of backwards. There's no possible slight against a group, there's only the possibility he was accusing Romney of a weak sort of racism-- that of being more comfortable around people like himself, one of the aspects being race.

It isn't an accusation of "thinks other races are inferior" sort of racism, or "has negative attitudes towards other races". It's very different from an accusation of that sort.

I find it to be a kind of grey area comment.

63 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:15:56pm

re: #61 researchok

But he didn't say Romney was "not comfortable" around any particular group. He said Romney is comfortable with people who are like him. You're inverting what he said, to make an argument he wasn't making.

64 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:16:41pm

Romney's crowds are in dire need of sunscreen. Check out the photos. It is what it is. And he has that creepy fake laugh that I see as he's basically uncomfortable with everyone.

65 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:16:58pm

re: #58 Obdicut

So if I say you aren't comfortable around Muslims or gays that implies nothing more than an opinion to you?

66 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:19:03pm

A graphic example of Joe Williams' point:

67 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:19:28pm

re: #61 researchok

I meant substitute the idea (unsubstantiated) and implication that Romney is not comfortable around gays, Jews, Muslims, etc.

Like I said, I may be looking at this through occupational lenses, but the notion that this is no more than opinion troubles me.

It's not really addressing who Romney isn't comfortable around, just who he is comfortable around. Watch the clip here, and then think about whether it could be an observation more than just an opinion.

68 gwangung  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:19:41pm

re: #65 researchok

But as an observation, shouldn't this be out there, to support or not support?

I mean, doing a comprehensive content analysis of his appearances is useful, but in the sciences, the observations of a researcher are also of value.

69 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:20:30pm

re: #63 Charles Johnson

The implication is the same- 'I'm only comfortable around heteros' for example.

Also, that FOX is (obnoxiously)lilly white has little if any bearing on the remarks.

He's a politician on the stump. He may reach a more sympathetic audience, but it's all politicking

Obama has been on FOX as well and Dems make daily appearances.

70 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:21:28pm

re: #67 wrenchwench

I saw the clip- and to me he's walking in a circle- whether you go clockwise or counterclockwise is not really the point.

You end up in the same place.

71 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:23:05pm

re: #68 gwangung

Yes, but this does not occur in a vacuum

We can also ask, 'So when did you stop beating your wife'.

Do we need to ask that o everyone and wait for the comprehensive analysis?

72 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:23:41pm

re: #65 researchok

So if I say you aren't comfortable around Muslims or gays that implies nothing more than an opinion to you?

If you said that, sure. If you said I was comfortable around West Coast intellectual Jews, it'd be true, and would depend on context whether you were saying something nasty or not.

He did himself a disservice by only mentioning race as a factor, but I really don't think that's all he meant by 'like him', do you?

73 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:24:18pm

re: #55 Gus

You think that Politico caving into Breitbart.com and Freebeacon is the right call and that it's good for their reputation? Seriously?

I don't see any evidence of an advertiser boycott or financial pressure. It seems Politico management is protecting the image they want to project. They are within their rights to do so.

74 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:24:23pm

re: #69 researchok

The implication is the same- 'I'm only comfortable around heteros' for example.

I don't agree with that at all. The implication's not the same, because when you invert the statement Williams made, you're vastly narrowing the scope of the "people" in the statement.

"Comfortable with people like him" could include all kinds of people, different races, genders, whatever, as long as they were "like" Romney in some way that made him comfortable. Say, a convention of ultra-rich people.

"Uncomfortable with black people" is a narrow, non-inclusive statement that makes a specific point, and it's not the point Williams made.

75 Patricia Kayden  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:24:35pm

Hopefully, MSNBC will pick up Williams as one of their political commentators. I see McCain's daughter, Russert's son, and even Huntsman's daughter serving in that role on MSNBC, so certainly Williams is qualified. It's Politico's loss.

76 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:25:37pm

re: #73 Killgore Trout

I don't see any evidence of an advertiser boycott or financial pressure. It seems Politico management is protecting the image they want to project. They are within their rights to do so.

And people are within their rights to contact advertisers to tell them that they don't like them advertising on misogynistic, racist programs.

It's not a question about 'rights'.

77 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:26:37pm

re: #69 researchok

The implication is the same- 'I'm only comfortable around heteros' for example.

Also, that FOX is (obnoxiously)lilly white has little if any bearing on the remarks.

He's a politician on the stump. He may reach a more sympathetic audience, but it's all politicking

Obama has been on FOX as well and Dems make daily appearances.

When I was in fourth grade, a black family moved into my neighborhood for the first time. The mother of the family visited a lot of the classrooms at my elementary school to talk a little bit about race. She pointed out that her daughter had an advantage that the rest of us lacked. She was accustomed to being around black people and white people, not just one or the other. Now relate that to Obama and Romney. It's not Romney's fault, it's just how he's lived his life.

78 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:27:07pm

re: #72 Obdicut

So if I said you were only really comfortable around heteros and white Christians, that's OK with you?

You don't see the inferences?

79 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:27:17pm

re: #70 researchok

I saw the clip- and to me he's walking in a circle- whether you go clockwise or counterclockwise is not really the point.

You end up in the same place.

I mean watch to observe Romney, not Williams.

80 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:29:08pm

re: #76 Obdicut

And people are within their rights to contact advertisers to tell them that they don't like them advertising on misogynistic, racist programs.

It's not a question about 'rights'.

If Politico hired him as an over-the-top bomb thrower-type partisan shock jock then I'd expect them to stand by him. If they hired him as a semi-serious political commentator he should get a talking to and be reminded of the image Politico wants to project.
If he really wants to stick to that kind of political commentary he could probably land a gig with MSNBC.

81 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:29:47pm

re: #75 Patricia Kayden

Hopefully, MSNBC will pick up Williams as one of their political commentators. I see McCain's daughter, Russert's son, and even Huntsman's daughter serving in that role on MSNBC, so certainly Williams is qualified. It's Politico's loss.


82 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:29:55pm

re: #67 wrenchwench

It's not really addressing who Romney isn't comfortable around, just who he is comfortable around. Watch the clip here, and then think about whether it could be an observation more than just an opinion.

Unless the comment is only about a subset of people he is comfortable around, and that isn't what it sounds like, then the comfortable group and the uncomfortable group are mutually exclusive.

I think his point was that Romney is only comfortable around people with a specific attitude and that attitude is more likely in groups containing affluent and influential people.

It didn't quite come out that way though.

83 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:31:01pm

re: #78 researchok

So if I said you were only really comfortable around heteros and white Christians, that's OK with you?

You don't see the inferences?

Well, I'm not Christian, so you'd be talking nonsense. And I'm from San Francisco, and I'm very comfortable around gay people.

I don't think Mitt Romney would be very comfortable in a room full of gay people, given his stances on gay people. I don't think Mitt Romney would be very comfortable in a room full of undocumented aliens, given his stances on undocumented aliens. I don't think Obama would be very comfortable in a room full of West Virginian Democratic voters, either. Did I just call Obama a racist?

84 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:31:44pm

re: #80 Killgore Trout

You think that was a 'bomb'? That Romney is more comfortable hanging out with members of the white establishment than the hoi polloi?

85 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:31:46pm

re: #79 wrenchwench

Understood- but do you really want to make an inference from a single incident?

Don't get me wrong, I understand where you are coming- this is more opinion than political, etc.

All I'm saying is not everyone is/will be as measured as yourself.

Further, I don't want to see Obama subject to the same thing. And you know that is just what the morons will do.

The hard right has done enough to denigrate the system as it is.

86 gwangung  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:33:08pm

re: #71 researchok

Yes, but this does not occur in a vacuum

We can also ask, 'So when did you stop beating your wife'.

Do we need to ask that o everyone and wait for the comprehensive analysis?

This comment makes no sense. Can you back up and restate?

Also, the point you're making doesn't connect with its truthfulness, which I think is a bit important.

87 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:33:53pm

re: #83 Obdicut

What you are or aren't isn't relevant.

All I have to do is just say those things and the inferences are there.

In the way you explained yourself, you proved my point- inferences matter.

88 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:35:57pm

re: #87 researchok

Um, no, you appear to have just missed my point.

Do you think me saying that Obama wouldn't be comfortable among white West Virginian voters is saying he's racist?

89 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:37:27pm

You said,

But as an observation, shouldn't this be out there, to support or not support?

I mean, doing a comprehensive content analysis of his appearances is useful, but in the sciences, the observations of a researcher are also of value.

So if I say you are displaying the behavior of wife beater, you therefore have to prove otherwise? Would I be wrong to infer you are not a nice person?

Are Cornel West's observations equally valid?

90 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:37:39pm

Here's Mitt Romney uncomfortable as hell with a bunch of white people:

91 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:38:42pm

re: #85 researchok

Understood- but do you really want to make an inference from a single incident?

Don't get me wrong, I understand where you are coming- this is more opinion than political, etc.

All I'm saying is not everyone is/will be as measured as yourself.

Further, I don't want to see Obama subject to the same thing. And you know that is just what the morons will do.

The hard right has done enough to denigrate the system as it is.

It's not a single incident. Romney has been on Fox and Friends more than 20 times. Williams is a political reporter, he's probably watched them all. I'm saying it's less opinion and more observation, from a point of view that you, I, and Romney don't share.

92 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:39:06pm

re: #88 Obdicut

No, the equivalent is my saying Obama only comfortable around black people.

93 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:40:16pm

re: #92 researchok

No, the equivalent is my saying Obama only comfortable around black people.

Can you please quote where it was said Romney was only comfortable around white people?

94 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:40:59pm

re: #90 Charles Johnson


He is nowhere near as personable as Obama.

95 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:41:03pm

re: #92 researchok

And, since you seem to have missed this:

He did himself a disservice by only mentioning race as a factor, but I really don't think that's all he meant by 'like him', do you?

96 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:41:18pm

Another video of the Pennsylvania Cookie Incident. Note the look of disgust. Clearly, Romney's not enjoying this encounter with white people.

97 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:41:22pm

Was it an email posted on Sullivan's blog? Can't find but it was an anticipation of the Rick Warren faith summit/debate with Romney & Obama.

Funny how that was required in 2008. I bet Rick's getting a new church building to not call for it this year.

98 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:41:26pm

re: #93 Obdicut

I never said that.

99 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:42:29pm

re: #87 researchok

What you are or aren't isn't relevant.

All I have to do is just say those things and the inferences are there.

In the way you explained yourself, you proved my point- inferences matter.

'Inferring' is what you do. 'Implying' is what you want to say Williams and others are doing.

100 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:42:53pm

re: #92 researchok

No, the equivalent is my saying Obama only comfortable around black people.

He didn't actually say that Romney is only comfortable around whites. He did say that Romney is only comfortable around people comfortable in their own skins.

101 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:43:17pm

re: #99 wrenchwench

Thank you.

That was a careless use of words on my part.

102 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:43:46pm

re: #98 researchok

I never said that.

Then how on earth is it equivalent to saying Obama is only comfortable around black people?

103 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:45:01pm

re: #100 b_sharp

He didn't actually say that Romney is only comfortable around whites. He did say that Romney is only comfortable around people comfortable in their own skins expensive clothing that they never have to wash themselves, or even pick up from the cleaners themselves.


104 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:45:01pm

re: #98 researchok

I never said that.

Yes, you did with your analogy.

105 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:45:42pm

re: #100 b_sharp

I think it was a clear implication that he was saying Romney was really only comfortable hanging out with white elite establishment dudes, and was uncomfortable in other settings. He used town halls as an example. I don't think the biggest difference between Town Halls and Fox and Friends is that there's more multicultural aspects-- not at GOP town halls-- but in the level of affluence and privilege. That's how I took the comment.

106 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:46:19pm

And while everyone was distracted, I did away with the "Show Links" button (because nobody was using it).

107 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:47:36pm

Romney's also very uncomfortable around people who buy their cookies at the supermarket instead of having them made fresh by the house chef.

108 gwangung  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:47:42pm

re: #89 researchok

You said,

So if I say you are displaying the behavior of wife beater, you therefore have to prove otherwise? Would I be wrong to infer you are not a nice person?

Are Cornel West's observations equally valid?

I think I am inferring that you are ignoring what I'm saying.

If I say you're displaying behavior of a wife beater and you, in fact, do so, then that should be out there. Why shouldn't it be, since a reporter is supposed to be a trained observer of newsmakers?

Conversely, Cornel West's observations are not valid because they do not match Obama's behaviors---you seem to be missing that step here.

109 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:48:49pm

re: #100 b_sharp

True, but we're getting off topic (slightly!), Is the implication Romney is somehow racist?

It is in the eye of the beholder.

I get WW's point. She is making a clinical observation on the singular event, only.

However, there is also a lot of implying all Republicans are racist, homophobic, etc.

This kind of implication (which goes beyond the event) feeds that narrative.

The fact is, Romney is a bumbler compared to Obama. That does not make him anything than that, at least on the people skills front.

110 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:48:55pm

re: #105 Obdicut

I think it was a clear implication that he was saying Romney was really only comfortable hanging out with white elite establishment dudes, and was uncomfortable in other settings. He used town halls as an example. I don't think the biggest difference between Town Halls and Fox and Friends is that there's more multicultural aspects-- not at GOP town halls-- but in the level of affluence and privilege. That's how I took the comment.

After reading it for the umpteenth time, it looks like that to me too.

111 blueraven  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:49:10pm

re: #92 researchok

No, the equivalent is my saying Obama only comfortable around black people.

No it would not. Williams didn't say Romney was only comfortable among only white people.

I might agree that his words were not well chosen. But I dont see this as calling racism, nor as a reason for suspension due to right wing blog outrage. Maybe a warning.

They defend, no, they make a hero of a reporter who heckled the president and call for the head of Williams?

112 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:49:45pm

Later, lizards.

113 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:50:05pm

re: #108 gwangung

Why don't Cornel West's observations count?

He knows Obama, he knows who his associates are, etc.

114 wrenchwench  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:51:16pm

re: #113 researchok

Why don't Cornel West's observations count?

He knows hates Obama, he knows who his associates are, etc.

Maybe for that reason?

115 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:51:51pm

re: #110 b_sharp

And Cornel West said Obama was most comfortable with middle aged whites and Jews.

I find that equally offensive.

116 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:52:15pm

re: #109 researchok

There is nothing about saying something about Romney that means that comment applies to all Republicans.

The GOP in general, though, is highly homophobic. It passes laws forbidding gays to marry, attempts to stop gays from being open in the military. It is a homophobic party. It is simply true. Anyone voting for the GOP is voting for a party that endorses homophobia even to the extent of constitutional amendments enshrining homophobia.

117 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:52:48pm

re: #114 wrenchwench

True- but those were his observations.

And do we know Williams agenda?

118 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:55:43pm

re: #109 researchok

True, but we're getting off topic (slightly!), Is the implication Romney is somehow racist?

I think that can be inferred, but it would be a stretch. If the comment is viewed with a critical eye it's apparent the more accurate inference is that it was about influence and money.

It certainly could have been worded better.

119 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:56:52pm

re: #115 researchok

And Cornel West said Obama was most comfortable with middle aged whites and Jews.

I find that equally offensive.

Is that all he said?

120 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:58:23pm

Supper callsre: #119 b_sharp

No, see this

It infuriated me at the time. It was a low blow.

121 jaunte  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:58:25pm
Joseph Williams

A veteran political journalist and telegenic, quick-witted analyst, Joseph Williams is the White House Correspondent for Politico, where he covers the Obama administration cabinet and domestic policies, as well as examining the intersection of race and politics. [Link: www.politico.com...]

If that's part of his job description, it's odd that Politico feels it's necessary to suspend him for alluding to the topic.

122 Varek Raith  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 5:59:37pm

What West said,

I think he does have a predilection much more toward upper-class white brothers and Jewish brothers and a certain distance from free black men who will tell him the truth about himself as well as what’s going on in black communities, brown communities, red communities and poor white and working-class communities.

123 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:00:49pm

re: #106 Charles Johnson

And while everyone was distracted, I did away with the "Show Links" button, (because nobody was using it).

Hey, I used it once a few days ago ... by accident.

124 Obdicut  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:00:57pm

re: #118 b_sharp

Well, it's definitely also about race; but the establishment in the US is, overwhelmingly, white. White people hold positions of political power, influence, and wealth outstripping their place in the population, by a large margin.

[Link: diversityinc.com...]

125 Varek Raith  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:02:48pm

re: #106 Charles Johnson

And while everyone was distracted, I did away with the "Show Links" button (because nobody was using it).


126 researchok  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:03:07pm

Supper beckons

Later, all

127 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:05:17pm

re: #120 researchok

Supper calls

No, see this

It infuriated me at the time. It was a low blow.

I can see why.

128 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:13:41pm

OT: Rain has come in and the temp has dropped about 15-20 degrees in the last hour.

And is this a sign of multiculturalism, or are political candidates swimming nearby?

Beach Sign

129 PhillyPretzel  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:35:21pm

re: #128 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

There is some lightning and thunder in NE Philly. The last one was pretty close so I am getting off for now. Good Night to my fellow Lizards.

130 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:36:19pm

Got too much sun today. My arms are turning red.

131 blueraven  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:37:08pm

Breaking: Jury has reached a verdict in Sandusky case. Expected in 15 -20 minutes.

132 sagehen  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:38:26pm

re: #131 blueraven

Breaking: Jury has reached a verdict in Sandusky case. Expected in 15 -20 minutes.

Are you giving odds? I say guilty on 42 of 48 counts.

133 blueraven  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:40:02pm

re: #132 sagehen

Are you giving odds? I say guilty on 42 of 48 counts.

Sounds about right

Jury to announce verdict in Sandusky trial

134 Targetpractice  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:40:22pm

re: #132 sagehen

Are you giving odds? I say guilty on 42 of 48 counts.

His lawyer was just quoted earlier today saying he'd be shocked if Sandusky got acquitted on all charges.

135 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:41:43pm

re: #130 Kragar

Got too much sun today. My arms are turning red.

Got too much sun yesterday. My brain is turning red. Well, pink really.

136 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:48:18pm

re: #135 b_sharp

Got too much sun yesterday. My brain is turning red. Well, pink really.


137 prairiefire  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:50:33pm

re: #132 sagehen

Are you giving odds? I say guilty on 42 of 48 counts.

A very plausible estimate.

138 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:53:48pm

Are they going to bring that son of a bitch Paterno up on charges?

139 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:54:02pm

Sandusky sucks!

And now for something completely different:

I had my Cherokee parked in the driveway all winter because I have to pull the diff gears and replace the bearings. Yesterday was the first day in a couple of months where both the sun and I were able to go outside at the same time.

I pulled the plugs, put an ounce or two of oil in each cylinder, charged the battery, replaced some cracked vacuum tubes, threw a few litres of fuel in and started it up. Of course it took a bit to start it because of the oil and dry fuel lines, and when it did a huge blue cloud of smoke wafted into the sky. (polluter!). I expected that because of the oil I added to the cylinders but it should have burned off in about 5 minutes.

Twenty minutes later and the blue smoke was still pouring out of the exhaust pipe. My first thought was "that ain't right", my second thought was "crap, I fucked up".

I forgot that some of the valves would be open enough to let moist air in and that iron rusts.

The Cherokee has a sad.

140 Targetpractice  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:54:24pm

re: #138 Kragar

Are they going to bring that son of a bitch Paterno up on charges?

Bit difficult to put a dead man on trial.

141 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:54:54pm

re: #136 Kragar


With just a tinge of socialism.

142 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:55:57pm

re: #140 Targetpractice

Bit difficult to put a dead man on trial.

He's a zombie!

143 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:56:01pm

re: #140 Targetpractice

Bit difficult to put a dead man on trial.

Forgot that bastard kicked.

144 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:57:24pm
145 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:58:38pm

re: #144 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste


Not So Cute

You didn't warn me!

That is one ugly spider.

146 Targetpractice  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:58:47pm

re: #143 Kragar

Forgot that bastard kicked.

Yeah, dropped dead back in January. Perhaps he died from embarrassment.

147 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:58:49pm

re: #144 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste


Not So Cute

Of course, inside the mouth of the cute...

148 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:59:43pm

All I know, is reading the testimony of those young men, formerly the abused boys, and the defense said in rebuttal that they were out for money made me sick.


The place to go. Sarah Ganim won a pulitzer for her coverage. I think she's like 24.

149 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 6:59:56pm

re: #147 Kragar

Of course, inside the mouth of the cute...

I hate sand worms!

150 Targetpractice  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:00:33pm

re: #147 Kragar

Of course, inside the mouth of the cute...

...well, so much for sleeping again...ever.

151 Lidane  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:01:02pm

re: #133 blueraven

Jury to announce verdict in Sandusky trial

Apparently it's going to be a while before we know the verdict. The judge set down rules that say that no one can enter or leave the courtroom or send any kind of communication until all 48 counts are dispensed with, the jury dismissed, and the court formally adjourned.

BTW, if we're laying odds, I'll say guilty on 45 out of 48.

152 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:02:08pm

re: #151 Lidane

Apparently it's going to be a while before we know the verdict. The judge set down rules that say that no one can enter or leave the courtroom or send any kind of communication until all 48 counts are dispensed with, the jury dismissed, and the court formally adjourned.

BTW, if we're laying odds, I'll say guilty on 45 out of 48.

The man is going to die in jail.

153 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:04:19pm

re: #145 b_sharp

You didn't warn me!

That is one ugly spider.

Actually not a spider, but still an arachnid though.
[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

154 Lidane  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:04:42pm

re: #152 b_sharp

The man is going to die in jail.

And I'm totally fine with that.

I'd also be happy with some sort of formal NCAA sanctions against Penn State's football program.

155 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:06:20pm

re: #153 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Actually not a spider, but still an arachnid though.
[Link: en.wikipedia.org...]

It walks on 8 legs and has 4 legs for a mouth. It's a spider.

156 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:07:42pm

Right Wing Group: Protections To Prevent Prison Rape Are Too ‘Costly’ And ‘Heavy-Handed’

The American Action Forum, a Wall Street-funded group whose C(4) runs millions of dollars in attack ads against Democrats, responded by lambasting the move as too “costly” and “complicated.” From their report:

Analysis: Despite an admirable goal, this “landmark rule” imposes a costly, complicated regulatory framework on states currently battling recurring budget deficits, offers little assurance of success, and fails to explain this new burden to the states as required by the Unfunded Mandate Reform Act. [...]

Not only is success questionable at best, the DOJ’s own estimates illustrate the fiscal effects of such a heavy-handed approach.

The Weekly Standard echoed AAF’s response, bemoaning the cost of preventing people from being raped in prison. The total expected cost is less than 1 percent of the overall cost of our prison system and ultimately “end up saving money — for example, by avoiding the medical costs of injuries suffered by rape victims,” according to the New York Times.

Sexual assault in prisons is so prevalent that more men are raped in the United States than women. Actually doing something about that, however, is too “costly” a “burden” for conservatives.

157 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:09:09pm

Seriously, is there a term for occupational pedophila? Where predators set up charities for young lonely boys? Then uh, benefit?

This case kills me. Family in Happy Valley.

158 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:09:31pm

re: #151 Lidane

Apparently it's going to be a while before we know the verdict. The judge set down rules that say that no one can enter or leave the courtroom or send any kind of communication until all 48 counts are dispensed with, the jury dismissed, and the court formally adjourned.

BTW, if we're laying odds, I'll say guilty on 45 out of 48.

Good decision by the judge. It allows the court to do its job more swiftly and with the needed decorum.

159 Targetpractice  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:11:04pm

re: #158 Dark_Falcon

Good decision by the judge. It allows the court to do its job more swiftly and with the needed decorum.

In some ways, I wish such a thing were the norm. Would serve as a disincentive to medias looking to boost ratings by sensationalizing local cases on the national stage.

160 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:12:16pm

re: #156 Kragar

Right Wing Group: Protections To Prevent Prison Rape Are Too ‘Costly’ And ‘Heavy-Handed’

A society dies when it doesnt care for the less fortunate. In my gloom, I say we are fucked.

161 Lidane  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:12:19pm

re: #158 Dark_Falcon

Good decision by the judge. It allows the court to do its job more swiftly and with the needed decorum.

Given the media storm surrounding this case, I don't know that the judge had any other choice. Allowing the jury to do their job and get through all 48 counts and finishing everything up first makes more sense.

Of course, until the verdict is announced the news networks will blather incessantly trying to fill air time, but that's par for the course these days anyway.

162 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:13:07pm

re: #156 Kragar

Right Wing Group: Protections To Prevent Prison Rape Are Too ‘Costly’ And ‘Heavy-Handed’

The question is: Will complicated federal reporting rules actually do much about it? The likely answer is 'no'. Normally such rules don't really effect matters, since really dealing with such rapes would require a massive culture shift inside prisons, which no politician is likely to really push for (such shifts are expensive and slow to achieve, and few politicos will run risks for such a thing).

163 Lidane  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:13:35pm

re: #156 Kragar

Right Wing Group: Protections To Prevent Prison Rape Are Too ‘Costly’ And ‘Heavy-Handed’

Heavy handed: Preventing prison rape

Not heavy handed: Mandatory minimum sentences, sending non-violent people away for life for drug possession.

164 blueraven  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:13:45pm

Guilty 45 counts

165 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:14:01pm

Sandusky Trial: Joe Amendola Sounds Off to Reporters While Jury Deliberates

Among the flurry of remarks from Amendola, per reporters' Twitter feeds inside the courtroom:

"Do you know what the odds are of walking on 52 charges? The likelihood is strong he will be convicted of something."

"Jerry is an overgrown child. Kids tend to be naive and not really appreciate the seriousness of what they are facing."

"Acquitted? I will die of a heart attack."

Amendola said Sandusky comes to court prepared in case he has to go to jail.

"Jerry and I have become very close. Please don't misconstrue what I'm saying."

166 Mocking Jay  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:14:21pm

re: #162 Dark_Falcon

The question is: Will complicated federal reporting rules actually do much about it? The likely answer is 'no'. Normally such rules don't really effect matters, since really dealing with such rapes would require a massive culture shift inside prisons, which no politician is likely to really push for (such shifts are expensive and slow to achieve, and few politicos will run risks for such a thing).

Know what we can easily do to reduce prison rapes?

Stop putting so many people in prison.

167 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:14:46pm

re: #164 blueraven

Guilty 45 counts


168 Mocking Jay  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:15:18pm

Perp walk.

169 blueraven  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:15:33pm

Its all over cable news. MSNBC is what I'm watching.

170 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:16:46pm

re: #151 Lidane

Apparently it's going to be a while before we know the verdict. The judge set down rules that say that no one can enter or leave the courtroom or send any kind of communication until all 48 counts are dispensed with, the jury dismissed, and the court formally adjourned.

BTW, if we're laying odds, I'll say guilty on 45 out of 48.


171 blueraven  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:17:12pm

re: #167 Kragar


Here ya go

[Link: www.pennlive.com...]

172 Achilles Tang  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:17:18pm

re: #166 It's a cookbook!

Know what we can easily do to reduce prison rapes?

Stop putting so many people in prison.

Stop putting such nasty people in prison?/

173 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:18:13pm

re: #160 Residence: Hopeandchangeistan 2012

A society dies when it doesnt care for the less fortunate. In my gloom, I say we are fucked.

In your gloom, you need a hug.


174 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:18:39pm

If they found Jerry Sandusky guilty of 45 cases, you can bet there are many, many more. Nobody knows how long he's been doing this.

175 Kragar  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:20:52pm

What was he found not guilty of?

176 b_sharp  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:21:41pm

re: #175 Kragar

What was he found not guilty of?

Bad things.

177 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:23:36pm

Protip: If you encounter a youtube video with an obnoxiously long advertisement (anything over 30 seconds), just past it into the LGF preview window. This had and absurd 2:30 ad but for old school internet fans it's still worth a watch.
Where the Hell is Matt? 2012

Here's the reddit AMA (ask Me Anything) about the video
[Link: www.reddit.com...]
178 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:27:41pm

re: #177 Killgore Trout

Protip: If you encounter a youtube video with an obnoxiously long advertisement (anything over 30 seconds), just past it into the LGF preview window. This had and absurd 2:30 ad but for old school internet fans it's still worth a watch.
Where the Hell is Matt? 2012

[Embedded content]

Here's the reddit AMA (ask Me Anything) about the video
[Link: www.reddit.com...]

His dancing has much improved over the years. Here's the explanaition of why the Syrian dancer's faces are blurred out...

It was a sticky issue that I agonized over for months as I watched the news in Syria get worse and worse. I filmed those clips back in July of 2010, about 6 months before the Arab Spring.

At the time, the dancers were fine with appearing in the video. When things turned bad, I was unsure whether contacting them would put them in jeopardy, and I couldn't find any other way to reach out to them.

In the end, I decided to use the footage but keep them thoroughly blurred for their safety.

I made the decision not to cut the footage out, because it spoke so directly to what the video is about for me.

To be clear, it's not a matter of religious conservatism. As I understand it, Syria is relatively liberal about things like men and women dancing together. It's more of a political issue. Their government is just killing people willly nilly at this point.

He's a good egg

179 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:31:25pm

re: #178 Killgore Trout

His dancing has much improved over the years. Here's the explanaition of why the Syrian dancer's faces are blurred out...

He's a good egg

Have to agree with him on Syria. Although Assad's in some deeper trouble now after shooting down that Turkish F4 Phantom II.

180 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:45:56pm


181 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jun 22, 2012 7:46:37pm

re: #180 Dark_Falcon



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