CNN: US Believes Israel Has Conducted an Airstrike Into Syria

Not yet confirmed
Middle East • Views: 36,915

There’s not much real info yet, but CNN is reporting that the US believes Israel has launched an airstrike into Syria.

(CNN) — The United States believes Israel has conducted an airstrike into Syria, two U.S. officials tell CNN.

U.S. and Western intelligence agencies are reviewing classified data showing Israel most likely conducted a strike in the Thursday-Friday time frame, according to both officials. This is the same time frame that the U.S. collected additional data showing Israel was flying a high number of warplanes over Lebanon.

One official said the United States had limited information so far and could not yet confirm those are the specific warplanes that conducted a strike. Based on initial indications, the U.S. does not believe Israeli warplanes entered Syrian airspace to conduct the strikes.

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1 Iwouldprefernotto  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:23:56pm

here’s not much real info yet, but CNN is reporting

I have no words

2 freetoken  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:26:02pm
…. the U.S. does not believe Israeli warplanes entered Syrian airspace to conduct the strikes.

So the Israeli aircraft fired their missiles while flying over Lebanon, and only the missiles entered “Syrian airspace”?

Somehow, I’m not sure this is a distinction anyone will really care about.

3 John_Manyjars  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:27:41pm

Ah. ‘The Middle East’s Only Democracy’ spreadin’ freedom.

4 Bubblehead II  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:28:19pm

Night Lizards. May the Diety of yor choce smole down upon you and yours.

Chatles. spel check isn’t wurking. At leest with Saaaffffarrrrieee.

5 Stanghazi  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:28:24pm
6 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:28:42pm

Oh, oh.

7 kirkspencer  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:28:48pm

Gonna treat this with caution, especially as there was a similar report by the UPI back on the 28th.

8 Iwouldprefernotto  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:29:21pm

re: #3 John_Manyjars

Ah. ‘The Middle East’s Only Democracy’ spreadin’ freedom.

What are they supposed to do? Can you really blame them for being concerned about chemical weapons?

9 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:37:02pm

re: #8 Iwouldprefernotto

What are they supposed to do? Can you really blame them for being concerned about chemical weapons?

This. Israel has real reason to be concerned about Hezbollah getting a weapons upgrade, or Al Qaeda-alighned Syrian rebels getting chemical weapons.

10 engineer cat  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:39:28pm

Reports: Israel conducts airstrike into Syria; targets weapons shipment, officials say - @CNN

israel has different priorities than either the administration or the gop

11 Charles Johnson  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:39:36pm

There are other sources besides CNN now - this looks like the real thing.

12 Iwouldprefernotto  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:39:37pm

re: #9 Dark_Falcon

This. Israel has real reason to be concerned about Hezbollah getting a weapons upgrade, or Al Qaeda-alighned Syrian rebels getting chemical weapons.

Agree. I will criticize Israel for many things, but preventing Hezbollah from obtaining weapons is not one of them.

ps love the spell checker. Please add a fact checker.

13 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:42:00pm

re: #8 Iwouldprefernotto

What are they supposed to do? Can you really blame them for being concerned about chemical weapons?

Tinfoil helmet:

They are actively hoping to draw in Iran, which will then force the US to “defend our ally” against this dastardly Iranian aggression (wink wink).

14 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:42:11pm

re: #10 engineer cat

Reports: Israel conducts airstrike into Syria; targets weapons shipment, officials say - @CNN

israel has different priorities than either the administration Democrats or the gop Republicans.

Edit for parity.

15 blueraven  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:43:00pm

re: #11 Charles Johnson

There are other sources besides CNN now - this looks like the real thing.

Here is a bit more info

Andrea Mitchell:

What we are hearing, in a carefully worded statement from Israel is a non-denial denial and confirmation that they would stop any weapons that they thought were heading to Lebanon and Hezbollah.

That can be taken as confirmation from the Israelis, that indeed something has happened, and that it did involve what they claimed it was, uh, were weapons that were intended for hostile forces inside Lebanon.

Jim Miklaszewski :

US officials tell NBC news that, uh, this appears to be very similar to the one that the Israelis conducted in January, when they launched an air stirke aginst a convoy of anti-aircraft missiles they believed were destined for Hezbollah.

As long as it stays in that realm (Syria, Hezbollah, Israel) it is likely not to go any further. Several years ago, and I, I, I’m sorry I can’t remember the, they year, offhand… uh, but the Israelis launched air strikes that took out a Syrian nuclear facility that was in the making. Syria did not issue a single protest Because, of course, they didn’t want to acknowledge that they were making a nuclear facility. But that when away in very short order. So, there’s nobody within the US Government that thinks these kinds of strikes, by Israel, against weapons shipments destined for Hezbollah are going to have any, uh, collateral effect and expand the War that’s now inside Syria.

16 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:47:26pm

I wish I didn’t have to post a link to Media Matters, but its the source used and they were right to do so. Ted Nugent was on Alex Jones’ show a few days ago, and what he said must be heard to be believed:

Ted Nugent: Soldiers Committing Suicide Because Obama Violating Constitution

Nugent isn’t getting away with it, though. The comments on about this EPIC DERP!!1 are about 80% anti-Nugent/Jones.

17 lawhawk  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:49:30pm

Looks like there’s something there to these initial reports.

What Israel was going after will be interesting to discern. I’m expecting Hizbullah to throw a hissy fit. The Lebanese government response may be in part Hizbullah’s opening salvo against Israel diplomatically. Problem for Lebanon is that Lebanon’s best interests don’t align with Hizbullah. Even Hizbullah’s interests don’t mesh with either Syria or Iran anymore.

Hizbullah may be trying to gain access to Syrian weapons systems across the border, and Israel may have targeted them - but they’d have to be something significant involved. I’d lean towards longer range missiles, anti-tank missiles or SAMs.

18 Lidane  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:52:53pm

re: #16 Dark_Falcon

Locker paged that steaming pile of fail here.

Between Da Nuge and Austin’s Village Idiot there was a whole lot of weapons grade stupid going on there.

19 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:55:08pm

re: #18 Lidane

Locker paged that steaming pile of fail here.

Between Da Nuge and Austin’s Village Idiot there was a whole lot of weapons grade stupid going on there.

Sorry, I hadn’t seen that Page when it was posted.

20 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:55:44pm

re: #17 lawhawk

I think it was something along the lines of stopping a large influx of Hezbollah into Syria. It would sort of make sense then.

21 lawhawk  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:55:47pm

re: #15 blueraven

Israel took out a Syrian nuclear reactor September 6, 2007. The Syrians never really mounted much of a response diplomatically or militarily. That’s because they were essentially caught red-handed by the Israelis developing a nuclear capability that had avoided detection by others including the IAEA.

If Syria came out and demanded action against Israel, they’d have to admit that Israel took out their nuke program.

22 Lidane  Fri, May 3, 2013 6:56:51pm

re: #19 Dark_Falcon

Sorry, I hadn’t seen that Page when it was posted.

No worries. I just figured I’d mention it. :)

23 blueraven  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:09:53pm

re: #16 Dark_Falcon

I wish I didn’t have to post a link to Media Matters, but its the source used and they were right to do so. Ted Nugent was on Alex Jones’ show a few days ago, and what he said must be heard to be believed:

Ted Nugent: Soldiers Committing Suicide Because Obama Violating Constitution

Nugent isn’t getting away with it, though. The comments on about this EPIC DERP!!1 are about 80% anti-Nugent/Jones.

Thats not what I see there. Most of them are spewing anti Obummer bile

24 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:10:12pm

re: #19 Dark_Falcon

Sorry, I hadn’t seen that Page when it was posted.

Some of the best info is in the Pages.

25 Stanghazi  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:11:29pm

re: #24 Walking Spanish Down the Hall

Some of the best info is in the Pages.

And the refresh feature is great.

26 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:12:28pm

re: #25 Stanley Sea

And the refresh feature is great.

Tastes great.

27 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:13:15pm

re: #23 blueraven

Thats not what I see there. Most of them are spewing anti Obummer bile

Some are but many of those still think Nugent and Jones are wrong. You’ve got to remember that the people who read a gu nsite frequently aren’t likely to like Barack Obama very much. This includes me.

28 blueraven  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:16:03pm

re: #27 Dark_Falcon

Some are but many of those still think Nugent and Jones are wrong. You’ve got to remember that the people who read a gu nsite frequently aren’t likely to like Barack Obama very much. This includes me.

Well I think they are batshit crazy at that site. YMMV

29 Amory Blaine  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:19:25pm

Obama’s Gun Record Basically Consists Of Expanding Gun Owners’ Rights

One of those pro-gun laws took effect in February 2010 and allows people to carry loaded firearms into the Grand Canyon and other national parks, according to the AP.
Paul Helmke, who was at the time president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said national parks were the safest spots in American but guns could change that.
The other major pro-gun law Obama signed allows Amtrak passengers to carry guns in checked baggage, reversing a ban that was put in place after 9/11, according to USA Today.
In addition to signing pro-gun laws, the Chicago Tribune has pointed out, Obama also failed to make good on a campaign promise to close a loophole that let some people buy guns without background checks.
It’s not so shocking then that the Brady Campaign gave Obama an F in January 2010.

30 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:23:20pm

re: #28 blueraven

Well I think they are batshit crazy at that site. YMMV

Well, they were willing to use Media Matters as a source, and they can and will criticize conspiracist DERP. But do remember that they are a site whose views tend to be very different than the president’s supporters.

But as you say, YMMV. And that’s where I’ll leave it. My only reason for bringing it up was to call attention to Ted Nugent’s asshattery.

31 Amory Blaine  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:23:46pm

Gun-maker Ruger thanks ‘current political climate’ for record sales

Gun-maker Sturm, Ruger & Co. Inc. on Tuesday thanked the gun-control debate for record quarterly sales and announced plans to expand.
“Strong demand from consumers, coupled with the current political climate, resulted in unprecedented levels of orders from retailers to distributors,” the company said in a regulatory filing.

Sales jumped about 39 percent to $155.9 million in the first quarter from a year earlier. It rose 10 percent from the fourth quarter, Reuters reports.
Net income rose to $23.7 million, or $1.20 per share, from $15.5 million, or 79 cents per share, a year ago, Reuters reports.

32 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:25:07pm

Now my Mom is trying to convince me NumbersUSA is right.

I’m tired of my own family. I will likely cut off contact with my parents when/if I marry.

Done with racism.

33 Amory Blaine  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:25:14pm

Lets have a conversation about how Obama is taking our guns. It will be very short indeed.

34 lawhawk  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:25:42pm

Nuts. Just nuts. Supremacy Clause, how does that work… again?

South Carolina House passed bill that would make it illegal to implement the PPACA.

The South Carolina state House passed a bill Wednesday that declares President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be “null and void,” and criminalizes its implementation.

The state’s Freedom of Health Care Protection Act intends to “prohibit certain individuals from enforcing or attempting to enforce such unconstitutional laws; and to establish criminal penalties and civil liability for violating this article.”

The measure permits the state Attorney General, with reasonable cause, “to restrain by temporary restraining order, temporary injunction, or permanent injunction” any person who is believed to be causing harm to any person or business with the implementation of Obamacare.

Earlier this year in her state of the state address, Gov. Nikki Haley said that South Carolina does not want and cannot afford the president’s plan, “not now, not ever.”

35 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:27:06pm

re: #32 ProBosniaLiberal

To clarify, she is supporting the killing of the deal being made by the Gang of 8.

36 Lidane  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:27:10pm

re: #34 lawhawk

Nuts. Just nuts. Supremacy Clause, how does that work… again?

South Carolina House passed bill that would make it illegal to implement the PPACA.

Looks like the GOP rebranding efforts are going well.


37 jaunte  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:27:35pm

re: #33 Amory Blaine

Lets have a conversation about how Obama is taking our guns. It will be very short indeed.

Obama getting ready to seize all our guns is an asymptotic process.

38 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:34:50pm

re: #37 jaunte

Obama getting ready to seize all our guns is an asymptotic process.

Also asymptomatic, in the sense that you can find no evidence that it’s actually happening.

39 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:36:13pm

re: #34 lawhawk

Nuts. Just nuts. Supremacy Clause, how does that work… again?

South Carolina House passed bill that would make it illegal to implement the PPACA.

You know what my response to that is:

40 kirkspencer  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:46:24pm

re: #39 Dark_Falcon

You know what my response to that is:

[Embedded content]

In general I agree, but I happen to prefer this version:

41 dragonath  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:46:36pm

re: #39 Dark_Falcon

Eh, if South Carolina didn’t learn after being marched through by Sherman the first time around, will they ever?

42 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:47:59pm

re: #32 ProBosniaLiberal

Now my Mom is trying to convince me NumbersUSA is right.

I’m tired of my own family. I will likely cut off contact with my parents when/if I marry.

Done with racism.

You would cut off contact of your parents because of that?

43 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:50:13pm

re: #42 NJDhockeyfan

No, that would be because of my Dad saying the n-word on a daily to bi-daily basis, and the general anti-immigrant feeling from Mom.

About half of my friends are immigrant, and another is Hispanic. I don’t like dealing with it. I gets me stressed out, and drives me up a wall.

44 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:55:05pm

re: #40 kirkspencer

In general I agree, but I happen to prefer this version:

[Embedded content]

I didn’t know that channel had made that song public again. They had it set as private for a good while.

45 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:55:19pm

re: #43 ProBosniaLiberal

No, that would be because of my Dad saying the n-word on a daily to bi-daily basis, and the general anti-immigrant feeling from Mom.

About half of my friends are immigrant, and another is Hispanic. I don’t like dealing with it. I gets me stressed out, and drives me up a wall.

They do sound like they need some education but I wouldn’t be able to cut off contact with my parents. I hope your family gets it together. You only have one set of parents, make the best of it.

46 Amory Blaine  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:55:59pm

Jeff Hanneman Dead: Slayer Guitarist Dies At Age 49

Jeff Hanneman, a founding member of Slayer whose career was irrevocably changed after a spider bite, has died. He was 49.

Slayer spokeswoman Heidi Robinson-Fitzgerald said Hanneman died Thursday morning of liver failure at a Los Angeles hospital with his wife, Kathy, by his side.

The guitarist had recently begun writing songs with the band in anticipation of recording a new album later this year. He had been slowly recovering from what was believed to be a spider bite that nearly cost him his arm after he failed to seek immediate treatment.

47 122 Year Old Obama  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:57:21pm

re: #46 Amory Blaine

Amazing how the bite of something so small can be so deadly.

48 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:57:43pm

re: #45 NJDhockeyfan

They do sound like they need some education but I wouldn’t be able to cut off contact with my parents. I hope your family gets it together. You only have one set of parents, make the best of it.

I agree. Don’t see them as often if you need to, but don’t cut them off.

49 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:58:54pm

re: #45 NJDhockeyfan

I’ve tried education with my dad. It doesn’t work. He is smart in one specific area, and ignorant lout in everything else.

50 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 7:59:11pm

re: #47 122 Year Old Obama

Amazing how the bite of something so small can be so deadly.

They don’t call those spiders “Black Widows” for nothing.

51 dragonath  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:00:12pm

re: #44 Dark_Falcon

I didn’t know that channel had made that song public again. They had it set as private for a good while.

A lot of civil war pages have the whackiest kind of comments on ‘em. Check out the like/dislike bars.

52 dragonath  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:00:58pm

BTW, the Union version of Dixie is a million times better than the Confeddy version:

53 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:01:57pm

re: #49 ProBosniaLiberal

He has approximately the self-awareness of a Teacup.

And the teacup is nicer.

54 Mattand  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:03:13pm

re: #42 NJDhockeyfan

re: #43 ProBosniaLiberal

I’ve had close relatives tell me they don’t like two of my friends because they’re Jewish. I grew up going to family functions where it was not uncommon to hear the phrase “Ship their asses back to Africa” when black people would appear on TV.

You can only look the other way on this shit for so long, regardless of how much DNA you share with someone.

55 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:04:02pm

re: #53 ProBosniaLiberal

Hell, that teacup Chip in Beauty and the Beast is more self-aware.

56 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:04:20pm

re: #49 ProBosniaLiberal

I’ve tried education with my dad. It doesn’t work. He is smart in one specific area, and ignorant lout in everything else.

Do what you think is right but remember you will have to live with your decision. You may find yourself regretting it one day if you completely cut them off.

I have family members that say some very embarrassing things too but they are family and I would never walk away from them.

57 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:04:21pm

re: #51 dragonath

A lot of civil war pages have the wackiest kind of comments on ‘em. Check out the like/dislike bars.

That’s why they disabled comments. Even Fun’s “video for “Some Nights” (which has a Civil War theme) has had its comments dominated at times by those debating The War Between the States. This year is the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg and the Siege of Vicksburg, yet interest in America’s Civil War is still intense.

58 dragonath  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:06:59pm

re: #57 Dark_Falcon

That’s why they disabled comments. Even Fun’s “video for “Some Nights” (which has a Civil War theme) has had its comments dominated at times by those debating The War Between the States. This year is the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg and the Siege of Vicksburg, yet interest in America’s Civil War is still intense.

And here I thought people were nuts in Europe for letting 400 year-old battles fought by long dead people dictate their opinions.

59 Mattand  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:08:42pm

re: #56 NJDhockeyfan

Do what you think is right but remember you will have to live with your decision. You may find yourself regretting it one day if you completely cut them off.

I have family members that say some very embarrassing things too but they are family and I would never walk away from them.

A constant stream of using the n-word is probably just a shade beyond embarrasing.

60 klys  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:08:50pm

re: #49 ProBosniaLiberal

I’ve tried education with my dad. It doesn’t work. He is smart in one specific area, and ignorant lout in everything else.

If you have tried education and it hasn’t gone anywhere, then what is probably one of the healthiest things you can do is to just stop engaging in those kinds of conversations with your parents. You can’t stop them from saying stupid shit. Just bite your tongue and let it go. Take the energy and channel it into something productive instead of arguing with a brick wall.

My parents and I don’t see eye to eye on a wide range of political issues. Even more so with my inlaws. I just don’t talk about politics with family. These are people I love and want to continue to have a relationship with, even if I think they are being ignorant on some issues. I’ve weighed the pros and cons and decided that the stress, hassle, and potential damage to the relationships isn’t worth trying to change minds.

61 CuriousLurker  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:10:51pm

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

62 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:11:34pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker


63 klys  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:11:45pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?


I am so glad you went. And are ok. And will recover. Wow. Just, you are in my thoughts!

64 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:12:57pm


Israeli launch airstrikes into Syria, possibly targeting delivery systems for chemical weapons, US officials say

Israeli warplanes launched airstrikes against targets inside Syria on Friday, U.S. officials told NBC News.

It’s believed the primary target was a shipment of weapons headed for Hezbollah in Lebanon, they said. A senior U.S. official said the airstrikes were believed to be related to delivery systems for chemical weapons.

I can understand why Israel attacked. The thought of Hezbollah armed with chemical weapons is scary.

65 Mattand  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:13:28pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Holy shit! Hope you feel better.

66 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:14:46pm

re: #64 NJDhockeyfan

That sounds like the most reasonable intervention. At least take the Chemical Weapons out of the equation.

67 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:15:01pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?


Every good vibe in my head is heading your way.

Take care of yourself, damnit.

Anything we can do to help?

68 Stanghazi  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:15:40pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Oh CL, thinking of you and your quick I hope recovery.

69 AlexRogan  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:15:43pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Holy shit…

Get well, ya hear?

70 jaunte  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:16:37pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

I’m so glad you went to the hospital! Take care and rest up.

71 blueraven  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:16:46pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Oh damn, how scary! Take care (((CL)))

72 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:19:20pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Holy crap, I’m glad your ok. Thank God you decided to go to the hospital.

73 The Mountain That Blogs  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:21:00pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Holy crap, feel better.

Beware the thunderclap headaches.

74 Decatur Deb  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:21:06pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Good reaction, there. Catch up on your reading.

75 Dancing along the light of day  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:22:35pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

SOOO glad you went to get help!

76 Ming  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:23:22pm

re: #43 ProBosniaLiberal

No, that would be because of my Dad saying the n-word on a daily to bi-daily basis, and the general anti-immigrant feeling from Mom.

About half of my friends are immigrant, and another is Hispanic. I don’t like dealing with it. I gets me stressed out, and drives me up a wall.

In my opinion, cutting off contact with your parents should be a last resort, BUT depending on the situation, it may be the right thing to do. You are not a punching bag. It’s not humane of them to constantly drive you up a wall.

In any case, best wishes.

77 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:23:34pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Get well, CL!

78 Varek Raith  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:27:41pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Get well.:)

79 Kragar  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:31:29pm

GOP ‘Party Animal’ unmasked as Holocaust revisionist

To those who knew him, or thought they they knew him, he was a cerebral, fun-loving gadfly who hosted boozy gatherings for Hollywood’s political conservatives. David Stein brought right-wing congressmen, celebrities, writers and entertainment industry figures together for shindigs, closed to outsiders, where they could scorn liberals and proclaim their true beliefs.

Over the past five years Stein’s organisation, Republican Party Animals, drew hundreds to regular events in and around Los Angeles, making him a darling of conservative blogs and talkshows. That he made respected documentaries on the Holocaust added intellectual cachet and Jewish support to Stein’s cocktail of politics, irreverence and rock and roll.

There was just one problem. Stein was not who he claimed. His real name can be revealed for the first time publicly – it was known to a close circle of confidants – as David Cole. And under that name he was once a reviled Holocaust revisionist who questioned the existence of Nazi gas chambers. He changed identities in January 1998.

“That was when David Cole officially expired,” he told the Guardian in an interview this week. “That was the end of Cole. Or so I thought. That was when David Stein was brought into this world.

80 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:31:43pm

I just figured out why the TARDIS doesn’t like Clara.

She called it a snog box!

81 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:31:52pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

O_o {{{CL}}} & on my prayer list too.

82 Amory Blaine  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:34:23pm

Please take care and have a speedy recovery CL.

83 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:34:29pm

Google gives a virtual nod to ‘Palestine’

Google has switched the tagline on its Palestinian website, replacing the words “Palestinian territories” with “Palestine” in both English and Arabic.

“We’re changing the name ‘Palestinian Territories’ to ‘Palestine’ across our products,” Tyler said in a statement emailed to the Los Angeles Times.

The company began making the changes Wednesday. In addition to the tagline on the Palestinian page, the shift will also be evident in location settings on Google websites.

The decision was cheered by Palestinian leaders and activists who saw it as another sign of recognition for a Palestinian state, coming from one of the most influential companies on the globe.

84 Gus  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:35:51pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

CL! Damn, that stinks. But it’s good you’re being hospitalized for it. Hope you get well soon. Love ya’.

85 wrenchwench  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:36:50pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker


I’m so glad you’re still here. Take care of yourself, and let others help you to do so. You’re the crust on my pie.

86 Dark_Falcon  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:37:50pm

re: #83 NJDhockeyfan

Google gives a virtual nod to ‘Palestine’

Israel is targeted for delegitimization in ways both great and small. The hate against her is strong.

87 Lidane  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:40:49pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker


OMG. I’m so glad you went. I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this.

Feel better soon!

88 abolitionist  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:41:29pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

I’ll tickle some keys for you. {{ CL }}

89 Interesting Times  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:43:06pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

How terrifying - I can’t even find words to describe it o_O Your instincts proved be bang-on and lifesaving (especially going to the lobby - whatever seconds or minutes it saved might have made all the difference!)

Sending all possible good thoughts your way and I hope the treatment/recovery period won’t be too onerous.

It’s probably too soon to think of a “bright side”, but it made you quit smoking! Here’s to the body’s power to heal itself once all those nasty, evil risk factors are eliminated :)

90 klys  Fri, May 3, 2013 8:44:23pm
91 Gus  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:12:57pm

An inspiring motorcycle journey

Alaska to Argentina in 500 Days, the sights and roads of a motorcycle journey, a one man video documentary of the craziest, most beautiful and intense roads the Western World has to offer.


92 jaunte  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:21:01pm
93 wrenchwench  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:30:33pm

re: #91 Gus

An inspiring motorcycle journey

[Embedded content]



The passing on the right was hard to watch.

94 Gus  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:32:29pm

re: #93 wrenchwench


The passing on the right was hard to watch.

Yeah, same here. Kids. But what the hell. ;)

95 austin_blue  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:40:41pm

re: #21 lawhawk

Israel took out a Syrian nuclear reactor September 6, 2007. The Syrians never really mounted much of a response diplomatically or militarily. That’s because they were essentially caught red-handed by the Israelis developing a nuclear capability that had avoided detection by others including the IAEA.

If Syria came out and demanded action against Israel, they’d have to admit that Israel took out their nuke program.

Umm…no. Israel took out a construction site that appeared to be, and almost certainly was, destined to be a nuclear facility. If it had been an actual reactor that they “took out”, it’s fair to say that the fallout (See what I did there?) would have had international repurcussions.

96 freetoken  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:45:50pm

re: #92 jaunte

Yeah, fires in the first week of May. Used to happen in October, but this year has been so hot and dry. Bad, bad year.

97 austin_blue  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:48:45pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Oh shit oh dear.

Be well, CL.

98 efuseakay  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:53:30pm

re: #64 NJDhockeyfan


Israeli launch airstrikes into Syria, possibly targeting delivery systems for chemical weapons, US officials say

I can understand why Israel attacked. The thought of Hezbollah armed with chemical weapons is scary.

On the heels of reports that Syria may have used chemicals on its own civilians. Israel had every right to do this.

Lurker, thank goodness you had the sense to call EMS when you did. With something like that, seconds matter. Literally. Take care if yourself and do what the doctors tell ya!

99 Gus  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:56:38pm

re: #96 freetoken

Yeah, fires in the first week of May. Used to happen in October, but this year has been so hot and dry. Bad, bad year.


Image: dcnr_004099.jpg

100 austin_blue  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:57:19pm

re: #96 freetoken

Yeah, fires in the first week of May. Used to happen in October, but this year has been so hot and dry. Bad, bad year.


An ode to better times:

Cali and Texas are going to have a long, hot summer. And the west half of our state is bone fucking dry. Wildfires will be sparse because the ongoing drought has turned pasture into dust.

Good thing thing climate change is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people, innit?

101 Gus  Fri, May 3, 2013 9:57:33pm

Anywho. Back to lurk mode.

102 efuseakay  Fri, May 3, 2013 10:04:11pm

re: #100 austin_blue


An ode to better times:

[Embedded content]

Cali and Texas are going to have a long, hot summer. And the west half of our state is bone fucking dry. Wildfires will be sparse because the ongoing drought has turned pasture into dust.

Good thing thing climate change is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people, innit?

But it’s snowing in Minnesootah!!!

103 FemNaziBitch  Fri, May 3, 2013 10:12:41pm

Hey all, I went a way on the last thread and come back to this.


104 austin_blue  Fri, May 3, 2013 10:14:07pm

re: #102 efuseakay

But it’s snowing in Minnesootah!!!

That just allows Norwegian Bachelor Farmers the opportunity to icefish until June, you betcha!


105 FemNaziBitch  Fri, May 3, 2013 10:19:27pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Bloody Hell!

106 austin_blue  Fri, May 3, 2013 10:27:24pm

Night lizards. Time for the rack.

Again, heartfelt wishes for Curious Lurker and all who love her. One of our best.

107 FemNaziBitch  Fri, May 3, 2013 10:27:41pm

bbl, as well.

108 Varek Raith  Fri, May 3, 2013 10:31:04pm


109 klys  Fri, May 3, 2013 10:34:07pm

re: #108 Varek Raith


That GIF will never get old.

110 Shiplord Kirel  Fri, May 3, 2013 11:06:31pm

This is most likely the weapon used in the Israeli strikes:
Popeye cruise missile
As you can see, there are a lot of variations of this family. Some of these may not be known outside official circles.

111 Shiplord Kirel  Fri, May 3, 2013 11:14:15pm

Had a bad encounter with a fundy Islamophobe tonight. An unbelievably smug and confident “lady” informed me that Muslims will start trying to pass “Shahara” law anytime they reach 5% of the population in a particular country. She said they already have it in England and that is almost illegal to be a Christian there. She was sure of all this because she learned it in a Bible study at her church. She is also sure we have a Muslim president, since this Shahara stuff is already happening here.
Lubbock is full of hole-in-the-wall “Bible” churches that teach this craziness. There are a couple of megachurches that are no better, perhaps worse. A number of public officials and GOP luminaries have expressed similar views.

We also have a sizable Muslim population here, primarily associated with Texas Tech and the big medical centers.
I am afraid that something really ugly is about to happen.

112 prairiefire  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:15:07am

re: #17 lawhawk

i think they are going after chemical weapon stockpiles.

113 prairiefire  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:16:35am

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Oh, my goodness! {{{hugs}}} CL!

114 Kragar  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:33:04am


115 wheat-dogghazi  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:39:26am

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Quick thinking, CL. Glad to know you are still with us.

116 freetoken  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:49:17am
117 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, May 4, 2013 1:14:27am

re: #111 Shiplord Kirel

We also have a sizable Muslim population here, primarily associated with Texas Tech and the big medical centers.
I am afraid that something really ugly is about to happen.

I am little doubt that if there is a major Islamist terror attack in the USA that we will see hordes of gun-totin’ rednecks out dispensin’ God’s justice on those infidels.

118 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, May 4, 2013 1:23:05am

A march on Washington with loaded rifles

what could possibly go wrong? This is the very confrontation they are looking for - a provocation, and when the government responds, it will get ugly and be held up as “the shot heard round the world 2.0”

119 Kragar  Sat, May 4, 2013 1:36:33am

re: #118 Sol Berdinowitz

120 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, May 4, 2013 1:42:01am

re: #119 Kragar

It is an article of faith that the government watns to confiscate our guns, not just restrict access to people with criminal backgrounds…

121 freetoken  Sat, May 4, 2013 2:43:48am
122 Bert's House of Beef and Obdicuts  Sat, May 4, 2013 2:48:08am

14 hour day worked yesterday, but today, while I’ll be working a shitload, I get to meet up with a friend I haven’t seen in… 14 years.

I wonder if he’s as tall as I remember him being. Memory is such an unreliable thingy.

123 Archangelus  Sat, May 4, 2013 3:10:30am

Local Israeli media is currently citing Israeli officials confirming that the Israeli air force attacked a shipment of missiles en route to Hezbollah

124 Romantic Heretic  Sat, May 4, 2013 4:11:48am

re: #46 Amory Blaine

Jeff Hanneman Dead: Slayer Guitarist Dies At Age 49

Most likely a brown recluse bit him. The symtoms sound like it.

125 Romantic Heretic  Sat, May 4, 2013 4:15:27am

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Sending strength and healing vibes your way.

126 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 4:15:49am

re: #61 CuriousLurker


127 Decatur Deb  Sat, May 4, 2013 4:22:10am

re: #119 Kragar

The response to Kokesh is so poorly tweeted I can’t tell if he’s fur’im or agin’im. Let that be a lesson to us all.

128 Decatur Deb  Sat, May 4, 2013 4:23:52am

re: #124 Romantic Heretic

Most likely a brown recluse bit him. The symtoms sound like it.

RIP an’ all, but am I the only one who sees something poetic in a Metal God killed by a spider?

129 Decatur Deb  Sat, May 4, 2013 4:42:31am

Off to build a house—it’s vinyl siding day, one of the more pleasant phases.


130 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, May 4, 2013 4:42:33am

re: #123 Archangelus

Local Israeli media is currently citing Israeli officials confirming that the Israeli air force attacked a shipment of missiles en route to Hezbollah

What will the UN will condemn?

1. Missiles being transferred from Syria to Hezbollah

2. Israel attacks missile shipment

3. Ron Paul

131 lawhawk  Sat, May 4, 2013 5:10:02am

That’s crazy news CL, and I hope you have a speedy recovery. Glad that you made the decision to go to the hospital. Definitely the right call.

132 lawhawk  Sat, May 4, 2013 5:14:31am

It’s interesting that despite Israel’s airstrikes against targets in Syria, there hasn’t been any mention in Syrian media, the Syrian government hasn’t issued any kind of statement, Hizbullah hasn’t exactly made waves either, and the Israelis are keeping quiet.

All that points to something rather important being hit - something the Syrians would rather no one really focus on. That would seem to indicate high value targets involved.


It’s a rather semantic argument about the Israeli raid in 2007. They hit the building before it was fueled with nuclear materials and engaged in illicit weaponization activities.

133 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, May 4, 2013 5:20:07am

re: #132 lawhawk

Good on Israel to do this. Some of the guys I am following are saying they were targeting a Chemical Weapons + advanced missiles combo.

If so, they probably just saved thousands of lives.

134 lawhawk  Sat, May 4, 2013 5:25:48am

This is from an incident that happened in March. Cops pulled over a car after it failed to stop at an intersection. The driver then got out with an assault weapon and opened fire on the cops. Fired 33 rounds out of a 40 round magazine. Injured the two officers in the police car, one of whom was able to return fire and killed the shooter.

But remember, the NRA doesn’t want you to take those guns, or those magazines from folks going forward. They use the nonexistent threat of confiscation to goose sales, cause shortages, and feed into the paranoia and hysteria that drives more people to buy these kinds of firearms.

135 aagcobb  Sat, May 4, 2013 5:36:57am

re: #134 lawhawk

This is from an incident that happened in March. Cops pulled over a car after it failed to stop at an intersection. The driver then got out with an assault weapon and opened fire on the cops. Fired 33 rounds out of a 40 round magazine. Injured the two officers in the police car, one of whom was able to return fire and killed the shooter.

But remember, the NRA doesn’t want you to take those guns, or those magazines from folks going forward. They use the nonexistent threat of confiscation to goose sales, cause shortages, and feed into the paranoia and hysteria that drives more people to buy these kinds of firearms.

He died fighting for FREEEEDOOOOMMMM!!!!1!1!!

136 aagcobb  Sat, May 4, 2013 5:41:13am

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Good luck with stopping smoking. My F-I-L just had a stroke, and he still won’t stop. The doctor recommended electronic cigarettes because they give you something to do with your hands, and you can control the nicotine dosage or even not use the nicotine entirely.

137 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 6:54:32am

re: #133 ProBosniaLiberal

Good on Israel to do this. Some of the guys I am following are saying they were targeting a Chemical Weapons + advanced missiles combo.

If so, they probably just saved thousands of lives.

The missiles Hezbollah wants most are SAMs. They would use anti-aircraft missiles to impede Israel’s ability to use air recon to scout their positions and to make it harder to hit those same positions in the event of war. The effect would be to greatly increase Hezbollah’s combat power. The missiles don’t really need to shoot down many or even any planes; The very fact that they are in place and operational would deter manned air recon. Drones are a possibility, of course, but you’d have to send several and expect to lose some of them (while drones can continuously transmit their data, against a foe with access to radio-direction finding can use that to locate the drones and in the case of Iran can then launch ARAD missiles from the ground to eliminate the transmitting aircraft).

SAM = Surface to Air Missile
ARAD: Anti-RADiation. Anti-radiation missiles are also called ARMs.

138 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 6:59:56am

Israel has confirmed it made an air strike.

WASHINGTON (AP) — An Israeli airstrike against Syria was targeting a shipment of advanced missiles believed to be bound for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, Israeli officials confirmed Saturday.


The Israeli officials said the attack took place early Friday and was aimed at sophisticated “game-changing” weapons, but not chemical arms. One official said the target was a shipment of advanced, long-range ground-to-ground missiles but was not more specific.

139 Sionainn  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:02:26am

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Holy moly! I’m so glad you chose to go to the hospital. Take care and heal well.

140 darthstar  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:08:19am

re: #138 Bubblehead II

Israel has confirmed it made an air strike.

Great…now CNN will spend the next three days saying, “FIRST! FIRST! WE WERE FIRST! SEE? CNN IS FIRST! MOSTRUSTEDNAMEINNEWSAGAIN! FIRST!”

141 darthstar  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:09:42am

Mornin’ everyone.

142 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:11:36am

re: #141 darthstar

Morning to you as well.

I think we have alot of Lizards logged in but asleep at thier keyboards.

143 122 Year Old Obama  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:12:10am

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Oh geez!


Get well ASAP, my thoughts are with you!

144 darthstar  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:23:35am

Went to the Giants game last night…it was Metallica night - which was kind of corny, really…all the player profiles on the big screen were photoshopped to have 80s style heavy metal hair. But the two guitar national anthem was pretty good…I taped it with my phone, and will youtube to share later.

One funny thing was in the 7th inning stretched when they announced the Mettalikids (the band members’ children) would sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”…I turned to my buddy before they started and in my best death-metal voice shouted the first few words at him…got high-fives from three guys sitting two rows back from us.

145 darthstar  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:24:19am

Oh, yeah, and Buster Posey hit a line drive home run to left to end the game in the bottom of the ninth…that was pretty cool.

146 Decatur Deb  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:31:11am

Rained off our Habitat site. What to do, what to do??

Early Cinco de Mayo!!!1

147 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:31:45am

re: #140 darthstar

Great…now CNN will spend the next three days saying, “FIRST! FIRST! WE WERE FIRST! SEE? CNN IS FIRST! MOSTRUSTEDNAMEINNEWSAGAIN! FIRST!”

Hey, that kind of “FIRST!” post isn’t permitted on LGF!

/just kidding

148 Kragar  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:32:28am

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

149 darthstar  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:34:14am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

Sorry for your loss.

150 Decatur Deb  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:35:21am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

Sorry to hear it—hope there are a lot of bikes in his procession.

151 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:35:36am

re: #148 Kragar

Damn. Sorry to hear that.

152 PhillyPretzel  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:36:14am

re: #148 Kragar

I am sorry to hear of your loss.

153 Iwouldprefernotto  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:36:39am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

Nothing to say except the stuff I said the day before. Remember the good times.

154 Amory Blaine  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:36:47am

Employees Get Tattoo of Company Logo For Pay Raise

A New York-based real estate firm Rapid Realty has offered its 800 employees a 15% pay raise if they tattoo the company’s logo onto their bodies, and the offer is snowballing, according to CBS New York. So far, nearly 40 employees accepted the challenge, AOL Jobs reported.

There were apparently no size or location restrictions for the logo tattoos. For instance, Brooke Koropatnick told CBS New York that she got hers behind the ear.

Employees who agreed to get inked said getting a substantially larger paycheck was motivation enough to get a tattoo. In a video, Brooklyn-based broker Adam Altman said the ink would be a reminder to work harder. “I don’t see myself going anywhere, and if I have it on my arm, it’ll force me to keep going and working hard [sic],” Altman said.

Good little sheep.

155 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:37:03am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

I am sad to hear that. He sounded like a very good man. I have little advice to give in such matters, but anything I know that you need to know is yours for the asking.

We’re all here for you, Kragar.

156 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:37:10am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

Sorry to hear about that. At least he was surrounded by his loving family. Some people aren’t so lucky.

157 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:38:17am

re: #154 Amory Blaine

Employees Get Tattoo of Company Logo For Pay Raise

Good little sheep.

Alex Jones will have a field day with this one. And for once I won’t fault him for it, even.

158 BishopX  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:39:38am

re: #154 Amory Blaine

1 15% pay raise buys a lot s temporary tatoos.

159 Amory Blaine  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:40:15am

Funny how an owner has enough spare cash lying around for a 15% raise for it’s employees, but only if they deface their bodies.

160 Iwouldprefernotto  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:41:08am

re: #154 Amory Blaine

Employees Get Tattoo of Company Logo For Pay Raise

Good little sheep.

Anyone read Jennifer Government by Max Barry? The heroine had the bar code tattoo under her eye. I won’t spoil what product it was for, but the concept is the same. It’s a good read if you are into corp/govt/ satire .

161 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:42:12am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

Mine, too. Heart attack at age 53

162 Decatur Deb  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:45:57am

re: #158 BishopX

1 15% pay raise buys a lot s temporary tatoos.

A sabocat tat covers a lot of employee regret.

163 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:46:07am

Investigators sharpen focus on Boston bombing suspect’s widow

Federal law enforcement officials are sharpening their focus on the widow of the dead suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing after finding al-Qaeda’s Inspire magazine and other radical Islamist material on her computer, according to law enforcement officials.

…Russell’s attorney, Amato DeLuca, did not return phone calls seeking comment.

164 darthstar  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:46:21am

re: #154 Amory Blaine

Employees Get Tattoo of Company Logo For Pay Raise

Good little sheep.

Rapid Realty? RR? Where have I seen that before?

Image: eric-hartsburg-1.jpg

165 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:47:28am

Interesting. Wonder who’s head is going to roll for the initial confirmation.

‘We’ve not confirmed any strike on Syria,’ says top Defense Ministry official

Senior Defense Ministry official Maj.-Gen. (Res) Amos Gilad denied reports Saturday in the Associated Press and Reuters that Israeli officials had confirmed striking a Hezbollah-bound weapons shipment in Syria overnight Thursday-Friday.

166 Romantic Heretic  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:59:51am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

I’m so sorry for your loss.

167 122 Year Old Obama  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:01:47am

re: #148 Kragar


So sorry…

168 Stanghazi  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:03:08am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

Hang tough Kragar.

169 Amory Blaine  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:03:47am

re: #148 Kragar

So sorry for your loss.

170 darthstar  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:05:07am

re: #157 Dark_Falcon

Alex Jones will have a field day with this one. And for once I won’t fault him for it, even.

I watched the video…one guy getting the logo on his arm is already so inked up it’s not even noticeable.

Here’s the logo, by the way: Image: logo.png

Oh, and wouldn’t Alex Jones want to start with people getting military tattoos…there’s your grand government conspiracy…

171 Eclectic Cyborg  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:07:55am

re: #156 NJDhockeyfan

Sorry to hear about that. At least he was surrounded by his loving family. Some people aren’t so lucky.

I wasn’t able to be there when my grandfather passed away. Due to how far away I live now, it was unrealistic, especially since, as in most cases, we had no idea when he was going to go. I damned sure made it to the funeral though, even did the eulogy with my brother, at the request of the my grandmother.

172 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:13:08am

re: #170 darthstar

I watched the video…one guy getting the logo on his arm is already so inked up it’s not even noticeable.

Here’s the logo, by the way: Image: logo.png

Oh, and wouldn’t Alex Jones want to start with people getting military tattoos…there’s your grand government conspiracy…

No, he wouldn’t. The pushback he’d get if he tried that would be far too great, and even he knows it.

173 Stanghazi  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:14:04am

re: #161 Sol Berdinowitz

Mine, too. Heart attack at age 53

You hang tough too. Damn.

174 allegro  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:15:34am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. :(

175 allegro  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:16:50am

re: #161 Sol Berdinowitz

Mine, too. Heart attack at age 53

Oh, Sol, I’m so sorry for your family’s loss as well. Man, it’s a bad day for lizards. :(

176 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:18:34am

Here’s one for Decatur Deb, as the UK based B-17G Sally B is escorted by early-model P-47D Little Demon.

And heres a photo in sunnier conditions of two B-17Gs in close formation. This is a recent photo, but tight formation was SOP on WWII bombing missions, as it allowed massed gunfire to be directed at attacking fighters. Such massed fire made the Flying Fortress formidable in numbers, but the best defense for bombers remained fighters like the Thunderbolt.

177 darthstar  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:20:33am

re: #172 Dark_Falcon

No, he wouldn’t. The pushback he’d get if he tried that would be far too great, and even he knows it.

Exactly my point. How do you seein this as a conspiracy he can spin? Small real estate company offers employees bonus for getting tattoo? Sounds like they’re making a buttload of money and needed to give a raise anyway, and figured this was a way to do so without having to pay everybody…and they got some publicity.

I don’t understand ink, personally. Tried a couple of times but always thought, “What will I think of this in 10 years?” So no Bay City Rollers tattoo for me.

178 Stanghazi  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:24:29am

I was going to bitch that one of my succulent planters was stolen from my patio last night, but now that’s rather insignificant.

179 wrenchwench  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:29:06am

re: #148 Kragar

re: #161 Sol Berdinowitz



180 Decatur Deb  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:29:54am

re: #161 Sol Berdinowitz

Mine, too. Heart attack at age 53

Sorry for that. Just now??

181 wrenchwench  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:41:11am
182 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:47:01am

re: #177 darthstar

Exactly my point. How do you seein this as a conspiracy he can spin? Small real estate company offers employees bonus for getting tattoo? Sounds like they’re making a buttload of money and needed to give a raise anyway, and figured this was a way to do so without having to pay everybody…and they got some publicity.

I don’t understand ink, personally. Tried a couple of times but always thought, “What will I think of this in 10 years?” So no Bay City Rollers tattoo for me.

Point taken.

183 Sionainn  Sat, May 4, 2013 8:48:53am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.


184 Political Atheist  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:03:08am

re: #148 Kragar

Oh dude sorry to hear that. Best to you and yours in a tough time.

185 Stanghazi  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:06:08am

re: #184 Political Atheist

Did you see CL’s post above?

186 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:08:25am

This is totally irresponsible if not outright insane.

This Is The World’s First Entirely 3D-Printed Gun (Photos)

Early next week, Wilson, a 25-year University of Texas law student and founder of the non-profit group Defense Distributed, plans to release the 3D-printable CAD files for a gun he calls “the Liberator,” pictured in its initial form above.

187 Political Atheist  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:12:04am

re: #185 Stanley Sea

No just got up and started catching up.

Oh No! That is a really close call. Wow.

re: #61 CuriousLurker

CL we pray for and wish you the best possible recovery. Good advice and you just showed why evolution favors the smart ones.

188 A Mom Anon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:18:08am

Oh my. First off big hugs to Kragar and Curious Lurker. Kragar, I am so sorry for your loss. Our family sends lots of good wishes and hugs your way from Atlanta. And CL, you take care of yourself woman, we need you around here. Lots of healthy healing vibes(and make that damned headache go away vibes too) and hugs to you. Get well soon.

189 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:18:40am

re: #186 Bubblehead II

This is totally irresponsible if not outright insane.

This Is The World’s First Entirely 3D-Printed Gun (Photos)

Early next week, Wilson, a 25-year University of Texas law student and founder of the non-profit group Defense Distributed, plans to release the 3D-printable CAD files for a gun he calls “the Liberator,” pictured in its initial form above.

And no sooner was the announcement made than a Donk kicked up his heels:

Update: Defense Distributed’s political opponents aren’t waiting around for its printable gun to be finished and uploaded before calling for it to be banned. Congressman Steve Israel issued a press release Friday responding to this story: “Security checkpoints, background checks, and gun regulations will do little good if criminals can print plastic firearms at home and bring those firearms through metal detectors with no one the wiser,” his statement reads. “When I started talking about the issue of plastic firearms months ago, I was told the idea of a plastic gun is science-fiction. Now that this technology is proven, we need to act now to extend the ban [on] plastic firearms.”

I actually do find this a subject for concern, but after the monumental screw-up that is New york’s new gun-control law, I’m not inclined to allow a New York Democrat to take the lead on such matters.

190 bratwurst  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:22:25am

re: #189 Dark_Falcon

I have asked you before, now I am asking you again…can you please give the “Donk” shit a rest? The only other person who used that term regularly here is now on the staker site where he mocks you by name. One would think that would be enough for you to avoid it.

191 A Mom Anon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:22:35am

re: #186 Bubblehead II

Since I’m not a gun expert and haven’t owned one in years I hope this doesn’t sound too stupid:

How does a plastic gun work repeatedly without either melting a little or coming apart when fired? Is this even remotely safe for the user? I don’t even want to delve into the idea of people who are clueless about weapons being able to just whip one up on a printer.

192 SpaceJesus  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:23:38am

re: #186 Bubblehead II

ban the fuck out of that

193 Political Atheist  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:23:39am

re: #189 Dark_Falcon

Nobody makes a plastic barrel. I remember “Glock panic” in the media. It was all bull. Besides machine shops have been producing this gun for years already. The specs are out. I dare say computer milling shops are still far more common than 3d printers that can do parts that size. Heck, most parts can be cast.

What people forget among the details of this issue today is that as technology advances weapons get easier to acquire. Since the bellows forge anyway.

194 wrenchwench  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:24:21am
195 A Mom Anon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:26:01am

re: #189 Dark_Falcon

Why does it matter who takes the lead as long as someone does? Again DF, this is not a team sport, it’s about doing what’s right no matter who is doing that right thing.

196 Stanghazi  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:28:49am

I have no problem shaming people. I just put up a “Stolen” sign with a sad face where my planter used to be. All neighbors must share the event.

197 stabby  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:30:45am

re: #186 Bubblehead II

I was LOOKING for the one where Uncle Duke shoots at an NRA representative in a crowded bar then says “don’t worry it’s not accurate beyond 2 feet”, they both laugh and there’s a thud in the background as someone else falls.

198 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:30:48am

re: #191 A Mom Anon

Since I’m not a gun expert and haven’t owned one in years I hope this doesn’t sound too stupid:

How does a plastic gun work repeatedly without either melting a little or coming apart when fired? Is this even remotely safe for the user? I don’t even want to delve into the idea of people who are clueless about weapons being able to just whip one up on a printer.

At this stage I would hazard to guess that it is a one or two shot weapon using a low chamber pressure round like the .22 short. If the design incorporates some sort of barrel liner, larger caliber round might be usable.

Either way, I wouldn’t want to fire one.

199 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:31:36am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

So sorry Kragar.

200 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:31:49am

re: #195 A Mom Anon

Why does it matter who takes the lead as long as someone does? Again DF, this is not a team sport, it’s about doing what’s right no matter who is doing that right thing.

The reason it matters has to do with how any legislation is written. For example, a well-written law would ban firearms designed to be sneaked past a security checkpoint, but not touch the use of polymers for rifle parts (since a rifle still has a number of steel parts, especially the barrel). Abadly written law would ban things by accident or would ban things that aren’t part of the problem. Further, a law-written by an anti-gun congressman might well be designed to ban things other than the ‘plastic gun’, as a means to piggy-back on additional gun-control.

201 Political Atheist  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:34:48am

re: #191 A Mom Anon

A plastic barrel won’t last long. Maybe a shot or two. All plastic guns have been illegal since the Glock panic days when that gun was said to be “all plastic” which is just not so. You can make a single shot gun out of a pipe. (See bangstick) That might work better than the example shown.

What I do not want to see out of this is the mere posession of the design code somehow made illegal.

I’d also love to meet anyone at the range with these guns and see if they even work. Someday they will, but not with a plastic barrel. I have seen steel barrels split from the pressure. Plastic? Not without at least a steel sleeve, IMHO. This is a far bigger threat in theory than practice IMO.

202 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:36:28am


203 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:37:37am

re: #137 Dark_Falcon

I think I might see a way for Israel to dampen the hate a little bit.

Destroy the Chemical Weapons. Hell, make an annoucement you are going to do it, and why.

204 stabby  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:38:13am

PJMedia headline is saying that a Bengazi impeachment is likely

The fuck I’ll read their tripe.

205 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:39:03am

My former partner Roger Simon is now 100% off his rocker.

206 Political Atheist  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:39:32am

BTW, Congressman Steve Israel how do you get metal ammunition through the metal detector to shoot in the allegedly undetectable gun?

207 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:39:55am

re: #204 stabby

PJMedia headline is saying that a Bengazi impeachment is likely

The fuck I’ll read their tripe.

I believe the technical term for that sort of article is “Talking Out of One’s Own Ass”.

Clarification to make clear I’m not going after Stabby, but instead after PJM.

208 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:42:36am

re: #203 ProBosniaLiberal

I think I might see a way for Israel to dampen the hate a little bit.

Destroy the Chemical Weapons. Hell, make an annoucement you are going to do it, and why.

Best not to announce it. Announcing an airstrike is an invitation for your enemies to set up a SAM trap.

209 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:42:39am

re: #204 stabby

re: #207 Dark_Falcon

I think they will try, but it will go down like the Hindenburg.

If they try it in the next year, we may get the effect of it giving Democrats Congress back. So get to it, Republicans!

210 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:43:59am

re: #209 ProBosniaLiberal

re: #207 Dark_Falcon

I think they will try, but it will go down like the Hindenburg.

If they try it in the next year, we may get the effect of it giving Democrats Congress back. So get to it, Republicans!

They won’t. John Boehner is still Speaker of the House, and he’s not going to allow an impeachment motion to come to the floor.

211 wrenchwench  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:44:21am

re: #114 Kragar


Somebody finally tweeted me a clue.

212 Gus  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:44:40am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

I’m so sorry to hear this Krager. It all happened so fast.

213 wrenchwench  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:45:03am

re: #211 wrenchwench

Somebody finally tweeted me a clue.

Which would make it Thtar Warth Day, right?

214 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:45:18am

re: #210 Dark_Falcon

They won’t. John Boehner is still Speaker of the House, and he’s not going to allow an impeachment motion to come to the floor.

Yes, he will.

215 A Mom Anon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:45:43am

re: #200 Dark_Falcon

Sigh. I give up. Because Republicans don’t ever sneak anything into bills they write. Laws have a hard time keeping up with technology sometimes, and it might be possible, if Republicans would stop stonewalling all the blessed time and cooperated, for both parties to look at the technology and craft laws that are appropriate. Not all Democrats are devious assholes, Dark.

216 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:45:49am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

My deepest sympathies, Kragar.

217 Shiplord Kirel  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:49:21am

A Benghazi impeachment would be even sillier than the Clinton impeachment, except that people actually died in Benghazi. In any case, it would mark the GOP’s final break with anything resembling objective reality. They are not about winning, they are about marketing and we are on our to a one party state. They may as well nominate Alex Jones in 2016.

218 A Mom Anon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:50:30am

re: #217 Shiplord Kirel

Jesus does not love me nearly enough to have Alex Jones be the GOP 2016 nominee. Not enough popcorn on earth for that one.

219 stabby  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:52:02am

re: #205 Charles Johnson

They all are, every single warblogger who ended up there with the exceptions of those who left, Michael J. Totten (who refused to write a single word on domestic politics while he was there) and you.

Apparently potential wingnuts lose their minds when they hang out with each other.

It’s been a strange ride there, I still remember the random bloggers (where did they go?) writing a bunch of pro-Michelle Bauchmann articles.

I remember the tea party crowd, where more than half of the comments were slandering the socialist, islamist, anti-american, Cloward–Piven conspiracist, white hating radical, enemy of Christianity, gay president.

I remember the occasional “save up bullets for the race war that the Democrats will start once we take away all of the social safety net” comments. They were always met by only approval.

They have an economic training section with videos (or did during the election). I never tried to go there. I mean, they fucking had Bill Whittle, there’s a limit to how much self-congradulating stupid I can take.

By the way, Firefox no longer does automatic spell checking in this input box :(

220 Romantic Heretic  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:56:06am

re: #176 Dark_Falcon

Here’s one for Decatur Deb, as the UK based B-17G Sally B is escorted by early-model P-47D Little Demon.

And heres a photo in sunnier conditions of two B-17Gs in close formation. This is a recent photo, but tight formation was SOP on WWII bombing missions, as it allowed massed gunfire to be directed at attacking fighters. Such massed fire made the Flying Fortress formidable in numbers, but the best defense for bombers remained fighters like the Thunderbolt.

So cool.

221 Targetpractice  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:56:24am

Seriously, impeachment over Benghazi? If lying to the American people is an impeachable offense, then there’s not a man or woman on Capital Hill who’s fit to hold office.

222 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:57:55am

re: #215 A Mom Anon

Sigh. I give up. Because Republicans don’t ever sneak anything into bills they write. Laws have a hard time keeping up with technology sometimes, and it might be possible, if Republicans would stop stonewalling all the blessed time and cooperated, for both parties to look at the technology and craft laws that are appropriate. Not all Democrats are devious assholes, Dark.

I didn’t say that Republicans don’t sneak things in; Both parties pull this sort of crap and I’ve known that for 15 years. My point was that anti-gun people might sneak, not that others would not do so.

As for compromise, it is highly unlikely. The parties would rather yell at each other.

223 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:59:35am

re: #214 Charles Johnson

Yes, he will.

Why do you think he will?

224 darthstar  Sat, May 4, 2013 9:59:51am

May the Fourth (be with you).

Image: 428712_10151642760024343_786934018_n.jpg

Happy Star Wars day everyone.

225 bratwurst  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:03:11am

re: #223 Dark_Falcon

Why do you think he will?

Because he’s afraid of being primaried by a lunatic?

226 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:03:51am

re: #223 Dark_Falcon

Why do you think he will?

Because John Boehner always caves in to the far right. Why in the world would you think he’d suddenly have an attack of principles when it came to impeaching Obama? He’ll be right there parroting the same talking points as every other Republican.

227 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:04:37am

re: #225 bratwurst

Because he’s afraid of being primaried by a lunatic?

He’d accept that risk to prevent the party ruining itself. He’s got lots of money and a strong base of support. A lunatic probably couldn’t unseat him.

228 Targetpractice  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:06:11am

re: #226 Charles Johnson

Because John Boehner always caves in to the far right. Why in the world would you think he’d suddenly have an attack of principles when it came to impeaching Obama? He’ll be right there parroting the same talking points as every other Republican.

Depends on how significant the support for such a bill is. Man’s a pushover, but he’s still pragmatic enough that he’d only put the bill on the floor if the votes existed to pass it.

229 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:06:49am

re: #226 Charles Johnson

He wouldn’t because he knows how foolish it would be and the bad precedent it would set. And because the Senate would laugh the House off if it tried to impeach Obama. Impeachment tachs 67 votes, and I think it would struggle to get to 40.

230 Political Atheist  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:06:58am

re: #221 Targetpractice

At least with Clinton we know he did lie about Monica and that intern(al) affair. Obama about Benghazi? Nope. re: #176 Dark_Falcon

One of those was in my towm recently. It tours the US selling rides in the historis plane and making a comeback for nostalgia/aviation photogrphy.

231 stabby  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:07:27am

re: #228 Targetpractice

Downdinged for stupidity. Like the ACA votes?

232 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:09:40am

re: #229 Dark_Falcon

He wouldn’t because he knows how foolish it would be and the bad precedent it would set. And because the Senate would laugh the House off if it tried to impeach Obama. Impeachment tachs 67 votes, and I think it would struggle to get to 40.

Since when does John Boehner care about “looking foolish?” For that matter, since when does anyone in the Republican Party care about looking foolish?

Sorry, I think you’re dreaming. When they get around to it, and I think they probably will, John Boehner’s not going to do anything to stop impeachment.

233 Targetpractice  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:11:33am

re: #231 stabby

Downdinged for stupidity. Like the ACA votes?

ACA at this point is virtually pro-forma, there’s no chance it’ll be repealed with Obama in office, so Boehner letting such bills come to the floor is a sop to the backbenchers. But even that’s losing its appeal, as Bachman’s bill for total repeal introduced at the beginning of the year has virtually no cosponsors.

Pulling the trigger on impeachment would pretty much be a Crossing the Rubicon for Boehner. Allowing the bill to come to the floor for a vote without the support necessary for its passage would give Obama a massive boost in support from voters.

234 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:12:04am

re: #231 stabby

Fling an insult, get a downding.

235 Gus  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:15:05am

I feel great! //

236 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:17:21am

re: #235 Gus

I feel great! //

What’s up bro.

237 Gus  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:19:02am

re: #236 Walking Spanish Down the Hall

What’s up bro.

Nuttin. The usual.

238 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:22:26am

re: #237 Gus

Nuttin. The usual.

How’s that leg doing?

239 Gus  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:24:03am

re: #238 Walking Spanish Down the Hall

How’s that leg doing?

SNAFU. Guess it’s getting better but it’s taking a long, long time. Until then I’lll be pulling the wings off flies for the time being from time ot time. :)

240 stabby  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:28:55am

233 TargetPractice (note the reply & quote buttons are dead)

“cross the rubicon”? don’t you think the fact that no Republican has been able to get through a primary without calling the President a socialist or Kenyan or Muslim or homosexual for the past 3 years means there’s no “rubicon” left? The fact that Mitch McConnell started Obama’s first term with an order that no one was to cooperate with the President on anything means they started OUT as far as they could go.

I’m sorry, the only rubicon left is handing out tee-shirts in congress that say “no n*****s!”

241 Targetpractice  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:37:04am

re: #240 stabby

233 TargetPractice (note the reply & quote buttons are dead)

“cross the rubicon”? don’t you think the fact that no Republican has been able to get through a primary without calling the President a socialist or Kenyan or Muslim or homosexual for the past 3 years means there’s no “rubicon” left? The fact that Mitch McConnell started Obama’s first term with an order that no one was to cooperate with the President on anything means they started OUT as far as they could go.

I’m sorry, the only rubicon left is handing out tee-shirts in congress that say “no n*****s!”

And what does impeachment get them? They’ve got no chance of securing a conviction, the “charges” that might be made presently are laughable, and the last thing Republicans can afford going into the midterms is the impression that they’re more interested in destroying Obama that they are fixing the country’s problems.

242 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:44:35am

re: #239 Gus

SNAFU. Guess it’s getting better but it’s taking a long, long time. Until then I’lll be pulling the wings off flies for the time being from time ot time. :)

Then the flies become walks.

243 stabby  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:50:15am

re: #241 Targetpractice

What does treating the President like a leper get them? What did insulting hispanics get them? What did Romney insulting the NAACP to their faces get them? What do any of their bullshit policies get them (I can list the fact that they hardly have a single position that isn’t a failure if you want)? They’re not operating from rational principles anymore.

244 stabby  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:53:19am

The only thing left for the Republicans to try that they DIDN’T try during the last two congresses is act like responsible adults.

245 Targetpractice  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:04:51am

re: #243 stabby

What does treating the President like a leper get them? What did insulting hispanics get them? What did Romney insulting the NAACP to their faces get them? What do any of their bullshit policies get them (I can list the fact that they hardly have a single position that isn’t a failure if you want)? They’re not operating from rational principles anymore.

Hell, that was obvious from the passage of their budget. But they continue to try to maintain this illusion that they’re the “loyal opposition,” that they’re not really against Obama, just his policies.

246 klys  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:45:57am

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.


247 lawhawk  Sat, May 4, 2013 2:33:35pm

re: #148 Kragar

My condolences and sympathies to you and yours on the loss of your dad.

248 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 6:19:14pm

HEY C.L.! Jump to the main thread. How are you doing. Anxious Lizards want to know.

249 Vicious Babushka  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:03:01pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?


250 Vicious Babushka  Sat, May 4, 2013 7:07:33pm

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.


251 Flavia  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:10:08pm

re: #32 ProBosniaLiberal

Hugs to you, sweetie. Sorry things are so upsetting for you at

re: #148 Kragar

My dad died in his sleep at around 2:00am.

Oh, I am so sorry! (I am glad it was peaceful, though) May his memory prove a blessing

252 Flavia  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:11:26pm


May Curious Lurker have a full & complete recovery.

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

253 Joanne  Wed, May 8, 2013 6:46:34pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

Just a drive-by comment. Went for a walk to the corner store Monday, got back home, hit with massively painful headache, neck cramps. Called EMS, went to lobby (just in case I collapsed), dizzy, nauseous. EMS said UR choice if U want to go to hospital—we always recommend it. I went—it was a ruptured aneurysm. If I hadn’t gone, I’d be dead. If any of you ever have those symptoms, they are deadly serious.

Soooooo, I’m in the hospital for a couple of weeks and I just officially stopped smoking. Headache & tired now. Take care & send me good vibes m’kay?

Blessings. Get better soon. (Hugs)

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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