Tech Note: The LGF Pages Popup Window and Google Chrome

How to make it work
LGF • Views: 24,192

In last night’s thread about the new features in our LGF Pages posting bookmarklet, several people mentioned that the Chrome browser was blocking the window from opening.

Here’s how to fix that problem:

  • Go to Chrome Preferences.
  • At the bottom of the Settings page, click “Show advanced settings…”
  • Under Privacy, click “Content settings…”
  • In the dialog box that appears, scroll down until you see the section titled “Pop-ups.”
  • Click the button labeled “Manage exceptions…”
  • Enter “” in the input field and make sure the Behavior is set to “Allow.”
  • Click “Done.”

And you’re done! Chrome will now allow the LGF Pages bookmarklet to open a new window (or tab), and all is right with the world.

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1 FemNaziBitch  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:28:31am

So, being technology disadvantaged …

someone, please, give me detailed instructions for finding the new bookmarklet—a google map would be great!

2 Kragar  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:31:17am

Somehow, this will come back to Benghazi…

3 Charles Johnson  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:32:02am

Hover over that big button in the right sidebar titled “Create a Page” and you’ll see directions on how to install it. It’s very very easy.

4 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:37:38am

re: #2 Kragar

Somehow, this will come back to Benghazi…


5 FemNaziBitch  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:39:39am

re: #3 Charles Johnson

Hover over that big button in the right sidebar titled “Create a Page” and you’ll see directions on how to install it. It’s very very easy.

You are right, it was easy enough that I could do it!

Thanks Charles!

6 wrenchwench  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:40:19am
make sure the Behavior is set to “Allow.”

Words to live by.

7 darthstar  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:42:31am
8 Kragar  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:44:03am

Pratt: Obama Raising Private DHS Force ‘Equally as Powerful as the Military’

In an interview with conspiracy theorist Pete Santilli earlier this month, Pratt went even further than usual, detailing what he sees as a plan by the president to turn the Department of Homeland Security into a private army “equally as powerful as the military” — that is, if the president “can’t actually commandeer the military” first.

A lite version of this DHS conspiracy theory, which holds that the agency is hoarding ammunition in order to keep it away from gun owners, has inspired an actual bill in Congress.

So a public department of the US government, set up by the previous President, is now on the verge of becoming a private army?

9 AlexRogan  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:45:31am

re: #8 Kragar

Pratt: Obama Raising Private DHS Force ‘Equally as Powerful as the Military’

So a public department of the US government, set up by the previous President, is now on the verge of becoming a private army?

Yes, because Black Commie Muslim Socialist Democratic President is why.

RWNJs gotta keep RWNJing.

10 FemNaziBitch  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:46:11am

re: #8 Kragar

Pratt: Obama Raising Private DHS Force ‘Equally as Powerful as the Military’

So a public department of the US government, set up by the previous President, is now on the verge of becoming a private army?

Yeah, well, he did buy all that ammo …

11 Bulworth  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:46:50am

re: #10 FemNaziBitch


12 Decatur Deb  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:47:05am

re: #8 Kragar

Pratt: Obama Raising Private DHS Force ‘Equally as Powerful as the Military’

So a public department of the US government, set up by the previous President, is now on the verge of becoming a private army?

For shit’s sake—he’s already comandeered the military. He’s the freakn’ Comandeer in Chief.

13 FemNaziBitch  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:49:24am

re: #12 Decatur Deb

For shit’s sake—he’s already comandeered the military. He’s the freakn’ Comandeer in Chief.

YOU WIN ONE INTERNETS, for being so smart and recognizing the obvious.

14 darthstar  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:50:32am
15 FemNaziBitch  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:50:38am
16 Kragar  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:51:44am

re: #14 darthstar


17 Bulworth  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:53:21am

re: #12 Decatur Deb

Yeah but The Troops are loyal to the Murican People. PBO needs robot-controlled troops he can command through the Obamaphone./

18 Decatur Deb  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:53:52am

re: #13 FemNaziBitch

YOU WIN ONE INTERNETS, for being so smart and recognizing the obvious.

How often do these people have to be reminded not to play in traffic?

19 FemNaziBitch  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:55:04am

re: #18 Decatur Deb

How often do these people have to be reminded not to play in traffic?

Well, often, it seems.

20 darthstar  Thu, May 16, 2013 10:58:11am

Mmm…Bea Arthur…nekkid.

21 wrenchwench  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:00:09am

It seems that the subtitle field now has a default setting: ‘undefined’.

22 FemNaziBitch  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:01:36am

re: #20 darthstar

Mmm…Bea Arthur…nekkid.

But the bare-breasted Bea Arthur piece, which the former Maude and Golden Girls actress never actually sat for, was derided as misogynist by critics when it came out.

I think Bea Arthur has the final word on it’s “status” as art or misogynist. If she never sat for it? Did she endorse it? Weird the article doesn’t mention any response from her.

23 Charles Johnson  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:02:21am

re: #21 wrenchwench

It seems that the subtitle field now has a default setting: ‘undefined’.


24 Charles Johnson  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:04:25am

re: #21 wrenchwench

It seems that the subtitle field now has a default setting: ‘undefined’.

It was a typo in the code - now fixed.

25 Backwoods_Sleuth  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:08:46am

re: #18 Decatur Deb

How often do these people have to be reminded not to play in traffic?

we should stop warning them about that…

26 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:43:08am

Interesting. I don’t have that problem. I wonder if it’s the difference between the Chromium open source browser that I’m using and the official Google version of Chrome?

27 Lidane  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:45:18am

Today sucks balls.

My co-worker got fired. They’re giving her a decent severance package and she’s got a few weeks before she’s gone, but after that I’ll be the only person in my office. It’s a satellite office for a larger company.

Guess I should start looking for work again. FUCK. I just got this gig in October. I know I’ve done good work here and all, but at some point I need to look at my self-interest too. I’m at a loss what to do.

28 klys and whatnot  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:46:37am

re: #27 Lidane

Ugh. I don’t have any useful advice to offer, just {{Lidane}}.

29 wrenchwench  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:49:07am

re: #27 Lidane

Today sucks balls.

My co-worker got fired. They’re giving her a decent severance package and she’s got a few weeks before she’s gone, but after that I’ll be the only person in my office. It’s a satellite office for a larger company.

Guess I should start looking for work again. FUCK. I just got this gig in October. I know I’ve done good work here and all, but at some point I need to look at my self-interest too. I’m at a loss what to do.

Does that make you more essential, or does it make your office less essential? Sounds like you think you could be next.

Your self-interest definitely comes first.

30 Lidane  Thu, May 16, 2013 11:54:19am

re: #29 wrenchwench

Does that make you more essential, or does it make your office less essential? Sounds like you think you could be next.

That’s what I’m wondering. I know they’d considered closing this office last year before I got hired. I’ve gone balls out, trying to bring in as much business as I can, but one person can’t hold up an entire office. I’m enough of a realist to know that.

I’m already putting feelers out with friends at other companies and I’m updating my resume. I’m not taking any chances.

Your self-interest definitely comes first.

True. At the end of the day, I need to pay the rent and put food on the table.

Guess it’s time to start living on LinkedIn again. FUCK.

31 wrenchwench  Thu, May 16, 2013 12:16:49pm

re: #30 Lidane

That’s what I’m wondering. I know they’d considered closing this office last year before I got hired. I’ve gone balls out, trying to bring in as much business as I can, but one person can’t hold up an entire office. I’m enough of a realist to know that.

I’m already putting feelers out with friends at other companies and I’m updating my resume. I’m not taking any chances.

True. At the end of the day, I need to pay the rent and put food on the table.

Guess it’s time to start living on LinkedIn again. FUCK.

The only thing worse than having a job is looking for one.

32 mikec6666  Thu, May 16, 2013 4:13:57pm

it would great if you stopped the ad that pops up in the div, and then opens another popup window. It’s obnoxious and unethical.


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Create a PageThis is the LGF Pages posting bookmarklet. To use it, drag this button to your browser's bookmark bar, and title it 'LGF Pages' (or whatever you like). Then browse to a site you want to post, select some text on the page to use for a quote, click the bookmarklet, and the Pages posting window will appear with the title, text, and any embedded video or audio files already filled in, ready to go.
Or... you can just click this button to open the Pages posting window right away.
Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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