Updates: Boston Marathon Explosions

Attack in Boston
US News • Views: 23,885

Here’s a thread for continuing updates on the situation at the Boston Marathon, where Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis just announced that they are treating an explosion and fire at the JFK Library as being connected to the bombs at the finish line of the Marathon.

UPDATE at 4/15/13 2:12:46 pm

Video from Boston.com of the explosion:

UPDATE at 4/15/13 2:31:44 pm

The latest news is that the fire at the JFK Library was not connected to the bombs at the Marathon; it was reportedly an electrical fire, not intentionally set.

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1 Lidane  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 1:58:51pm

Keepin’ it classy:

2 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:00:26pm

The local news is saying that the JFK bomb was related.

Just hearing from friends and family that everyone is okay (I live here in Metrowest Boston). I had two friends running this year. They are both fine.

I’m very, very angry.

3 ProBosniaLiberal  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:01:06pm

re: #1 Lidane

Wasn’t she the one who initially blamed Oslo & Utoya on Muslims?

4 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:01:43pm


5 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:02:38pm

re: #4 Vicious Babushka



6 NJDhockeyfan  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:02:46pm
7 SpaceJesus  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:03:21pm

Welp, as of today, I can guarantee that we have at least one genuine certifiable motherfucker running around somewhere on this planet.

8 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:03:22pm

re: #6 NJDhockeyfan

That explains it. Thank you.

9 Dr. Matt  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:03:47pm

NBC news just reported there are conflicting reports about the JFK library. Nothing confirmed yet.

10 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:03:54pm

re: #1 Lidane

Keepin’ it classy:

What does that even mean?

11 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:03:59pm

Wingnuts wetting themselves over the NY Post claim of a “Saudi”

12 Lidane  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:04:33pm

re: #10 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)

What does that even mean?

It means that her salary is wasted money, as usual.

13 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:04:34pm

re: #2 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)

I haven’t heard from my friends yet. They’re mostly older people, my parents age, so they wouldn’t have finished at the front. I know the odds are strongly in favor of them being safe and fine, but it’s impossible not to worry.

Whether the terrorist is a Muslim right-wing fanatic or a Christian right-wing fanatic or a white supremacist or what, I don’t care about his cause, I just hope they take him alive and that a skilled interrogator who knows how to play off of his pride and hubris is able to get the information out of him that will help find who helped him. I know that for a cop who finds this guy the urge may be to simply shoot him but that won’t help.

14 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:04:54pm

re: #9 Dr. Matt

NBC news just reported there are conflicting reports about the JFK library. Nothing confirmed yet.

Lead detective said at press conference they were considering it related. Hoping that its not another bomb.

15 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:05:19pm

re: #10 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)

What does that even mean?

She is trying to play off of the “Gosnell is a local crime story” thing. That Gosnell is mostly news in the Philly papers rather than nationwide. It’s disgusting.

16 SpaceJesus  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:06:18pm

Somebody needs to tell Prudence in the most Boston way possible to go fuck off

17 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:06:54pm

re: #13 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

I haven’t heard from my friends yet. They’re mostly older people, my parents age, so they wouldn’t have finished at the front. I know the odds are strongly in favor of them being safe and fine, but it’s impossible not to worry.

Whether the terrorist is a Muslim right-wing fanatic or a Christian right-wing fanatic or a white supremacist or what, I don’t care about his cause, I just hope they take him alive and that a skilled interrogator who knows how to play off of his pride and hubris is able to get the information out of him that will help find who helped him. I know that for a cop who finds this guy the urge may be to simply shoot him but that won’t help.

You can check them against the BAA site. Good luck. Hopefully they are okay.

18 Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:07:04pm

re: #16 SpaceJesus

“Fuck you you fucking fuck?”

19 JamesWI  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:07:09pm

Ugh, Chris Matthews making it political already. Shut the fuck up.

20 Bulworth  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:08:00pm

re: #15 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

JenRub possesses a national microphone, so to speak. She’s perfectly capable of using that microphone to raise whatever issues she desires, be it Fast&Furious Benghazi Gosnell, but she didn’t until recently.

21 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:08:22pm

re: #16 SpaceJesus

Somebody needs to tell Prudence in the most Boston way possible to go fuck off

I’ll bite:

Fuck Awwwf!

22 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:09:01pm

re: #16 SpaceJesus

Somebody needs to tell Prudence in the most Boston way possible to go fuck off

23 ProBosniaLiberal  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:11:06pm

re: #18 Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All

You missed a comma.

24 Lidane  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:11:15pm

re: #16 SpaceJesus

Somebody needs to tell Prudence in the most Boston way possible to go fuck off

I’m sure there’s a Dropkick Murphys song for that.

25 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:11:18pm

I just saw a little pork chop in the sky.

26 Bulworth  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:11:38pm

re: #15 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

If JenRub is gripe-y that the abortion doctor story is only nationwide news, who’s fault does she think that is, given that she has a pretty valuable perch at the “liberal” Wash Post and could have raised the issue to national prominence if she had wanted to (or had she known about it before most of the rest of us).

27 Inner Partisan  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:12:44pm

Speaking of the Dropkick Murphys, this one seems appropriate right now:

28 Bulworth  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:12:49pm

re: #25 Vicious Babushka

No confirmed info, no named sources, no problem for RWNJ media

29 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:13:33pm

Just updated the post with video from Boston.com of the explosion and immediate aftermath.

30 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:14:30pm

re: #28 Bulworth

No confirmed info, no named sources, no problem for RWNJ media

Meanwhile, the news sources talking to BPD, the Mayor, the Governor, and other actual information sources haven’t said a peep about a suspect in custody.

31 Bulworth  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:15:20pm

So Jen Rubin, prominent blogger at the liberal Wash Post, and other RWNJ media types are upset that the media ignored the phily abortion doctor story? And the RWNJ couldn’t report on it, of course, wrapped up as they all have been for months and months on the Greatest BENGHAZI Scandal BENGHAZI Ever BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI.///

32 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:15:26pm
33 celticdragon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:15:51pm

re: #9 Dr. Matt

NBC news just reported there are conflicting reports about the JFK library. Nothing confirmed yet.

News cast and interview on MSNBC saying there is a third confirmed explosion at the JFK library.

34 Bulworth  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:16:03pm

re: #30 Kragar

Oh what would they know? //

35 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:16:46pm

I’m reluctant to even mention it, but the New York Post has a story saying a Saudi national is in custody.

36 CuriousLurker  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:16:57pm

re: #29 Charles Johnson

Just updated the post with video from Boston.com of the explosion and immediate aftermath.

Tried to watch it. Couldn’t. Reminds me of 9/11.

37 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:18:08pm

re: #35 Charles Johnson

I’m reluctant to even mention it, but the New York Post has a story saying a Saudi national is in custody.

No sources, no names, and not one mention of it by any one in charge in Boston. I call horseshit at this point.

38 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:18:18pm

re: #33 celticdragon

News cast and interview on MSNBC saying there is a third confirmed explosion at the JFK library.

MSNBC is also saying there was an electrical fire earlier today at the JFK library.

39 Skip Intro  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:18:28pm

re: #35 Charles Johnson

I’m reluctant to even mention it, but the New York Post has a story saying a Saudi national is in custody.

I’ll wait until a more reliable source like World Net Daily reports this before I take it seriously.

40 danarchy  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:18:37pm

Fox News just says they have confirmed there is a person of interest being held at the hospital. They can not confirm if it is a witness or suspect.

41 Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:19:10pm

Police scanner is reporting unattended suspicious military style duffel bags in the ER rooms of two hospitals.

42 JamesWI  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:19:13pm

Chris Matthews really trying to push it as a right-wing extremist…..Jesus Fucking Christ, even if we’re thinking it, you don’t fucking say it when we don’t actually know anything. Idiot.

43 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:19:17pm
44 engineer cat  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:19:25pm

Prudence @dennygirltwo

This is Obama’s

i wonder why she is so defensive

45 A Mom Anon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:20:13pm

re: #30 Kragar

Fischer and co want for it to be ANYONE but a white christian guy. I’m actually surprised it took him that long to go there.

46 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:20:26pm

A local cop friend says that there are “multiple unexploded packages” still on the ground. I’m finding that hard to believe.

I guess this is when the rumor mill starts.

47 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:20:27pm

Boston Police: No Arrests Have Been Made in Marathon Bombing | TPM LiveWire

A spokesperson for the Boston Police Department said no suspects have been taken into custody yet after the bombing at the Boston Marathon.

“At this time, we haven’t been notified of any arrests or anyone apprehended,” the spokesperson said.

The New York Post reported that a “Saudi national who suffered shrapnel wounds in today’s blast” has been identified as “a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.” The Boston PD spokesperson did not confirm that report. 

“Honestly, I don’t know where they’re getting their information from, but it didn’t come from us,” said the spokesperson.

48 Lidane  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:20:31pm
49 celticdragon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:20:43pm

re: #38 Walking Spanish Down the Hall

MSNBC is also saying there was an electrical fire earlier today at the JFK library.

The news conference with local law enforcement said the library explosion is considered to be a related event, about 15 minutes ago.

50 Bulworth  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:20:59pm

So RWNJ media personalities, and their TGDN acolytes, have been beating the BENGHAZI drum for months and months.

NOW, they’ve all suddenly decided that the Biggest Issue in the World is the trial of an abortion doctor in Phily they just found out about, and why oh why weren’t the “liberal” media covering that?

That’s some pretty special kind of Derp isn’t it?

51 RadicalModerate  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:21:19pm

re: #35 Charles Johnson

I’m reluctant to even mention it, but the New York Post has a story saying a Saudi national is in custody.

They also are claiming that there are 12 dead too - which is completely contrary to the currently known facts. Even raving loony Dana Loesch is skeptical of the NYPost story.

52 Skip Intro  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:21:26pm

re: #47 Charles Johnson

Boston Police: No Arrests Have Been Made in Marathon Bombing | TPM LiveWire

“Honestly, I don’t know where they’re getting their information from, but it didn’t come from us,” said the spokesperson.

Sounds like it came from Brit Hume.

53 celticdragon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:21:50pm

re: #46 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)

A local cop friend says that there are “multiple unexploded packages” still on the ground. I’m finding that hard to believe.

I guess this is when the rumor mill starts.

Could be, but so far we have two and possibly three explosions, one more bomb set of by a water cannon and two bombs being dismantled.

55 Ian G.  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:22:27pm

re: #35 Charles Johnson

I’m reluctant to even mention it, but the New York Post has a story saying a Saudi national is in custody.

By the time we know the facts of who did it, it will become another far-right article of faith that the Muslims did it, regardless of who was really behind it. Then the conspiracy theories will begin on why Obama let the Muslims get away.

This is SOP for the right-wing noise machine these days. I’m sure the NY Post knows it, and they decided to start the process.

56 danarchy  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:22:38pm

re: #46 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)

A local cop friend says that there are “multiple unexploded packages” still on the ground. I’m finding that hard to believe.

I guess this is when the rumor mill starts.

What the police chief said is they are treating all unattended packages as suspicious. This includes any bags that may have been dropped as people tried to get away.

57 Inner Partisan  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:22:54pm

re: #47 Charles Johnson

Allow me to speculate: There is indeed a Saudi national among the victims (as I’m sure there were a few Saudis running the marathon). That fact alone makes him a “person of interest” to the usual suspects.

58 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:22:55pm

At this point, any unattended large package is going to be a suspect device right now.

59 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:23:02pm

re: #46 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)

A local cop friend says that there are “multiple unexploded packages” still on the ground. I’m finding that hard to believe.

I guess this is when the rumor mill starts.

Don’t be

Two more devices were found, with one being purposely detonated by Boston Police at Boylston Street and another exploding at JFK Library.


60 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:23:05pm

re: #49 celticdragon

The news conference with local law enforcement said the library explosion is considered to be a related event, about 15 minutes ago.

I’m listening live to MSNBC and just before my comment they showed the burn marks and mentioned the possibility of a previous fire.

The fog of war covers even local incidents.

61 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:23:06pm

re: #53 celticdragon

Oh my god.

62 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:24:10pm

re: #56 danarchy

What the police chief said is they are treating all unattended packages as suspicious. This includes any bags that may have been dropped as people tried to get away.

That sounds more likely.

63 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:25:30pm

Who here is in Boston besides me?

64 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:26:27pm

re: #63 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)

Who here is in Boston besides me?

Not in Boston right now, but family and friends are who i am in contact with right now via various means

65 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:26:38pm

re: #58 Kragar

At this point, any unattended large package is going to be a suspect device right now.

This is the kind of situation where having a detachable penis can be inconvenient.

66 danarchy  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:27:18pm

re: #63 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)

Who here is in Boston besides me?

Not today, but I am in Boston a few times a week.

67 Skip Intro  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:27:23pm

re: #42 JamesWI

Chris Matthews really trying to push it as a right-wing extremist…..Jesus Fucking Christ, even if we’re thinking it, you don’t fucking say it when we don’t actually know anything. Idiot.

After Sean Hannity, Chris Matthews is at the top of my list for waterboarding candidates.

All for charity, of course.

68 Stanley Sea  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:27:29pm

re: #37 Kragar

No sources, no names, and not one mention of it by any one in charge in Boston. I call horseshit at this point.

And they state 23 dead. Now changed to 12. Swore it was 23 before.

69 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:27:29pm

Hell, at this point I’m hoping it was a lone anarchist. At least that way we wouldn’t have to worry about more, even if it will make the right-wing media smugger than smug.

70 Bulworth  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:27:35pm

re: #57 Inner Partisan

Allow me to speculate: There is indeed a Saudi national among the victims (as I’m sure there were a few Saudis running the marathon). That fact alone makes him a “person of interest” to the usual suspects.

A Saudi national? Time to bomb Iran then. ///

72 LWNJ  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:28:33pm

re: #68 Stanley Sea

And they state 23 dead. Now changed to 12. Swore it was 23 before.

The report I saw was two dead, 23 injured. Maybe you misread?

73 CuriousLurker  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:28:44pm
74 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:29:07pm

Any news which leads to another suspect being ID’d will be because Obama is a secret Muslim and this was a false flag op.

75 LWNJ  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:29:18pm

re: #71 Charles Johnson

Erik Rush: Kill All Muslims in Response to Boston Marathon Attack | Right Wing Watch

And if they find out it was a Presbyterian?

76 JamesWI  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:29:41pm

re: #72 LWNJ

The report I saw was two dead, 23 injured. Maybe you misread?

I believe Stanley is talking about the NY Post’s bullshit reports that have been coming out.

77 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:30:26pm

re: #75 LWNJ

And if they find out it was a Presbyterian?


78 KernelPanic  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:30:28pm

re: #66 danarchy

I’m in BOS. Boston globe says they’ll be setting up a google doc for needed/offered housing - lots of people blocked from hotels. We’ve got a 2-family house with the 1st floor apartment unoccupied. Gonna sign our spot up.

79 Øyvind Strømmen  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:30:36pm


The New York Post reported that a “Saudi national who suffered shrapnel wounds in today’s blast” has been identified as “a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.” The Boston PD spokesperson did not confirm that report.

“Honestly, I don’t know where they’re getting their information from, but it didn’t come from us,” said the spokesperson.

The Post report was attributed to “a law enforcement source.” According to the Post, the “suspect” is “currently being guarded in a Boston hospital.”

80 ProBosniaLiberal  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:30:44pm

re: #73 CuriousLurker

Considering that it was a fire, I would imagine so.

That is a very poorly worded tweet.

81 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:31:34pm

Hi, y’all.

Well, shit.

82 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:32:01pm

re: #81 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hi, y’all.

Well, shit.

Make sure you flush this time,, k???

83 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:32:03pm

re: #79 Øyvind Strømmen


The New York Post reported that a “Saudi national who suffered shrapnel wounds in today’s blast” has been identified as “a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing.” The Boston PD spokesperson did not confirm that report.

“Honestly, I don’t know where they’re getting their information from, but it didn’t come from us,” said the spokesperson.

The Post report was attributed to “a law enforcement source.” According to the Post, the “suspect” is “currently being guarded in a Boston hospital.”

How do we know the “law enforcement source” isn’t some brain-dead cop who saw a dark-skinned man with a funny accent and decided that he must be kept a watch on because he might be connected?

84 darthstar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:32:08pm

Cell phone service shut down in Boston, according to a FB friend.

85 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:32:46pm

re: #83 Targetpractice

We don’t know diddly. You’re right.

86 celticdragon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:32:47pm

Just heard from my son that two bombs have been successfully disarmed.

87 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:33:03pm
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.” - Mr. Rogers
88 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:33:09pm

re: #84 darthstar

Cell phone service shut down in Boston, according to a FB friend.

Yup,, and no incoming flights at Logan according to one of mine

Also, ,the Tobin Bridge (as well as other roads) into the city shut down

89 HoosierHoops  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:33:21pm

re: #81 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hi, y’all.

Well, shit.

Hi Brother! Missed you and hope life is treating you well.
This is shit today..I hate this.

90 AlexRogan  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:33:21pm

re: #81 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hi, y’all.

Well, shit.

Holy shit, LTNS!


Now if we can find out if SFZ’s OK…

91 Stanley Sea  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:33:58pm

re: #72 LWNJ

The report I saw was two dead, 23 injured. Maybe you misread?

Yeah. Put me and the NY Post together and hoo boy.

92 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:34:09pm

I’m waiting for the Fox News Drones “This never would have happened under Bush, they were afraid of him”…

93 Shvaughn  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:34:11pm

Just a reminder, the term “person of interest” entered the national vocabulary when it was applied against an innocent man, Richard Jewell.

94 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:34:24pm

The Post is either going to end up looking like a Seer, having scooped everybody, or a bunch of lying fuckers. Considering their track record, and putting it up without attribution or sources identification, they’re definitely flying way out there without a net.

95 Skip Intro  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:34:39pm

Alex Jones knows who’s responsible, and sees it as a huge ratings win for him.

Who, you ask? Why the government, of course. Probably the FBI, because they’ve been responsible for every terrorist attack in, like, forever!

96 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:34:43pm

re: #81 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hi, y’all.

Well, shit.



97 Øyvind Strømmen  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:35:01pm

re: #83 Targetpractice

How do we know the “law enforcement source” isn’t some brain-dead cop who saw a dark-skinned man with a funny accent and decided that he must be kept a watch on because he might be connected?

Precisely. As a Norwegian, I’d at least say that one should wait before one jumps to conclusions. Could be a Jihadist asshole, could be another kind of asshole.

As for Alex Jones, could be one of his fans, as well, like the guy who wanted to blow up the parliament in Poland. Extremism comes in many flavours, but they all taste the same.

98 Shvaughn  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:35:11pm

Someone on a friend’s Facebook is trying to defend Alex Jones’ credibility by saying:

The only thing I know Alex Jones got right for sure was the billion rounds of ammo purchased by DHS. They said he was off base and nuts… but then recently admitted they bought that much ammo (why would DHS hide it in the first place? Enough ammo to fight a war many times over).

I’m just waiting for the DHS tanks to be mentioned.

99 Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:36:09pm

Time to go running. may not mean much to most people but it’s just one little way I can say ‘Fuck You’ to these people filled with hate.

100 abolitionist  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:36:48pm

re: #98 Shvaughn

Someone on a friend’s Facebook is trying to defend Alex Jones’ credibility by saying:

I’m just waiting for the DHS tanks to be mentioned.

I’d be willing to bet they have think tanks.
/really not trying to spread rumors

101 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:37:27pm

re: #4 Vicious Babushka


prudence (ˈpruːdəns) noun

1. caution in practical affairs; discretion or circumspection
2. care taken in the management of one’s resources
3. consideration for one’s own interests
4. the condition or quality of being prudent

102 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:37:31pm

re: #88 sattv4u2

Yup,, and no incoming flights at Logan according to one of mine

Also, ,the Tobin Bridge (as well as other roads) into the city shut down

UPDATE: The Federal Aviation Administration has lifted a temporary ground stop that halted inbound flights to Logan International Airport

103 Cardio (formerly JRCMYP)  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:37:36pm

Saying JFK incident not related to Boston Marathon now.

104 Big Steve  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:37:37pm

re: #87 FemNaziBitch

I want to up ding you like 50 times. Look at the film clips. Blast happens and while some are running away, others are running toward it to help and within seconds have ripped the fence down and are climbing in to help.

105 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:38:05pm

re: #94 goddamnedfrank

The Post is either going to end up looking like a Seer, having scooped everybody, or a bunch of lying fuckers. Considering their track record, and putting it up without attribution or sources identification, they’re definitely flying way out there without a net.

Even if they are right, they’re assholes because it could very well ruin LEO efforts to find others involved. This is a case where reporting too soon isn’t beneficial and can be harmful.

106 Dr. Matt  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:38:37pm
107 NJDhockeyfan  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:39:09pm


108 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:39:21pm

I’ve changed so much in the past 10 years…

My first thought now? Loony White Guy.

Why? White guys are loony.

109 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:39:49pm

From NBC news, BPD is destroying any device they can’t ID, only 2 confirmed explosive devices, the ones that exploded.

110 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:40:00pm

“Person of interest” is the media’s way of giving rumors pseudo-credibility, while allowing them room to avoid libel charges by saying they never accused a person of a crime, they just said they were “of interest.”

111 CuriousLurker  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:40:04pm

Brian Whats-his-name on NBC says they next official update won’t be until 7pm.

112 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:40:46pm

FYI “Law enforcement source” could mean someone’s retired Uncle Cletus from Topeka. The term leaves much to be desired with regards to specificity.

113 ProBosniaLiberal  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:40:54pm

re: #97 Øyvind Strømmen

That atttack will remain seared into my mind for a very long time.

114 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:41:05pm

Hi OS and FBV!

115 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:41:07pm

re: #107 NJDhockeyfan


116 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:41:20pm

Pamela Geller goes for it:

117 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:41:42pm

re: #111 CuriousLurker

Brian Whats-his-name on NBC says they next official update won’t be until 7pm.

Bostons mayor is set to speak at 6 according to multiple Boston TV sources

118 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:41:56pm

re: #116 Charles Johnson

Pamela Geller goes for it:

Well, it is almost 6, so I guess she’s halfway through the bottle by now.

119 ProBosniaLiberal  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:42:06pm

re: #108 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

re: #97 Øyvind Strømmen

Also, you both have to stay here now.

120 Ian G.  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:42:16pm

re: #116 Charles Johnson

Surprised it took her this long.

121 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:42:30pm

re: #116 Charles Johnson

Pamela Geller goes for it:

Because who really needs evidence?

122 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:43:08pm

Multiple Boston outlets are now reporting SWAT teams at Brigham and Women’s Hosiptal

123 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:43:11pm

I just PM’d my husband’s niece. She is in Boston and is a runner, but hasn’t posted anything about running the race. Hate not knowing.

124 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:43:20pm
125 CuriousLurker  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:43:35pm

re: #117 sattv4u2

Bostons mayor is set to speak at 6 according to multiple Boston TV sources

Yeah, they mentioned he’d be speaking soon. Apparently he was in the hospital with a broken leg, but they couldn’t keep him down, heh.

126 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:43:41pm

re: #110 Targetpractice

“Person of interest” is the media’s way of giving rumors pseudo-credibility, while allowing them room to avoid libel charges by saying they never accused a person of a crime, they just said they were “of interest.”

POI is a law enforcement term. Once someone is officially a “suspect” they have to be read their rights. Maintaining a certain ambiguity as to “is this person a potential witness or something more” allows for greater latitude during questioning.

127 ProBosniaLiberal  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:44:15pm

re: #125 CuriousLurker

Was the broken leg related to this?

128 Inner Partisan  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:44:37pm
129 CuriousLurker  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:45:02pm

re: #127 ProBosniaLiberal

Was the broken leg related to this?


130 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:45:04pm

re: #126 goddamnedfrank

POI is a law enforcement term. Once someone is officially a “suspect” they have to be read their rights. Maintaining a certain ambiguity as to “is this person a potential witness or something more” allows for greater latitude during questioning.

True, but it became part of the American lexicon during the 90s, with the various bouts of domestic terrorism, and has since become their means of avoiding libel suits while still being able to engage in trial by media.

131 CuriousLurker  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:46:08pm

I wish they would STOP showing the explosions. I have TV.

POTUS going to address nation at 6:10pm

132 Charles Johnson  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:46:22pm
133 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:46:32pm

re: #128 Inner Partisan

Why does he hate America?

134 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:46:41pm

re: #127 ProBosniaLiberal

Was the broken leg related to this?


But 20 years from now ,,, when he’s sitting around telling stories at the bar ,,,,


135 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:46:51pm

re: #131 CuriousLurker

I wish they would STOP showing the explosions. I have TV.

POTUS going to address nation at 6:10pm

What took him so long!? Bush would have been on TV the very second after the first explosion!!

136 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:47:10pm

The Post has 12 dead?

137 Dr. Matt  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:47:22pm

re: #132 Charles Johnson

White House confirms President Barack Obama will address the nation at 6:10 p.m.
— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) April 15, 2013

Teabaggers will be screeching that the President is trying to insert himself into the story in 5….4…3…2….1……

138 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:48:23pm
139 celticdragon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:48:51pm

Various sources have the injury count at close to 100. Local hospitals confirming over 90 admits.

140 Big Steve  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:49:03pm

re: #135 Targetpractice

I believe this statement is entirely false. Bush, if anything, was slow to go on TV and in fact he got heavily criticized for being slow to respond on 911.

141 bratwurst  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:49:15pm

re: #137 Dr. Matt

Teabaggers will be screeching that the President is trying to insert himself into the story in 5….4…3…2….1……

Whereas if he weren’t about to speak we would be hearing:


142 spiderx  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:49:22pm

the NY Post is not a credible news source.

143 celticdragon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:49:57pm

re: #137 Dr. Matt

Teabaggers will be screeching that the President is trying to insert himself into the story in 5….4…3…2….1……

Jenjen Rubin will be screeching along with the Harpy, no doubt.

144 The Mountain That Blogs  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:50:30pm

Back in college, I volunteered as an EMT at the marathon finish line, and I still know a bunch of people who do it every year. Thankfully, they are all ok.

A very hearty fuck you to whoever did this.

145 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:50:55pm

re: #139 celticdragon

Various sources have the injury count at close to 100. Local hospitals confirming over 90 admits.

Some of that could be simple smoke inhalation. Those looked like fairly low order explosions, with lots of particulate by products.

146 Inner Partisan  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:51:13pm

re: #138 Kragar

His career is over, right? I mean, even Fox News won’t keep someone who LITERALLY said “Let’s kill all Muslims!”… right?

147 DO WINGNUT WORDS SHOW THEY EVOLVED BRAINS?11!!  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:51:30pm

re: #138 Kragar

I don’t stick up for terrorists who are Muslim, I stick up for Muslims who are not terrorists.

148 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:51:34pm

re: #146 Inner Partisan

His career is over, right? I mean, even Fox News won’t keep someone who LITERALLY said “Let’s kill all Muslims!”… right?

You’re new to politics, aren’t you?


149 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:51:48pm

re: #140 Big Steve

I believe this statement is entirely false. Bush, if anything, was slow to go on TV and in fact he got heavily criticized for being slow to respond on 911.

Don’t you recall?
He was roundly criticized for not running out of that classroom while reading the goat book like his hair was on fire!

150 celticdragon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:52:00pm

re: #140 Big Steve

I believe this statement is entirely false. Bush, if anything, was slow to go on TV and in fact he got heavily criticized for being slow to respond on 911.

Actually, Michael Moore among others called him a coward for not going back to DC immediately. At the time (and now), I thought the Secret Service was correct to have him go to the bunker in Nebraska. Until we knew the extent of the attacks, there is no way in hell you want to put the POTUS in the sites of an assassin.

151 Dancing along the light of day  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:52:29pm

re: #81 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Veggie! Major hugs! Missed you!

152 palomino  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:52:48pm

re: #140 Big Steve

I believe this statement is entirely false. Bush, if anything, was slow to go on TV and in fact he got heavily criticized for being slow to respond on 911.

I think targetpractice is saying that regardless of what happened, Obama will get blamed for this by knee-jerk Republicans, which we are in fact already seeing. He’s employing a rhetorical technique known as sarcasm to point this out.

153 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:53:51pm

re: #152 palomino

I think targetpractice is saying that regardless of what happened, Obama will get blamed for this by knee-jerk Republicans, which we are in fact already seeing. He’s employing a rhetorical technique known as sarcasm to point this out.

That is, indeed, what I was going for. I’ve always been a believer that if you have to explain the joke, then it wasn’t very funny.

154 Lidane  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:54:08pm

re: #124 Charles Johnson

Yes, but enough about the vodka and gin she lives on.


155 celticdragon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:54:14pm

re: #145 goddamnedfrank

Some of that could be simple smoke inhalation. Those looked like fairly low order explosions, with lots of particulate by products.

Yeah, I think we are dealing with home made low grade explosives and not semtex or C4, according to the talking heads who were looking at the white smoke and small blast radius. That will start to point to locals rather than imports, but no way to know for sure just yet.

156 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:54:18pm

re: #150 celticdragon

I remember that one….many of my friends were saying, “Why the hell isn’t Bush back in D.C.?!” to which I responded, “Because right now you have to presume he’s a big-ass target.”

157 Inner Partisan  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:55:02pm

re: #148 Targetpractice

No, but to the LGF comment section, kinda. Forgot the ///s.

158 BishopX  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:56:04pm

Tweets from Boston.com are saying that the site of the explosion was swept before the marathon…explosives must have been placed there during the event…

159 Targetpractice  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:57:11pm

re: #157 Inner Partisan

No, but to the LGF comment section, kinda. Forgot the ///s.

Which is why I went with the wingnut tags. But it seems either some missed the memo or it’s become an unfortunate victim of Poe’s Law.

160 bws58  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:57:14pm

Well shit, that damn NY post shit is all over my facebook..they won’t stop and won’t believe it might not be true.

161 wrenchwench  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:57:19pm

My Feds are done, now to the state….

162 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:58:25pm

re: #158 BishopX

How do you “sweep” a 26 mile long road track other than just looking outside, trash cans, manhole (he said manhole!) covers, and obvious hidey-holes?

There are a blue-billion “insides” that aren’t inspected.

163 FemNaziBitch  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:58:49pm

niece just posted, she is fine, in NYC.


164 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:59:21pm

re: #163 FemNaziBitch


165 BishopX  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:59:32pm

re: #162 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My guess is they checked anywhere they had bleachers or other infrastructure got swept. lots of the route have nothing more than a cop every 100 yards or so…

166 darthstar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:59:32pm

Wow. My office is the least diverse of any IT place I’ve worked, and I didn’t really think about it too much until someone just shouted “IT WAS SAUDI ARABIANS” and nobody questioned it…finally, one developer said, “That’s not confirmed”…but the initial reaction was acceptance.

167 Mike Lamb  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 2:59:58pm

re: #162 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

A lot of the route is not particularly accessible for spectators—i.e. trees/forest. They would (or should) definitely sweep the last mile or so heading into the finishing chute.

168 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:00:05pm

Everybody from my area is OK.

169 Kragar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:00:21pm

Boston Police Commissioner: “We have no suspect in custody.”

170 BishopX  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:00:22pm

per Menino (mayor), no one is in custody.

171 darthstar  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:01:07pm

and I suspect nobody credible is claiming responsibility.

172 Lidane  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:01:55pm
173 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:02:57pm

re: #169 Kragar

re: #170 BishopX

NBC News is saying a Fed sources says there’s someone in custody

Boston police are guarding a “possible suspect” who had been wounded in the blasts, federal officials tell NBC

174 ProBosniaLiberal  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:03:02pm

re: #172 Lidane

Finally. We didn’t do that with Utoya in the US, or with the shooting at the Sikh Temple.

175 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:03:07pm

re: #167 Mike Lamb

Yeah. What I’m saying? What stops a terrorist minded person from renting an apartment a year before an event? I’m just guessing they don’t look inside private residences.

176 Ace-o-aces  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:03:13pm

re: #124 Charles Johnson

I was wondering how long it would take her.

177 celticdragon  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:05:49pm

Just saw the pix at The Atlantic.

Think twice before you look at the one that is blacked out. I mean it. You probably do not want to see this. Horrific beyond words.

178 Dr Lizardo  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:08:24pm

re: #171 darthstar

and I suspect nobody credible is claiming responsibility.

The problem with claiming responsibility is that how do you know for sure it’s genuine?

I recall some mideast terrorist group claiming responsibility for an earthquake, for heaven’s sake.

Some guy in Santa Monica could eat a bad burrito and end up with severe flatulence, and I have no doubt someone from ‘The People’s Jihad Front of Eastern Buttf**kistan’ would claim responsibility for it.

“Curse you, infidel burrito eaters!! We shall have our vengeance!”

179 sattv4u2  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:10:29pm

re: #175 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Yeah. What I’m saying? What stops a terrorist minded person from renting an apartment a year before an event… I’m just guessing they don’t look inside private residences.

Don’t even have to go through those lengths

There are thousands of people that line the marathon route. Many have backpacks with snacks/ drinks/ extra clothes in it because they show up very early in the a.m. (6 ish) and stay till mid day! Thousands of backpacks, coolers, bags of all types over a 20 plus mile course

180 calochortus  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:10:42pm

re: #177 celticdragon

Just saw the pix at The Atlantic.

Think twice before you look at the one that is blacked out. I mean it. You probably do not want to see this. Horrific beyond words.

Thanks for the warning. I’m sure I don’t want to see it.

181 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:17:24pm

re: #179 sattv4u2

So much of security is depending upon good intentions.

182 Øyvind Strømmen  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 3:19:48pm

re: #180 calochortus

Thanks for the warning. I’m sure I don’t want to see it.

You don’t.

183 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Apr 15, 2013 4:51:07pm

re: #11 Vicious Babushka

Wingnuts wetting themselves over the NY Post claim of a “Saudi”

Same claim I heard after Oklahoma City. I didn’t believe it then either.

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