Right Wing Terrorism in Las Vegas: Killers Covered Bodies With Gadsden Flags

And a Bundy Ranch connection
US News • Views: 46,226

As details begin to emerge about the shootings in Las Vegas yesterday, it’s clear that this is yet another case of extreme right wing terrorism fueled by the dangerous rhetoric of the Bundy Ranch loons and right wing media’s constant incitement: Shooters in Metro Ambush That Left Five Dead Spoke of White Supremacy and a Desire to Kill Police.

Witnesses told police one of the shooters yelled “This is the start of a revolution” before shooting the officers. Gillespie later said he could not confirm that.

The shooters then stripped the officers of their weapons and ammunition and badges, according to a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. They then covered the officers with something that featured the Gadsden flag, a yellow banner with a coiled snake above the words, “Don’t tread on Me.”

The flag is named for Christopher Gadsden a Revolutionary War general who designed it. It has recently come back in vogue as an adopted symbol of the American tea party movement.


The man told Monroe he had been kicked off Cliven Bundy’s ranch 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas while people from throughout the U.S. gathered there in protest of a Bureau of Land Management roundup of Bundy’s cattle.

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2 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 3:26:43am

I have to wonder (with a good deal of my cynical humor), just how insane do you have to be to have been kicked off the Bundy Ranch?

I mean, was he calling for open violence? Was he making threats against other Bundy Ranch protesters? Was he just considered too much of a loose cannon by everyone else?

Considering the amalgamation of far-right loonies that participated in the Bundy Ranch episode, this fellow - if it was indeed true that he got kicked out - had to have been a really special kind of lunatic.

3 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 3:30:02am

So, this appears to be a younger couple, not the older ones we talked about in an earlier thread. This is a lot of detail, some of which hasn’t been confirmed yet, but it isn’t surprising.

Not surprised to see meth mentioned as well. Did these 2 think they were “martyrs to the cause” and that anyone will ever remember and celebrate them? No, we’ll just remember their horrible deeds.

And to the rightwing: Have you no decency? None? Have you none left at all that this is what you’re resorting to, as well as attacking others who don’t deserve your viciousness in the last week? Whether you have actually killed someone or not, your hate, even your despicable rhetoric publicly expressed, is shameful and not worthy of a great country which welcomes everyone, no matter where they are from.

Your political posturing may win a few elections, but it will never again be a ruling ideology. Not in this country.

4 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 3:36:03am

re: #3 Justanotherhuman

Did these 2 think they were “martyrs to the cause” and that anyone will ever remember and celebrate them? No, we’ll just remember their horrible deeds.

I still tend to think they were planning a massacre in the Wal-Mart, and then when things didn’t go according to plan they killed themselves, which was likely their intention in any event.

As for the right - whatever sense of decency they may have had is disappearing rapidly as they escalate their venomous rhetoric. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if some prominent RWNJ issues an open call to violence against the US government in the near future, exhorting his followers to “revolution” against an allegedly “tyrannical government”.

Some on the right are getting exceedingly close to outright sedition.

5 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Jun 9, 2014 3:41:04am

re: #2 Dr Lizardo

I have to wonder (with a good deal of my cynical humor), just how insane do you have to be to have been kicked off the Bundy Ranch?

I mean, was he calling for open violence? Was he making threats against other Bundy Ranch protesters? Was he just considered too much of a loose cannon by everyone else?

Considering the amalgamation of far-right loonies that participated in the Bundy Ranch episode, this fellow - if it was indeed true that he got kicked out - had to have been a really special kind of lunatic.

There was some sort of split among the various groups at Bundystan at one point, with one group being told to leave, all sorts of bullshit about drones and sleeper agents involved, IIRC. But I’m not sure if these two were part of that group.

6 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 3:45:30am

re: #5 Rev_Arthur_Belling

There was some sort of split among the various groups at Bundystan at one point, with one group being told to leave, all sorts of bullshit about drones and sleeper agents involved, IIRC. But I’m not sure if these two were part of that group.

I do recall there was a split at the Bundy Ranch and one group was told to push off. It’ll be interesting to see the background on the shooters once more information is made available.

This is my cynical humor peeking through, but can you imagine the reaction over at FR if it were revealed that one, or both, of the perps were regular posters there? The hysteria and denialism would be breathtaking to behold.

It wouldn’t surprise me if one, or both, of them were Stormfront posters, especially with the alleged white supremacy angle.

7 KerFuFFler  Jun 9, 2014 3:48:11am
Police are looking into their links to the white supremacy movement and found swastika symbols during their initial investigation.

So yeah, Sovereign Citizen types spout racist rhetoric and cherish swastikas but according to RWNJ’s Obama is like Hitler???

8 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Jun 9, 2014 3:49:58am

re: #6 Dr Lizardo

This is my cynical humor peeking through, but can you imagine the reaction over at FR if it were revealed that one, or both, of the perps were regular posters there? The hysteria and denialism would be breathtaking to behold.

It wouldn’t surprise me if one, or both, of them were Stormfront posters, especially with the alleged white supremacy angle.

Oh, no doubt. There will be a lot of “Lone Wolves!” cries heard across the right as details become clearer. That is, if they can tear themselves away from tearing down Bowe Bergdahl for a news cycle or two.

But it’s plain as day that no “progressive/left/liberal” cause has any investment in the symbolism of the Gadsden flag these days.

9 KerFuFFler  Jun 9, 2014 3:50:42am

re: #6 Dr Lizardo

but can you imagine the reaction over at FR if it were revealed that one, or both, of the perps were regular posters there? The hysteria and denialism would be breathtaking to behold.

It wouldn’t surprise me if one, or both, of them were Stormfront posters, especially with the alleged white supremacy angle.


10 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 3:51:50am

re: #4 Dr Lizardo

“Some on the right are getting exceedingly close to outright sedition.”

Some have been there for a while, although in veiled language—those politicos are smart enough to not outright say it even if they wish it. A few have been investigated, local types who have made racist remarks or otherwise incendiary reactionary comments, as I recall reading.

What do you think this entire “impeach Obama” bullshit is all about, if not seditious in its basic thinking? They’re simply trying to find a legal way to get their far right wing ideology and influence accepted.

11 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 3:52:07am

re: #8 Rev_Arthur_Belling

Oh, no doubt. There will be a lot of “Lone Wolves!” cries heard across the right as details become clearer. That is, if they can tear themselves away from tearing down Bowe Bergdahl for a news cycle or two.

But it’s plain as day that no “progressive/left/liberal” cause has any investment in the symbolism of the Gadsden flag these days.

Precisely. The Gadsden Flag is the domain of the RW’ers; it’s their calling card. So I’m sure there will be much hue and cry of “Lone Wolves” or “False Flag” as more becomes known about the shooters.

12 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 3:55:41am

re: #9 KerFuFFler


In some fairness to the Freepers, there’s only a tiny handful of posters there that bear keeping an eye on; they’re almost all nothing but talk and poo-flinging. They talk the talk, but they don’t walk the walk…..probably because a lot of them are too comfortable with their Hoverounds.

13 jonhendry  Jun 9, 2014 3:58:18am

My favorite detail is that the guy worked as a costumed Peter Pan on the Vegas Strip.

EDIT: “favorite” isn’t really the right word. The tone is all wrong. You know what I mean.

14 CuriousLurker  Jun 9, 2014 3:59:20am

I can’t help but wonder if it ever occurs to any of the opportunistic politicians who have helped unleash all the bad crazy by pandering to people’s fears and resentments that one day the monster they’ve created might turn on them. I mean, if they’re already going after police, then who’s next in line according to their logic?

15 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 3:59:52am

re: #10 Justanotherhuman

“Some on the right are getting exceedingly close to outright sedition.”

Some have been there for a while, although in veiled language—those politicos are smart enough to not outright say it even if they wish it. A few have been investigated, local types who have made racist remarks or otherwise incendiary reactionary comments, as I recall reading.

What do you think this entire “impeach Obama” bullshit is all about, if not seditious in its basic thinking? They’re simply trying to find a legal way to get their far right wing ideology and influence accepted.

I was thinking less of the RW politicos, who are a bit more careful with their flirtations with sedition, and more the RW radio jocks or TV talking heads. To a degree, they can afford to be more “out there” because they only have to answer to their addlepated and increasingly insane audience.

16 CuriousLurker  Jun 9, 2014 4:12:13am

re: #14 CuriousLurker

Seriously—two cops are dead. DEAD. FOREVER. NEVER COMING BACK. Their wives are now widows. Their kids are now fatherless and will miss out on so many things. This isn’t a fucking game with “teams” and, hey, it’s all fair because we want our side to win or some such crap.

It’s bullshit. Innocent people are dying.

WTF? Do we want to turn into Iraq or Syria or Afghanistan?

17 CuriousLurker  Jun 9, 2014 4:17:48am

re: #16 CuriousLurker

What about all the other people this will affect? Not just the wives & children of the cops, but their parents, brothers, sisters, friends, etc. Ditto for the as yet unidentified person who was killed in the Walmart.

GAH! Okay, enough. Not gonna think about it any more.


18 Shiplord Kirel  Jun 9, 2014 4:21:31am

If these two and the last dozen or so Sovereign Citizen terrorists and the Bundy ranch mob had been Muslims instead, the right would be screaming in unison to ban Islam, deport or imprison Muslims, and nuke Mecca.

19 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 4:24:47am

re: #16 CuriousLurker

Seriously—two cops are dead. DEAD. FOREVER. NEVER COMING BACK. Their wives are now widows. Their kids are now fatherless and will miss out on so many things. This isn’t a fucking game with “teams” and, hey, it’s all fair because we want our side to win or some such crap.

It’s bullshit. Innocent people are dying.

WTF? Do we want to turn into Iraq or Syria or Afghanistan?

You have to comprehend the extremist mentality. Yes, they do want to destroy the USA as it exists in its current form. Yes, they do want to be able to freely kill those whom they deem “undesirables”. Yes, they do believe that violence is a legitimate means -and tool - of political expression.

It is in the same vein of “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”

Their thinking is that once they have succeeded in their endeavor to destroy the United States, a new and improved USA - in line with their worldview - will arise like a phoenix from the ashes of the old; a USA cleansed and purified of “depraved ideas”, “deviants”, “outsiders” and “parasites”.

But it is not a game…..they are deadly serious in their crusade to remake the United States in their image. It is a utopian vision - the ultimate act of creative destruction - and as with all dreams of utopia, the dreamers care not one whit about the very real consequences of their actions.

They only care about making their dream, no matter how insane, come true.

20 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 4:25:46am

re: #15 Dr Lizardo

I was thinking less of the RW politicos, who are a bit more careful with their flirtations with sedition, and more the RW radio jocks or TV talking heads. To a degree, they can afford to be more “out there” because they only have to answer to their addlepated and increasingly insane audience.

Sure, the politicos, who have to be a bit more circumspect in their pronouncements, and the media propagandists (who often speak at their gatherings) can’t really be separated, though. Then there is their favorite TV channel which does everything in its power to have them on, where there is often a melding of the politicos and propagandists. After all, Faux News hired the worst, like Palin, Huckabee and others who “contribute” their vile opinions on a daily basis.

21 CuriousLurker  Jun 9, 2014 4:30:46am

re: #19 Dr Lizardo

Yeah, I get the extremists, what really pisses me off is the enablers, y’know? The demagogues who egg them on and the regular (read not crazy) people who make excuses for them.

They need to STOP, but they probably won’t until something worse happens, which I don’t even wanna think about this early in the morning.

22 freetoken  Jun 9, 2014 4:30:58am

But Chicago.

23 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 4:31:09am

This is not going well at all. But does GG care who gets killed on his turf?

Brazilian riot police use tear gas to disperse protesters in Sao Paulo 3 days ahead of World Cup opening game - @BBCBreaking
End of alert

24 Shiplord Kirel  Jun 9, 2014 4:31:48am

I think many, many RWNJs are seditionists, insurrectionists, and outright rebels.
They seem to have no idea how far they have gone with their misinformed fantasies.
This is not going to end well.

25 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 4:33:35am

Huh. Well last night wingnuts crapped & pissed all over my Twitter Time Line with claims that TEH CONSTITION guarantees GUNZ 4 EVERYWUN!!!!! but no right to food.

26 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 4:35:35am

re: #21 CuriousLurker

Yeah, I get the extremists, what really pisses me off is the enablers, y’know? The demagogues who egg them on and the regular (read not crazy) people who make excuses for them.

They need to STOP, but they probably won’t until something worse happens, which I don’t even wanna think about this early in the morning.

The OKC bombing was - at that time - an event that sort of made the RWNJ’s de-escalate their rhetoric. It was a sort of sharp slap in the face. Of course, there were also a good many on the RW who viewed it - and still do view it - as a false flag op, or covered-up Islamic terrorism, etc.

Sadly, it may take another OKC bombing to serve as another slap in the face, but this time the RWNJ’s will likely keep on yammering even louder after getting that slap.

27 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 4:36:13am

“Guns provide food/security” That must mean you can hold up a grocery store and shoot police officers.

28 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 4:36:15am

re: #24 Shiplord Kirel

I think many, many RWNJs are seditionists, insurrectionists, and outright rebels.
They seem to have no idea how far they have gone with their misinformed fantasies.
This is not going to end well.

Even the reality of history won’t wake them up. They are flooding the stories at the Las Vegas RJ with vile comments as well.


29 Dark_Falcon  Jun 9, 2014 4:37:30am

re: #6 Dr Lizardo

I do recall there was a split at the Bundy Ranch and one group was told to push off. It’ll be interesting to see the background on the shooters once more information is made available.

This is my cynical humor peeking through, but can you imagine the reaction over at FR if it were revealed that one, or both, of the perps were regular posters there? The hysteria and denialism would be breathtaking to behold.

It wouldn’t surprise me if one, or both, of them were Stormfront posters, especially with the alleged white supremacy angle.

Free Republic would react to such news by deleting the postings from the killer then claiming they were actually posted by the FBI, CIA, NSA, Bilderburgers, etc.

“Taking responsibility” to the Freepers means “Giving Obama a reason to shut us down and socialize America!!1

30 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Jun 9, 2014 4:40:26am

re: #24 Shiplord Kirel

I think many, many RWNJs are seditionists, insurrectionists, and outright rebels.
They seem to have no idea how far they have gone with their misinformed fantasies.
This is not going to end well.

The GOP elects seditionists. The GOP has no problem with people, even elected officials, even presidential candidates, advocating secession.

31 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 4:41:02am

re: #24 Shiplord Kirel

I think many, many RWNJs are seditionists, insurrectionists, and outright rebels.
They seem to have no idea how far they have gone with their misinformed fantasies.

Case in point: the 2014 Texas GOP platform. Just 20 years ago that steaming pile of horseshit would have been considered too extreme even for the Republicans, but these days it’s normal thinking.

This is not going to end well.

And when it all goes wrong, expect cries of FALSE FLAG and LONE WOLVES and LIBRUL PLANTS to follow. It’s inevitable.

32 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 4:41:14am

re: #29 Dark_Falcon

Free Republic would react to such news by deleting the postings from the killer then claiming they were actually posted by the FBI, CIA, NSA, Bilderburgers, etc.

“Taking responsibility” to the Freepers means “Giving Obama a reason to shut us down and socialize America!!1

Yeah, I can imagine there would be some frantic scrubbing going on, followed promptly by howls of denial and “false flag!”

33 A Mom Anon  Jun 9, 2014 4:42:38am

re: #27 Pie-onist Overlord

If he wants free guns and ammo provided by the government…..it’s called ENLISTING IN THE MILITARY. Or he could go through the training and be a cop. But then again he’s the kind of person who should never have a firearm, because he thinks he’s entitled to as many of whatever kind he wants.

34 Dark_Falcon  Jun 9, 2014 4:42:48am

re: #27 Pie-onist Overlord

“Guns provide food/security” That must mean you can hold up a grocery store and shoot police officers.

No, it means you can use guns to hunt and protect your self from criminals. What people are not supposed to do is use them to ambush police officers.

35 CuriousLurker  Jun 9, 2014 4:43:14am

re: #28 Justanotherhuman

Even the reality of history won’t wake them up. They are flooding the stories at the Las Vegas RJ with vile comments as well.


Yeah, I had allowed Disqus comments via my NoScript Firefox add-on, but I’ve forbidden it again after seeing some of the comments.

36 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 4:44:29am

re: #24 Shiplord Kirel

I think many, many RWNJs are seditionists, insurrectionists, and outright rebels.
They seem to have no idea how far they have gone with their misinformed fantasies.
This is not going to end well.

No doubt, the RW is chock full of seditionists, secessionists, neo-Confederates, white supremacists, etc., and the further you go down that path, the worse - and more violent - it gets.

If they really attempt to spark off some mass insurrection, then they will have to be dealt with.


37 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jun 9, 2014 4:46:17am

The GOP establishment was too scared of being shouted down by some Gadsen flag-toting goombah at a Town Hall meeting that they did not dare tell these people to tone it down or distance themselves from it.

In doing so, they created an attention-seeking race to the bottom, and I am afraid we have not seen the worst of it yet.

38 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 4:47:28am

Wow, GG really doesn’t understand the Constitution; he sounds like a total RWNJ conspiracist here. Yes, much to your disappointment, GG, Obama really is the CiC. And he’s also a Constitutional scholar, unlike you, who makes his decisions after careful consultations and consideration.

39 Jayleia  Jun 9, 2014 4:47:55am
40 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 4:48:21am

re: #29 Dark_Falcon

Free Republic would react to such news by deleting the postings from the killer then claiming they were actually posted by the FBI, CIA, NSA, Bilderburgers, etc.

Freepers are busy calling the shooters a false flag op and saying the story is too convenient because one of the people interviewed in this article is named Koch. No, I’m not kidding:

there’s even someone called Koch involved. TOTAL FALSE FLAG OP. And also… Peter Pan>???

The liberal agitators writing for the newspaper mentioned the Tea Party because of the Gadsden flag. That was the only mention. So far there’s no evidence that the shooters claimed to be part of the Tea Party.

Watch the gun-grabbing attempts go into overdrive with this incident.

Peter pan with a Gadsden flag??? Sniff sniff. Smells like….

No doubt the lsm asshats will try to tie these two to the tea party, Bundy ranch, Gadsden Flag while they were more than likely lib/socialist/prog/occupiers/warmer or some other such deviant types.

he “spoke of white supremacy” … or maybe it was “White Privilege” ??

Swastikas are proof they are not TEA.

It’s the modern socialistic totalitarians that the tea party is fighting against!

41 CuriousLurker  Jun 9, 2014 4:51:54am

re: #26 Dr Lizardo

Sadly, it may take another OKC bombing to serve as another slap in the face, but this time the RWNJ’s will likely keep on yammering even louder after getting that slap.

That’s exactly what I worry about. For as long as I live I’ll never forget the image of that fireman holding the limp, bloody body of the tiny little girl who would soon die. She had just turned ONE the day before. She would be 19 now.

42 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 4:52:25am

re: #40 Lidane

Freepers are busy calling the shooters a false flag op and saying the story is too convenient because one of the people interviewed in this article is named Koch. No, I’m not kidding.

Freepers…..*smh* As to their calling it a false flag, etc., I’ll yet again let Bane speak for me:

Youtube Video

43 A Mom Anon  Jun 9, 2014 4:58:12am

re: #34 Dark_Falcon

Yes, I’m sure knowing they’re not supposed to kill people is going to stop this madness. This is a monster that was fed by the GOP for not putting it down as it got started.

Remember all those damned Town Hall Meetings there’s video of, with elected officials not only not pushing bauck against seriously seditious thinking, but with grins and agreement? THAT’S what helped feed this madness. Along with conservative talk radio and Fox. And then today, I see on my cable channel listings, there’s a new version of Fox called One America News. Because we need MORE of this bullshit, not less.

Things are going to get worse before they get better, and it’s not the liberals and Democrats that are the problem here.

44 Amory Blaine  Jun 9, 2014 4:59:45am

Judging the conservative commentary for the story, it seems the RWNJ aren’t done yet.

45 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 5:01:51am

I suppose Christie is ready to show off his weight loss now. Does anyone believe this guy isn’t going to run for Prez in 2016? I just wonder how he’s going to handle all his baggage, though…

NBC says New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will appear on the ‘Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon’ on Thursday - @AP_Ken_Thomas
End of alert

46 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 5:02:10am

re: #43 A Mom Anon

Interesting; that One America News you mentioned is partnered with The Moonie Washington Times.

Obviously, this network will be for those who think that FNC is a bunch of pinkos or something.

Hoo boy…..sounds derptastic.


47 Dark_Falcon  Jun 9, 2014 5:05:30am

re: #43 A Mom Anon

I’m going to say this and then leave: Republicans could not have “put this thing down” in 2009. If they’d ignored the anger at their town hall meetings or moved against it, those who did so would have been swept aside. In a primary in a democratic system, majority rules, even if the majority is being irrational.


48 A Mom Anon  Jun 9, 2014 5:07:40am

re: #44 Amory Blaine

Nope. So who’s next? More cops? Or just people who look a little too liberal walking down the street? Maybe another elected official deemed just a bit too treasonous to live? Hell, I know, what about those horrible liberal public schools? Nip all that nasty liberalism in the bud. Maybe blow up another federal building?

I wonder what would have happened if the report about domestic terrorism had been allowed to be acted upon when it was first put together? But no, right wing assholes got their feewings hurt and everyone backed down so as not to offend dangerous people. Well, you know what? That’s NOT how you handle bullies. Ask any middle school kid that’s being made miserable at school how well that shit works. I’m tired of coddling this bullshit, it’s not healthy for America, period. It’s destroying us from the inside out and it needs to be stopped.

49 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Jun 9, 2014 5:07:47am

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to say this and then leave: Republicans could not have “put this thing down” in 2009. If they’d ignored the anger at their town hall meetings or moved against it, those who did so would have been swept aside. In a primary in a democratic system, majority rules, even if the majority is being irrational.


The corollary to this is that you’re declaring the majority of the GOP to be irrational.

Not sure you’ve thought your cunning excuse all the way through.

50 A Mom Anon  Jun 9, 2014 5:08:39am

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

I call BS. Sorry.

51 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Jun 9, 2014 5:09:33am

In addition, why were the GOP primary voters so misinformed? Because the GOP and the right-wing media had spent a long, long time misinforming them. Rush Limbaugh, advisor to the GOP, consulted by Boehner on fucking tax policy. Glenn Beck. All the insane right-wing CHristian supremacist preachers who are gladly accepted into the GOP fold.

These people didn’t appear out of nowhere.

52 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 5:10:36am

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to say this and then leave: Republicans could not have “put this thing down” in 2009. If they’d ignored the anger at their town hall meetings or moved against it, those who did so would have been swept aside. In a primary in a democratic system, majority rules, even if the majority is being irrational.


That’s a “mob mentality” cave-in.

People in the ’60s didn’t want civil rights for minorities, either, except it got done over their objections.

53 CuriousLurker  Jun 9, 2014 5:12:08am

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to say this and then leave: Republicans could not have “put this thing down” in 2009. If they’d ignored the anger at their town hall meetings or moved against it, those who did so would have been swept aside. In a primary in a democratic system, majority rules, even if the majority is being irrational.


What about 2010? 2011? 2012? 2013? 2014?

54 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 5:14:03am


55 William Barnett-Lewis  Jun 9, 2014 5:15:31am

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to say this and then leave: Republicans could not have “put this thing down” in 2009. If they’d ignored the anger at their town hall meetings or moved against it, those who did so would have been swept aside. In a primary in a democratic system, majority rules, even if the majority is being irrational.


Sorry DF. The GOP thought they could ride the tiger but the tiger is going to feast on their bones no matter what they do. The only question is if they can be stopped without a OKC level event. I doubt it - in fact I expect it to be worse because they still don’ t get why the “revolution” didn’t begin then so in typical right wing fashion they’ll double down with no clue they’re helping the .001% destroy America.

56 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 5:15:38am

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to say this and then leave: Republicans could not have “put this thing down” in 2009. If they’d ignored the anger at their town hall meetings or moved against it, those who did so would have been swept aside.

Oh my god. What unbelievable bullshit. You do realize that taking your words to their logical end, the GOP are nothing but craven, morally bankrupt cowards who are too scared or too corrupt to stand up to the drooling knuckle draggers. THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO DO. At least if they have any balls or any principles at all rather than just whoring themselves out to the highest corporate bidder.

If you’re in office and your voter base starts saying irrational, stupid, irresponsible shit, you call them on it. You warn them away from that stuff, talk them down, etc. If it costs you your job, oh well. That’s the price of having some sort of conscience.

That you seem think this should be normal behavior is a problem, DF. A functional political party doesn’t run scared from their base and let them say insurrectionist shit. Only cowards do that.

57 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 5:19:13am

re: #51 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

In addition, why were the GOP primary voters so misinformed? Because the GOP and the right-wing media had spent a long, long time misinforming them. Rush Limbaugh, advisor to the GOP, consulted by Boehner on fucking tax policy. Glenn Beck. All the insane right-wing CHristian supremacist preachers who are gladly accepted into the GOP fold.

These people didn’t appear out of nowhere.

And therein lies the GOP’s dilemma. How do they push these people back under the rocks from which they slithered?

The RWNJ’s are an integral part of the GOP’s base, and as the GOP doesn’t have at hand a new base with which to replace them, how can they tell the wingnuts to go pound sand? Without the wingnut element of the base, the GOP would be lucky to muster the votes to get a Republican elected as city dogcatcher.

This puts the GOP in a pickle, and it is a situation of their own making. They, like Dr. Frankenstein, have created a creature which is now out of their control, and threatens to turn on the GOP leadership at even the slightest hint of deviation from the wingnut party line.

They’re riding a tiger by the tail, and that usually doesn’t end well.

58 Flounder  Jun 9, 2014 5:19:40am


59 A Mom Anon  Jun 9, 2014 5:19:51am

re: #51 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Exactly. This stuff wouldn’t have spread if it had been marginalized from the beginning.

Remember how Code Pink got started? It was supposed to be a left wing anti-war group who wanted the troops home. And many people sided with them over Iraq. But, and this is the big old but in the room, they were marginalized as soon as they went over the edge. You don’t see them all over TV, you don’t see politicians siding with them or quoting them, you don’t see CP flag stickers and t-shirts all over the place, etc, etc. Why? Because they were marginalized and quite frankly, a lot of us liberal types find their idiotic attention seeking at congressional hearings embarrassing. There aren’t Code Pink politicians running on a CP platform like the Tea Party. Because the left tends to marginalize and mostly ignore our nuts. If they do have a point it gets absorbed, sanely into policy and discussions of policy. We’re not perfect over here in lefty land, but we tend to be more sane when it comes to lawmaking and governance. That marginalizing is part of the reason why.

60 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 5:20:06am

re: #54 Pie-onist Overlord

He’s probably one of those morans who thinks that a swastika is a left wing symbol because Nazis = libruls lolz.

61 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 5:23:40am

re: #59 A Mom Anon

Exactly. This stuff wouldn’t have spread if it had been marginalized from the beginning.

Remember how Code Pink got started? It was supposed to be a left wing anti-war group who wanted the troops home. And many people sided with them over Iraq. But, and this is the big old but in the room, they were marginalized as soon as they went over the edge. You don’t see them all over TV, you don’t see politicians siding with them or quoting them, you don’t see CP flag stickers and t-shirts all over the place, etc, etc. Why? Because they were marginalized and quite frankly, a lot of us liberal types find their idiotic attention seeking at congressional hearings embarrassing. There aren’t Code Pink politicians running on a CP platform like the Tea Party. Because the left tends to marginalize and mostly ignore our nuts. If they do have a point it gets absorbed, sanely into policy and discussions of policy. We’re not perfect over here in lefty land, but we tend to be more sane when it comes to lawmaking and governance. That marginalizing is part of the reason why.

LOL I remember when Medea Benjamin snuck into a Press Conference using her boring old White Girl Name, Susan, where she heckled Obama and he laughed at her.

62 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 5:24:17am

re: #59 A Mom Anon

Exactly. This stuff wouldn’t have spread if it had been marginalized from the beginning.

Remember how Code Pink got started? It was supposed to be a left wing anti-war group who wanted the troops home. And many people sided with them over Iraq. But, and this is the big old but in the room, they were marginalized as soon as they went over the edge. You don’t see them all over TV, you don’t see politicians siding with them or quoting them, you don’t see CP flag stickers and t-shirts all over the place, etc, etc. Why? Because they were marginalized and quite frankly, a lot of us liberal types find their idiotic attention seeking at congressional hearings embarrassing. There aren’t Code Pink politicians running on a CP platform like the Tea Party. Because the left tends to marginalize and mostly ignore our nuts. If they do have a point it gets absorbed, sanely into policy and discussions of policy. We’re not perfect over here in lefty land, but we tend to be more sane when it comes to lawmaking and governance. That marginalizing is part of the reason why.

Code Pink was one of those groups which posed as leftwing, but its libertarian leader has been exposed over over time for who she really is. Libertarians operate a lot like this. See: Glenn Greenwald, et al.

63 Targetpractice  Jun 9, 2014 5:25:21am

re: #55 William Barnett-Lewis

Sorry DF. The GOP thought they could ride the tiger but the tiger is going to feast on their bones no matter what they do. The only question is if they can be stopped without a OKC level event. I doubt it - in fact I expect it to be worse because they still don’ t get why the “revolution” didn’t begin then so in typical right wing fashion they’ll double down with no clue they’re helping the .001% destroy America.

Indeed, the GOP didn’t sign onto the Tea Party BS because they were backed against a wall, they signed on because they saw a populist movement they figured they could tame for their own benefit. That once the base, whipped up by the populist rhetoric had put them into the Congressional majority, they could control the new whelps through the traditional threats of withholding reelection campaign funds or denying them committee chairs. What they didn’t expect was that Citizens United would totally redraw the electoral finance world, giving men like the Koch brothers a much easier time funneling funds into the campaigns of Tea Partiers who wouldn’t knuckle under the “establishment.”

64 A Mom Anon  Jun 9, 2014 5:26:00am

I adore the quote from Carol Bundy in that article too. Oh no, no one in their ranch militia ever once talked about hurting anyone, why no, she never saw or heard of these people. And certainly there was no one planning anything violent there. She’s just adorable.

Yeah, and I have a lovely bridge over a desert oasis to sell you lady.

65 BadExampleMan  Jun 9, 2014 5:27:46am

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to say this and then leave: Republicans could not have “put this thing down” in 2009. If they’d ignored the anger at their town hall meetings or moved against it, those who did so would have been swept aside. In a primary in a democratic system, majority rules, even if the majority is being irrational.


How about instead of trying to “put this thing down” in 2009 they had desisted from raising it up? Yeah, yeah, grass roots, blah blah. Actually, no - as soon as that tool options trader went off on his televised rant about the moochers stealing homes from the poor put-upon banks, FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity and all the other Koch-funded maggots feasting on the corpse of the Great Society started pouring money into astroturfing all those Tea Party groups into existence.

That money bought, among other things, training documents and workshops where people were told to go to those town meetings and yell themselves hoarse to shut them down. That whole teatard uprising was bought and choreographed by GOP money. Don’t tell me now they can’t stop it. They created it.

66 A Mom Anon  Jun 9, 2014 5:29:04am

re: #62 Justanotherhuman

Exactly, she’s not the first one either. I used to hang out at Firedoglake, before it’s founder went round the bend. But, she admitted long after the fact that she was really nothing more than a Blue Dog Democrat with libertarian leanings. I haven’t been back since TBogg went over to Raw Story, but last time I looked, there were posts there with less than 50 comments. They lost a few good front pagers and the whole place went to shit and lots of commenters left. Which is as it should be.

67 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 5:30:39am

re: #65 BadExampleMan

The GOP can stop it. They can stop it over the course of the next year.

In order to do so, they will have to expect to lose the next three or four election cycles while they replace the current wingnut base with a new one.

And I get the feeling the GOP leadership really isn’t comfortable with that idea.

68 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 5:31:32am

re: #59 A Mom Anon

We’re not perfect over here in lefty land, but we tend to be more sane when it comes to lawmaking and governance. That marginalizing is part of the reason why.

A crushing 49-state defeat works wonders for marginalizing the kooks. All of the worst excesses of the far left got kicked to the curb by the institutional Democratic party in the process of trying to become a functional political party after 1984. Sure, there’s still stupid and derp on the far left and sometimes it bleeds through, but in general the Democrats have firmly reinvented themselves over the last 30 years.

The GOP need a similar crushing defeat. It’s the only hope for them ever becoming functional again. They’re being destroyed by their far right flank.

69 BadExampleMan  Jun 9, 2014 5:32:26am

They’re going to lose the next three to four (national) election cycles anyway. But they seem to be happy as a rump/regional party. Even if all they can do is impede and prevent progress at the national level, being able to sell off various states to the highest bidder keeps them fat and happy.

70 A Mom Anon  Jun 9, 2014 5:32:49am

re: #67 Dr Lizardo

No they aren’t and because they’re craven cowards, not only won’t they stop it, they’ll use it to raise still more money to fill their coffers. It’s who they are and what they do.

BBL, I have to walk the dog and do some stuff around here. Happy Freaking Monday Lizards.

71 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 5:34:46am
72 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 5:36:39am

re: #69 BadExampleMan

They’re going to lose the next three to four (national) election cycles anyway. But they seem to be happy as a rump/regional party. Even if all they can do is impede and prevent progress at the national level, being able to sell off various states to the highest bidder keeps them fat and happy.

Most likely they will lose the next three or four Presidential election cycles; they’ll continue to do well in mid-term elections, but even that electoral performance will begin declining as the wingnut/SoCon element of the base - quite bluntly - begins to die off. Most of those folks are getting up in age.

Maybe the GOP will be content as a regional party. Time will tell.

73 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 5:38:20am
74 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 5:40:21am

re: #73 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Hmmm……as I suspected, they were seeking to perpetrate a major massacre, but in this instance, they - mercifully - failed utterly.

75 b.d.  Jun 9, 2014 5:42:10am

So the report by Janet Napolitano is proven to be right yet again.

76 Feline Fearless Leader  Jun 9, 2014 5:44:41am

re: #14 CuriousLurker

I can’t help but wonder if it ever occurs to any of the opportunistic politicians who have helped unleash all the bad crazy by pandering to people’s fears and resentments that one day the monster they’ve created might turn on them. I mean, if they’re already going after police, then who’s next in line according to their logic?

That’s why all the open carry gun laws don’t apply to the state houses and courts.

77 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 5:45:32am

re: #73 Lidane

[Embedded content]

I’ll bet some admin over at Stormfront is having a migraine right about now.

78 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 5:46:10am
79 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Jun 9, 2014 5:46:48am

I remember a workshop I went to where there was a panel about politics, during the nascent stages of the Tea Party growth. One of the panelists was Dana Loesch. This was prior to her rise to national prominence.

I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with a more hateful, yet committed, individual. She said in no uncertain terms that the TP groups were not going to “go along to get along” with the traditional GOP types. If pols didn’t hew to the TP line, they would be primaried. Period. As I’ve watched over the last few years, her statements have come to fruition.

There’s no way for the GOP to tamp down these folks. They’re rabid, focused and not willing to compromise.

At one point, I’m sure the traditional GOP types thought they could harness that hate for their own hateful ends, but now I think they generally regard the TP types with fear. The party is held hostage by these spiteful assholes.

80 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 5:47:46am

re: #76 Feline Fearless Leader

That’s why all the open carry gun laws don’t apply to the state houses and courts.

Oh yeah, those opportunistic politicians will have all the security they need. More of that “I’ve got mine, fuck you” mentality. And their tools suck it up.

81 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Jun 9, 2014 5:47:58am

re: #78 Pie-onist Overlord

Oh, bullshit. OWS was known for having some Guy Fawkes types (which is problematic in its own way), but Gadsden flags were not an OWS image.

82 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 5:49:59am

[Never mind, I blocked the idiot]

83 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 5:51:15am

re: #82 Pie-onist Overlord

[Embedded content]

Like they say, “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt”.


84 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 5:51:51am

re: #82 Pie-onist Overlord

The stupid is strong with that one.

85 b.d.  Jun 9, 2014 5:53:44am

re: #78 Pie-onist Overlord

[Embedded content]

So now the Gadsden Flag has been a left wing prop all along?

I’ll be damned, you learn something new every day.

86 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Jun 9, 2014 5:54:44am

re: #85 b.d.

So now the Gadsden Flag has been a left wing prop all along?

I’ll be damned, you learn something new every day.

Those left wingers are a pretty craft lot, eh?

87 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 5:55:04am

re: #85 b.d.

So now the Gadsden Flag has been a left wing prop all along?

I’ll be damned, you learn something new every day.

Nononono…. it’s just like the Freepers said. The Gadsden flag is too convenient. It’s clearly a false flag to divert attention from teh librulz that shot these cops because swastikas are a liberal thing, don’tcha know.

88 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 5:56:26am
89 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 5:57:03am

re: #85 b.d.

So now the Gadsden Flag has been a left wing prop all along?

I’ll be damned, you learn something new every day.

Maybe the RWNJ’s will stop using the Gadsden Flag after this. They’ll need something new. Something spiffy! I recommend this:

The Falangist banner

Whaddaya thing? Too “ethnic”; maybe “too Catholic?”


90 b.d.  Jun 9, 2014 5:57:53am

re: #87 Lidane

Nononono…. it’s just like the Freepers said. The Gadsden flag is too convenient. It’s clearly a false flag to divert attention from teh librulz that shot these cops because swastikas are a liberal thing, don’tcha know.


91 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Jun 9, 2014 5:59:02am

The sad part is, no matter what the actual circumstances surrounding this pair of unhinged idiots turns out to be, the RWNJs won’t accept the evidence. If the police investigation turned up a treasure trove of RW literature, computer forensic evidence of Stormfront and associated web sites, the evidence will have been “planted” by the police.

92 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Jun 9, 2014 6:00:37am

re: #90 b.d.


Jonah Goldberg should be sentenced to never publish another word, solely based upon that “Liberal Fascism” crap that he pushed to the national political consciousness.

(Plus, his writing is always shit to begin with)

93 Romantic Heretic  Jun 9, 2014 6:01:44am

re: #56 Lidane

Oh my god. What unbelievable bullshit. You do realize that taking your words to their logical end, the GOP are nothing but craven, morally bankrupt cowards who are too scared or too corrupt to stand up to the drooling knuckle draggers. THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO DO. At least if they have any balls or any principles at all rather than just whoring themselves out to the highest corporate bidder.

If you’re in office and your voter base starts saying irrational, stupid, irresponsible shit, you call them on it. You warn them away from that stuff, talk them down, etc. If it costs you your job, oh well. That’s the price of having some sort of conscience.

That you seem think this should be normal behavior is a problem, DF. A functional political party doesn’t run scared from their base and let them say insurrectionist shit. Only cowards do that.

They should be listening to Edmund Burke, who was not a conservative despite the bipolar attempts to lock him up as one.

Certainly, gentlemen, it ought to be the happiness and glory of a representative to live in the strictest union, the closest correspondence, and the most unreserved communication with his constituents. Their wishes ought to have great weight with him; their opinion, high respect; their business, unremitted attention. It is his duty to sacrifice his repose, his pleasures, his satisfactions, to theirs; and above all, ever, and in all cases, to prefer their interest to his own. But his unbiassed opinion, his mature judgment, his enlightened conscience, he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man, or to any set of men living. These he does not derive from your pleasure; no, nor from the law and the constitution. They are a trust from Providence, for the abuse of which he is deeply answerable. Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion.

Form the Speech to the Electors of Bristol.

94 Feline Fearless Leader  Jun 9, 2014 6:02:44am

re: #64 A Mom Anon

I adore the quote from Carol Bundy in that article too. Oh no, no one in their ranch militia ever once talked about hurting anyone, why no, she never saw or heard of these people. And certainly there was no one planning anything violent there. She’s just adorable.

Yeah, and I have a lovely bridge over a desert oasis to sell you lady.

You also need to remember that the Clark Count Sheriff’s Office and the Las Vegas Police are essentially the same thing. They merged back in the 70s. So the guys who stood between the BLM and the Bundyistas a few months back were the co-workers of the two police officers who were just murdered.

95 GunstarGreen  Jun 9, 2014 6:03:19am

re: #21 CuriousLurker

Yeah, I get the extremists, what really pisses me off is the enablers, y’know? The demagogues who egg them on and the regular (read not crazy) people who make excuses for them.

They need to STOP, but they probably won’t until something worse happens, which I don’t even wanna think about this early in the morning.

They will never stop. They will never stop, because they will never be held accountable for their incitement to violence.

Bill O’Reilly did everything short of outright saying, “I want someone to murder Dr. George Tiller”. That’s effectively what he said, given all of the things he did say and the information he gave out on a regular basis, but because he did not utter the words “I want someone to murder Dr. George Tiller”, he was not held accountable. The same is true of many right-wing pundits and the things they have said about a number of their political enemies.

Comparing a political opponent to Satan is a call for murder, because the duty of every Good Christian is to battle the lord of darkness. Such comparisons should be treated as calls for murder, and punished accordingly.

These aren’t the only examples, of course, only the most prominent and obvious ones. We do not hold the instigators of political violence accountable for their incitement. We allow them to cower behind the flimsy plastic shield of The First Amendment, and only punish the minions that do their bidding. For as long as this is the case, violence of this sort will continue.

96 William Barnett-Lewis  Jun 9, 2014 6:04:45am

re: #89 Dr Lizardo

All you’d have to do is say it allows them to kill leftists & union organizers and they’d jump all over it with no understanding of the history of it or their own eventual oppression under it.

97 darthstar  Jun 9, 2014 6:08:29am
He often wore camouflage or dressed as Peter Pan

This still made me chuckle, horrific as the story is.

98 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 6:09:20am

re: #96 William Barnett-Lewis

All you’d have to do is say it allows them to kill leftists & union organizers and they’d jump all over it with no understanding of the history of it or their own eventual oppression under it.

Heh. Yeah, RW’ers are really big on symbols. It’s one of the reasons why Hitler used the hakenkreuz in the NSDAP flag - it is not only derived from an ancient symbol - almost as old as human civilization - but it’s instantly recognizable to almost anyone, especially back then. The swastika was even used in advertising of that era, so pretty much everyone knew what it - and its variants - were.

99 KerFuFFler  Jun 9, 2014 6:11:06am

re: #69 BadExampleMan

They’re going to lose the next three to four (national) election cycles anyway. But they seem to be happy as a rump/regional party. Even if all they can do is impede and prevent progress at the national level, being able to sell off various states to the highest bidder keeps them fat and happy.

A big factor driving secessionist talk and sovereign citizen BS is the growing realization among the right wing that they are going to tend to lose national elections in the future. So, if they don’t control the federal government they want to deny that it has any power over them. So much for democracy———notice how many of them resort to that lame “But we’re not a democracy, we’re a Republic!” rhetoric?

These people need civics and history lessons.

100 William Barnett-Lewis  Jun 9, 2014 6:12:38am

BIAB. Gotta get a card out for my little sister’s birthday .

101 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 6:13:03am

re: #99 KerFuFFler

These people need civics and history lessons.

They need to start by watching Schoolhouse Rock on repeat until the basics kick in.

102 GlutenFreeJesus  Jun 9, 2014 6:13:53am

re: #9 KerFuFFler


Registered democrats. Confirmed FACT!!!!!!

103 KerFuFFler  Jun 9, 2014 6:15:01am

re: #102 GlutenFreeJesus

Registered democrats. Confirmed FACT!!!!!!


104 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 6:16:29am

re: #99 KerFuFFler

A big factor driving secessionist talk and sovereign citizen BS is the growing realization among the right wing that they are going to tend to lose national elections in the future. So, if they don’t control the federal government they want to deny that it has any power over them. So much for democracy———notice how many of them resort to that lame “But we’re not a democracy, we’re a Republic!” rhetoric?

These people need civics and history lessons.

It’s a reaction to their foreseen loss of power going forward. They may not like to admit it publicly, but if you look at the rhetoric, it’s based on a fear that soon, their ability to project their ideology in the future is vanishing before their very eyes, and it scares them to death. They know their ability to wield power and influence is on a precipitous decline. You see that a lot in the anti-immigration rhetoric especially; a good deal of it takes on more-or-less explicit ethno-nationalist tones.

105 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Jun 9, 2014 6:17:47am

One time many years ago, I had a mental health issue. During the final phases of that issue, before I got treatment, I really did develop severe paranoia. It was the most frightening thing, imagining that people were following me, that my neighbors had been hired to listen and record my every doing, that people entered my apartment while I was away.

I cannot imagine living every day with the sort of paranoia these folks operate under (they’re going to take our guns! NSA spying! ATF/FBI infiltrators, etc.).


106 darthstar  Jun 9, 2014 6:20:30am

I expect police officers will be far more cautious and far less tolerant of the Bundy militia types going forward. Gadsden flag bumper stickers will now be a warning to approach with caution during traffic stops. Assume everyone with one of those things is armed and unstable and treat them as such.

Some will say that’s an unfair stereotype, and that I’m stigmatizing the Tea Party. Yep. Fuck those racist assholes..

107 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Jun 9, 2014 6:21:21am

re: #106 darthstar

I expect police officers will be far more cautious and far less tolerant of the Bundy militia types going forward. Gadsden flag bumper stickers will now be a warning to approach with caution during traffic stops. Assume everyone with one of those things is armed and unstable and treat them as such.

Some will say that’s an unfair stereotype, and that I’m stigmatizing the Tea Party. Yep. Fuck those racist assholes..

Profiling comes full circle.

108 BadExampleMan  Jun 9, 2014 6:21:51am

re: #89 Dr Lizardo

You should reverse half of those arrows to symbolize the circular firing squad.

109 darthstar  Jun 9, 2014 6:22:15am

re: #107 Rev_Arthur_Belling

Profiling comes full circle.

And not a moment too soon.

110 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 6:22:31am

Pie-onist Overlord

Gadsen flags are OWS and lefty crap except when tea party patriots use them!!11

111 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 6:22:36am

re: #108 BadExampleMan

You should reverse half of those arrows to symbolize the circular firing squad.

LOL. Then it would truly be the standard of the Tea Party!

112 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 6:23:25am

re: #106 darthstar

I expect police officers will be far more cautious and far less tolerant of the Bundy militia types going forward. Gadsden flag bumper stickers will now be a warning to approach with caution during traffic stops. Assume everyone with one of those things is armed and unstable and treat them as such.

Some will say that’s an unfair stereotype, and that I’m stigmatizing the Tea Party. Yep. Fuck those racist assholes..

I wouldn’t be surprised by that outcome at all.

113 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 6:26:28am


No fare DONT TREaed ON ME!!!111 FREEdom!!1 OBMOB thugs@!11

114 Feline Fearless Leader  Jun 9, 2014 6:28:34am

re: #105 Rev_Arthur_Belling

One time many years ago, I had a mental health issue. During the final phases of that issue, before I got treatment, I really did develop severe paranoia. It was the most frightening thing, imagining that people were following me, that my neighbors had been hired to listen and record my every doing, that people entered my apartment while I was away.

I cannot imagine living every day with the sort of paranoia these folks operate under (they’re going to take our guns! NSA spying! ATF/FBI infiltrators, etc.).


Sort of like owning cats I see, but worse.

115 KerFuFFler  Jun 9, 2014 6:29:20am

re: #105 Rev_Arthur_Belling

Thanks for sharing your story! There are so many terrified people out there who believe there are vast conspiracies against them and that mental health professionals are part of the intrigue. They believe that suggesting that they are having mental health issues is a way of silencing and marginalizing them. I’m so glad you were able to get the help you needed.

One of my aunts used to think that the mailman was slowing her mail down so she would worry——-and there were a few other people she thought were in league with them. Many paranoiac fantasies follow one or another of a handful of basic outlines and share many common features. The internet is a great thing but one of the downsides is that it has made it easy for “targeted victims of gang stalking” to find one another online and reinforce their delusions by narrating similar stories of mind control, intimidation (someone walked by their house), harassment (a car alarm keeps going off in their neighborhood) and torture from mysterious electronic government weapons.

116 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 6:33:33am
Like many of the neighbors contacted, Krista Koch said she didn’t know the couple’s last names. She described them as “militant.” They talked about planning to kill police officers, “going underground” and not coming out until the time was right to kill.

Hmmm. I wonder if this was reported by anyone before hand?

117 Feline Fearless Leader  Jun 9, 2014 6:39:27am

Stack o’buildings - and a big iron.

Something for Gus to unleash Grumpjira on if he so desires.

Took the picture because I liked how the buildings sort of stacked up against each other from that viewpoint.

118 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Jun 9, 2014 6:41:02am

re: #93 Romantic Heretic

They should be listening to Edmund Burke, who was not a conservative despite the bipolar attempts to lock him up as one.

Form the Speech to the Electors of Bristol.

Burke was a literal conservative: he thought change should come slowly and with due thought as to the ramifications. He would be absolutely appalled by the radical, thoughtless modern GOP.

119 Lidane  Jun 9, 2014 6:42:12am

re: #116 Bulworth

Hmmm. I wonder if this was reported by anyone before hand?

Her last name is Koch! FALSE FLAG! GUBMINT PLOT! Eleventy!


120 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 6:44:56am

re: #118 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Burke was a literal conservative: he thought change should come slowly and with due thought as to the ramifications. He would be absolutely appalled by the radical, thoughtless modern GOP.

I doubt that Mr. Burke would regard today’s Teapartiers as even remotely ‘conservative’. He’d likely regard them as reactionary quasi-revolutionaries.

121 piratedan  Jun 9, 2014 6:51:25am

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to say this and then leave: Republicans could not have “put this thing down” in 2009. If they’d ignored the anger at their town hall meetings or moved against it, those who did so would have been swept aside. In a primary in a democratic system, majority rules, even if the majority is being irrational.


and their apparent bravery in aiding and abetting it while they rode the tiger of political opportunism is a really beneficial solution for all DF. We hear how much Conservatives treasure, patriotism, honoring the traditions and the law because of the sacrifice of those in the past and instead of stomping on this ugly fascist populism, the guys you profess to respect abdicating their responsibility to their fellow citizens.

I have no idea on how you “take your party back” because it’s becoming more apparent that the choices made, in public rhetoric and at the ballot box, do not jibe with the image you continue to paint of the Conservative movement that you adhere to.

122 ObserverArt  Jun 9, 2014 6:52:21am

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to say this and then leave: Republicans could not have “put this thing down” in 2009. If they’d ignored the anger at their town hall meetings or moved against it, those who did so would have been swept aside. In a primary in a democratic system, majority rules, even if the majority is being irrational.


Well, with this statement it looks as though Dark_Falcon will excuse any damn thing the party does. After all, the majority wins. And then Party over anything.

So, I guess that means if the majority of the Republican party would like a guy with the ideals of one nut in Germany in the 30s Dark would not resist because you can’t beat back the majority no matter how crazy or irrational they become.

Now that is both crazy and irrational.

And people wonder why we have the problems we have. We have people that don’t have the ‘nads to step up and say enough. That is reflected by Boehner and his pussy-footing around the tea-nuts now.

Oh and another thing. it was mentioned earlier about some of these folks turning on their own party. Was that not already more than hinted at with the Occupy American Spring folks when they added Boehner, and Cantor as targets of people they would run out of the country?

We are in for bad times. Almost makes you scared to leave the house to do something normal for fear it will become crazy in no time.

123 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 7:00:58am

re: #122 ObserverArt

Well, with this statement it looks as though Dark_Falcon will excuse any damn thing the party does. After all, the majority wins. And then Party over anything.

So, I guess that means if the majority of the Republican party would like a guy with the ideals of one nut in Germany in the 30s Dark would not resist because you can’t beat back the majority no matter how crazy or irrational they become.

Now that is both crazy and irrational.

And people wonder why we have the problems we have. We have people that don’t have the ‘nads to step up and say enough. That is reflected by Boehner and his pussy-footing around the tea-nuts now.

Oh and another thing. it was mentioned earlier about some of these folks turning on their own party. Was that not already more than hinted at with the Occupy American Spring folks when they added Boehner, and Cantor as targets of people they would run out of the country?

We are in for bad times. Almost makes you scared to leave the house to do something normal for fear it will become crazy in no time.

Makes me glad I live overseas. Of course, my part of the world isn’t immune to such wackiness either.

But one thing I do know is that the authorities here would never have let matters approach the level of the Bundy Ranch episode. Mr. Bundy would have been arrested in short order after not paying his bills. For heaven’s sake, the police here have the power to arrest you for not paying your bills, which is prosecuted under fraud charges here in the Czech Republic.

And that standoff? Never would’ve happened. I’ve seen the police bust heads here when the skinheads get a little too big for their britches, and Czech cops don’t fuck around.

They put skinheads in the hospital here if the skinheads start getting violent during a demonstration. And from there, they go to prison.

124 po8crg  Jun 9, 2014 7:02:49am

They can damned well stop using my family’s flag.

Richard Gadsden

125 philosophus invidius  Jun 9, 2014 7:03:37am

re: #119 Lidane

Her last name is Koch! FALSE FLAG! GUBMINT PLOT! Eleventy!


Daily Pauls already talking about false flag.

126 Feline Fearless Leader  Jun 9, 2014 7:05:05am

re: #122 ObserverArt

GOP is in the midst of going 0-2 with political opportunism for the sake of getting or maintaining a Congressional majority. They got cozy with the religious fundamentalists in the 80s and that led to their grassroots starting to go nutty by the late 90s. And then in the 2000s they started cultivating the libertarian anti-tax nuts.

So they now have to decide whether to take their drubbing now, or take a heavier one later. And the option appears to be later due to a combination of cluelessness, denial, and I’m sure a large group that have figured they will be retired and have a secure pension when it comes time to pay the piper.

127 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 7:10:00am

re: #126 Feline Fearless Leader

GOP is in the midst of going 0-2 with political opportunism for the sake of getting or maintaining a Congressional majority. They got cozy with the religious fundamentalists in the 80s and that led to their grassroots starting to go nutty by the late 90s. And then in the 2000s they started cultivating the libertarian anti-tax nuts.

So they now have to decide whether to take their drubbing now, or take a heavier one later. And the option appears to be later due to a combination of cluelessness, denial, and I’m sure a large group that have figured they will be retired and have a secure pension when it comes time to pay the piper.

I think the GOP leadership is hoping the wingnuts will mellow out and their political fervor will fade over time. They could well be taking a long view, that the wingnuts are dying off - a good deal of them are considerably older people, after all - and they’ll hope to replace them with more libertarian-minded young people going forward, or at least, socially liberal/fiscally conservative voters. But they can’t make that direct appeal to that particular electoral demographic without hopelessly alienating their aging wingnut base, which they still need in order to win.

So they’re in a Catch-22 as a political party. Damned if they do, and damned if they don’t.

128 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 7:11:11am

re: #127 Dr Lizardo

I think the GOP leadership is hoping the wingnuts will mellow out and their political fervor will fade over time. They could well be taking a long view, that the wingnuts are dying off - a good deal of them are considerably older people, after all - and they’ll hope to replace them with more libertarian-minded young people going forward, or at least, socially liberal/fiscally conservative voters. But they can’t make that direct appeal to that particular electoral demographic without hopelessly alienating their aging wingnut base, which they still need in order to win.

So they’re in a Catch-22 as a political party. Damned if they do, and damned if they don’t.

Which I rather like. Hoisted on their own petard.

129 Feline Fearless Leader  Jun 9, 2014 7:11:55am

re: #128 Justanotherhuman

Which I rather like. Hoisted on their own petard.

The problem is who else is going to be injured by that petard when it does the hoisting.

130 Kid A  Jun 9, 2014 7:14:03am

Ingraham just parroted right wing talking point.

131 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 9, 2014 7:15:20am
132 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 7:16:50am

re: #129 Feline Fearless Leader

The problem is who else is going to be injured by that petard when it does the hoisting.

The biggest problem is what happens if some of the younger, more radicalized cadre of the wingnut base concludes they’ve had enough of political participation, and instead of the ballot box, they’ve decided to go with the ammo box.

That’s when shit gets real. And I’m pretty sure the GOP leadership prays that doesn’t happen every night before they turn in, because then they’re going to face the monster they’ve created in all its horrific strength.

Along with everyone else who has the misfortune to be on that monster’s shit list.

133 GlutenFreeJesus  Jun 9, 2014 7:17:54am

None of these fuckers will give a damn about any gun victims until it’s them or a loved one. Even then, they won’t care in a rational way. If they only had more guns, they would have been protected. Or the gunman/people were some liberals involved in some conspiracy to whip up fear of guns so the government would have an excuse to confiscate them. Never will they admit that guns themselves and the “god-given right” mindset is to blame.

134 lawhawk  Jun 9, 2014 7:20:54am

re: #130 Kid A

The Taliban are an amalgam of groups, some of which are terrorists or are harboring terrorists; Mullah Omar’s group being one, as are the Haqqani Network. We know this. Everyone knows that we know. But we make-believe that we don’t know and the world makes believe that they believe that we don’t know, but know that we know. Everybody knows.

Everyone negotiates with terrorists at some point. If not directly, then through third parties.

Israel does this. Jordan does this. Qatar does this. Saudi Arabia does this. Even Russia and China do this. It’s what they do when they’ve got to deal with the groups that seek to do those places harm.

It can involve anything from trying to reach a peace deal (see Ireland or Israel) to securing the release of remains of those who have died (see Israel).

The Taliban at the time of the Reagan Administration were seen not as a friend, but as an enemy of the US enemy Soviet Union; therefore we could benefit from creating stalemate conditions in Afghanistan.

But we dealt with them then, and we’re indirectly dealing with them now.

That’s also how wars end - by dealing with those heading up the rival sides.

We dealt with Nazis and former Nazis to end the war in Europe, and while there was de-Nazification after the war, that was put on hold while we built up West Germany as a bulkhead against Soviet expansionism across Eastern Europe.

135 piratedan  Jun 9, 2014 7:21:41am

re: #132 Dr Lizardo

tbh Doc, I don’t think that they care. They’re busy living in their gated communities where the “real world” never reaches them because liberals aren’t apt to go on shooting sprees in order to “bring the fuckers down” either at their homes or at their workspaces.

136 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 7:25:46am

re: #129 Feline Fearless Leader

The problem is who else is going to be injured by that petard when it does the hoisting.

Only those who are attracted to it. They’re more interested in lashing out and creating violence than actually thinking about it. It’s why we must be watchful that it doesn’t seep into govt, although sometimes I get frustrated that we’re not doing a good enough job.

You can’t “save” everyone—just provide them with information that really is in their interest, rather than allowing the propagandists to rule the airways. If they ignore it, what are you supposed to do? We are witnessing the end results of willful ignorance and reactionary views that get full play every single day. There’s a lot of money invested in that.

137 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 7:27:42am

re: #135 piratedan

tbh Doc, I don’t think that they care. They’re busy living in their gated communities where the “real world” never reaches them because liberals aren’t apt to go on shooting sprees in order to “bring the fuckers down” either at their homes or at their workspaces.

Could be. They may also be counting on that any real attempt at insurrection would be put down in short order. And there’s a win-win in that for them as well; they can fundraise off those “martyrs” and spout seditionist platitudes all the way to Capitol Hill.

Color me cynical.

138 lawhawk  Jun 9, 2014 7:29:10am

re: #133 GlutenFreeJesus

None of these fuckers will give a damn about any gun victims until it’s them or a loved one. Even then, they won’t care in a rational way. If they only had more guns, they would have been protected. Or the gunman/people were some liberals involved in some conspiracy to whip up fear of guns so the government would have an excuse to confiscate them. Never will they admit that guns themselves and the “god-given right” mindset is to blame.

The good guy with a gun always beats the bad guy with the gun.

Except all the times when it doesn’t:
1) LV shootings, where cops were executed and their guns/ammo taken to prior to continuing the rampage elsewhere;
2) Sandy Hook shooter killed his mother to get at the rest of her stash of guns and ammo before continuing the murderous rampage at the elementary school;
3) another shooting this past week was ended when an unarmed student tackled the shooter while he was reloading.

The takeaway from these anecdotes is that having more guns in and of themselves do not make anyone safer; they can make people less safe.

Even when people are trained in firearms and law enforcement, having a gun is not a magic incantation to stop bad people with guns and murderous intent.

But maybe, just maybe, having more sensible gun regulations can reduce the chances that bad actors with guns will not be able to get their hands on them.

139 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 7:35:29am

OT: But the NYT reports this morning on the disparency in outcomes separating the poor on either side of the Texas and Arkansas borders where the former state rejected Medicaid expansion and the latter accepted it.


For the town’s lowest-income residents, finding health care is one more hardship. Ms. Marks had a hole in her tooth this winter, she said, and went to the emergency room. They gave her a painkiller and a bill for $600, which she has ignored. The tooth remains so damaged that she can chew on only one side of her mouth.

“I know it’s past due,” she said in response to the letters the hospital has sent her. “But I can’t just pay y’all $600. I don’t have $600.”

Another resident at the Randy Sams’ shelter, Ed Miller, 42, has congestive heart failure and sleep apnea. Recently, he went to the hospital and received a diagnosis of bronchitis too. Asked if he would consider moving to Arkansas to gain access to Medicaid, he responded, “I might look into that.”


On the Texas side, though, it’s business as usual. “It makes me mad,” said Mr. Miller, who is not receiving any federal benefits at the moment despite his array of illnesses. “They need to quit playing games with people’s lives. Rich people. Government people.”

Meanwhile, in Virginia, the GOP dominated legislature is working overtime to ensure Freedom that more people don’t get healthcare.


Hurr Durr why dont the porrs just get medical savings accounts?!!??!

140 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 7:40:01am

How is in the world is this classified information? It just shows how much GG hates Pres Obama and his admin.

So, here he goes again, making shit up because he thinks “it’s designed to help the WH politically”.

141 b.d.  Jun 9, 2014 7:43:29am

re: #140 Justanotherhuman

How is in the world is this classified information? It just shows how much GG hates Pres Obama and his admin.

So, here he goes again, making shit up because he thinks “it’s designed to help the WH politically”.

[Embedded content]

That’s quite a reach, even for old Glenny.

142 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 8:01:53am

The Hillary Clinton book gets released tomorrow. Be specially aware of the flow of derp that ensues. Might reach extraordinary heights.

143 Charles Johnson  Jun 9, 2014 8:02:46am
144 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:05:08am


The Music Man Rap

145 The War TARDIS  Jun 9, 2014 8:05:41am

Meanwhile, Russia continues to act thuggish.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s personal envoy and co-Chairman of the National Strategic Council of Russia Sergei Markov warns Finland against joining NATO.

146 piratedan  Jun 9, 2014 8:07:41am

re: #143 Charles Johnson

i’m sure that all your evidence is coincidental and anecdotal… and those aren’t targets, they’re surveyor symbols…..

147 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:08:31am

Yes, it’s morning.
Youtube Video

I’m on my second cuppa.


148 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 8:08:31am

Prosecutor says trucker in crash that injured Tracy Morgan hadn’t slept for more than 24 hours - @AP
End of alert

149 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:11:53am

re: #148 Justanotherhuman

Prosecutor says trucker in crash that injured Tracy Morgan hadn’t slept for more than 24 hours - @AP
End of alert

I doubt I’d ever live a normal life again.

How horrible for Morgan’s family.

150 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:12:33am

re: #149 FemNaziBitch

I doubt I’d ever live a normal life again.

How horrible for Morgan’s family.

And, really, the truck driver’s family.

Everything we do affects others.

151 missliberties  Jun 9, 2014 8:13:10am

re: #7 KerFuFFler

So yeah, Sovereign Citizen types spout racist rhetoric and cherish swastikas but according to RWNJ’s Obama is like Hitler???

Hitler demonized liberals (Jews) and blamed them for everything. See GOP talking points.

Hitler made lists and threw people in prison camps without due process. See Gitmo.

Obama is not *like* Hitler. But the GOP seems to be copying Hitler’s propaganda playbook.

152 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 8:14:08am

Well shitfire. I forgot my lunch at home. :(

153 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:14:14am
154 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:14:44am

re: #152 Pie-onist Overlord

Well shitfire. I forgot my lunch at home. :(

You’ll just have to go out.

155 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 9, 2014 8:15:50am

Yep, it’s DimJim.

Stupidest Man On The Internet: Vegas Spree Killers Were Socialists, Because ‘Neo-Nazi’
Read more at wonkette.com

156 missliberties  Jun 9, 2014 8:16:42am

re: #152 Pie-onist Overlord

Well shitfire. I forgot my lunch at home. :(

Monday blues

157 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:17:46am

158 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:20:51am

159 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 8:21:22am

re: #155 Backwoods_Sleuth

Yep, it’s DimJim.

Stupidest Man On The Internet: Vegas Spree Killers Were Socialists, Because ‘Neo-Nazi’
Read more at wonkette.com

So we know who they are now?

160 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 8:24:32am

re: #26 Dr Lizardo

The OKC bombing was - at that time - an event that sort of made the RWNJ’s de-escalate their rhetoric. It was a sort of sharp slap in the face. Of course, there were also a good many on the RW who viewed it - and still do view it - as a false flag op, or covered-up Islamic terrorism, etc.

Sadly, it may take another OKC bombing to serve as another slap in the face, but this time the RWNJ’s will likely keep on yammering even louder after getting that slap.

It’s too late and they’ve gone too far to back off now. They also have 24/7 cheerleaders on talk radio/Fox News, Twitter, and idiot blogs like DimJims.

There’s no going back now. They want a war and nothing less is going to satisfy them.

161 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 8:24:52am

Jerad Miller’s FB page. Loves Ron Paul, too.


162 Randall Gross  Jun 9, 2014 8:25:07am

Because those neo nazi white supremacist meth heads are all socialists when it’s convenient for Jim.


163 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:25:34am
This investigation was originally conducted under HSI’s Operation Predator, an international initiative to protect children from sexual predators. Since the launch of Operation Predator in 2003, HSI has arrested more than 10,000 individuals for crimes against children, including the production and distribution of online child pornography, traveling overseas for sex with minors, and sex trafficking of children. In fiscal year 2013, more than 2,000 individuals were arrested by HSI special agents under this initiative.

Also Paged: ICE Seeks Public’s Help to Identify ‘John Doe’ Conspirator in One of the Largest-Ever Child Pornography Investigations

164 Randall Gross  Jun 9, 2014 8:27:00am

re: #161 Justanotherhuman

Jerad Miller’s FB page. Loves Ron Paul, too.


Also a fan of the Benghazi nontroversy.

165 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 8:27:40am

Amanda Miller subscribed to YouTube…


166 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 8:29:21am

re: #106 darthstar

Some will say that’s an unfair stereotype, and that I’m stigmatizing the Tea Party. Yep. Fuck those racist assholes..

They’ve already done a fine job of stigmatizing themselves. No point in ignoring the obvious (unless you’re the main stream news).

167 Randall Gross  Jun 9, 2014 8:29:30am

That facebook site is just a swarm of right wing memes, conspiracies, and sovereign citizen bullshit.

168 Randall Gross  Jun 9, 2014 8:31:11am

Here’s an example

From Jarad Miller’s FB page

169 Charles Johnson  Jun 9, 2014 8:32:23am
170 William Barnett-Lewis  Jun 9, 2014 8:32:44am

Oh, lord, not that stupidity. I suppose they had the ignorance about “fringes” on the flag too?

171 Charles Johnson  Jun 9, 2014 8:34:21am
172 lawhawk  Jun 9, 2014 8:35:59am

re: #169 Charles Johnson

Ah another one of the ex-LGFers. Super.

173 SteveMcGazi  Jun 9, 2014 8:36:38am

re: #169 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

I wasn’t sure what point you were trying to make. Is jammie a wingnut saying you’re crazy or is it trying to cite your blog highlighting the craziness?

174 SteveMcGazi  Jun 9, 2014 8:37:05am

re: #172 lawhawk

Ah another one of the ex-LGFers. Super.


175 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 8:37:05am

re: #160 Skip Intro

It’s too late and they’ve gone too far to back off now. They also have 24/7 cheerleaders on talk radio/Fox News, Twitter, and idiot blogs like DimJims.

There’s no going back now. They want a war and nothing less is going to satisfy them.

And when they lose that war, I guess we’ll all be stuck with another century and a half of endless screeching about “Lost Causes”.

176 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 8:40:05am
Killers Covered Bodies With Gadsden Flags

You build that, teaparty.

177 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 8:42:23am


Luap Nor? Oh, obviously a Democrat Party then. checkmate libetards!11

178 FemNaziBitch  Jun 9, 2014 8:42:28am


179 Killgore Trout  Jun 9, 2014 8:43:16am
180 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 8:44:04am

Jerad Miller | Facebook

Ron Paul, Conservative Daily, Generation Opportunity, National Association for Gun Rights, Rand Paul, The townhall.com Presidential Straw Poll, RightChange, Personal Liberty, American Crossroads, FreedomWorks, Rep. Allen West, ForAmerica, We The People Bracelet, America’s Power, Three Percenter Nation, Nevada Firearms PAC, Howard Scheff for Nevada State Assembly, District 42, Tactical tony 702, Operation “American Spring” set for May 16, 2014: Target Washington, D.C., Alliance Defending Freedom, Support The 2nd Amendment, I Love My Gun Rights, Opposing Views, Liberation Through Music and Art, Tropicana Regency Cinemas, Capitalism Institute, Aloha Energy, Tell Me Now, Gordon Martines for Sheriff 2014, National Rifle Association, Political “Poop”, American Center for Law and Justice, Conservative Tribune, Reclaim America, Don’t Tread On Me, Your Nation, American Patriot, Capitol City Project, Todd Rokita for Congress, Liberty Investor, Patriot Nation, GreeneWave TV, The Heritage Foundation, cnsnews.com, Marijuanna Fans, Obama is the Worst President in US History, Veterans for a Strong America, David Lory VanDerBeek, Lafayette Cop Block, The Patriot Party, Rand Paul 2016, Jesse Ventura 2016 Debates, Legalize Weed, Outlaw Corporate Greed, Washington Examiner, Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano for President, Greg Palast, United Liberty, Red Alert Politics, I did NOT vote for Obama., Marijuana Policy Project, Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform, Drug Policy Alliance, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, The Colorado Marijuana Initiative 2012, LEAP Rapid Response Team, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, I will NOT vote for Obama in 2012., I am a Ron Paul bot., Gary Johnson, Kayla Nyte, Levitate, Downsizing the Federal Government, newsbusters.org, LearnLiberty, Art Robinson For Congress, Americans for Prosperity, Veterans against a corrupt Government., Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, NFIB, American Jobs Alliance, Alex Jones, Stop Obama’s Unconstitutional Appointments, Truth and Lies (Radio Show), Ron Paul Revolution T Shirt

181 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 8:44:14am

Anyone read the comments about this terrorist assassination at the Las Vegas Review website?

Word to the wise: don’t.

There’s over 9100 of them now, and the vast majority are as crazy and vile as anything you’ll read anywhere, Stormfront included.

There are so many hate filled, crazy people in this country now this is just going to get worse, a whole lot worse.

182 Killgore Trout  Jun 9, 2014 8:46:12am

Pakistan Update:

TTP claims responsibility for the attack

Karachi- Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has claimed responsibility for the terror attack on Jinnah International Airport in Karachi.
“We carried out this attack on the Karachi airport and it is a message to the Pakistani government that we are still alive to react over the killings of innocent people in bomb attacks on their villages,” TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said in a statement to the media. He said that the attack was also carried out to avenge the killing of former Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud in a US drone strike.

183 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 8:46:44am


“Legalize Weed”

See!!!?! Leftist commie!!1

184 Randall Gross  Jun 9, 2014 8:47:05am

re: #181 Skip Intro

Anyone read the comments about this terrorist assassination at the Las Vegas Review website?

Word to the wise: don’t.

There’s over 9100 of them now, and the vast majority are as crazy and vile as anything you’ll read anywhere, Stormfront included.

There are so many hate filled, crazy people in this country now this is just going to get worse, a whole lot worse.

Don’t let it change your image of this country. Events like this attract the crazies like flies to shit, they are still an extreme but very vocal minority. Don’t let it disillusion you.

185 Decatur Deb  Jun 9, 2014 8:51:58am

re: #169 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Wasn’t Jammie Wearing Fool the nic of the 2008 CRNC “Backwards B” girl?

186 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 8:54:16am

re: #181 Skip Intro

Anyone read the comments about this terrorist assassination at the Las Vegas Review website?

Word to the wise: don’t.

There’s over 9100 of them now, and the vast majority are as crazy and vile as anything you’ll read anywhere, Stormfront included.

There are so many hate filled, crazy people in this country now this is just going to get worse, a whole lot worse.

Yeah……..it’s sick.

Should these maniacs take up arms, they will have to be dealt with in a most severe and ruthless fashion.

“With malice toward none, with charity for all…..” - the words spoken by Abraham Lincoln in his second inaugural address. A month later, he would be dead. The next time these knuckleheads start some shit to tear the United States of America apart, I’d suggest we leave such sentiments, though noble and well-meaning, behind.

187 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 8:58:04am
188 HappyWarrior  Jun 9, 2014 8:58:21am

re: #180 Gus

Jerad Miller | Facebook

Obviously he was a total leftist.//

189 darthstar  Jun 9, 2014 8:59:19am

re: #187 Gus

This will not be covered by Fox News.

190 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 8:59:55am
191 HappyWarrior  Jun 9, 2014 8:59:58am

re: #189 darthstar

This will not be covered by Fox News.

No but Fox News will have a quack psychiatrist on to explain how Obama is somehow mentally unstable.

192 HappyWarrior  Jun 9, 2014 9:00:39am

re: #190 Gus

[Embedded content]

It really is telling that many conservatives seem to value guns over human rights.

193 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:00:44am

re: #186 Dr Lizardo

Yeah……..it’s sick.

Should these maniacs take up arms, they will have to be dealt with in a most severe and ruthless fashion.

They’ve already done that at Bundy Ranch. The government response?


194 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 9:01:43am

Janie’s butthurt about being blocked by people she already blocked.

195 Decatur Deb  Jun 9, 2014 9:01:45am

re: #193 Skip Intro

They’ve already done that at Bundy Ranch. The government response?


The government isn’t done.

196 Killgore Trout  Jun 9, 2014 9:02:03am

Critics of P.O.W. Swap Question the Absence of a Wider Agreement

I think #182 can answer that question. We are dealing with a group that is very uninterested in peace agreements. I can only imagine what kind of insane concessions we’d have to give for the Taliban to even remotely consider “peace”.

197 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:02:41am

Charles Pierce’s last word today: Congratulations, Sean Hannity. You turned an aging deadbeat into an icon for copkillers.

198 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 9:02:53am

Tweetdeck Mute feature does not work on retweets that have ” in front of the mutee.

199 HappyWarrior  Jun 9, 2014 9:03:07am

re: #194 Pie-onist Overlord

Janie’s butthurt about being blocked by people she already blocked.

[Embedded content]

Someone who shares an ideology with Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh shouldn’t be calling anyone hateful.

200 Killgore Trout  Jun 9, 2014 9:03:55am
201 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:04:40am

re: #194 Pie-onist Overlord

Janie’s butthurt about being blocked by people she already blocked.

[Embedded content]

Isn’t Janie running late for her tennis lesson, or did she fire the instructor when he asked to be paid?

202 darthstar  Jun 9, 2014 9:05:55am

re: #195 Decatur Deb

The government isn’t done.

And they won’t be as understanding in these situations going forward. The weekend warrior guys will be dropping their weapons and surrendering while the real kooks among them will be escalating the conflicts into firefights.

203 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 9:06:05am

re: #193 Skip Intro

They’ve already done that at Bundy Ranch. The government response?


I shall rephrase; the next time these knuckleheads start a war (and they so desperately want to), then they will have to be dealt with severely and ruthlessly.

As to the Bundy Ranch episode, it’s #481 on the list of reasons I’d make a lousy President, because my response would have been discreetly draconian, which unfortunately would play right into the RWNJ’s narrative.

They should count themselves lucky that President Obama is President. My handling of such matters would doubtlessly be far less……civil.

204 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 9:06:57am
205 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:08:43am

re: #203 Dr Lizardo

The scary thing for me is knowing the only thing stopping these loons from unleashing an all-out war on their “enemies” is the lack of a charismatic leader.

They get that and we’re going to be in for one hell of a shitstorm here.

206 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:08:49am


Obviously this neighbor will become public enemy number 1 for the Twitchy Team and Fox news. They might forget all about Bergdahl.

207 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:10:16am

Pie-onist Overlord

They also follow nutty libtard Greg Palast and some Artsy Fartsy musical thing!!11

208 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:10:57am

Anyone want to criticize AG Eric Holder for reviving the domestic terrorism unit? THIS is why. (“This is the start of a revolution”) You can’t have GOP politicians and FOX hosts siding with the likes of Cliven Bundy, treating guests who talk about secession and nullification with respect, and honoring those who compare ACA with slavery and Nazi Germany and not expect this to happen. The NRA is the national street gang. All it needs is uniform colors. - Barry Friedman


209 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:11:21am

DimJim checking party registration and political donations of shooters “neighbor” as we speak. half sarc

210 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:14:06am

O’Reilly tonight: Are politically correct socialist liberals smearing law-abiding, Constitution-devoted patriotic gun owners who happen to want to overthrow the government?

211 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 9:14:11am

re: #209 Bulworth

DimJim checking party registration and political donations of shooters “neighbor” as we speak. half sarc

And third cousins on their mother’s side.

212 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 9:14:39am

re: #205 Skip Intro

The scary thing for me is knowing the only thing stopping these loons from unleashing an all-out war on their “enemies” is the lack of a charismatic leader.

They get that and we’re going to be in for one hell of a shitstorm here.

I keep my fingers crossed that the FBI has a lot of these groups infiltrated - or at the very least monitored - because they are most certainly potential sources of domestic terrorism.

213 wheat-dogghazi  Jun 9, 2014 9:14:40am

re: #180 Gus

Quite a collection of fringe, libertarian and right wing groups there. The American Center for Law and Justice is the Religious Right version of the ACLU. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is an alternative medicine group that is anti-vaxxer, IIRC.

214 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 9:14:52am
215 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:15:10am

This is who can legally own a gun in the US.

216 Testy Toad T  Jun 9, 2014 9:17:08am

re: #215 Skip Intro

She sounds nice.

217 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:17:12am

Skip Intro

She seems nice…..

218 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 9:18:08am

re: #215 Skip Intro

This is who can legally own a gun in the US.

[Embedded image]

Awwww, she sounds precious. “Mom, I want like to introduce you to my batshit crazy GF…..”

219 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 9:19:15am
220 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:20:06am

One of the alleged killers and his good buddy, Sheriff Mack, leader of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.

221 wheat-dogghazi  Jun 9, 2014 9:20:08am

re: #215 Skip Intro

She shot her cohort, then offed herself, right? She was stone cold, or like you say, batshit crazy.

222 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:21:27am


The Assoc Amer Phys and Surgeons “is a politically conservative non-profit association founded in 1943 to ‘fight socialized medicine….”


223 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:21:34am

re: #221 wheat-dogghazi

She shot her cohort, then offed herself, right? She was stone cold, or like you say, batshit crazy.

Yeah. If only she’d done that first thing after getting out of bed yesterday the world would be a much better place today.

224 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 9:22:23am

re: #215 Skip Intro

This is who can legally own a gun in the US.

[Embedded image]

And there’s the problem. That someone like her can legally own a firearm in the US. Maybe we should seriously consider psych evaluations before a firearms purchase can take place.

Of course, there’s the matter of private firearm sales. Perhaps something that states that all firearm sales - including private ones - must be conducted through a BATF-licensed dealer, with 10 years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine for failure to comply.

225 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 9:22:32am

Call me morbid (or a heartless asshole), but I hope someone leaks the pics of victims covered in Gadsden flags. I’m tired of these teabagger idiots abusing the true meaning of that flag.

226 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 9:22:40am

re: #221 wheat-dogghazi

She shot her cohort, then offed herself, right? She was stone cold, or like you say, batshit crazy.

And her family wants to say she turned out this way because of Jerad, not because she didn’t have a few screws loose herself. He “brainwashed” her, doncha know.

After all, women can’t make decisions for themselves. ////

227 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 9:23:40am

re: #220 Skip Intro

One of the alleged killers and his good buddy, Sheriff Mack, leader of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.

[Embedded image]

Tapout shirt. Check
Douchebag tattoo. Check.
Camo outfit. Check.

228 ObserverArt  Jun 9, 2014 9:23:56am

I have a rather elementary question about two things being discussed in this thread. That would be the Vegas Duo and Glenn Greenwald. In a strange way they are tied together.

With all the info you guys are digging up on the Vegas Duo, one would, think that if Snowden had documents proving all the spying on U.S. Citizens was going on as depicted in Greenwald’s writings…why were the Vegas Duo not stopped.

A group of commentators are digging up all kinds of things that should have made the NSA ears tingle…you’d think. Then if the NSA was as thorough as Greenwald tells us, and Snowden claimed “could be done” you would think they would have placed the Vegas Duo on some kind of a watch list and they would have been closely monitored. Hell, if it was as thorough as depicted by Greenwald, the Vegas police should have had warrants and gone in and taken a good look at this couple before anything could happen. Especially if the liberal Obama/Holder Fed was out to get all those conservatives. Fail.

I guess the NSA is just not that efficient. Or, something. I think I’ll go with or something.

229 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:24:56am

re: #228 ObserverArt

Funny way to run a police state, no?

230 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 9:26:45am

re: #228 ObserverArt

And not only the Millers, but every other RW nutjob that left a trail about his political beliefs on public forums.

Including Edward Snowden.

231 wheat-dogghazi  Jun 9, 2014 9:26:57am

re: #226 Justanotherhuman

And her family wants to say she turned out this way because of Jerad, not because she didn’t have a few screws loose herself. He “brainwashed” her, doncha know.

After all, women can’t make decisions for themselves. ////

Some parents will be in denial like that, but others know there’s something wrong with their kid, but don’t know what to do about it. If she was paranoid delusional, nothing her parents could have told her would have changed her.

232 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:27:28am


With all the info you guys are digging up on the Vegas Duo, one would, think that if Snowden had documents proving all the spying on U.S. Citizens was going on as depicted in Greenwald’s writings…why were the Vegas Duo not stopped.

Because NSA too busy chasing patriots like Snowden and ordinary citizens Instagram accounts and SHUTup

233 wheat-dogghazi  Jun 9, 2014 9:29:28am

re: #222 Bulworth


The Assoc Amer Phys and Surgeons “is a politically conservative non-profit association founded in 1943 to ‘fight socialized medicine….”


Ahh, they’re against Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA, and such. I’ve heard of them before.

234 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:30:10am


Yeah I thought they sounded familiar, too.

235 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:31:09am

So did this Vegas Duo have criminal records?

236 Killgore Trout  Jun 9, 2014 9:31:31am

re: #228 ObserverArt

I guess the NSA is just not that efficient. Or, something. I think I’ll go with or something.

I have no doubt the Feds infiltrated the Bundy Ranch crowd and monitored their social media sites. Probably plenty of Feds looking to sell them dud explosives, etc. But it’s not possible to catch every nut, there will always be one or two that slip through the cracks and that’s all it takes to have something like this happen. There are warning signs of politically and religiously extreme groups and the feds to take interest. But we don’t want every Ron Paul supporter, OWS protester or devout Muslim hauled in for questioning simply for having some different or extreme opinions. It’s a delicate balance.

237 sauceruney  Jun 9, 2014 9:32:28am

re: #205 Skip Intro

The scary thing for me is knowing the only thing stopping these loons from unleashing an all-out war on their “enemies” is the lack of a charismatic leader.

They get that and we’re going to be in for one hell of a shitstorm here.

I was just reading Charles Manson is being released on parole due to overcrowding. Wasn’t he trying to stir this kind of revolution?

Sorry. Fake news.

238 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:32:47am


Yeah, which is why she was the one who allegedly fired both shots that killed the police officers.


239 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 9:33:05am

re: #215 Skip Intro

This is who can legally own a gun in the US.

[Embedded image]

Somebody holding a shotgun in one hand and a pistol in the other can’t aim for shit.

240 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 9:33:23am

re: #231 wheat-dogghazi

Some parents will be in denial like that, but others know there’s something wrong with their kid, but don’t know what to do about it. If she was paranoid delusional, nothing her parents could have told her would have changed her.

It was the same grandma who gave her “Shooter’s Bible” and “Extreme Survival” for xmas who said that, if I’m reading correctly.

241 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 9:35:02am

Now that it’s confirmed that the terrorists are teaparty conservatives, Fox will be able to fall back to their typical defense in blaming Hollywood and video games.

242 Varek Raith  Jun 9, 2014 9:35:46am

Dear Republicans,
You created this monster. Take some fucking responsibility for it.

243 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 9:35:58am

re: #237 sauceruney

I was just reading Charles Manson is being released on parole due to overcrowding. Wasn’t he trying to stir this kind of revolution?

The Manson parole release turned out to be a hoax story.

Manson’s ‘Helter Skelter’ idea was to have his “Family” start a race war by killing rich white folks, which would be blamed on African-Americans, and ultimately, African-Americans would prevail but according to Manson, they’re not smart enough to govern themselves, so of course, they’d turn to him and the Family for leadership.

In other words, the sort of Messianic/apocalyptic idea that can only be conceived of after about a thousand or so hits of LSD, combined with some natural, good-old-fashioned batshit insanity.

244 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:36:28am

re: #237 sauceruney

I was just reading Charles Manson is being released on parole due to overcrowding. Wasn’t he trying to stir this kind of revolution?

Fake news.

245 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 9:36:37am

re: #235 Bulworth

So did this Vegas Duo have criminal records?

He did, at least; at the Raw Story there’s a video of him crying like a baby because he has to go to jail.

246 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:36:54am

Just saw this

(CNN) — Police scouring the scenes where a couple shouting “revolution” gunned down two police officers and a civilian before killing themselves have found a possible “manifesto” among their belongings, a law enforcement official told CNN Monday.

The official didn’t disclose what’s in the writings found at one of the scenes, and authorities have yet to publicly discuss a motive for Sunday’s shootings at a Las Vegas pizza restaurant and outside a Walmart store.

But a police source told CNN Sunday that the couple held extremist views toward law enforcement.


247 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:37:15am

re: #240 Justanotherhuman

It was the same grandma who gave her “Shooter’s Bible” and “Extreme Survival” for xmas who said that, if I’m reading correctly.

248 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 9:37:32am
249 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 9:38:12am

re: #238 Bulworth


Yeah, which is why she was the one who allegedly fired both shots that killed the police officers.


Yeah, I definitely think she was the “leader” of the 2; he was a big old crybaby.

250 sauceruney  Jun 9, 2014 9:38:15am

re: #243 Dr Lizardo

Thankfully it was a hoax. I need to stop going to Huffpo. It’s bad enough they only have Facebook comments now.

251 ObserverArt  Jun 9, 2014 9:39:39am

re: #208 Skip Intro

Anyone want to criticize AG Eric Holder for reviving the domestic terrorism unit? THIS is why. (“This is the start of a revolution”) You can’t have GOP politicians and FOX hosts siding with the likes of Cliven Bundy, treating guests who talk about secession and nullification with respect, and honoring those who compare ACA with slavery and Nazi Germany and not expect this to happen. The NRA is the national street gang. All it needs is uniform colors. - Barry Friedman


I think we all know what their uniform colors should be.


Well, at least the shirts.

252 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 9:40:06am

re: #248 Gus

[Embedded content]

That’s funny; Jerad lists Jones as one of his “favorites” on his FB page.

253 Egregious Philbin  Jun 9, 2014 9:41:43am

Very telling that FR has censored any discussion about this. This couple typify the level of the Bundy ranch folk. Alex Jones listening, gun stroking, anti government angry folk. Let’s not forget the other “patriot” that shot cops and tried to get into the station earlier in the week. Media needs to call these folk out for what they are, Right Wing Domestic Terrorists.

254 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:41:47am


Jerad Miller’s last Facebook post, made Saturday, hinted at the couple’s plans.

“The dawn of a new day. May all of our coming sacrifices be worth it,” he posted.

Oh, is that what it was, a “sacrifice”? /

255 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 9, 2014 9:41:52am

re: #248 Gus

[Embedded content]

It’s weird how inciters like Alex Jones get all piously innocent when their wingnut followers take what’s being said seriously and go out and act on it.

256 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 9:42:24am

re: #250 sauceruney

Thankfully it was a hoax. I need to stop going to Huffpo. It’s bad enough they only have Facebook comments now.


When I first read up on ‘Helter Skelter’, years and years ago, my first thought was, “Nah…….this has gotta be some kinda freakin’ joke. No one’s this nuts!” but it turned out that Manson really was profoundly disturbed enough to not only come up such an outlandish, hare-brained idea - but to think it would actually work.


257 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 9:43:16am

re: #253 Egregious Philbin

Very telling that FR has censored any discussion about this. This couple typify the level of the Bundy ranch folk. Alex Jones listening, gun stroking, anti government angry folk. Let’s not forget the other “patriot” that shot cops and tried to get into the station earlier in the week. Media needs to call these folk out for what they are, Right Wing Domestic Terrorists.

Yep. This incident has pretty much gone right down FR’s memory hole, never to be spoken of ever again.

258 makeitstop  Jun 9, 2014 9:44:53am

My Facebook wingnuts are totally quiet on this one. They know he’s one of them.

259 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:45:32am

Egregious Philbin

Very telling that FR has censored any discussion about this.

DONT SAY NOTHIN BOUT LASVEGAS LETS TALK BENGHAZI BERGDAHL INSTEAD!!!!1111 Why are libruls censoring all important info like Benghazi and Bergdahl and 5 Taliban SuperTerrorists??

260 Skip Intro  Jun 9, 2014 9:45:41am

re: #253 Egregious Philbin

Very telling that FR has censored any discussion about this. This couple typify the level of the Bundy ranch folk. Alex Jones listening, gun stroking, anti government angry folk. Let’s not forget the other “patriot” that shot cops and tried to get into the station earlier in the week. Media needs to call these folk out for what they are, Right Wing Domestic Terrorists.

With RimJob calling for revolution every single time he fires up one of his griftathons he does have a reason to worry about what his cult members would be posting.

261 stpaulbear  Jun 9, 2014 9:46:38am

re: #248 Gus

So he’s finally right about something. I hope he’s feeling vaguely nausious today…

262 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 9:49:03am


Official wingnut response still being crafted I guess.

263 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 9:50:37am

Here is some good background on the Millers, who were from Indiana.


264 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 9:50:52am
265 ObserverArt  Jun 9, 2014 9:51:18am

re: #236 Killgore Trout

I have no doubt the Feds infiltrated the Bundy Ranch crowd and monitored their social media sites. Probably plenty of Feds looking to sell them dud explosives, etc. But it’s not possible to catch every nut, there will always be one or two that slip through the cracks and that’s all it takes to have something like this happen. There are warning signs of politically and religiously extreme groups and the feds to take interest. But we don’t want every Ron Paul supporter, OWS protester or devout Muslim hauled in for questioning simply for having some different or extreme opinions. It’s a delicate balance.

Not exactly what I was getting at Kilgore. I was going after the breathless crying when Snowden and Greenwald went to work. The average dudebro and those that bought into the whole, “they are spying on us” crowd was sure that everything was being captured and sifted through.

That is the point. This story alone shoots major holes in all of Greenwalds scary writings. It’s not about how you or I, or most here see it. It is how America was sold the whole “they are watching your every move” theme that a majority of people bit into and swallowed.

Not that the dudebros or the scared Facebooker is going to put it together, they lost their shit too long ago.

266 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 9:51:36am

re: #258 makeitstop

My Facebook wingnuts are totally quiet on this one. They know he’s one of them.

If I were a betting man, I’d be willing to wage a buck or two right about now, there’s a frantic headcount going on over at Stormfront.

267 b.d.  Jun 9, 2014 9:52:58am

re: #264 Gus

[Embedded content]

Lot of them thar “left wing Gadsden flags” there on Alex’s site.


268 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 9:53:06am

re: #264 Gus

[Embedded content]

That’s him.

There a comment there from an ‘Amanda’:

Amanda said on May 28, 2012

Jerad, baby, I love you with all my heart and I’ll stand behind you no matter what. It’s true that its not fair that i can’t have a gun because you live with me. I know its not right that my rights get taken away from me because I live in the same home as you but I would love to see them try and enforce that. My love for you is deep and forever and fuck what they have to say cause they have no right to do what they say is not right. I love you and as I said before I stand beside you forever.

Someone with greater computer-fu than I grab it before it’s scrubbed!

269 wheat-dogghazi  Jun 9, 2014 9:53:08am

re: #263 Justanotherhuman

Here is some good background on the Millers, who were from Indiana.


Lafayette, Indiana, just t’other side of the Wabash from West Lafayette, home of Purdue University.

270 RealityBasedSteve  Jun 9, 2014 9:53:11am

Lots of bad crazy out there…

I posted yesterday my cell went for a swim in my bathtub, well after soaking in rice and all that other good stuff, it’s deader than a door nail. Plug it in, it occasionally flashes a random light or two, but that’s about it.

I don’t have insurance on it, since I tend to be easy on my gear, but the good news is that my 2 year point on this contract comes up Friday, and the phone I want, basically the current version of the droid maxx is 99 bucks with a 2 year renewal. Since I’ve been a Verizon customer since day 1 I suspect that they will be glad to move that renewal date to today, so I can get it.

ARRGH… I’m not 16, but I do hate being phoneless.


271 wheat-dogghazi  Jun 9, 2014 9:55:43am

re: #270 RealityBasedSteve

You need to leave it in the rice for 2-3 days. Patience, grasshopper.

272 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 9:56:39am

re: #268 Dr Lizardo

That’s him.

There a comment there from an ‘Amanda’:

Someone with greater computer-fu than I grab it before it’s scrubbed!

I saved the page on my HD. Sure other’s have as well. It’s also archived.


273 Stanley Sea  Jun 9, 2014 9:57:15am

re: #272 Gus

I saved the page on my HD. Sure other’s have as well. It’s also archived.


Who are his friends on there?

274 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 9:58:04am

re: #270 RealityBasedSteve

Lots of bad crazy out there…

I posted yesterday my cell went for a swim in my bathtub, well after soaking in rice and all that other good stuff, it’s deader than a door nail. Plug it in, it occasionally flashes a random light or two, but that’s about it.

I don’t have insurance on it, since I tend to be easy on my gear, but the good news is that my 2 year point on this contract comes up Friday, and the phone I want, basically the current version of the droid maxx is 99 bucks with a 2 year renewal. Since I’ve been a Verizon customer since day 1 I suspect that they will be glad to move that renewal date to today, so I can get it.

ARRGH… I’m not 16, but I do hate being phoneless.


Bargain with them. You might get the phone for nothing if they want to keep you as a customer. : )

275 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 9:58:11am

re: #273 Stanley Sea

Who are his friends on there?

Gotta login.

276 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 10:00:47am

Jerard Miller kinda looks like Ted Nugent. Not saying anything I’m just sayin….

277 Sionainn  Jun 9, 2014 10:01:25am

From what I’ve gathered, the other person shot and killed had a CCW and tried to confront the guy and the woman shot him point blank from behind. So much for that “good guy with a gun” crap.

278 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 10:02:09am


279 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 10:02:49am

re: #273 Stanley Sea

Who are his friends on there?

So, basically, he didn’t want to obey the law and got caught, then whinged about losing his “rights”. Gotcha.

You want to change marijuana laws, you have to work at it, something this guy obviously had no use for.

280 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 10:03:27am

re: #277 Sionainn

From what I’ve gathered, the other person shot and killed had a CCW and tried to confront the guy and the woman shot him point blank from behind. So much for that “good guy with a gun” crap.

That customer was a woman, and it’s not been made clear by authorities that she actually was armed.

281 Testy Toad T  Jun 9, 2014 10:05:11am

re: #277 Sionainn

From what I’ve gathered, the other person shot and killed had a CCW and tried to confront the guy and the woman shot him point blank from behind. So much for that “good guy with a gun” crap.

I would say the police would qualify as “good guys with guns” too, but maybe not to this crazy-ass set…

282 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 9, 2014 10:05:59am

re: #264 Gus

[Embedded content]


At any time the police could show up to my house and enter it for any reason at all, because, since I’m on probation aparently I dont have my 4th amendment right and neither does my fiance. I live in Indiana and recently a law was passed named the right to resist law. As i can make out from it, if a police officer kicks in my door and is not there legally, then I may shoot him.

283 Mike Lamb  Jun 9, 2014 10:06:02am

re: #278 Dr. Matt


[Embedded content]

That response is weapons grade level stupid.

284 Sionainn  Jun 9, 2014 10:06:28am

re: #280 Justanotherhuman

No, the bystander was a man.

285 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:07:28am

It’s because of Cliven Bundy.

286 Sionainn  Jun 9, 2014 10:07:35am

re: #284 Sionainn

No, the bystander was a man.

More on the bystander. Link

287 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:08:11am

re: #282 Backwoods_Sleuth


I saw people defending that on Twitter during the Cliven Bundy affair. One person said as much to me directly.

288 Pie-onist Overlord  Jun 9, 2014 10:08:21am
289 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:09:04am
290 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 10:09:17am

re: #283 Mike Lamb

That response is weapons grade level stupid.

And she’s responded to multiple people with the same response. She probably thinks it is a “gotcha” reply.

291 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 10:09:38am

It took a couple of years, but somehow he changed his mind.

jerad said on May 28, 2012

I do not want to kill cops. Im not advocating doing it. I’m not going to go out and find a cop and shoot them. But, if they come to take me away, I would rather die than go to jail or a fema re-education camp when I have done nothing to hurt another human being.


292 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 10:10:25am

From his screed on Infowars:

I am broken hearted tho to see people so pacified by materealism and obsession with hollywood stars. It is our duty as American citizens to stand against tyranny. To stand against corruption at all levels. How did this happen? That patriots like me could be resting under the boot of tyrants, and as i plead for help from my fellow americans they just walk on by. All the while thinking, at least its not happening to me. Yet, the sad thing is, it is happening to them. So, do I kill cops and make a stand when they come to get me? I would prefer to die than sit in their jail, when I have done nothing to hurt anyone.

That explains the suicide pact with abundant clarity.

293 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 9, 2014 10:11:11am

re: #270 RealityBasedSteve

Can’t speak for Verizon but at the wireless company I used to work for if your contract end date was say June 10, 2014, you were actually able to upgrade on the 1st of the month.

You should check into that, you might already be eligible.

294 jaunte  Jun 9, 2014 10:12:07am

re: #291 Justanotherhuman

re: #292 Dr Lizardo

You have to think that the people screaming ‘false flag’ about this haven’t bothered to read any of those statements, which sound like they could be uttered by just about any Alex Jones fan.

295 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 10:14:01am

re: #294 jaunte

You have to think that the people screaming ‘false flag’ about this haven’t bothered to read any of those statements, which sound like they could be uttered by just about any Alex Jones fan.

They simply don’t care. It doesn’t fit their narrative, it certainly makes them look bad, and therefore, it must be ignored or given short shrift.

That is their mentality, and I see very little that will change it. They’re so far down the rabbit hole, they’ve probably penetrated into the Earth’s mantle by now.

296 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 9, 2014 10:14:20am

re: #289 Gus

Oh shit. Nice find Gus!

Page that. PLEASE.

297 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 10:14:46am

re: #291 Justanotherhuman

I do not want to kill cops. Im not advocating doing it. I’m not going to go out and find a cop and shoot them. But, if they come to take me away, I would rather die than go to jail or a fema re-education camp when I have done nothing to hurt another human being.


Alex Jones has more blood on his hands.

298 Sionainn  Jun 9, 2014 10:15:30am

re: #296 Eclectic Cyborg

Oh shit. Nice find Gus!

Page that. PLEASE.

Send it to Mrs. Bundy, too, because she said she’s trying to figure out if he was actually there. Proof, right there.

299 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 9, 2014 10:16:15am

re: #298 Sionainn

Send it to Mrs. Bundy, too, because she said she’s trying to figure out if he was actually there. Proof, right there.

Watch her try to say that video was “photoshopped”.


300 jaunte  Jun 9, 2014 10:16:28am

Their priorities don’t include caring about people who get shot having lunch or shopping at Walmart.

301 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 9, 2014 10:17:16am

re: #300 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Their priorities don’t include caring about people who get shot having lunch or shopping at Walmart.

Of course, they care more about the shooters.

302 makeitstop  Jun 9, 2014 10:18:18am

re: #298 Sionainn

Send it to Mrs. Bundy, too, because she said she’s trying to figure out if he was actually there. Proof, right there.

I think they know damn well he was there. And I’d venture to say that his comments in that news report were probably why he was asked to leave, if reports I’ve read are to be believed.

303 goddamnedfrank  Jun 9, 2014 10:18:56am

re: #280 Justanotherhuman

That customer was a woman, and it’s not been made clear by authorities that she actually was armed.

That consumer was just named, Joseph Wilcox. Prolly not a woman..

304 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:20:32am

re: #296 Eclectic Cyborg

Oh shit. Nice find Gus!

Page that. PLEASE.


305 A Mom Anon  Jun 9, 2014 10:23:56am

re: #302 makeitstop

The only reason he was asked to leave is because he made it onto TV. Like he was the ONLY one there with that belief system in place. Please. Like all the people pointing weapons off that bridge at the BLM. Yeah, just lone wolves and trouble makers.

306 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 10:25:03am
307 jaunte  Jun 9, 2014 10:25:31am
“Remember how this started. One man who doesn’t believe in the federal government, convicted after twenty years, gathering a private army to threaten “range war.”

People died because of domestic terrorists. And cowboy hat wearing “Bin Laden” behind that operation still walks free, believing himself to be something other than the leader of a terrorist cell.

The next time somebody gathers a private army and threatens war… believe them.”

308 Feline Fearless Leader  Jun 9, 2014 10:28:01am

re: #295 Dr Lizardo

They simply don’t care. It doesn’t fit their narrative, it certainly makes them look bad, and therefore, it must be ignored or given short shrift.

That is their mentality, and I see very little that will change it. They’re so far down the rabbit hole, they’ve probably penetrated into the Earth’s mantle by now.

They might regret it when they reach the lair of the Magma Hare.

309 goddamnedfrank  Jun 9, 2014 10:28:34am

re: #289 Gus

[Embedded content]

What’s weird is that was actually pretty measured by Bundy Ranch standards. Those guys were / are still actively hoping for a firefight with BLM. That guy and his wife probably got booted for trying to set up a meth lab or something, and not over ideology.

310 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 10:29:35am


That patriots like me could be resting under the boot of tyrants…


311 darthstar  Jun 9, 2014 10:30:13am

312 Feline Fearless Leader  Jun 9, 2014 10:30:25am

re: #309 goddamnedfrank

What’s weird is that was actually pretty measured by Bundy Ranch standards. Those guys were / are still actively hoping for a firefight with BLM. That guy and his wife probably got booted for trying to set up a meth lab or something, and not over ideology.

Or they agitated to take on the local law in addition to the BLM.

313 Romantic Heretic  Jun 9, 2014 10:30:26am

re: #187 Gus

The motive for the episode was unclear.

Um, what? I’m guessing the reporter decided he can’t make any conclusions until the MBF can be invoked.

314 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 10:31:50am

OT, but comedian Rik Mayall has died at the age of 56


RIP. And thanks for the memories.

315 Bulworth  Jun 9, 2014 10:32:08am

A Mom Anon

Like all the people pointing weapons off that bridge at the BLM.

These guns? Oh noes were just lawabiding american gunowners standing up for libertee and freedoms

316 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 9, 2014 10:32:56am

re: #304 Gus


Thank you! Sending it out on my social media now.

317 Feline Fearless Leader  Jun 9, 2014 10:33:38am

re: #314 Dr Lizardo

OT, but comedian Rik Mayall has died at the age of 56


RIP. And thanks for the memories.

I remember him primarily from his character in The Young Ones and the various Lord Flashheart incarnations in the Blackadder series.

318 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:33:44am

re: #316 Eclectic Cyborg

Thank you! Sending it out on my social media now.

Added the Infowars stuff too.

319 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 9, 2014 10:34:17am

I’m wondering if he was merely asked to leave because provisions were running low and they needed to “cull the herd” a little bit.

Short version - The just didn’t need as much manpower.

320 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 10:34:56am

re: #317 Feline Fearless Leader

I remember him primarily from his character in The Young Ones and the various Lord Flashheart incarnations in the Blackadder series.

Same here. My favorite ‘Lord Flasheart’ incarnation was in

Blackadder Goes Forth

. It had me roaring with laughter.

321 jaunte  Jun 9, 2014 10:35:54am
322 Dr Lizardo  Jun 9, 2014 10:37:22am

re: #321 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Congratulations, Senator Cruz. You own this.

Take a bow.


323 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:37:46am
324 Charles Johnson  Jun 9, 2014 10:38:54am
325 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:40:03am

He also dressed like the Joker therefore he must be a leftist. Derp.

326 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:41:14am

So does the photo match the video?

Need an answer on this quick.

Can’t watch the video here.

327 jaunte  Jun 9, 2014 10:41:14am

re: #324 Charles Johnson

He’s ignoring the propensity of rightwingers to don costumes at the drop of a tricorne hat.

328 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:41:55am
329 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:42:34am

re: #327 jaunte

He’s ignoring the propensity of rightwingers to don costumes at the drop of a tricorne hat.


330 Dr. Matt  Jun 9, 2014 10:43:59am

re: #326 Gus

So does the photo match the video?

Need an answer on this quick.

Can’t watch the video here.


331 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:44:53am

re: #330 Dr. Matt



332 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:45:25am

Right. Leftist.

333 ObserverArt  Jun 9, 2014 10:46:41am

re: #296 Eclectic Cyborg

Oh shit. Nice find Gus!

Page that. PLEASE.

Real nice find. Thank you to the crack staff here at LGF for some of the best reporting in America. Who needs the news when you have Lizards on the job.

Fuck you Greenwald, Fox, CNN…the real journalism is being practiced the ol’ fashion way right here.

334 Sionainn  Jun 9, 2014 10:48:58am

re: #326 Gus

Looked like the same guy to me.

335 Gus  Jun 9, 2014 10:50:45am

re: #334 Sionainn

Looked like the same guy to me.


336 Justanotherhuman  Jun 9, 2014 10:52:00am

re: #303 goddamnedfrank

That consumer was just named, Joseph Wilcox. Prolly not a woman..

OK, conflicting reports then.

337 ObserverArt  Jun 9, 2014 10:54:38am

re: #321 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Ever notice how Teddy Cruz always purses his lips when he think he has just let out a real zinger?

I guess he needs to do that so that the rest of the shit in his head doesn’t just keep coming out like diarrhea.

338 Sionainn  Jun 9, 2014 10:55:04am

re: #336 Justanotherhuman

OK, conflicting reports then.

The first report in the Las Vegas Review-Journal stated that the bystander was a woman. I don’t know how things get reported so wrong all the time.

339 RealityBasedSteve  Jun 9, 2014 11:04:11am

re: #274 Justanotherhuman

Bargain with them. You might get the phone for nothing if they want to keep you as a customer. : )

I am. I have no qualms about saying how t-mobile is offering me a better deal… but if you guys can come close, I’d rather stay with you…..

That’s the reason the cell providers fought number portability for so long. Once we had the ability to move the number to another service, they lost the big tool that would keep you with them, the pain of letting everybody know the new number.

re: #271 wheat-dogghazi

You need to leave it in the rice for 2-3 days. Patience, grasshopper.

ROLFMAO. I think I’ll get a new phone anyhow. maybe I can resurrect this one as my backup phone. It’s my only means of communication, and I’m not comfortable being 2-3 days out of the loop in terms of family and stuff.


340 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jun 9, 2014 11:11:08am

re: #314 Dr Lizardo

OT, but comedian Rik Mayall has died at the age of 56


RIP. And thanks for the memories.

341 Khal Wimpo  Jun 9, 2014 2:06:32pm

re: #35 CuriousLurker

I made the mistake of getting off the boat and wading through some of the comments.

Argh. Never again. Fetid cesspool of kneejerk Tea Party hatespeech. All the familiar behaviors on display: paranoid screeching that this will allow Obama to impose martial law and start killing white folks, that it’s all the liberal’s fault, and of course more off-topic rants about how Obamacare is fascism/Stalinism/socialism.

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