GOP Congressmen Who Fall for Everything Fall for Another Fox News Fantasy

They just love to feel persecuted
Wingnuts • Views: 33,486

Guess who fell for that ridiculous “MILITARY IS COURT MARTIALING CHRISTIANS” persecution fantasy, helped along by Fox News “culture warrior” Todd Starnes?

Yes, it’s the dumbest man in Congress, our beloved Louie Gohmert from Texas: Congressmen Scalise and Gohmert Fall for Debunked Fox News Story on Supposed Plan to Court Martial Christians.

From an inadvertent humor standpoint, you gotta love Louie.

As Warren Throckmorton points out, the Defense Department guidelines on proselytizing and religious bias that has so enraged Starnes and others was actually put in place in 2008 during the Bush administration and the language clearly “draws a distinction between simply speaking about one’s faith and coercion.” Throckmorton also notes that Starnes twisted a statement from a Pentagon spokesman “to make it seem as though the outcome of religious proselytizing cases would be court martial.”

The Tennessean and Stars and Stripes have also debunked the story, but don’t tell Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), who in an interview with Starnes said that Obama is trying to make Christian service members leave their faith:

“Under President Obama’s military you are no longer allowed to share your faith,” he said - noting that the policy is putting Christians in a tough position. “Do you follow President Obama or do you follow God and the teachings of Jesus?”

“That’s pretty tough when your commander in chief puts you on the horn for that dilemma,” he added.

“On the horn for that dilemma!” Louie is incomparable.

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1 Dark_Falcon  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:11:02am

“On the horn for that dilemma!” The idiot can’t even get his attack lines right. Verdict: LEGENDARY FAIL.

2 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:11:07am

I argued with a believer in this last night. Even though I gave him several links to information countering his belief, he refused to read it and continued to try to convince me his belief was reality.

People who believe nonsense like this do so because they want to believe it.

3 kerFuFFler  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:19:18am

re: #2 Walking Spanish Down the Hall

People who believe nonsense like this do so because they want to believe it.

He probably believes the world is six thousand years old for the same reason, because he wants to. Evidence will never get through to people of that mindset because they elevate faith over reason.

4 Political Atheist  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:19:53am

re: #3 kerFuFFler

People who believe nonsense like this do so because they want to believe it.

I call that lies they love.

5 kerFuFFler  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:20:21am

re: #3 kerFuFFlerThat first line was suppose to be block quoted——-not sure what I did wrong…

6 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:23:49am

re: #5 kerFuFFler

That first line was suppose to be block quoted——-not sure what I did wrong…

Hit the quote button instead of the reply button.

Sorry, I see you did that.
Did you accidentally remove a bracket?

7 Shiplord Kirel  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:31:03am

What a buffoon. This state (Texas) is a cultural insane asylum, a political monkey house, and a cheap labor sweatshop. It wasn’t always like this. Remember when the great Anne Richards was governor? It wasn’t that long ago. In the 70s we had a really effective and smart governor in the person of my old neighbor Preston Smith, may he rest in peace. Today, radio talk idiocy and barroom braggadocio are the norm. Stop the “plain folks” shtick, Texas politicians, the plain folks here are superstitious morons.

8 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:39:43am

Native browser spellchecking now works again in the comment entry box.

9 jaunte  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:40:59am

I think Todd Starnes also wanted the South Park cartoon to be investigated for being anti-Christian.

10 stabby  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:41:32am

blarg blarrrgh
yeh thannks

11 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:43:13am
12 Tigger2005  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:44:10am

Remember how Yogi Berra was so great with words? Yeah, Louie’s not like that.

13 stabby  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:46:11am

re: #12 Tigger2005

if only he used “on the horn” as a pun.

14 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:46:17am
15 A Mom Anon  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:48:15am

re: #14 NJDhockeyfan

I bought my grandkids the story book about Owen and Mzee, it’s the sweetest thing, so cute I ended up buying two copies so I could have one,lol.

16 RealityBasedSteve  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:49:58am

re: #1 Dark_Falcon

“On the horn for that dilemma!” The idiot can’t even get his attack lines right. Verdict: LEGENDARY FAIL.

Perhaps he landed one time with his dilemma on top of a saddle horn? Reading through the comments on this one, I find myself nodding again and again in sad agreement. There are so many that WANT to believe that they are being set upon in each and every way, that the US is one step away from putting all the Christians into those secret detention camps they have built, that the UN is ready to roll in to enforce the edicts, and that there are millions of “FEMA Coffins” all ready to bury them.

Evidence doesn’t work, if it doesn’t match their pre-determined mindset then it’s simply “LIES FROM THE MSM, TO MISLEAD THE SHEEPLE!”. Only Rush, Starnes, Limbaugh and the rest provide the “REAL TRUTH”.

Oh, and don’t get me started on how with them Palin is “Saint Sarah” and Bachmann is one of the best things to happen to this country. ARRRGH!!!!

Currently looking at a Lease / Option to Purchase on Mars

17 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:51:08am

re: #12 Tigger2005

Remember how Yogi Berra was so great with words? Yeah, Louie’s not like that.

18 jaunte  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:52:04am

Yesterday at the NRA carnival:

Taking the stage in a t-shirt that read “Women Hunt” in pink lettering, Sarah Palin riled up the crowd at today’s NRA convention in Houston, Texas. Palin spoke for more than 12 minutes about her strong defense of the Second Amendment and other conservative principles. She even attempted to recreate her popular “Big Gulp” moment from her CPAC speech earlier this year by pulling out a tin of chewing tobacco and threatening to “dip” on stage.

19 Eclectic Cyborg  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:54:42am

re: #12 Tigger2005

Remember how Yogi Berra was so great with words? Yeah, Louie’s not like that.

Heck even Yogi BEAR was better with words than Louie.

20 Charleston Chew  Sat, May 4, 2013 10:58:28am
Yes, it’s the dumbest man in Congress, our beloved Louie Gohmert from Texas:

That’s like saying the wettest fish in the sea.

21 Awea  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:00:03am
“Do you follow President Obama or do you follow God and the teachings of Jesus?”

So where is “god” exactly in the chain of command?

22 Decatur Deb  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:01:38am

re: #21 Awea

So where is “god” exactly in the chain of command?

That would be the Sergeant Major.

23 Eclectic Cyborg  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:02:43am
24 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:06:20am

re: #22 Decatur Deb

That would be the Sergeant Major.

I’ve watched smart generals defer to a Sgt. Major’s opinion. No one messes with a Sgt. Major.

25 Decatur Deb  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:07:36am

re: #24 William Barnett-Lewis

I’ve watched smart generals defer to a Sgt. Major’s opinion. No one messes with a Sgt. Major.

Some of them are bastards and bandits—none of them are stupid or ignorant.

26 A Mom Anon  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:08:16am

re: #23 Eclectic Cyborg

When are people going to get sick of this shit? If you can’t see to the end of the range of that bullet then you have no fucking business firing the damned gun until you have a target you CAN see. Even I, hippie liberal commie that I am, know that much.

27 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:10:13am

By the way, this post shows why you can’t ignore the craziness coming out of the religious right wing base — they have a direct line to politicians in the nation’s highest offices.

They are deadly serious about these insane persecution fantasies and they have access to power.

28 bratwurst  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:13:08am
29 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:16:36am

re: #27 Charles Johnson

This is why I am become more wary of Republicans. They sound alot like the nutcases in Serbia in the 90’s about Muslims.

Hell, once I am on my own, I will think about getting a Repeater.

30 Gus  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:18:49am

Speaking of crazy. Saw this last night…

Stella Tremblay, New Hampshire Legislator, Says Jeff Bauman ‘Was Not In Pain’ After Bombing

The New Hampshire state legislator who has said the federal government caused the Boston Marathon bombing claimed proof in a victim who lost both legs and “was not in pain.”

State Rep. Stella Tremblay (R-Auburn) told a conservative talk show host Tuesday that she knows the federal government was behind the attacks because Jeff Bauman, a bombing victim who helped identify the suspects, was not “screaming in agony” after both his legs were blown off. Tremblay made the comments on The Pete Santilli Show, first reported by, a liberal-leaning website, on Wednesday.

“Then, my first gut reaction seeing the horror of that person that has their legs blown off,” Tremblay said. “You know, the bone sticking out? He was not in shock. I looked and I thought, there’s something. … I don’t know what’s wrong, but it seems surreal to me. I talked to my sister, who’s not into politics at all, and she said, ‘Yes, I saw the same thing.’ He was not in shock. He was not in pain. If I had had those type of injuries, I’d be screaming in agony.”


31 bratwurst  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:19:37am

re: #29 ProBosniaLiberal

This is why I am become more wary of Republicans. They sound alot like the nutcases in Serbia in the 90’s about Muslims.

Have you ever heard “if the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail”? I am going to suggest you invest in another tool.

32 jaunte  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:22:47am

re: #30 Gus

“If I had had those type of injuries, I’d be screaming in agony.”

She’s seen too many poorly acted disaster movies.

33 A Mom Anon  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:23:44am

re: #30 Gus

So what the fuck does she think happened? He faked getting his legs blown off? Seriously?

34 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:25:22am

re: #31 bratwurst

They honestly do though. They talk about Dual Loyalty, how certain Muslim-heavy enclaves will become havens for radicals and terrorists (mostly directed at Dearborn), the hearkening back to mythologized history, and a general promotion of hate.

Heck, Shiplord said it in a slightly different way earlier.

re: #111 Shiplord Kirel

Had a bad encounter with a fundy Islamophobe tonight. An unbelievably smug and confident “lady” informed me that Muslims will start trying to pass “Shahara” law anytime they reach 5% of the population in a particular country. She said they already have it in England and that is almost illegal to be a Christian there. She was sure of all this because she learned it in a Bible study at her church. She is also sure we have a Muslim president, since this Shahara stuff is already happening here.
Lubbock is full of hole-in-the-wall “Bible” churches that teach this craziness. There are a couple of megachurches that are no better, perhaps worse. A number of public officials and GOP luminaries have expressed similar views.

We also have a sizable Muslim population here, primarily associated with Texas Tech and the big medical centers.
I am afraid that something really ugly is about to happen.

35 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:25:24am

re: #28 bratwurst

Didn’t Mark Sanford say some words about asking God to forgive him, etc.?

That’s all it takes for a Republican to get a pass on “family values.”

36 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:25:56am

re: #33 A Mom Anon

I don’t think she is familiar with the condition called shock.

37 Gus  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:28:42am

re: #33 A Mom Anon

So what the fuck does she think happened? He faked getting his legs blown off? Seriously?

Something like that. Apparently. You gotta wonder. You also have to wonder about an electorate that would put someone like that in office.

38 Charles Johnson  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:33:39am

This is the big outrage on the right wing blogs today - with Dim Jim Hoft leading the charge: Outrage! Dem Party Leader Says They’ll Send Indian American Nicki Haley “Back to Wherever the Hell She Came From” (Shock Video) | the Gateway Pundit


This means that all right wingers everywhere can never be accused of racism again, of course.

39 Bubblehead II  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:36:48am

re: #36 ProBosniaLiberal

I don’t think she is familiar with the condition called shock.

She knows nothing about explosives/explosions either.

“You just have to look at that backpack and you can see. If there’s an explosion, the backpack is blown to smithereens. There’s nothing left. What was it doing just laying there?”

40 kirkspencer  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:37:14am

re: #29 ProBosniaLiberal

This is why I am become more wary of Republicans. They sound alot like the nutcases in Serbia in the 90’s about Muslims.

Hell, once I am on my own, I will think about getting a Repeater.

What do you mean by “repeater”, and how do you think you’ll use it?

Have you had firearms familiarization and safety classes? Have you considered how you intend to have ready access to your “repeater” and have you examined the applicable laws to ensure you aren’t locked up instead?

41 kirkspencer  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:41:17am

re: #40 kirkspencer

Will you go to the range frequently enough to remain proficient? Will you take marksmanship classes to ensure shooting is more accurate than throwing it? That’s a fair chunk of money and time, by the way.

Have you considered how you’ll secure it so children and drunk friends don’t use it? Do you drink alcohol, and if so are you going to be prepared to lock it up before you reach for a drink? If the repeater is a handgun, are you planning to take concealed handgun classes? (If you do, ensure they give you the section that says, “What to do if you actually do shoot someone.”)

42 Gus  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:44:35am

re: #39 Bubblehead II

She knows nothing about explosives/explosions either.

“You just have to look at that backpack and you can see. If there’s an explosion, the backpack is blown to smithereens. There’s nothing left. What was it doing just laying there?”

I see this story’s been around since 4/23. Anyway, here’s the money quote:

Just as you said would happen. Top Down, Bottom UP. The Boston Marathon was a Black Ops “terrorist” attack. One suspect killed, the other one will be too before they even have a chance to speak. Drones and now “terrorist” attacks by our own Government. Sad day, but a “wake up” to all of us. First there was a “suspect” then there wasnt. Infowars broke the story and they knew they had been “found out”.

Meet the new GOP.

43 A Mom Anon  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:48:26am

re: #34 ProBosniaLiberal

I’ve been thinking about you lately and I thought I’d give you some info, take it for what it’s worth.

There are several groups in Colorado for adults with various autism spectrum issues. One is called GRASP and the other is called Autism and Asperger Connections. Both have websites ending in dot org. The Autism Society of Colorado is also a good resource. I know you are struggling right now and this isn’t really any of my business, but my son has Aspergers and I feel a lot of empathy for how hard social things can be for you. These people can be helpful, if you’re willing to seek out that help and meet people your age who understand and accept you as you learn to navigate things like dating and other social situations.

44 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:49:08am

re: #40 kirkspencer

A repeater like this. And if I go down that method of self-defense, I will make sure to get the proper training, and to keep sharp.

However, doing any of this will require me finding non-crazy places for all steps.

But I am still legitimately frightened by the increasingly hateful right-wing. Afraid they will snap and go do horrific things.

45 jamesfirecat  Sat, May 4, 2013 11:50:56am

re: #18 jaunte

Yesterday at the NRA carnival:

Please Sarah whatever you do don’t do something that might make them have to remove your ability to speak after you get throat cancer, that would be a terrible thing!

46 kirkspencer  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:16:38pm

re: #44 ProBosniaLiberal

A repeater like this. And if I go down that method of self-defense, I will make sure to get the proper training, and to keep sharp.

However, doing any of this will require me finding non-crazy places for all steps.

But I am still legitimately frightened by the increasingly hateful right-wing. Afraid they will snap and go do horrific things.

ok. First, I’m going to endorse A Mom Anon’s comment.

Second I’ll briefly mention that I’m experienced pointy end military and have a bit of experience teaching self defense. My default instruction is: avoid, evade, engage. That is: stay away from the problem, if you can’t stay away get away from it, and only if you can’t get away do you fight — and only then till you can get away.

With that in mind I’m going to suggest you’re planning wrong. Here’s the big thing to lock into your mind: if you’re only facing one other armed person it’s pretty close to 50-50 who dies. If you’re facing a bunch of mad-men all by yourself, you’re going to die.

Whether it’s a few right-wingers going nuts in riot or it’s a full out push to secede, you’re going to be outnumbered. Your best planning is not how to fight but how to run. How to know when to run, where to go, how to get there without being caught.

In that case a rifle is worthless. So is a shotgun. If you must carry it should be a concealable weapon - take appropriate training and practice. Personally, every exercise I’ve run comes up with the same results: almost everyone carrying winds up deciding to use it and dies. Almost everyone not carrying ratchets up the paranoia and gets away. There are and will be exceptions, but guns are almost as bad as alcohol about instilling an unjustified courage. I own, I practice, and yet if the situation you describe happens I’ll probably run unarmed. Just something to think about.

47 BishopX  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:20:51pm

re: #46 kirkspencer

Speaking as an east coast liberal here, if you’re actually worried about rght wing violence threatening you then you should consider moving. At your stage in life (early twenties) it may well be cheaper and simpler to simply move somewhere without as many crazies. Only 11% of the MA electorate is republican, and the lunatic fringe is pretty non-existent here…

48 Walking Spanish Down the Hall  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:23:25pm

re: #38 Charles Johnson

This is the big outrage on the right wing blogs today - with Dim Jim Hoft leading the charge: Outrage! Dem Party Leader Says They’ll Send Indian American Nicki Haley “Back to Wherever the Hell She Came From” (Shock Video) | the Gateway Pundit


This means that all right wingers everywhere can never be accused of racism again, of course.

These idiots have no concept of context or meaning, they just react to the words.

49 Lidane  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:26:44pm

re: #7 Shiplord Kirel

What a buffoon. This state (Texas) is a cultural insane asylum, a political monkey house, and a cheap labor sweatshop. It wasn’t always like this. Remember when the great Anne Richards was governor? It wasn’t that long ago. In the 70s we had a really effective and smart governor in the person of my old neighbor Preston Smith, may he rest in peace. Today, radio talk idiocy and barroom braggadocio are the norm. Stop the “plain folks” shtick, Texas politicians, the plain folks here are superstitious morons.

Amen to that.

It’s insane how quickly this state devolved into a fever swamp of idiocy after Ann Richards left office. God, how I miss her, and Molly Ivins.

50 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, May 4, 2013 12:27:37pm

re: #46 kirkspencer

re: #47 BishopX

I will consider that.

Denver seems plausible as well. Denver more or less controls Colorado now, and there is something about safety in numbers.

51 MikeTheModerateDemocrat  Sat, May 4, 2013 2:30:18pm

Gohmert is indeed a stupid, depraved, poor excuse for a man, but I would feel better about these posts that Charles features if I believed he was “falling” for anything. Though stupid, these right wing extremists are smart enough to recognize an exploitable story. They are also smart enough to know what can serve as red meat for their predominately stupider tea-party-aligned base. It’s not so much stupidity as it is deception, but last I checked, the vote of an ignoramus doesn’t count any less than the vote of an educated person.

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