About Scott Terry - CPAC Slavery Defender and “Disenfranchised Whites” Illustrated

Right wing racism erupts at CPAC
Wingnuts • Views: 69,745
Scott Terry

Today, Twitter and the internet were abuzz about some questions and comments delivered by a participant at CPAC during a session sponsored by Tea Party Patriots called “Trump The Race Card: Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One?”

Talking Points Memo reported:

CPAC Event On Racial Tolerance Turns To Chaos As ‘Disenfranchised’ Whites Arrive
by Benjy Sarlin
March 15, 2013

A CPAC session sponsored by Tea Party Patriots and billed as a primer on teaching activists how to court black voters devolved into a shouting match as some attendees demanded justice for white voters and others shouted down a black woman who reacted in horror.

(L-R) Tina Brown, Matthew Heimbach, and Scott Terry

The session, entitled “Trump The Race Card: Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One?” was led by K. Carl Smith, a black conservative who mostly urged attendees to deflect racism charges by calling themselves “Frederick Douglass Republicans.”

Disruptions began when he started accusing Democrats of still being the party of the Confederacy — a common talking point on the right.

“I don’t care how much the KKK improved,” he said. “I’m not going to join the KKK. The Democratic Party founded the KKK.”

Things got heated…

Scott Terry of North Carolina, accompanied by a Confederate-flag-clad attendee, Matthew Heimbach, rose to say he took offense to the event’s take on slavery. (Heimbach founded the White Students Union at Towson University and is described as a “white nationalist” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.)

“It seems to be that you’re reaching out to voters at the expense of young white Southern males,” Terry said, adding he “came to love my people and culture” who were “being systematically disenfranchised.”

Smith responded that Douglass forgave his slavemaster.

“For giving him shelter? And food?” Terry said.

Scott Terry

Scott Terry is owner of the website Shotgun Barrel Straight | Truth, Justice and Southern Fire. Here are some screen shots of his website.

I’ll be updating this tonight. Make sure and check out some of his more heinous links to Spirit / Water / Blood and Occidental Dissent. Until then, browse around his website to read about his twisted feelings on Jews or why Kinists feel that “race mixing is wrong.”

Update 1:

Links to Spirit / Water / Blood:


Update 2:

Oddly enough there was an Aaron Dale who posted a link over at Stormfront to an event put together by Scott Terry and Matthew Heimbach:

The infamous (and heroic) Matt Heimbach is setting up a rally in DC for the day of Obama’s inauguration.

Are you angry at the direction America is moving?

Do you want to let the world know that White Westerners will not go down without the dignity of lament? Do you want to voice your frustration around like-minded folk? And most importantly, do you like beer and Irish Pubs? (After the rally we might slip over to one).

If so, please show up! Your voice will be heard!

For more information, see the Facebook Event Page:


I’ll also keep my eye on this thread.

Various media organizations are planning to cover the event … smart, articulate, even-headed, and angry folk, are needed!

Please come, join the facebook event page, and invite all your friends. This needs to be big.
~ If the little bird within our bosom sings sweetly, it is of small consequence if all the owls in the world hoot at us ~ CH Spurgeon


Notice the link and the quote. Scott Terry incidentally is fond of the very same quote:

Great Quote from C.H. Spurgeon!

Reading a friends blog, I came across the following quote from C.H. Spurgeon. So, lest I forget…here it is:

I long for the day when the precepts of the Christian religion shall be the rule among all classes of men, in all transactions. I often hear it said, ‘Do not bring religion into politics.’ This is precisely where it ought to be brought, and set there in the face of all men as on a candlestick. (Metro. Tabernacle, vol. 27)

This flys in the face of modern American evangelicalism which lauds a “hands off” approach to world affairs.

Also, while reading through Spurgeon’s sermons, I found the following hilarious quote:

If the little bird within our bosom sings sweetly, it is of small consequence if all the owls in the world hoot at us! - (Spurgeon volume 27 Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit. Substance of True Religion No. 1598)

Update 3: Back to Scott Terry’s favorite site, Spirit / Water / Blood.


Update 4: Link and screenshots of a website called Tribaltheocrat in which not only does Scott Terry get a mention but he appears alongside Matthew Heimback.

Christian Gray and Scott Terry are joined by Matthew Heimback and Justin Cottrell to discuss current events, mostly centered around recent second amendment attacks.

Likely topics:

Another White Nationalist objection to Kinism
Obama’s Executive Orders
Piers Morgan getting smacked around by Larry Pratt and Alex Jones
Lew Rockwell Interview on government and recent gun legislation
Matthew Heimbach and Cottrell join the discussion in the second half.

Screenshots of the more interesting pages at Tribaltheocrat you can also listen to him rant about Christian Apologetics here.

National Socialism - Third Reich Truths and Lies
Talmudism & Jewry - The Anti-Christ Poison of the West

Update 5: Statement from K. Carl Smith as reported by Talking Points Memo; additional links.

Update: A spokesman for the Tea Party Patriots, Jameson Cunningham, e-mailed me a statement from K. Carl Smith on the above events. Here’s the full text.

I was invited by the Tea Party Patriots to conduct a breakout session entitled: “Trump The Race Card” and share the Frederick Douglass Republican Message. In the middle of my delivery, while discussing the 1848 “Women’s Rights Convention,” I was rudely interrupted by a woman working for the Voice of Russia. She abruptly asked me: “How many black women were there?” This question was intentionally disruptive and coercive with no way of creating a positive dialogue.

K. Carl Smith

In addition, a young man who wasn’t a Tea Party Patriot, made some racially insensitive comments, he said: “Blacks should be happy that the slave master gave them shelter, clothing, and food.” At the conclusion of the breakout session, I further explained to him the Frederick Douglass Republican Message which he embraced, bought a book, and we left as friends.

Scott Terry is also a writer for an organization called The American Vision. Their purpose as stated in their about page is as follows:

American Vision’s mission is to Restore America to its Biblical Foundation—from Genesis to Revelation. American Vision (AV) has been at the heart of worldview study since 1978, providing resources to exhort Christian families and individuals to live by a Biblically based worldview. Whether by making available educational resources about God & Government, or by tackling the formidable issue of eschatology in the Church, AV is on the front lines, circulating material around the globe to Christians passionate to meet God on His terms in every area of life—right now and for generations to come…

On a final note. To anyone reading this, please do not use this as an excuse to harass, intimidate, or threaten Scott Terry.

Update 6: Reference to Kinism.


Kinism is the belief that the God-ordained social order for mankind is “tribal and ethnic,” and focuses on man’s duty to “love one’s own kind”. Kinists advocate the idea that extended families should live together in large groups. They believe the ideal and normative social order for families - and by extension communities, states and nations - is one defined by race and blood, not propositions or borders, and that this natural order forms the proper and lasting bonds of affection and loyalty for any legitimate society. It is considered an offshoot of Christian Reconstructionism that originated among anti-immigration traditionalists in the Southern United States.


Kinism is a worldview embraced primarily by some paleoconservatives and Christian Reconstructionists, who may subscribe to related views such as Neo-Calvinism, theonomy, postmillennialism, nationalism and protectionism, chivalry, patriarchy, courtship as a substitute for casual dating, “quiverfull” parenthood, homeschooling, agrarianism, distributism and Christian democracy, White separatism, or an exceptionally high view of Western civilization. Some kinists were associated with the League of the South, one member stated “The non-white immigration invasion is the ‘Final Solution’ for the ‘white problem’ of the South, Whites face genocide. We believe the Kinism statement proposes a biblical solution for all races. If whites die out, the South will no longer exist.” The works of Robert Lewis Dabney and Rousas John Rushdoony play a large role in the ideology of many kinists. Joel LeFevre, successor to Samuel T. Francis as editor of the Council of Conservative Citizens’ publication The Citizens Informer endorsed kinism and said “[V]ery simply, without some level of discrimination, no nation … can permanently exist at all.” Kinists claim that a “homogeneous social structure” creates “trust” and “safety”, and that a “common race” is the foundation of a nation, and a “common religion is the foundation of a common moral code.” Kinists reject the theology of the Christian Identity movement.


The Southern Poverty Law Center has described Kinism as “a new strain of racial separatism that wants America broken up into racial mini-states.” Douglas Wilson suggests that it is a “white pride movement” that goes beyond gratitude for one’s culture to “racial animosity” and “mocking and making fun of blacks for their race.” Jonathan Barlow said Kinism is “defining salvation down” with “racial fatalism”, but unlike the Christian Identity movement, which he states is effectively another religion, Kinism is heterodox Christian sect.

Update 7: Added video of incident.

Update 8: Confirmed and Scott Terry responds.

Welcome All ye Disenfranchised!

Many of you are visiting this blog due to the recent CPAC controversy, where my friend Matt Heimbach and I, made national news by showing up and asking (in civil, articulate tones, mind you) a few simple questions.

What was our main concern?

There is a lot of rhetoric in the conservative movement about reaching out the mestizo demographic, or reaching out to the homosexuals and blacks.

Our question: why not reach out to whites?

This is exactly what the GOP needs to do, as a matter of fact. Steve Sailer and the guys at VDARE have done an excellent job in pointing this out. Please educate yourself about the Sailer Strategy.


To Conclude, a statement about the “slavery” issue:

As a proud southerner, I hate the malicious denigration of my ancestors and their society.

You disagree with the institution of southern slavery? Fine! All I ask is that, before expecting me to blindly (and naively) accept trendy rhetoric on the topic, that you respect the historical, sociological, and religious complexities of the situation. For instance, Mr. Smith kept implying that slave labor is absolutely free, and it was to this I was objecting (at least, that’s what I was intending to object to).

It’s true, as the economists who advocate for a subjective theory of value have noted, that the entrepreneur’s risks, technology, and managing ability, are indispensable parts of the business enterprise, and it’s no different for the plantation. It’s not as if slaves formed their own logistical infrastructure and took financial risks. So, they were provided with housing, food, medical care, etc. That’s not even a controversial point. We all know it’s true.

Unfortunately, truth isn’t very popular in the GOP at the moment.

Anyway … if the Frederick Douglas Republican movement catches hold, and really does respect the Godly diversity in our society (and doesn’t try to merge all our interests together, or claim that we have no legitimate group interests), then it’s a very positive direction for the tea-party, and I hope to support them in the future.

Jump to bottom

1 freetoken  Fri, Mar 15, 2013 10:05:23pm

Note that K. Carl Smith fits the mold as far as so many African Americans who publicly identify with “Patriot” groups - being a hyper-religious fundamentalist Christians. He makes this clear in what he has written and his media life.

This is what it takes for a person of color (other than lily white) to be acceptable to the right-wing atavists: be a theocrat.

2 AlexRogan  Fri, Mar 15, 2013 10:28:40pm

Geezus H. Christ…

3 Gus  Fri, Mar 15, 2013 10:32:14pm

re: #2 AlexRogan

Geezus H. Christ…

I’ll say.

4 Mich-again  Fri, Mar 15, 2013 10:54:47pm

Great work Gus. wow. Can’t wait for John McCain’s Whacko-Bird comment.

As for that Kinism, that’s just another word for tribalism. Jesus preached throughout the Gospels against tribalism and taught that all of mankind was one. So its perfect that the Tea Party racist scum who claim to be Christian are espousing a view completely in conflict with the Gospels.

What tea party racism?? where? /

5 Kragar (Antichrist )  Fri, Mar 15, 2013 11:37:52pm

I’m ashamed this guy is called an American.

6 chadu  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:51:16am

I bookmarked this for later reading, because == just now — my brain blue-screened after the first 3 paragraphs.

7 Randall Gross  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 3:29:39am

Gus, I really appreciate the diligence you put into these posts - excellent job.

8 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 6:31:17am

This shit has NO PLACE in the nationial dialogue. For all their paranoia, they’ve let the 9/11 bombers win.

9 steve_davis  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 6:49:25am

—Until then, browse around his website to read about his twisted feelings on Jews or why Kinists feel that “race mixing is wrong.”—

Thanks, but I’d rather give the neighbor’s Irish Terrier a rim job.

10 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 6:54:40am

Thank you for the hard work in putting this together. It is important for Americans to understand who the enemy of our way of life really is.

“Si vis pacem, para bellum” is my personal response to them

11 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 7:05:53am

Outstanding post, Gus. Thanks for putting on your hip waders and slogging through the muck to present us with an overview of what these these despicable creeps are all about. I know how much work it takes to put together a Page like this, not to mention how psychically fatiguing it can be.

WBL is correct; as nauseating as it is to read about their sick, twisted ideology, it’s important for Americans to understand who these people are.

12 aagcobb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 7:21:48am

re: #1 freetoken

Note that K. Carl Smith fits the mold as far as so many African Americans who publicly identify with “Patriot” groups - being a hyper-religious fundamentalist Christians. He makes this clear in what he has written and his media life.

This is what it takes for a person of color (other than lily white) to be acceptable to the right-wing atavists: be a theocrat.

The GOP is the white theocrats’ party. When you break down the exit polling, Romney won the white evangelical and born-again christian vote by a huge margin, but basically split the rest of the white vote with the President. That is why the GOP is in deep trouble; it has basically become the political arm of white christian fundamentalists, 26% of the electorate and shrinking. Obama won everyone else, including Christians who aren’t white evangelicals.

13 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 8:13:54am

Oh, and this part where K. Carl Smith says:

…At the conclusion of the breakout session, I further explained to him the Frederick Douglass Republican Message which he embraced, bought a book, and we left as friends.

What a complete load of crap. A person of color who entertains the idea that any of these racist scumbags will ever be their “friend” is either delusional or flat out lying (for reasons I can’t even begin to fathom). It’s reminiscent of Jews like Pamela Geller, Roberta Moore, and Nachum Shifren supporting the EDL.

14 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 8:32:32am

re: #8 FemNaziBitch

This shit has NO PLACE in the nationial dialogue. For all their paranoia, they’ve let the 9/11 bombers win.

That sort of Fascist is the same morally as the 9/11 hijackers (don’t say ‘bombers’, since Atta and his murderous band did not use explosives), at least in terms of what they believe. Fascists and Islamists are just different species of totalitarian, and all totalitarians are completely at odds with American ideals.

15 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 8:45:54am

re: #10 William Barnett-Lewis

Thank you for the hard work in putting this together. It is important for Americans to understand who the enemy of our way of life really is.

“Si vis pacem, para bellum” is my personal response to them

I think of Sun Tzu here.

If you know your enemy and know yourself you will win every battle. If you know yourself but not your enemy you will lose a battle for every battle you win. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy you will never be victorious.

Note: I usually use ‘opponent’ rather than ‘enemy’ because that, in my opinion, leaves the path open for a method other than violence. It becomes possible to compromise. With ‘enemy’ victory or defeat are the only options. Compromise is impossible.

These people are my enemies.

16 wrenchwench  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 9:21:08am

Scott Terry has a new post at his site. Hat tip: Joe My God [see the update].

A slice:

Our question: why not reach out to whites?

This is exactly what the GOP needs to do, as a matter of fact. Steve Sailer and the guys at VDARE have done an excellent job in pointing this out. Please educate yourself about the Sailer Strategy.

I believe I know enough about Steve Sailer, thanks.

17 Decatur Deb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 9:37:10am

“Old times here are not forgotten…”

18 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 9:41:43am

re: #17 Decatur Deb

“Old times here are not forgotten…”

“Look away, look away, look away, Dixieland.”

Except that I don’t think I can afford to look away, since I need to understand this sickness so I can work to purge it.

19 SpaceJesus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 9:42:10am

oh hey, nazis

20 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 9:44:29am

I’ll be promoting this post in a little while…

21 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 9:46:47am

re: #20 Charles Johnson

I’ll be promoting this post in a little while…

Good. This needs to be seen by as many people as possible. Sunlight is the best disinfectant…

22 #CPAC: I Have A Short Mingle Stick.THANKS OBAMA.  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 10:04:21am

Come on guys, maybe he’s right. Slavery really isn’t that bad. Why not bring it back? In fact, I kinda got my eye on a few people myself including Scott Terry. A bit of a smart ass maybe but other than that he looks to have a strong back. hey I’ll feed and shelter him and he’ll thank me in the end.


23 EmmaAnne  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 10:36:54am

You think you are calloused enough to handle right wing discourse and then something like this comes along. I am nauseous right now. And scared.

24 Mattand  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:18:26am

Good job, Gus. If you need some cash for brain bleach, let me know.

25 Stanley Sea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:30:20am

Just got here. Sad, unbelievably sad. I got nothing else.

26 wrenchwench  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:31:16am

re: #25 Stanley Sea

Just got here. Sad, unbelievably sad. I got nothing else.

Would you care for some of my mad?

27 debit  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:36:12am

His response…Jesus wept.

28 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:50:03am

Being a racist is such a fundamental misunderstanding of biology and statistics and common sense. Even otherwise very intelligent and educated people are capable of it. It’s a powerful drug. It gives you someone to blame, someone to always hold in lower contempt than yourself, so even if you think of yourself as terrible, well, at least you’re not a n*****.

Image: MississippiBurningPressRelease.jpg

29 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:50:43am

Charles can you add this image between these two paragraphs?

***The session, entitled “Trump The Race Card: Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One?” was led by K. Carl Smith, a black conservative who mostly urged attendees to deflect racism charges by calling themselves “Frederick Douglass Republicans.”

Matthew Heimbachs getup.

Disruptions began when he started accusing Democrats of still being the party of the Confederacy — a common talking point on the right.***

Just edited the page when you put it on the front page.


30 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:50:56am
31 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:51:04am

This is madness of the highest order. I hope this issue goes wide with the media: it needs to. This twaddle has no place in American political discourse. None. Nada.

32 Destro  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:51:10am

re: #1 freetoken

Note that K. Carl Smith fits the mold as far as so many African Americans who publicly identify with “Patriot” groups - being a hyper-religious fundamentalist Christians. He makes this clear in what he has written and his media life.

This is what it takes for a person of color (other than lily white) to be acceptable to the right-wing atavists: be a theocrat.

Great analysis.

It is not so much that these black conservatives are “Uncle Tom’s” but rather they will sacrifice all for their fundamentalist religious beliefs and since the Republican party is where religious fundamentalist Christians hang up their hats that is where they will go even if they party also appeals to racists.

33 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:52:28am

re: #30 Charles Johnson

Effing stupid $%#@#! She needs to crawl back under her rock.

34 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:57:10am

re: #33 CuriousLurker

Effing stupid $%#@#! She needs to crawl back under her rock.

Oh how I wish CPAC would let me organize their little shinding.

Her mike would’ve been cut off and she would’ve been escorted from the building. And Spencer too.

And at the opening session, I would make it abundantly clear that if you harbor neo-Confederate, racist, xenophobic or generally fanatical points of view (or you’re a Bircher) you are no longer welcome in the conservative movement. FOAD. Get out. Whatever you want to call it.

Let me have the GOP for one year, and you’ll see a purge worthy of Nikolai Yezhov (minus the bloodshed and violence - I don’t go for that).

35 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:57:17am

re: #30 Charles Johnson

Vicious hateful woman is vocally hateful. Video tonight at 10.

36 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:58:51am

re: #34 Dr Lizardo

Oh how I wish CPAC would let me organize their little shinding.

Her mike would’ve been cut off and she would’ve been escorted from the building. And Spencer too.

And at the opening session, I would make it abundantly clear that if you harbor neo-Confederate, racist, xenophobic or generally fanatical points of view (or you’re a Bircher) you are no welcome in the conservative movement. FOAD. Get out. Whatever you want to call it.

Let me have CPAC for one year, and you’ll see a purge worthy of Nikolai Yezhov (minus the bloodshed and violence - I don’t go for that).

I wish I could upding you for this comment in the manner Richard J. Daley urged him supporters to vote: Early and often.

37 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 11:59:53am
38 debit  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:00:04pm

I’m sorry, I can’t get over this:

It’s true, as the economists who advocate for a subjective theory of value have noted, that the entrepreneur’s risks, technology, and managing ability, are indispensable parts of the business enterprise, and it’s no different for the plantation. It’s not as if slaves formed their own logistical infrastructure and took financial risks. So, they were provided with housing, food, medical care, etc. That’s not even a controversial point. We all know it’s true.

It’s like the slaves just magically showed up in America, expecting to be housed and fed and were too stupid and lazy to form their own “logistical infrastructure”.

I can’t even begin to process what kind of mind actually can come up with this shit.

39 aagcobb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:01:30pm

As I pointed out in the thread below, white supremacist Matt Heimbach read this post. Because, of course, LGF is irrelevant.

40 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:02:03pm

re: #37 Gus


41 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:02:29pm

Has anyone seen a right wing blog that covers this story? I just checked a bunch of them and not one has even mentioned it.

They’re terrified of what their commenters will say, because they know there will be lots of support for these racist pieces of shit.

42 Targetpractice  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:03:31pm

re: #41 Charles Johnson

Has anyone seen a right wing blog that covers this story? I just checked a bunch of them and not one has even mentioned it.

They’re terrified of what their commenters will say, because they know there will be lots of support for these racist pieces of shit.

It’s like the few drippings of sanity we saw on Thursday, down the memory hole in the hopes that nobody will ever bring it up again.

43 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:03:39pm

re: #40 CuriousLurker


He can be the next Father Coughlin.

44 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:04:42pm

Apropos, encouraging and also sad, is this article about young people and race.


I encourage everyone to read it. The Civil Rights Movement is still going on. We’re all part of it. It’s ugly to look at but we have to keep looking at race in America, we can’t just hope demographic change will bring it about. Texas politics has managed to marginalize Latinos far, far more than they should have been— southern states have managed to marginalize African-Americans, too.

45 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:05:14pm
46 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:05:21pm

re: #41 Charles Johnson

Has anyone seen a right wing blog that covers this story? I just checked a bunch of them and not one has even mentioned it.

They’re terrified of what their commenters will say, because they know there will be lots of support for these racist pieces of shit.


The MSM should be ashamed of themselves for not covering this.

47 Kid A  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:09:01pm

While I find Scott Terry’s views disgusting, I’m very happy that this is out there for everyone to see.


My ass.

48 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:10:38pm

re: #36 Dark_Falcon


As I’ve said before, my father was a Republican in the mold of Eisenhower or Rockefeller. Mildly conservative socially, but nothing like what we’re seeing now. These so-called “conservatives” are in fact, reactionaries.

I know he started distancing himself from GOP politics when the Moral Majority started gaining strength in the 1970s. “Damned skypilots should stay in the pulpit and preach to the choir, not make laws that enforce their beliefs” was what he said about that.

If he was still around to see this crap, I certain he’d say, “Well, we fought these folks twice, once in the Civil War and once again with their German cousins in the 1940s. We kicked their asses then, and it looks like we’ll have to do it again ‘cause they didn’t get the message the first time.”

49 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:10:56pm

The continual mining of Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington’s legacy is really rich. Here’s the reception that Booker T. recieved from the “kinists” of his day:

When Washington’s autobiography, Up From Slavery, was published in 1901, it became a bestseller and had a major impact on the African American community, its friends and allies. One of the results was a dinner invitation to the White House in 1901 by President Theodore Roosevelt.

Eventual Governor of Mississippi James K. Vardaman and Senator Benjamin Tillman of South Carolina indulged in racist personal attacks in response to the invitation. Vardaman described the White House as “so saturated with the odor of the n***** that the rats have taken refuge in the stable”,[32][33] and declared “I am just as much opposed to Booker T. Washington as a voter as I am to the cocoanut-headed, chocolate-colored typical little coon who blacks my shoes every morning. Neither is fit to perform the supreme function of citizenship.”[34] Tillman opined that “The action of President Roosevelt in entertaining that n***** will necessitate our killing a thousand n*****s in the South before they will learn their place again.”[35]

But what can one really expect from someone who posts “A. Wyatt Mann” cartoons on his site.

50 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:12:20pm

This, from the article above, is what I’m worried about:

For instance, Daniel, a part-time junior college student in a Latino focus group, argued that having more people of color in the U.S. won’t necessarily bring about equity. “It’s pointless if we’re not moving forward. If we’re not getting the higher education. We could keep on having immigrants coming over, but it’s pointless if we’re stuck in the same place.” African American college student Stacie made a similar point:

“In terms of who holds power more politically, economically … as far as, like, land, homeowners, things of economic value? And that really make the economy turn, and that kinda thing? We are not on the radar for that as much as we should be.”

Sofia, a 21-year-old college student whose parents are from Costa Rica, similarly remarked that a demographic shift toward majority status for people of color is “not necessarily a great thing. The rich are getting richer. And the poor are getting poorer. It could just be a little bit of white people who are very wealthy, and we could have a lot more poor people, too.

51 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:12:49pm

Note. I made no commentary on CPAC, Republicans or conservatives in this post. So when people say, “I have no doubt that he’s a racist but to suggests his views are indicative of the entire convention is just stupid and rash” would be an incorrect assumption if one reads what I posted here. My commentary may reflect otherwise. ;)

52 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:13:28pm

Okay, (very late) lunchtime. Later, lizards.

53 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:16:24pm

re: #45 Gus

An oxymoron if ever there was one: “Christian Kinism”. Christianity is very much about reaching out to other to share the Good News and help them become better people. ‘Kinism’ is not compatible with the teachings of Jesus.

54 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:17:35pm

Note for the bellyaching lurkers.

Today, Twitter and the internet were abuzz about some questions and comments delivered by a participant at CPAC during a session sponsored by Tea Party Patriots called “Trump The Race Card: Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One?”

55 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:17:56pm

re: #53 Dark_Falcon

An oxymoron if ever there was one: “Christian Kinism”. Christianity is very much about reaching out to other to share the Good News and help them become better people. ‘Kinism’ is not compatible with the teachings of Jesus.

I’m sure their satanic majesty is pleased with them…

56 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:18:18pm

re: #48 Dr Lizardo


As I’ve said before, my father was a Republican in the mold of Eisenhower or Rockefeller. Mildly conservative socially, but nothing like what we’re seeing now. These so-called “conservatives” are in fact, reactionaries.

I know he started distancing himself from GOP politics when the Moral Majority started gaining strength in the 1970s. “Damned skypilots should stay in the pulpit and preach to the choir, not make laws that enforce their beliefs” was what he said about that.

If he was still around to see this crap, I certain he’d say, “Well, we fought these folks twice, once in the Civil War and once again with their German cousins in the 1940s. We kicked their asses then, and it looks like we’ll have to do it again ‘cause they didn’t get the message the first time.”

I have to ask about the word “skypilots”, as I have never heard it before in the context you are using it.

57 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:19:50pm

re: #55 William Barnett-Lewis

I’m sure their satanic majesty is pleased with them…

Well, that’s who they’re really serving. But Satan has always been good at getting people to think he’s something he isn’t:

58 Kid A  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:20:14pm

re: #56 Dark_Falcon

I have to ask about the word “skypilots”, as I have never heard it before in the context you are using it.

Slang term for “preacher.”

59 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:21:13pm

re: #58 Kid A

Slang term for “preacher.”

I see, thanks.

60 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:22:02pm

re: #50 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

This, from the article above, is what I’m worried about:

That excerpt points out something that I’ve long believed, and it’s regarded (by me, at least) as something of a politial truism.

When the middle-class gets squeezed and pushed down into the ranks of the “proletariat” (to use a term from my old Marxist days) they become increasingly radicalized and susceptible to reactionary views and rhetoric. As the noose draws tighter, as their economic clout and power dwindles and their aspirations for the future evaporate like dew at sunrise, the middle-class starts thrashing about in desperation and looking for a savior or messianic figure no matter how preposterous that figure may be.

And that’s when the problems really get started.

61 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:22:29pm

Drive-by post (I couldn’t resist coming back for a sec to post this one):

Steel cage death match!

62 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:22:53pm



63 kirkspencer  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:23:09pm

re: #56 Dark_Falcon

I have to ask about the word “skypilots”, as I have never heard it before in the context you are using it.

Not uncommon mid-west/western late 19th century US slang for preacher. Gradually shifted to use in the early 20th century (WWI, WWII) by military to describe military chaplains.

Worth recalling that in those years “pilot” tended to mean something other/more than the person driving the airplane.

64 Targetpractice  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:23:22pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Drive-by post (I couldn’t resist coming back for a sec to post this one):

Steel cage death match!

Two derps enter! One derp leaves! Two derps enter! One derp leaves!

65 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:23:55pm

re: #60 Dr Lizardo

That excerpt points out something that I’ve long believed, and it’s regarded (by me, at least) as something of a politial truism.

When the middle-class gets squeezed and pushed down into the ranks of the “proletariat” (to use a term from my old Marxist days) they become increasingly radicalized and susceptible to reactionary views and rhetoric. As the noose draws tighter, as their economic clout and power dwindles and their aspirations for the future evaporate like dew at sunrise, the middle-class starts thrashing about in desperation and looking for a savior or messianic figure no matter how preposterous that figure may be.

And that’s when the problems really get started.

Seems like —um—current conditions —no?

Problems?, yeah, in this country the proletariat has the right to own firearms.

66 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:24:13pm

re: #56 Dark_Falcon

I have to ask about the word “skypilots”, as I have never heard it before in the context you are using it.

Heh. It’s a colloquialism for preachers. My dad used it, and I once heard an interview with Barry Goldwater where he used it…..I’m pretty sure it was a regional thing, the West Coast/Southwest US and fell out of use sometime after WWII.

67 Stanley Sea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:24:13pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Drive-by post (I couldn’t resist coming back for a sec to post this one):

Steel cage death match!

Don’t you step on my hate bitch!

68 Decatur Deb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:25:36pm

re: #66 Dr Lizardo

Heh. It’s a colloquialism for preachers. My dad used it, and I once heard an interview with Barry Goldwater where he used it…..I’m pretty sure it was a regional thing, the West Coast/Southwest US and fell out of use sometime after WWII.

Had a particular usage as a military chaplain.

69 makeitstop  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:25:51pm

re: #56 Dark_Falcon

I have to ask about the word “skypilots”, as I have never heard it before in the context you are using it.

70 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:26:19pm

re: #63 kirkspencer

Not uncommon mid-west/western late 19th century US slang for preacher. Gradually shifted to use in the early 20th century (WWI, WWII) by military to describe military chaplains.

Worth recalling that in those years “pilot” tended to mean something other/more than the person driving the airplane.

Which is why it fell out of use, once pilot came to be used to describe someone who actually controls a flying machine.

71 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:27:07pm

re: #58 Kid A

Slang term for “preacher.”

Last time I heard it was in the Eric Burdon song. Not one his better ones, really.

72 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:27:25pm

re: #68 Decatur Deb

Had a particular usage as a military chaplain.

That makes sense. My dad called all ‘men of the cloth’ either “skypilots” (when he didn’t like them) or “padre” (when he did).

73 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:27:31pm

re: #64 Targetpractice

Two derps enter! One derp leaves! Two derps enter! One derp leaves!

“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls: Lyin’ Time’s here.”

74 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:28:55pm

re: #73 Dark_Falcon

“Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls: Lyin’ Time’s here.”

75 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:29:29pm

re: #65 FemNaziBitch

Seems like —um—current conditions —no?

Yes, it does. The Tea Party movement represents that increasing radicalization quite nicely, in my book, and I think we might not have seen the worst of it yet.

76 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:33:09pm

re: #60 Dr Lizardo

That excerpt points out something that I’ve long believed, and it’s regarded (by me, at least) as something of a politial truism.

When the middle-class gets squeezed and pushed down into the ranks of the “proletariat” (to use a term from my old Marxist days) they become increasingly radicalized and susceptible to reactionary views and rhetoric. As the noose draws tighter, as their economic clout and power dwindles and their aspirations for the future evaporate like dew at sunrise, the middle-class starts thrashing about in desperation and looking for a savior or messianic figure no matter how preposterous that figure may be.

And that’s when the problems really get started.

Despite it’s unpopularity, the language of class & economic warfare advanced by Marx is still a very real and accurate analysis. The bourgeoisie need to believe they’ll never slide backwards and the proletariat need to believe their work can advance at least their children if not them. If that promise can no longer be kept by the society, revolution and reaction are the most common results, though sometimes you have someone with the political skill and will to pull off enough reform to keep things from blowing up. FDR, as an example, threaded that needle and the US walked the middle way between the extremes of left and right.

77 Mattand  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:33:18pm

re: #34 Dr Lizardo

Oh how I wish CPAC would let me organize their little shinding.

Her mike would’ve been cut off and she would’ve been escorted from the building. And Spencer too.

And at the opening session, I would make it abundantly clear that if you harbor neo-Confederate, racist, xenophobic or generally fanatical points of view (or you’re a Bircher) you are no longer welcome in the conservative movement. FOAD. Get out. Whatever you want to call it.

Let me have the GOP for one year, and you’ll see a purge worthy of Nikolai Yezhov (minus the bloodshed and violence - I don’t go for that).

Yeah, here’s the thing: as wonderful as this sentiment is, the lunacy has been building for nearly 40 years.

Reagan’s Cadillac-driving Welfare Queen.

The Willie Horton ad, courtesy of Lee Atwater.

The Birther movement.

Romney’s 47%.

And the CPAC clusterfuck that happened yesterday.

And that’s just the pandering to racists.

This is what Republicans have voting for these last 4 decades. This is the party you guys put into place. And it’s not changing anytime soon.

So if one wants to keep siding with the fundies, racists, and loons, by all means; keep voting GOP.

78 Targetpractice  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:33:31pm

Really, the longer this goes on, the more convinced I become that CPAC actually did Christie a favor by not inviting him.

79 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:35:05pm
80 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:36:36pm

re: #78 Targetpractice

Really, the longer this goes on, the more convinced I become that CPAC actually did Christie a favor by not inviting him.

Well, Christie ran into his own problems

Gov. Chris Christie calls African-American man ‘boy’ during town hall meeting

(edit: I don’t think he was being racist here, looking at the context)

81 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:36:48pm

re: #79 Charles Johnson

She can’t admit she’s got any problem but has no difficulty in figuring out why someone else’s conspiracy theory is full of crap. It’s a fairly typical situation, actually.

82 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:37:08pm

“We left as friends.”


83 Decatur Deb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:37:48pm

re: #79 Charles Johnson

re: #81 Dark_Falcon

She can’t admit she’s got any problem but has no difficulty in figuring out why someone else’s conspiracy theory is full of crap. It’s a fairly typical situation, actually.

Does not work and play well with others.

84 Mattand  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:37:54pm

re: #78 Targetpractice

Really, the longer this goes on, the more convinced I become that CPAC actually did Christie a favor by not inviting him.

This is true. Although if he were invited, he’d have gone in a heartbeat.

And if pressed on the mini Klan rally that erupted yesterday, there’s a good chance he’d have insulted the questioner and fell back on a “No True Republican” defense.

He’s not dumb, but he’s still a conservative. He knows whose butt he has to kiss if he wants to be president.

85 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:37:55pm

re: #75 Dr Lizardo

Yes, it does. The Tea Party movement represents that increasing radicalization quite nicely, in my book, and I think we might not have seen the worst of it yet.

Yeah, Les Mis Conditions.

It came back to me when I watched the BOOK TV Author Talk of The New Jim Crow. We have people serving life sentences for first time drug offenses.

I’d like to see a break down of what these offenses are —if they were known criminals caught with containers of Meth and violence was involved in the arrest or if they are college kids caught with 3 stems and a seed.

What really struck me is the laws concerning disenfranchisement and for the most part total isolation from society once the felons are released from prison. The scene from the recent move in which Jean ValJean couldn’t get a job or even a place to sleep after his release came to mind.

scary, scary shit.

86 wrenchwench  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:38:08pm

re: #79 Charles Johnson

The Nirther is criticizing the Birther? Rich.

87 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:38:29pm

OT Malachi Throne a well know character actor is dead at age 84. I remember him from “It Takes a Thief.” He was Al Munday’s control, Noah Bain. littlegreenfootballs.com

88 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:38:34pm

re: #75 Dr Lizardo

Yes, it does. The Tea Party movement represents that increasing radicalization quite nicely, in my book, and I think we might not have seen the worst of it yet.

They want a holy war.

Any way they can get it.

89 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:38:57pm

re: #82 Gus

“We left as friends.”


That’s why he’s speaking at CPAC, because he’s a black guy who has no problem with white supremacists.

90 wrenchwench  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:40:17pm

re: #89 Charles Johnson

That’s why he’s speaking at CPAC, because he’s a black guy who has no problem with white supremacists.

I bet those are hard to find.

91 Targetpractice  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:40:22pm

re: #79 Charles Johnson

Orly Taitz might have gotten more sympathy if she’d just whined that nobody’s paying attention to her now that Obama got reelected.

92 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:40:40pm

re: #90 wrenchwench

I bet those are hard to find.


93 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:41:03pm

re: #90 wrenchwench

I bet those are hard to find.

They’re pretty rare.

94 aagcobb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:41:37pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Drive-by post (I couldn’t resist coming back for a sec to post this one):

Steel cage death match!

When Pam Geller thinks you are too crazy to listen to, I just, wow. Poor Orly./

95 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:41:57pm

re: #76 William Barnett-Lewis

Despite it’s unpopularity, the language of class & economic warfare advanced by Marx is still a very real and accurate analysis. The bourgeoisie need to believe they’ll never slide backwards and the proletariat need to believe their work can advance at least their children if not them. If that promise can no longer be kept by the society, revolution and reaction are the most common results, though sometimes you have someone with the political skill and will to pull off enough reform to keep things from blowing up. FDR, as an example, threaded that needle and the US walked the middle way between the extremes of left and right.

What Obama is trying to do, eh?

The old people are fight what seems to me like a cold war vs reality situation and the young people are just sitting back with their cool gadgets, talking to people all over the world, getting high s & saying WTF?

96 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:42:08pm

re: #84 Mattand

This is true. Although if he were invited, he’d have gone in a heartbeat.

And if pressed on the mini Klan rally that erupted yesterday, there’s a good chance he’d have insulted the questioner and fell back on a “No True Republican” defense.

He’s not dumb, but he’s still a conservative. He knows whose butt he has to kiss if he wants to be president.

But Christie does care first about succeeding in his current job. He has a level of commitment and integrity rare among politicians.

97 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:42:48pm

re: #93 Charles Johnson

They’re pretty rare.

Scarcity is not the sole determinant of Value.

98 aagcobb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:44:21pm

re: #78 Targetpractice

Really, the longer this goes on, the more convinced I become that CPAC actually did Christie a favor by not inviting him.

That is exactly what I have been thinking. If Christie wants to win the election, as opposed to just the nomination, he has to keep the loons at arms length and not pander to them.

99 SpikeDad  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:44:24pm

Sorry but I had to take a bath after this article. This is what we’ve come to - a national conference of 47% of the American public political view supporting such despicable positions. I really have no hope for the future of the human race.

100 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:44:41pm

re: #89 Charles Johnson

That’s why he’s speaking at CPAC, because he’s a black guy who has no problem with white supremacists.

Also, instead of denouncing this they’ll go on the defensive such as Twitchy did yesterday morning, Liberals quick to promote white separatist troll as face of CPAC. Right, I’m sure Twitchy of all people wouldn’t jump on something either.

101 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:44:46pm

re: #77 Mattand

Yeah, here’s the thing: as wonderful as this sentiment is, the lunacy has been building for nearly 40 years.

Reagan’s Cadillac-driving Welfare Queen.

The Willie Horton ad, courtesy of Lee Atwater.

The Birther movement.

Romney’s 47%.

And the CPAC clusterfuck that happened yesterday.

And that’s just the pandering to racists.

This is what Republicans have voting for these last 4 decades. This is the party you guys put into place. And it’s not changing anytime soon.

So if one wants to keep siding with the fundies, racists, and loons, by all means; keep voting GOP.

I know it would take far longer than ‘one year’ to sort out the political lunatic asylum that the GOP has become. Realistically, it might take as long as a couple of generations. That kind of insanity doesn’t go away….and indeed, it’s always been around since the beginning of the country. It pops up sporadically in different manifestations, like the Anti-Masonic Party, the American Party (Know-Nothings) or what have you. Perhaps its most extreme manifestation was the Secession Movement that led to the American Civil War.

In time, this will pass, and the loonies - after suffering some final and catastrophic and humiliating electoral debacle - will go dormant, like a spent volcano that has vented itself.

On the other hand, it might explode like Vesuvius, burying everything in its path and leaving nothing but death and ruin in its wake. That’s the outcome no sane person wants.

102 kirkspencer  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:44:59pm

re: #84 Mattand

This is true. Although if he were invited, he’d have gone in a heartbeat.

And if pressed on the mini Klan rally that erupted yesterday, there’s a good chance he’d have insulted the questioner and fell back on a “No True Republican” defense.

He’s not dumb, but he’s still a conservative. He knows whose butt he has to kiss if he wants to be president.

More and more, I think that clause is the critical one to consider in his future actions. I’m not sure anymore if the answer is “yes.”

103 Mattand  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:45:01pm

re: #80 dragonath

Well, Christie ran into his own problems

Gov. Chris Christie calls African-American man ‘boy’ during town hall meeting

And there’s this:

Christie apology sought for remark on race, gender

Short story: Christie described his main opponent on his school voucher bill as an African American female member of the state assembly.

Instead of, ya know, her real name.

And now, Christie’s spokesperson is saying he was “misunderstood”.

Typical conservative horseshit.

Extra bonus: the white male butthurt in the comments section of the linked article. Nope, no race problem there…

104 Targetpractice  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:45:49pm

re: #98 aagcobb

That is exactly what I have been thinking. If Christie wants to win the election, as opposed to just the nomination, he has to keep the loons at arms length and not pander to them.

Oh, let’s not kid ourselves, he’ll end up pandering to them in ‘16 if he wants the nomination. But he’ll start off from a position in the primaries closer to the middle than the other “contenders” who showed up a CPAC and palled around with these utter nutters.

105 ProBosniaLiberal  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:46:36pm

Anyone here have an FB? I am having an issue.

106 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:47:30pm

re: #96 Dark_Falcon

But Christie does care first about succeeding in his current job. He has a level of commitment and integrity rare among politicians.

I think you’re conflating candor with integrity, because Christie isn’t as totally above board as you’re making him out to be. Rand Paul has a level of commitment and integrity towards his cause too, as repulsive as it is.

107 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:48:14pm
108 ProBosniaLiberal  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:48:58pm

re: #96 Dark_Falcon

Hey, in addition to being a racist assbag, Jeremy Clarkson is a grade-A creep!

109 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:50:01pm

re: #107 Charles Johnson

That about sums him up nowadays.

110 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:52:23pm

re: #103 Mattand

Christie says something stupid, has a hard head about it, actual racists swarm the discussion, and everybody gets pissed off.

Just another day in America.

111 Mattand  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:52:36pm

re: #96 Dark_Falcon

But Christie does care first about succeeding in his current job. He has a level of commitment and integrity rare among politicians.

To a point. Commitment, sure. However, he’s still trying stuff like passing a 10% tax cut with no way to pay for it.

Look, I do admire him for his busting his ass on Sandy, and the heat he took for working with Obama. I get irritated with this bipartisan white knighthood that everyone bestows on him. He supported Romney, for Christ’s sake, which by proxy means he agreed with Romney’s non-existent economic policy and 47% idiocy.

If he wants to be POTUS, he will figure out a way to embrace the nutjobs at CPAC without being overt. He’s a conservative at the end of the day. Which is really bad for America right now.

112 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:52:57pm
113 Kid A  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:53:54pm

re: #112 Charles Johnson

For fuck’s sake, Dinesh is still pushing that stupid phrase?

114 wrenchwench  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:54:14pm

re: #99 SpikeDad

Sorry but I had to take a bath after this article. This is what we’ve come to - a national conference of 47% of the American public political view supporting such despicable positions. I really have no hope for the future of the human race.

Don’t give up all hope. Looks like there’s a 50-50 chance:

re: #101 Dr Lizardo

In time, this will pass, and the loonies - after suffering some final and catastrophic and humiliating electoral debacle - will go dormant, like a spent volcano that has vented itself.

On the other hand, it might explode like Vesuvius, burying everything in its path and leaving nothing but death and ruin in its wake. That’s the outcome no sane person wants.

115 aagcobb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:54:22pm

re: #112 Charles Johnson

Obama is so unlike our Founding Fathers, who unconditionally loved the British Empire./

116 wrenchwench  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:54:56pm

re: #113 Kid A

For fuck’s sake, Dinesh is still pushing that stupid phrase?

He still has some books to get rid of.

117 Mattand  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:55:13pm

re: #112 Charles Johnson

You know who else was anti-colonial? George Washington.

118 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:55:20pm
119 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:56:28pm

re: #118 Gus

“scott terry” “liberal plant” - Google Search

I wonder how many liberal plants are wearing confederate flags at CPAC right now.

120 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:57:35pm

Reince Priebus is a riveting speake… zzzZZZZ…

121 Kid A  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:58:10pm

re: #118 Gus

From one of the comments:

Three 6 Mafia needs a re-write: It’s hard out there for a cracker.


122 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 12:58:58pm

re: #88 FemNaziBitch

They want a holy war.

Any way they can get it.

There was a great book from the 1930s called “The Day of the Locust”. There was a passage at the end of the book that, for me at least, presaged the Teabaggers.

‘Their boredom became more and more terrible. They realize they’ve been tricked and they burn with resentment. Every day of their lives they read the newspapers and went to the movies. Both fed them on lynchings, murder, sex crimes, explosions, wrecks, love nests, fires, miracles, revolutions, wars. This daily diet made sophisticates of them. The sun is a joke. Oranges can’t titillate their jaded palates. Nothing can ever be violent enough to make taut their slack minds and bodies. They have been cheated and betrayed. They have slaved and saved for nothing…….All those poor devils who can only be stirred by the promise of miracles and then only to violence…..a super “Dr. Know-All-Pierce-All” had made the necessary promise and they were marching behind his banner in a great united front of screwballs to purify the land. No longer bored, they sang and danced joyously in the red light of the flames.’

A nice apocalyptic vision, don’t you think? The book was published in 1939, written by Nathanael West.

123 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:00:13pm

re: #113 Kid A

For fuck’s sake, Dinesh is still pushing that stupid phrase?

Yes. He likely thinks Indian Anti-Colonialism was OK, but African versions of same were bad.

124 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:02:15pm

re: #123 Dark_Falcon

Yes. He likely thinks Indian Anti-Colonialism was OK, but African versions of same were bad.

That’s a forehead slapper right there. And true. Irony.

125 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:03:13pm

re: #122 Dr Lizardo

There was a great book from the 1930s called “The Day of the Locust”. There was a passage at the end of the book that, for me at least, presaged the Teabaggers.

‘Their boredom became more and more terrible. They realize they’ve been tricked and they burn with resentment. Every day of their lives they read the newspapers and went to the movies. Both fed them on lynchings, murder, sex crimes, explosions, wrecks, love nests, fires, miracles, revolutions, wars. This daily diet made sophisticates of them. The sun is a joke. Oranges can’t titillate their jaded palates. Nothing can ever be violent enough to make taut their slack minds and bodies. They have been cheated and betrayed. They have slaved and saved for nothing…….All those poor devils who can only be stirred by the promise of miracles and then only to violence…..a super “Dr. Know-All-Pierce-All” had made the necessary promise and they were marching behind his banner in a great united front of screwballs to purify the land. No longer bored, they sang and danced joyously in the red light of the flames.’

A nice apocalyptic vision, don’t you think? The book was published in 1939, written by Nathanael West.

Interesting, one of the characters in that novel was named Homer Simpson. Donald Sutherland played him in the 1975 film adaptation.

Make of that what you will.

126 Kid A  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:04:14pm

I see The Dumbest Man On The Internet is all over this at his site. Here’s the first comment posted and it received seven “likes.”

So where’s the beef? Blacks ARE grateful for the clothing, shelter and food provided by their slave masters so much so that they vote for them every election cycle.


127 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:04:16pm

Hey, the actual President of the NRA is going to be speaking at CPAC. I wonder if he is like the Palapatine to LaPierre’s Darth Vader.

128 Targetpractice  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:05:06pm

re: #126 Kid A

I see The Dumbest Man On The Internet is all over this at his site. Here’s the first comment posted and it received seven “likes.”


Ah yes, the on-going delusion that Democrats are maintaining a “plantation.”

129 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:05:26pm

re: #124 Gus

That’s a forehead slapper right there. And true. Irony.

My own guess is that D’Souza is a racial hierarchist, like John Derbyshire. He thinks Indians are on a higher level than black Africans.

That’s just a guess, though.

130 Tigger2  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:06:45pm

It’s hard to believe people think this is an argument.

It’s not as if slaves formed their own logistical infrastructure and took financial risks. So, they were provided with housing, food, medical care, etc. That’s not even a controversial point. We all know it’s true.

The slaves were also Whipped if they disobeyed or didn’t work hard enough, had their Achilles Tendons cut if they tried to run away or they were put in shackles, had their family’s ripped away from them.

Why don’t those making the feed and housed them argument ever bring this stuff up.
Revisionist assholes.

131 Kid A  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:07:00pm

More derp:

Great parody of a racist conservative! This is exactly how many progressives believe far right conservatives think.

I would have added that Asians register significantly higher IQs than whites, and it was recently shown that conservative racists had lower mean IQs than non-racists.

As a practical matter, how do you propose we rid America of brown-skinned citizens in a manner consistent with our Constitution?

132 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:07:24pm

re: #105 ProBosniaLiberal

Anyone here have an FB? I am having an issue.


133 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:08:36pm

re: #126 Kid A

I see The Dumbest Man On The Internet is all over this at his site. Here’s the first comment posted and it received seven “likes.”


Oh boy. That’s gonna be a post. The comments are just full of white supremacism.

134 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:08:38pm

Oy, mah head.

slaves in America could have been instead shipped east to muslim nations where all the males are castrated before arrival killing 80% of the males, and the females are sent to hard toil and random rapes and torture.

I feel so sorry for the blacks that were captured in Africa by Arabs and African rulers and shipped out as property.

The luckiest 5% of of the total of just the Atlantic slave trade (not the larger Arabian trade) ended up in North America.

I say lucky because food, shelter and the ability to continue to have children and raise families is an anomaly in the history of world slavery while it was legal in America.

Black Slaves in America had it better than the 1.5 million whites slaved by the Barbary muslims in north Africa.

135 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:09:05pm

re: #125 Dark_Falcon

Heh. I’ve never seen the film.

Another great book, non-fiction, is “Southern California Country” by Carey McWilliams. That’s where Robert Towne got the story for the film “Chinatown.” It was given to me a few years ago as birthday present - reading it brought back a lot of memories of the Los Angeles my father grew up in….the highs, the lows, the scandals.

136 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:09:22pm

re: #130 Tigger2

Revisionist assholes.

Hey, you think that’s bad, I saw someone earlier today arguing that Pat Boone did black people a service by singing, I mean stealing their songs.

137 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:09:53pm

re: #122 Dr Lizardo

super “Dr. Know-All-Pierce-All”


138 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:11:20pm

re: #134 Gus

Oy, mah head.

To paraphrase Emperor Palpatine, “Yessss, CPAC. Let the hate flow through you.”

139 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:11:27pm

re: #129 Dark_Falcon

My own guess is that D’Souza is a racial hierarchist, like John Derbyshire. He thinks Indians are on a higher level than black Africans.

That’s just a guess, though.

D’Zouza believes in D’Zouza. He will say anything, do anything to get into and keep power.

140 ProBosniaLiberal  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:12:11pm

re: #132 FemNaziBitch

See, me and another person can see each other on FB, and can even message each other.

But for some reason, FB won’t give the option to allow friending. Wha?

141 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:12:38pm

re: #130 Tigger2

It’s hard to believe people think this is an argument.

It’s not as if slaves formed their own logistical infrastructure and took financial risks. So, they were provided with housing, food, medical care, etc. That’s not even a controversial point. We all know it’s true.

The slaves were also Whipped if they disobeyed or didn’t work hard enough, had their Achilles Tendons cut if they tried to run away or put in shackles, had their family’s ripped away from them.

Why don’t those making the feed and housed them argument ever bring this stuff up.
Revisionist assholes.

Slaves couldn’t carry arms.

They could hunt for their owner on their owner’s land if they carried a letter stating they had permission.

142 Kid A  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:13:05pm

Thank goodness this turned out wonderfully. And for the media, please, I am so disgusted with the embarrassing manner in which they never reported on Obama and his parents and now he is president. The sheep were drawn in and it was so clear that they were duped. Bias Media just handed Obama to us on a Silver Platter and American lapped it up.

American lapped it up. Got it.

143 Tigger2  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:13:14pm

re: #136 dragonath

Hey, you think that’s bad, I saw someone earlier today arguing that Pat Boone did black people a service by singing, I mean stealing their songs. Like, they wouldn’t have gotten on the radio otherwise (demonstratively untrue).

I got lucky with Boone I was to young to care about music when he was singing a lot and old enough to not give a piss about his old butt when he tried to make a comeback. So I never really had to listen to him.

144 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:13:19pm

re: #137 FemNaziBitch


The biggest problem, and also a highly amusing one at that, is that the modern descendants of the fictional proto-Teabaggers Mr. West wrote about see Sarah Palin and her ilk as the “Dr. Know-All-Pierce-All.”

145 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:14:42pm

re: #133 Charles Johnson

Oh boy. That’s gonna be a post. The comments are just full of white supremacism.

Don’t forget to link back to this page. :D

146 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:15:00pm

re: #140 ProBosniaLiberal

See, me and another person can see each other on FB, and can even message each other.

But for some reason, FB won’t give the option to allow friending. Wha?

oh my, I think you’d have to find a young person to answer that. OR perhaps you are already friends? Is their/your page a regular page and not one where the only option is to “like”?

They or you at some point blocked the other person and forgot?

147 Kid A  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:16:45pm

Prose thy art is Tea Party:

are you kidding
we need to fight
we need a fighter
we need to take a page from the dems unlawful playbook and fight like they do

more importantly we need to stand together and quit fighting amongst ourselves
dems stick together no matter what

united we stand

divided we fall

I did not make this up. It’s copied and pasted in the exact form as I found it at the King of Derp’s site, lol.

148 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:17:43pm


149 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:19:42pm

Yes, they’re actually saying, “hey those African slaves are LUCKY they weren’t taken to a Muslim country.”

150 The Ghost of a Flea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:19:50pm

So racist guy is fake and plant*, but he also has some points about how overplayed the ugliness of slavery was?

That’s enough cognitive dissonance to kill a legion of AIs.

Then again, if you’ve already accepted that most racists are liberals, even though a cursory glance at racist materials show them reflect social conservative policies re/ personal liberties, and more often that not, very conservative or libertarian monetary policy…you’ve probably slowly immunized yourself to stupid like Mithradates or the Derp Dread Pirate Wesley.

*a plant so elaborate that he lives every day of his life behaving that way, and recruits hundreds of others to comment on his blogs, write blogs with similar content, and connect up his counterfeit materials with actual racist websites that are slightly less explicit in their racism (which in turn connect them to wingnut websites that merely dabble their toes in racism).

151 ProBosniaLiberal  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:20:05pm

re: #146 FemNaziBitch

No, we are not. But we don’t have mutual friends from before either. I think that might be a factor.

Also, posting this from the page about Colorado Springs thinking of doing something stupid.

They still have a total hold here, and that is unlikely to change.

What has changed is that the Rest of Colorado (Or rather, the combination Denver, Fort Collins, Pueblo, and Boulder) have gotten big enough to override the rural areas and drive the state to the left at blinding speed. Less than 10 years ago, a constitutional amendment to ban Gay Marriage passed. Now polling shows that a majority would support Gay Marriage.

This state went from Moderate Right-Wing to Hard Left-Wing in hurry. Essentially, it went from being a richer Missouri to Washington/New England in about 7 years.

152 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:20:44pm

And siding with an anitsemite. Too much.

153 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:23:12pm

Please, wingnuts! Please side with Scott Terry! PLEASE! Bwahahaha.

154 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:25:23pm

re: #150 The Ghost of a Flea

But… but! Obama is the Black Slave Master and whites are his worker thralls! We’re not grateful! But “they” are! Hnnnnnrgh!

155 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:26:55pm

re: #151 ProBosniaLiberal

No, we are not. But we don’t have mutual friends from before either. I think that might be a factor.

Also, posting this from the page about Colorado Springs thinking of doing something stupid.

mutual friends shouldn’t be a factor in “friending” a person.

Colorado is a strange place.

156 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:29:00pm

Kinist Kountry Klub

157 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:29:16pm


158 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:31:04pm

I think what I find so ironic is the same people who are calling for total gun ownership (or at least being most vocal about the Second Amendment) don’t seem to be respectful to the people who they say have the right to own firearms.

I’m not stating that very well.

It’s as if they are antagonizing and arming people at the same time.

does that make any sense?

I especially find ironic the demonizing of the Black Panthers. Who, yes, I think are on the SPLC list of something. Yet what makes them soooo scary is that they own and carry and are BLACK.

159 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:31:43pm

re: #157 Gus


nah, it’s a Kin Klan

160 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:33:41pm

re: #155 FemNaziBitch

mutual friends shouldn’t be a factor in “friending” a person.

Colorado is a strange place.

With all of those mountains? Yes, it is strange. I haven’t been there in a while, but I do agree with PLL that if that state isn’t to become blue the local GOP is going to need to become willing to address the issues of cities and towns in a useful manner. I do not expect that to happen, however.

161 engineer cat  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:33:54pm

isn’t this just emblematic of the whole conundrum for the ‘conservative’ movement right now

1. construct and promote a strenuous, if implausible, rationalizations attempting to hide and explain away regressive elements of their party

2. have the most regressive and embarrassing of them make news standing up to object to how they are being hidden and explained away

162 kirkspencer  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:34:49pm

re: #155 FemNaziBitch

mutual friends shouldn’t be a factor in “friending” a person.

Colorado is a strange place.

heh, yeah. I miss Colorado Springs, the place I grew up. I’m glad I don’t live there now, the place where Bruce and FoF have taken over.

163 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:36:38pm

re: #158 FemNaziBitch

I especially find ironic the demonizing of the Black Panthers. Who, yes, I think are on the SPLC list of something. Yet what makes them soooo scary is that they own and carry and are BLACK.

The people who speak the loudest about them are more often than not seeking to emulate them.

I haven’t seen any pushback from conservatives when people glom the NAACP and the Black Panthers together. That’s not surprising- many of them deny that there is any racism.

164 engineer cat  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:37:21pm

how do these anti-semitic ‘scriptualists’ rationalize the fact that everything in the bible was written by jews?

165 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:40:20pm

re: #164 engineer cat

how do these anti-semitic ‘scriptualists’ rationalize the fact that everything in the bible was written by jews?

That’s one I’ve never understood, either. That’s some serious mental gymastics.

166 ProBosniaLiberal  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:41:07pm

re: #151 ProBosniaLiberal

Also, I would like to provide an geographic analysis of why Maketa’s idea is one of the stupidest in the US in the last half-century, from a Geographic Stand point.

Big one, first off, is transportation. Our big link to the Outside world is, I-25, which runs through…. Denver and Pueblo. Yes, there is Highway 24, but it a much smaller road, with a much lower speed limit.

Then, let’s go to Water. Colorado Springs, much like Phoenix, has no major water supply running through it, or one imminently available (such as a lake.) This is unusual in such a large city. So we have to import our water from another source, much like Phoenix. In this case, we get it from Pueblo & the Arkansas river. Already, Pueblo is pissed at us a result of not cleaning our storm-water enough. This is a bad situation for a city with a metro of 600,000+ people.

And to top it off, the city has number ridges running through it, along with steep hills that have the same effect. Meaning large chunks of the city are separated from one another.

So, let’s say Maketa manages to start an issue. First off, I-25 would likely be blocked starting at Fountain and Monument Hill. The little east-west road can’t support a city of 600k. Then Pueblo, probably with littlle prompting, would shut of the pipeline. This is a particularly bad thing, as that water is also used for firefighting, and Rampart Reservoir is, again not large enough to support 600k.

I could continue with how the ridges and hills would effect this, but you get the idea. Colorado Springs is already in trouble. We can’t even have more than 1/2 of the streetlights on at night because of monetary issues. The city, geographically, should not have 600k people. Colorado Springs does something stupid, the city will effectively commit suicide.

re: #155 FemNaziBitch

Colorado has both extremes and they runn against one another. Colorado is also the likely indicator for how the US is going to go forward.

It really, really does not look good for conservatives. Once the conservatives slip completely out of power, the US is probably going to go sliding way to the left, and very quickly.

167 kirkspencer  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:42:12pm

re: #164 engineer cat

how do these anti-semitic ‘scriptualists’ rationalize the fact that everything in the bible was written by jews?

Because it wasn’t really written by Jews. It was written by God through them. Oh, yes, and do not forget that much of the problem was cleaned up when He acted through King James to have it transcribed.

sigh, I should probably tag all that in wingnutese.

168 The Ghost of a Flea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:42:33pm

re: #164 engineer cat

how do these anti-semitic ‘scriptualists’ rationalize the fact that everything in the bible was written by jews?

A bunch of ways.

The most common—I guess I should say, the one I’ve encountered most—and I do believe it’s referred on some of those Kinist pages—is that modern Jews aren’t “real” Jews, but a Semitic population that supplanted “real” Jews at some point. I’ve seen this posited where Jews are Khazars (Central Eurasian), but also where they’re Phoenician (Mediterranean). Shockingly, real Jews were white.

169 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:44:10pm

re: #168 The Ghost of a Flea

A bunch of ways.

The most common—and I do believe it’s referred on some of those Kinist pages—is that modern Jews aren’t “real” Jews, but a Semitic population that supplanted “real” Jews at some point. I’ve seen this posited where Jews are Khazars (Central Eurasian), but also where they’re Phoenician (Mediterranean). Shockingly, real Jews were white.

blonde haired and blue eyed

still makes me LOL

170 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:44:44pm
171 Tigger2  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:46:09pm

I hate raciest like that Terry guy.

A few years ago before I got sick my niece who has 2 mixed kids (at the time they were 2 and 3 yo) came up from New Orleans for Christmas so I took her and her kids to Wal-Mart so I could buy them all something.

We were standing in line to pay my niece and her kids were in front of me checking out, I had stopped a little ways back looking at a display in the check out line, a guy that came up behind me in line poked me and asked what I thought of that White bitch with those 2 Ni**er kids, I turned around and promptly knocked that SOB on his ass, That night in jail was well worth it.

172 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:46:29pm

re: #170 Gus

Speaking of which, I saw a book I bought at a Lizard’s suggestion and never read. It’s featured on your link. Blood Politics. I can’t remember if it was recommended before or after the Great Schism. Did you read it?

173 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:46:38pm

His talk began with his theories about why Jews support civil rights and black causes, a practice which he termed “an affliction.” Weissberg argued that it would be advantageous if Jews were on the side of white nationalists. Weissberg, who is Jewish, claimed that most Jews are actually racist, and that the right wing should be wary of anti-Semitism, lest it lose an “energetic” ally.”Certainly, if one were looking around for people about to do in the Jews, why do we worry about the white Christians? Why not concentrate on where the real enemy is, the blacks,” he told the crowd.

174 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:47:05pm

re: #172 FemNaziBitch

Speaking of which, I saw a book I bought at a Lizard’s suggestion and never read. It’s featured on your link. Blood Politics. I can’t remember if it was recommended before or after the Great Schism. Did you read it?

Haven’t read a book for a while now. :D

175 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:47:24pm

re: #169 FemNaziBitch

blonde haired and blue eyed

still makes me LOL


176 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:47:35pm

re: #168 The Ghost of a Flea

A bunch of ways.

The most common—I guess I should say, the one I’ve encountered most—and I do believe it’s referred on some of those Kinist pages—is that modern Jews aren’t “real” Jews, but a Semitic population that supplanted “real” Jews at some point. I’ve seen this posited where Jews are Khazars (Central Eurasian), but also where they’re Phoenician (Mediterranean). Shockingly, real Jews were white.

This, alas, is the most common one I run into. The Real Jews went to Britain and were the Celts, don’t ‘cha know… o_O

177 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:47:53pm

re: #175 Dr Lizardo

OMG! It’s so ridiculous, I can’t stand it.


178 Decatur Deb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:48:02pm

CPAC 2016

Friday Evening
Central Courtyard
Minority Relations Breakout: “Let’s Just Cut To The Chase And Light The Fucking Cross”

Guest Panelist: LTC (Ret) Allen West

179 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:48:17pm

re: #176 William Barnett-Lewis

This, alas, is the most common one I run into. The Real Jews went to Britain and were the Celts, don’t ‘cha know… o_O

I thought they came to American and became Mormans.

180 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:50:06pm

re: #158 FemNaziBitch

I think what I find so ironic is the same people who are calling for total gun ownership (or at least being most vocal about the Second Amendment) don’t seem to be respectful to the people who they say have the right to own firearms.

I’m not stating that very well.

It’s as if they are antagonizing and arming people at the same time.

does that make any sense?

I especially find ironic the demonizing of the Black Panthers. Who, yes, I think are on the SPLC list of something. Yet what makes them soooo scary is that they own and carry and are BLACK.

I wonder how the NRA and the rest of the wingnuts would react if Congress proposed a bill that would strip Muslims and only Muslims of their 2nd Amendment rights…

Or how about all the brown people, gays, atheists, Muslims, Jews etc. get together for a HUGE million-man 2nd Amendment rally where they openly carry… and invite Wayne LaPierre to speak…

181 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:50:22pm
182 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:50:52pm

re: #180 CuriousLurker

I wonder how the NRA and the rest of the wingnuts would react if Congress proposed a bill that would strip Muslims and only Muslims of their 2nd Amendment rights…

Or how about all the brown people, gays, atheists, Muslims, Jews etc. get together for a HUGE million-man 2nd Amendment rally where they openly carry… and invite Wayne LaPierre to speak…

Convert or be disenfranchised?

hmmm, sounds like Sharia …

183 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:51:05pm


184 engineer cat  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:52:03pm

same author

If this is what is meant by racism, then Kinists can no longer be properly considered “racists” at all, since, as a rule, we don’t display hatred or animosity towards anyone. All of God’s creation is to be respected and cared for in the opinion of Kinists
(You contentious, radical egalitarians reading this, please note: this doesn’t mean I *hate* the other races, any more than the mother in the above illustration hates the other children on the playground).
The book concentrates on the question “why do men hate Jews?”) Verga concludes:

“I have never seen a man of reason hate the Jews and there is none who hates them except the common people. For this there is a reason – the Jew is arrogant and always seeks to rule; you would never think that they are exiles and slaves driven from people to people. Rather, they seek to show themselves lords and masters. Therefore the masses envy them.”
I never felt more alone than I did the other night, while accompanying my parents to the local production of “Fiddler on the Roof”. My stream of capricious and frightening hatred had turned to a flooding river as I gazed at the dead faces, smiling up at, what I’m too kind in calling, a half-descent portrayal of a group of Godless pagans, prancing around in their celebration of the downfall of Western Civilization.

How can Christian people love evil so much?

185 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:52:45pm

Well, here’s one asshole involved in sale of weapons to the cartels who didn’t get away with it:

February 25, 2013: A U.S. federal court in Texas sentenced a Texas resident to four years in prison. The man was convicted of buying weapons in the U.S. and selling them to Mexican buyers. Prosecutors alleged that the defendant had bought an AR-15 rifle and an AK-47, which were found at a crime scene in Saltillo (Coahuila state). An AR-15 the defendant purchased was found in Nuevo Laredo at the scene of a firefight between Mexican army troops and cartel gunmen. Four cartel gunmen and one soldier were killed in that particular firefight.

It’s near the bottom of the page, so you have to scroll a ways to get to it.

186 #CPAC: I Have A Short Mingle Stick.THANKS OBAMA.  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:53:21pm

re: #134 Gus

No. Just no. In fact there were many people who wrote that the misery that “negro” slave women went through initially after their children were taken from them to be sold was made bearable, over time, through throwing themselves into their worship of Jesus.

Since many slave women had their children taken away and sold they tended to fulfill their maternal instincts through their Master’s children. And gave them unconditional life long love.
And lets not forget how many white people in this country can trace their ancestry back to an African slave. Many whites are aware of their NA ancestry but most are shocked to find out about the African.

187 b_sharp  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:54:02pm

Gus, this post is your magnum opus. Masterfully done.

188 Stanley Sea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:56:00pm

re: #169 FemNaziBitch

blonde haired and blue eyed

still makes me LOL

That Jesus looks mean. Like a deranged anti-hero.


189 Stanley Sea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:57:16pm

re: #178 Decatur Deb

CPAC 2016

Friday Evening
Central Courtyard
Minority Relations Breakout: “Let’s Just Cut To The Chase And Light The Fucking Cross”

Guest Panelist: LTC (Ret) Allen West

When is/was the zombie date night? I want some reports on that conservative dating event.

190 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:57:18pm

First thunderstorm of the year here. It’s raining cats & dogs and lightening all over.

191 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:57:25pm

re: #166 ProBosniaLiberal

Also, I would like to provide an geographic analysis of why Maketa’s idea is one of the stupidest in the US in the last half-century, from a Geographic Stand point.

Big one, first off, is transportation. Our big link to the Outside world is, I-25, which runs through…. Denver and Pueblo. Yes, there is Highway 24, but it a much smaller road, with a much lower speed limit.

Then, let’s go to Water. Colorado Springs, much like Phoenix, has no major water supply running through it, or one imminently available (such as a lake.) This is unusual in such a large city. So we have to import our water from another source, much like Phoenix. In this case, we get it from Pueblo & the Arkansas river. Already, Pueblo is pissed at us a result of not cleaning our storm-water enough. This is a bad situation for a city with a metro of 600,000+ people.

And to top it off, the city has number ridges running through it, along with steep hills that have the same effect. Meaning large chunks of the city are separated from one another.

So, let’s say Maketa manages to start an issue. First off, I-25 would likely be blocked starting at Fountain and Monument Hill. The little east-west road can’t support a city of 600k. Then Pueblo, probably with littlle prompting, would shut of the pipeline. This is a particularly bad thing, as that water is also used for firefighting, and Rampart Reservoir is, again not large enough to support 600k.

I could continue with how the ridges and hills would effect this, but you get the idea. Colorado Springs is already in trouble. We can’t even have more than 1/2 of the streetlights on at night because of monetary issues. The city, geographically, should not have 600k people. Colorado Springs does something stupid, the city will effectively commit suicide.

re: #155 FemNaziBitch

Colorado has both extremes and they runn against one another. Colorado is also the likely indicator for how the US is going to go forward.

It really, really does not look good for conservatives. Once the conservatives slip completely out of power, the US is probably going to go sliding way to the left, and very quickly.

I doubt he’s thought things through that far. He probably thinks those ridges are an advantage, since they would allow the force holding them the high ground. Which they would do, but high ridges are also vulnerable to attack helicopters and air-mobile infantry. A ground-bound ‘militia’ force would lose those ridges fairly quickly.

192 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:57:45pm

re: #187 b_sharp

Gus, this post is your magnum opus. Masterfully done.

Thanks. The funny thing is, I almost didn’t make it but finally decided to just go ahead and put one together and make it more of a visual page. Sort of like a Tumblr page. So, I started with the first part and decided to take breaks and finish the rest as updates as I remembered some of my comments from yesterday afternoon.

193 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:58:38pm

re: #169 FemNaziBitch

blonde haired and blue eyed

still makes me LOL

And a uni-brow!

194 #CPAC: I Have A Short Mingle Stick.THANKS OBAMA.  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:58:44pm

re: #169 FemNaziBitch

HA! That is one mean, violent lookin’ Tow headed Jesus.
He also looks like he’s been lifting!

195 Stanley Sea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:58:55pm

re: #171 Tigger2

I hate raciest like that Terry guy.

A few years ago before I got sick my niece who has 2 mixed kids (at the time they were 2 and 3 yo) came up from New Orleans for Christmas so I took her and her kids to Wal-Mart so I could buy them all something.

We were standing in line to pay my niece and her kids were in front of me checking out, I had stopped a little ways back looking at a display in the check out line, a guy that came up behind me in line poked me and asked what I thought of that White bitch with those 2 Ni**er kids, I turned around and promptly knocked that SOB on his ass, That night in jail was well worth it.

Cheers. Proud of you. Sometimes the emotional response is the absolute correct one. Your niece probably cried.

196 Tigger2  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 1:58:57pm

re: #188 Stanley Sea

That Jesus looks mean. Like a deranged anti-hero.


I don’t think there were many blue eyed white guys in that time and area where Jesus grew up and preached.

197 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:00:29pm

re: #180 CuriousLurker

I wonder how the NRA and the rest of the wingnuts would react if Congress proposed a bill that would strip Muslims and only Muslims of their 2nd Amendment rights…

Or how about all the brown people, gays, atheists, Muslims, Jews etc. get together for a HUGE million-man 2nd Amendment rally where they openly carry… and invite Wayne LaPierre to speak…

Conversely, if some Muslims started up a marksmanship club, let’s call it the “as-Sahaba Sports Shooting Association”, and you know, start each session with the adhan and the prayers, oh I tell you what!! The RWNJ’s would be screaming, “OH MY GOD! IT’S A JIHAD TRAINING CAMP!”

198 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:00:43pm

re: #193 CuriousLurker

And a uni-brow!

Jesus of Unibrow

199 Stanley Sea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:01:28pm

re: #193 CuriousLurker

And a uni-brow!

Damn you, making me look again.

200 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:02:15pm

re: #187 b_sharp

Gus, this post is your magnum opus. Masterfully done.

Ditto. I’m gonna go do some analog stuff, but before I go I’d like to say, “Thanks again, Gus!” for making such a great post and keeping us informed.

201 CuriousLurker  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:02:45pm

re: #197 Dr Lizardo

Conversely, if some Muslims started up a marksmanship club, let’s call it the “as-Sahaba Sports Shooting Association”, and you know, start each session with the adhan and the prayers, oh I tell you what!! The RWNJ’s would be screaming, “OH MY GOD! IT’S A JIHAD TRAINING CAMP!”

Exactly, LOL.

202 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:02:53pm

re: #200 CuriousLurker

Ditto. I’m gonna go do some analog stuff, but before I go I’d like to say, “Thanks again, Gus!” for making such a great post and keeping us informed.

You’re welcome.

203 Stanley Sea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:02:55pm

re: #197 Dr Lizardo

Conversely, if some Muslims started up a marksmanship club, let’s call it the “as-Sahaba Sports Shooting Association”, and you know, start each session with the adhan and the prayers, oh I tell you what!! The RWNJ’s would be screaming, “OH MY GOD! IT’S A JIHAD TRAINING CAMP!”

No guns for you!!

204 Tigger2  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:03:32pm

re: #195 Stanley Sea

Cheers. Proud of you. Sometimes the emotional response is the absolute correct one. Your niece probably cried.

TY, She bailed me out. Bail was very cheap 3 family members are cops, charges were dropped the next day.

205 b_sharp  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:04:47pm

re: #169 FemNaziBitch

blonde haired and blue eyed

still makes me LOL

You know if we stick with the (horribly outdated) scientific definition of race, where humanity is broken into Caucasian, Negroid, Mongoloid and Aborigine, all of Europe, the Middle East and India/Pakistan are the same race.

In the more modern version of race, there isn’t any. There is more genetic diversity in German Shepherds than in Homo sapiens.

206 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:07:03pm

re: #201 CuriousLurker

They’d be sudden advocates of firearms registration at that instance, I’d be willing to bet.

207 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:07:08pm

re: #182 FemNaziBitch

Convert or be disenfranchised?

hmmm, sounds like Sharia …

I should say the fundamental version against which the Whackos are so vocal. It also sound like the Inquisition, except the inquisition deheaded, or burned, instead of disenfranchised.

208 ProBosniaLiberal  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:07:13pm

re: #191 Dark_Falcon

Thing is Monument hill is itself ridge-ish.

Most of Colorado Springs sits at about 6100-6900 feet. Monument is at about 7100-7300 Feet. The ridges have a habit of making it more of a pain in the ass to get from one part of the city to another as well.

Hell, the reason the fires ended up so hard fought when they breached city limits last year was that, if the fire had gotten one more mile, it would have gotten to the one of the ridges that splits the city Northwest-Southeast. I-25 runs through a lull between two ridges. You can see how this would have gotten horrific in a hurry.

209 The Ghost of a Flea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:07:46pm

re: #158 FemNaziBitch

re: #180 CuriousLurker

If you scratch the whole “arm everybody” position there’s this giant trove of privilege. I mean, every time someone positioned themselves as the armed “good guy” versus “bad guys” what’s built in is a presumption about the ability to discern intent, and in turn presumption about what traits mark a person’s intent. And, in this country, our sense of “justice” tends to bend according to race, wealth, and prestige—combine that with a sort of universal Stand Your Ground, and the de facto results is “reputable folks” committing socially-legitimated violence, and “disreputable folks” being marked as acceptable targets.

For some, this is unacknowledged: there are people who don’t/won’t think about how deep our society’s lazy assumptions go, or how harmful they can be. Others…well, I think a lot of the people currently being all “2nd Amendment because we need to resist the government 11ty!” are only interesting in their freedom. If they managed to secede or form some kind of proto-government, they wouldn’t blink before deprived others of their right to bear arms. Hell, part of the reason I struggle to be comfortable with 2nd-amendment rights groups is how often I encounter this privilege issue.

210 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:08:20pm

Kinism FAQ: Is Christianity Jewish?

Jesus was Jewish
Christianity comes from Judaism
Ethical objections: Christianity seems to teach things that are Judaistic

Pray, have faith, don’t worry about our enemies
Don’t judge
Love your enemies, pray for persecutors, turn the other cheek
Give up all your possessions
Put God before family
Jew worship

Christianity’s evangelistic inclusion of Jews and blacks poses threats to European communities.

211 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:09:19pm

re: #193 CuriousLurker

And a uni-brow!

It’s the Dalai Lama robes and superman biceps that throw it over the top.

212 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:09:42pm

re: #196 Tigger2

I don’t think there were many blue eyed white guys in that time and area where Jesus grew up and preached.


213 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:10:32pm

TT Live 11: Tom Hingest on National Socialism, Third Reich

Tune in for our first show of 2013 on January 5th @ 10pm EST as we interview the author of FirstWord.US about National Socialism and the Third Reich. We’ll discuss truth and lies about Hitler’s rule as Führer of Germany. As always, the chat room will be open for your questions.

214 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:10:55pm

re: #205 b_sharp


215 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:11:04pm


216 b_sharp  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:11:36pm

re: #212 FemNaziBitch


I doubt they had blue eyes. The gene for blue eyes is recessive.

217 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:13:30pm

So. When will Fox News hire Scott Terry?


218 Tigger2  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:13:46pm

re: #212 FemNaziBitch


I doubt they were as white back then as they are now.

219 Gus  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:14:34pm

For those willing to wade in the muck: jews site:shotgunwildatheart.wordpress.com - Google Search

220 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:14:51pm

Police: Swiss tourist gang-raped in IndiaLink

Police are investigating the gang-rape of a tourist in central India, the latest black eye for the country over violence against women.

A Swiss couple was camping near a forest in India’s Datia district when a group of men beat the husband and raped his wife, the district’s deputy superintendent of police, R.S. Prajapati, told CNN. There were between five and seven attackers, he said.

The couple arrived in Mumbai on February 3 and were on a cycling tour across the country, said D.K. Arya, deputy inspector general of police.

The attackers stole a laptop, 10,000 rupees (US $185) and a mobile phone, he said. The victims went to police and the woman was hospitalized and later released.

Twenty people have been detained for questioning, Arya said.

The couple is staying at a guesthouse in the Datia district while the investigation unfolds, he said.

221 dragonath  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:16:30pm

re: #216 b_sharp

I doubt they had blue eyes. The gene for blue eyes is recessive.

Some Ancient Greek writers talk about the Thracians being mostly red haired and blue eyed. They probably considered them quasi-barbarian, too.

222 b_sharp  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:17:12pm

re: #214 FemNaziBitch


Race is arbitrary.

223 The Ghost of a Flea  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:19:47pm

re: #221 dragonath

Some Ancient Greek writers talk about the Thracians being mostly red haired and blue eyed. They probably considered them quasi-barbarian, too.

Also, there’s the Circassians. From the Eastern side of the Black Sea. Famously stereotyped as red-haired/pale/blue-eyed, thus “Circassian beauties.”

224 ProBosniaLiberal  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:21:32pm

re: #208 ProBosniaLiberal

And from the point of city governance, the city had issues when fighting the fire. For example, Bach didn’t request help from Denver (the 800 pound gorilla in the room) until 4:11 on Tuesday June 26th. Go to 6:50 to see how late in game that was.

In addition, we have kept cutting taxes to the point where we had to call in other PDs to help keep looters out of the evacuated areas, and to keep keep things calm traffic wise. EX, this photo from Wikipedia. Shows an Aurora PD car and its officers patrolling in Colorado Springs. I’ve driven through there before and since. It is much closer to the center of the city than I am.

Aurora is in the core of the Denver Metro. We literally brought in everything in the front range from Denver south to save us.

225 Decatur Deb  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:22:00pm

re: #212 FemNaziBitch


To his house went the goddess, grey-eyed Athene, devising a return for the great-hearted Odysseus.

Odysseus, Book VI

226 jamesfirecat  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:25:19pm

re: #17 Decatur Deb

“Old times here are not forgotten…”

Whoopin slaves and sellin cotton…

I prefer the Tom Lehrer version.

227 Shvaughn  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:29:44pm

re: #150 The Ghost of a Flea

So racist guy is fake and plant*, but he also has some points about how overplayed the ugliness of slavery was?

You can tell he’s a liberal cuz he supports WALLACE FOR PRESIDENT! And George Wallace was a DEMOCRAT!!1!

228 wrenchwench  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 2:55:52pm

re: #171 Tigger2

Upding is not to be construed as supporting violence.

But I sure smiled.

229 Lidane  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 4:24:43pm
Our question: why not reach out to whites?

If the GOP gets any whiter, they’ll blend in with the walls.

230 chadu  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 5:53:42pm

re: #28 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

Being a racist is such a fundamental misunderstanding of biology and statistics and common sense.

All I feel is fury against them, the racists.

231 Shvaughn  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 6:03:37pm

re: #229 Lidane

If the GOP gets any whiter, they’ll blend in with the walls.

Isn’t that what their robes and hoods are for?

232 BeenHereAwhile  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 6:42:16pm

re: #18 Dark_Falcon

re: #17 Decatur Deb

“Old times here are not forgotten…”

‘Look away, look away, look away, Dixieland.’

Except that I don’t think I can afford to look away, since I need to understand this sickness so I can work to purge it.

Here it is.

I’ve been told that some of the slave cabins are still on the property.

Image: dixieland.JPG

233 Tigger2005  Sat, Mar 16, 2013 7:02:58pm

As a middle-aged, working class Missouri white guy born to Republican parents, may I say I would kill myself before I would be like this “man.” He is a weak, pathetic, evil person. If I hit a bad time in my life and felt myself giving in to hatred, I’d shave my head and become a Buddhist monk.

234 majii  Sun, Mar 17, 2013 6:05:05pm

re: #1 freetoken

I’m black, older than Smith, and even though he doesn’t seem to know it, I know that the racists in the GOP have no more regard for him than they have for any other Person of Color, including the president. This is what I don’t understand about blacks who align themselves with the GOP. They seem to think they’ll get some sort of special treatment, when they most definitely won’t. Republicans claim that blacks who are members of the Democratic Party are “on the plantation.” I’ve been a democrat since I was 18, and I’ve never felt the need to deny reality and pretend that I was wanted in the party when I wasn’t, and I’ve never had to turn my back on my heritage or ignore history to be a democrat. There’s a common thread I’ve noticed that runs through Cain, this Smith guy, Michael Steele and other black republicans—they all refuse to see the GOP the way that it is and seem dedicated to what the party once was, before the Civil Rights Act was passed. They pretend not to see the disdain of the party’s supporters and politicians for People of Color, women, LGBTQ persons, Muslims, and lot of other Americans. The cognitive dissonance would torture me, but it doesn’t seem to bother those I mentioned at all, and it’s sad. They have consciously chosen to help a group of tools suppress them and their fellow Americans. They remind me of all of the white senior citizens who vote for republicans, thinking that the republicans won’t privatize Social Security and voucherize Medicare. Ryan admitted last week that his plan to change these programs will affect seniors who are currently enrolled in them. Oops!!

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