Right Wing Troll Chuck Johnson Moves to Quash Subpoena From National Abortion Federation

He doesn’t have enough time to produce documents he says he doesn’t have
Law • Views: 56,537
Chuck C. Johnson poses with Center for Medical Progress head David Daleiden, October 25, 2015

We have an update to our article on horrible right wing troll Chuck C. Johnson’s subpoena from the National Abortion Federation; his lawyer has now filed a motion to quash the subpoena, not on grounds of legality, but because it doesn’t give him enough time to comply with the demands to produce his documents and correspondence.

Of course, Chuck also stated publicly he doesn’t have any documents pertaining to this subpoena, so there seems to be a bit of a logical problem here. Quote:

Johnson is unsure of how to comply with material that doesn’t exist.

We note that Chuck isn’t using his Missouri lawyer John Burns for this one, but another right wing attorney he met on Facebook. We also note that Chuck is currently in violation of a subpoena to appear before a grand jury in Mississippi.

Here’s the motion, via @AdamSteinbaugh (who should send Chuck a bill for his Pacer fees).


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Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:13:12am

In other troll-related news:

Jebediah, RBG  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:14:30am

How much time do you need to say “the stuff you seek doesn’t exist?”
Or is Chucky being less than honest? (That seems awfully hard to believe. He’s hardly ever lied before…)

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:14:39am

I believe he’s in violation of the subpoena in Mississippi, not Missouri.

retired cynic  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:14:44am

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Should be good for some laughs!

Targetpractice  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:15:26am

Stalling for time, it would seem, no doubt in the hope that the NAF will lose interest in the case and drop the matter.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:15:52am

Mark P. Meuser? Quite like the same one who ran for the CA 7th State Senate seat, and lost, and seems intent on running again.

Jebediah, RBG  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:16:43am

re: #1 Charles Johnson

I’d love to know what Flynt thinks Chucky has to offer. If it’s dirt on Rubio, Flynt should be able to hire actual investigators who can actually investigate. After all, Chucky can’t use his old research method anymore - go on Twitter and ask if anyone knows anything about Rubio…

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:16:49am

re: #3 Eclectic Cyborg

You’re right. He is.

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:17:36am

re: #3 Eclectic Cyborg

I believe he’s in violation of the subpoena in Mississippi, not Missouri.

Right - I just noticed that myself and corrected it.

Dr. Matt  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:18:27am

re: #3 Eclectic Cyborg

I believe he’s in violation of the subpoena in Mississippi, not Missouri.

Just wait, it’s only a matter of time before CCJ fucks up and gets a subpoena from Missouri.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:19:41am

“I do not have the materials which I previously bragged about having and arranged to have disseminated across the internet.”

It's on his hat!  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:20:14am

“No, your honor, I cut-and-pasted, not copy-and-pasted.”

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:21:38am

re: #6 lawhawk

Mark P. Meuser? Quite like the same one who ran for the CA 7th State Senate seat, and lost, and seems intent on running again.

A graduate of “Oak Brook College of Law,” which is a Christian correspondence law school based in Fresno. According to the school’s website, OBCL teaches “law and government policy in the context of a Biblical and historical framework” and establishes “the Biblical foundations of truth, righteousness, justice, mercy, equity, integrity, and the fear of God in legal education…”

So what’s a Man of Gawd doing working for a shitstain like CCJ? Really, Orly Taitz is a much better fit.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:21:39am

re: #12 It’s on his hat!

“No, your honor, I cut-and-pasted, not copy-and-pasted.”

Oh, that’s beautiful. I’m waiting for someone to use this excuse!

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:24:42am

re: #13 Skip Intro

According to the school’s website, OBCL teaches “law and government policy in the context of a Biblical and historical framework” and establishes “the Biblical foundations of truth, righteousness, justice, mercy, equity, integrity, and the fear of God in legal education…”

So, like Shariah Law then?


Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:25:28am

re: #13 Skip Intro

A graduate of “Oak Brook College of Law,” which is a Christian correspondence law school based in Fresno. According to the school’s website, OBCL teaches “law and government policy in the context of a Biblical and historical framework” and establishes “the Biblical foundations of truth, righteousness, justice, mercy, equity, integrity, and the fear of God in legal education…”

So what’s a Man of Gawd doing working for a shitstain like CCJ? Really, Orly Taitz is a much better fit.

Yep. He’s another wingnut who contacted Chuck on Facebook, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s working pro bono.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:25:48am

CCJ’s career as a professional litigant seems to be taking off.


GlutenFreeJesus  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:28:32am

re: #17 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

CCJ’s career as a professional litigant seems to be taking off.


An ambulance “chasee”!

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:28:59am

re: #13 Skip Intro

The Oakbrook College “Statement of Faith:”

We believe in the one true God, existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three are coequal from all eternity, each with distinct personalities but of one essence.

We believe the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and is the sole, infallible rule of faith and practice.

We believe Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, that He entered into the world through the virgin birth, and lived among us without sin as perfect Man and perfect God.

We believe Adam was directly created in innocence and in the image of God and did not evolve from preexisting forms of life. By voluntary transgression, he fell; thus, the whole human race is now sinful by nature and practice and, therefore, under just condemnation to eternal separation from God.

We believe Jesus Christ shed His blood on Calvary as a vicarious substitute for all sinners, was buried and rose again bodily, and ascended to the right hand of the Father, from whence He will personally return.

We believe people are justified by grace through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ without any mixture of works.

We believe the Holy Spirit convicts the sinner, regenerates, sanctifies, and indwells the believer, and fills the believer for effective service.

We believe in the priesthood of the believer and that God has made provision for each believer to be victorious by being led of the Spirit and not walking after the flesh.

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost—the just unto the resurrection of life eternal and the lost unto the resurrection of eternal damnation.

We believe Satan is a living being and that hell is a place of eternal conscious punishment for him, his hosts, and all unbelievers.

We believe Scripture commands Christians to abstain from all forms of compromise with unbelief.

We believe the Bible sets forth principles for Godly living and that if one learns and follows these principles, one will be able to avoid and refute false teachings and false concepts.

Aaaall righty then.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:29:03am

re: #13 Skip Intro

An unaccredited law school at that whose founding is, um, questionable. More specifically, it was founded by Bill Gothard. Yeah, that one.

The truth has come out that Gothard has sexually harassed and in some cases sexually assaulted young girls over a 45 year period. Some of those I know from OBCL and IBLP have seen his tendency to pick willowy young women, and spend time alone with them. The victims include close friends of people I know, and even relatives of my own friends. Thanks to the magic of the internet, I have also discovered that there was a serious scandal back in 1980, long before my family ever attended a Gothard seminar. Because bad news was easier to hide back then, Gothard managed to escape consequences, and even solidify his power. This time, it hasn’t been so easy, and Gothard was finally forced to resign.

The same Gothard who’s up to his eyeballs in the #DuggarFamilyValues.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:31:41am

re: #20 lawhawk

An unaccredited law school at that whose founding is, um, questionable.

So is this guy even qualified for the bar?

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:32:00am

re: #18 GlutenFreeJesus

An ambulance “chasee”!

AWARDWINNING ambulance chasee!!!!!

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:32:42am

re: #19 Charles Johnson

The Oakbrook College “Statement of Faith:”

Aaaall righty then.

Sounds great for a school of theology…oh wait

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:32:46am

re: #19 Charles Johnson

How nice for them.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:33:00am

re: #19 Charles Johnson

Not surprising given who founded the “school” - Bill Gothard.

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:33:19am

Whoa, the school is an offshoot of the Bill Gothard cult. I’ve heard of this guy - he was accused of sexual harassment and molestation of female employees.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:33:22am

re: #18 GlutenFreeJesus

An ambulance “chasee”!

Republicans work for a living, Democrats vote for a living.

Who gets sued for a living?

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:34:02am

re: #26 Charles Johnson

Whoa, the school is an offshoot of the Bill Gothard cult. I’ve heard of this guy - he was accused of sexual harassment and molestation of female employees.

Isn’t that the Duggar spiritual adviser?

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:34:54am

re: #21 The Vicious Babushka

So is this guy even qualified for the bar?

If Orly could pass the exam, I guess this guy could too.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:35:43am

re: #21 The Vicious Babushka

Yes, they would be qualified to sit for the Bar, and apparently the school is in the top half of CA law school bar passage rates (18 of 50).

It’s more complicated once you start talking about getting admitted to other states with reciprocity as some states require having gone to a ABA approved school, or accredited with AALS, since that goes to minimum teaching standards, etc.

But if you’re a student, and you see decent passage rates and employment after 9 months, and see that tuition is a fraction of other schools, you might take a chance.

It's on his hat!  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:36:05am

It’s really quite amazing how close-knit the crazies actually are.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:36:22am

re: #26 Charles Johnson

Whoa, the school is an offshoot of the Bill Gothard cult. I’ve heard of this guy - he was accused of sexual harassment and molestation of female employees.

Education Program Used By Duggars Has ‘Horrific’ Sex Abuse Teachings, Ex-Student Says

The handout was originally posted by Recovering Grace, an organization dedicated to “helping people whose lives have been impacted” by ATI and IBLP, in 2013 — long before the allegations against Josh Duggar made headlines.

John Cornish, one of the team members who runs Recovering Grace, told The Huffington Post that he remembers attending an ATI convention as a teen in 1997 and personally hearing Bill Gothard, the IBLP founder, going over the “Counseling Sexual Abuse” document.

“At that point in time, I barely even knew what sexual abuse was,” Cornish recalled. “However, I remember that he was basically telling us that sexual abuse wasn’t all that terrible because it only affected one’s body, and not the more important parts of our being: soul and spirit.”

Cornish called Gothard’s advice “horrific,” noting that program’s guidelines not only “question whether the abused was at fault,” but also try to convince a victim that being abused was a good thing.

Cornish added that “for the thousands of families in the ATI program, Gothard would be the first place they would turn” in a case of sexual abuse.

Gothard resigned from the institute last year in the wake of accusations from 34 women that he sexually harassed or assaulted them, though he maintains he is innocent.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:37:30am

re: #32 It’s on his hat!

It’s really quite amazing how close-knit the crazies actually are.

Crazy has to stay together.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:37:48am

Now image someone from this law school trying to handle a sex abuse/harassment case.

Stop laughing. Seriously. These folks would do serious damage. Gothard did - and the school he founded will continue to spread this nonsense.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:40:20am

re: #35 lawhawk

Now image someone from this law school trying to handle a sex abuse/harassment case.

Stop laughing. Seriously. These folks would do serious damage. Gothard did - and the school he founded will continue to spread this nonsense.

“Your honor, my client can’t be guilty because obviously this trollop offended God by dressing like a slut.”

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:44:50am

re: #36 Kragar

Your Honor, my client can’t be guilty because God has endowed the complaintant with Spiritual Power, and now that she’s with child, she is blessed by the outcome.

Mike Lamb  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:46:44am

re: #13 Skip Intro

A graduate of “Oak Brook College of Law,” which is a Christian correspondence law school based in Fresno. According to the school’s website, OBCL teaches “law and government policy in the context of a Biblical and historical framework” and establishes “the Biblical foundations of truth, righteousness, justice, mercy, equity, integrity, and the fear of God in legal education…”

So what’s a Man of Gawd doing working for a shitstain like CCJ? Really, Orly Taitz is a much better fit.

Someone representing Daleiden probably put CCJ and Meuser in contact.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:47:50am

re: #37 lawhawk

Your Honor, my client can’t be guilty because God has endowed the complaintant with Spiritual Power, and now that she’s with child, she is blessed by the outcome.

“Your honor, we believe that God has a plan for everything, and that was why my client had to expose himself in a public park. To try my client for fulfilling God’s will is a violation of his religious beliefs.”

Jeff Selbst  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:48:23am

He’s so entertaining. Truly the right-wing gift that keeps on giving.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 11:59:58am

No comment.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:00:17pm

re: #41 Skip Intro

No comment.

[Embedded content]

Jeb! can fix that.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:00:50pm

re: #41 Skip Intro

No comment.

[Embedded content]

So he plans to fight the war on terror by selling arms to Iran?

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:01:32pm

re: #41 Skip Intro

No comment.

Embedded Image

Nothing like revealing how fresh you are by showing that you worked for a campaign that the youngest voter would be 50 years old.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:01:47pm

re: #43 Kragar

So he plans to fight the war on terror by selling arms to Iran?

Mr. Putin, tear down this wall.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:01:54pm

re: #43 Kragar

Or he’s running as dead Reagan’s VP.

Strange picture. Love the woman in the right corner though.

Dr. Matt  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:03:19pm

re: #41 Skip Intro

No comment.

Embedded Image

I really, really hope savvy photoshop types have a hayday with that pic.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:04:17pm

If these Christian wackos believe in hell…then there must be an extra hot section for all of them. Maybe this is why they talk about hell so much. They know they are going there.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:05:28pm

And Rand Paul apparently likened Sanders’ college plan to offering kids heroin. Stay classy sashole. We’re not all sons of a Congressman like your ass was and can skate with tuition and our daddy’s influence.

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:05:32pm

re: #41 Skip Intro

there is no amount of context that can make this acceptable

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:06:14pm

In other news, the RNC has just released their new debate strategy.

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:08:21pm

re: #49 HappyWarrior

the only way that college is like heroin (so I’ve heard and/or seen in movies/TV) is when you have to take one of those giant lecture hall classes that puts you to sleep.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:09:56pm

re: #47 Dr. Matt

I really, really hope savvy photoshop types have a hayday with that pic.

When I get home I’m making a meme using this:

Jeb Can Fix It!
Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:10:37pm
Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:11:53pm

re: #54 Kragar

[Embedded content]

This country is doomed.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:11:53pm
Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:13:45pm

re: #54 Kragar


HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:13:50pm

re: #56 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Yeah because getting lost is so manly. // Seriously find a new hobby Breitbrats.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:15:03pm
No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:15:45pm

re: #54 Kragar

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:16:20pm

re: #56 Kragar

Some people have a weird idea of what is emasculating if they think relying on a GPS results in that outcome.

You still need to be able to read a map, especially if the GPS sends you off-road or doesn’t have current maps of your location - as an old GPS once did by picking a dirt road as the route to get to a national monument in Arizona instead of a nearby interstate.

You’re still free to disregard the GPS as you wish (just as you’d ignore your SO/wife/gas station attendant who doesn’t know where anything is anyways).

I tend to use the GPS to gauge how quickly I’ll get to my destination - a challenge to be beat.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:16:31pm

re: #56 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Breitbart’s “tech editor” is Milo Yeahimadumbass being a dumbass about tech things.

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:16:47pm
No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:17:07pm

re: #56 Kragar

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:17:57pm
KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:18:34pm

re: #54 Kragar

there’s got to be a joke in there about not understanding the meaning of a certain position, but I’m going to keep it PG-13 today.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:19:01pm

re: #63 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:19:19pm

re: #66 KGxvi

there’s got to be a joke in there about not understanding the meaning of a certain position, but I’m going to keep it PG-13 today.

Please keep your GPS in the locked and upright position.

Targetpractice  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:20:01pm

Yeah, nothing is quite as “manly” as being forced to ask the gas station attendant how to get back to the highway because you got tired of listening to your wife chew you out for taking the wrong exit 2 hours earlier.

iossarian  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:20:03pm

GPS is a sekrit gay code:



HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:20:25pm

re: #69 Targetpractice

Yeah, nothing is quite as “manly” as being forced to ask the gas station attendant how to get back to the highway because you got tired of listening to your wife chew you out for taking the wrong exit 2 hours earlier.

No kidding.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:21:04pm

Breitbart circa 1905, Henry Ford’s cars emasculating because real men still use a horse to get around.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:22:20pm

re: #56 Kragar

“An interesting question. Let’s debate both sides.”

darthstar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:22:56pm
No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:23:02pm

re: #72 HappyWarrior

Breitbart circa 1905, Henry Ford’s cars emasculating because real men still use a horse to get around.

Almost certainly. The site panders to people who combine ignorance, huge egos, and an inability to learn and adapt to any improvement.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:23:12pm

re: #72 HappyWarrior

Breitbart circa 1905, Henry Ford’s cars emasculating because real men still use a horse to get around.


Electric starters are emasculating since only a real man can use a hand crank.
Air conditioning is emasculating since only real men sweat.
Elevators are emasculating since real men have endurance to climb stairs.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:23:18pm

re: #72 HappyWarrior

Breitbart circa 1905, Henry Ford’s cars emasculating because real men still use a horse to get around.

I’ll be stealing that.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:23:44pm

re: #75 No Country For Old Haters

Almost certainly. The site panders to people who combine ignorance, huge egos, and an inability to learn and adapt to any improvement.

Really it amuse me how insecure in their own masculinity they are that a GPS bothers them that much.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:24:06pm

re: #77 Kragar

I’ll be stealing that.

Fine by me.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:24:34pm

Shit I’m waiting for them to say real men abuse their spouses and children.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:25:51pm

re: #80 HappyWarrior

Shit I’m waiting for them to say real men abuse their spouses and children.

They certainly imply it by supporting violent, unstable, right-wing monsters like Todd Kincannon.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:26:00pm

re: #80 HappyWarrior

Shit I’m waiting for them to say real men abuse their spouses and children.

Shit, they already do

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:26:14pm

re: #76 lawhawk

personal computers are emasculating because real mean dictate documents to their secretary between rounds of sexual harassment. and then she types them up on a typewriter build before the war, no not WWII, the Great War.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:26:17pm

re: #80 HappyWarrior

Shit I’m waiting for them to say real men abuse their spouses and children.

They say that all the time, just not in those words. What do you think the whole “Men’s Rights” movement is about?

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:26:26pm

re: #82 Kragar

Shit, they already do

Yeah, you’re right now that I think about it.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:27:00pm

re: #84 The Vicious Babushka

They say that all the time, just not in those words. What do you think the whole “Men’s Rights” movement is about?

I meant outright but without the attempts at subtlety.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:27:04pm

re: #67 Kragar

[Embedded content]

So the US military, which designed the GPS system, hates men?

Hell, there are still Relativity-deniers who hate GPS because the satellites’ clock rates have to be corrected for both Special- and General-Relativistic effects—and it works.

They were forced to launch the satellites with the correction circuits capable of being switched off—just in case Relativity turned out to be baloney!

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:28:50pm
klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:29:04pm

re: #84 The Vicious Babushka

They say that all the time, just not in those words. What do you think the whole “Men’s Rights” movement is about?

Nonsense, they’re the real feminists, trying to keep women from grinding men under their boot heels in their efforts for domination over the male gender. After all, everyone knows equality has already been achieved. That’s why they joined forces with Milo and Gamergate and …


I can’t do it anymore, even sarcastically.

Targetpractice  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:29:41pm

There’s movies that detail the exploits of manly men who didn’t rely upon no emasculating GPS to navigate…they’re in the horror section of your local store. Start with The Hills Have Eyes and work from there.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:30:09pm

re: #65 Charles Johnson

My dad couldn’t find his way out of town without a map. My mom was the navigator.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:30:39pm

re: #83 KGxvi

personal computers are emasculating because real mean dictate documents to their secretary between rounds of sexual harassment. and then she types them up on a typewriter build before the war, no not WWII, the Great War.

Why not just adapt, and sexually harass the computer? You look so good in that Antec case…

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:31:01pm

re: #56 Kragar

So Breitbart Tech’s inaugural piece of “tech journalism” is a fact free ramble abt how GPSes are emasculating?

Making fun of Breitbart’s article on how GPSes are emasculating is emasculating.


HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:31:29pm

re: #90 Targetpractice

There’s movies that detail the exploits of manly men who didn’t rely upon no emasculating GPS to navigate…they’re in the horror section of your local store. Start with The Hills Have Eyes and work from there.

But they kept their manhood intact even if they did not keep their heads intact!

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:32:08pm

re: #63 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

And where, pray tell, is this strange location where GPS is colloquially known as “femsteering?” Only in the (lost) minds of Breitbrats.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:32:45pm

re: #87 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Hell, there are still Relativity-deniers who hate GPS because the satellites’ clock rates have to be corrected for both Special- and General-Relativistic effects—and it works.

They were forced to launch the satellites with the correction circuits capable of being switched off—just in case Relativity turned out to be baloney!

Do you have a link for the correction circuit switch?

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:34:55pm
Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:36:04pm

re: #97 Kragar


If this is not a word, it should be.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:36:05pm

re: #97 Kragar

[Embedded content]

They don’t know what satire actually is.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:36:28pm

re: #98 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

If this is not a word, it should be.

It’s from A Clockwork Orange.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:36:42pm

re: #98 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

If this is not a word, it should be.

From “Clockwork Orange” IIRC

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:37:05pm

re: #97 Kragar

In that case, what are they satirizing? Dolts who live in their parents basement and complain about things that emasculate them?

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:37:06pm

re: #98 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

If this is not a word, it should be.

Clockwork Orange Russian-based slang.

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:38:04pm

re: #95 BeachDem

“Femsteering” sounds like something Limbaugh would say.

I’ve had some GPS devices that I’ve absolutely hated. I have one in the company car that continues to insist that I drive on freeways that are not moving instead of taking service streets - that shit drives me nuts because when I get off the freeway it then keeps telling me to get back on the freeway. The GPS in my personal car is better than that, but it has to be linked to Sirius traffic and I just can’t bring myself to pay extra for that.

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:38:19pm
No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:39:05pm

re: #103 Decatur Deb

Clockwork Orange Russian-based slang.

The book has the definitions of all the slang at the end IIRC. It’s been MANY years since I read it. I’ve also seen the movie, and the play at a Chicago theater, also many years ago.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:39:16pm

re: #98 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

If this is not a word, it should be.

It is.

Jack Burton  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:39:17pm

re: #95 BeachDem

And where, pray tell, is this strange location where GPS is colloquially known as “femsteering?” Only in the (lost) minds of Breitbrats.

That’s not talking about using GPSes, it’s this pile of stone age misogyny:

But Breitbart has discovered an even more pernicious gender-specific public nuisance that is endangering anyone on the roads. The phenomenon is known as “femsteering,” and it describes the almost total inability of any woman to competently operate an automobile. Though whispered about on men’s rights forums, in working men’s clubs and on the pages of tabloid newspapers for decades, this is the first time the trend has been discussed in the open in a serious publication.

What follows on that article gets worse. I feel dirty having looked this up.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:39:42pm

re: #104 KGxvi

“Femsteering” sounds like something Limbaugh would say.

I’ve had some GPS devices that I’ve absolutely hated. I have one in the company car that continues to insist that I drive on freeways that are not moving instead of taking service streets - that shit drives me nuts because when I get off the freeway it then keeps telling me to get back on the freeway. The GPS in my personal car is better than that, but it has to be linked to Sirius traffic and I just can’t bring myself to pay extra for that.

I like Waze

iossarian  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:40:39pm


No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:40:42pm

re: #105 Charles Johnson

Jack Burton  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:41:16pm

re: #108 Jack Burton

Then again it’s another Milo Yimadumbass article, and this could be his idea of “satire”. I’m not going into MRA hell-holes to confirm.

WhatEVs  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:42:41pm

re: #108 Jack Burton


Danica Patrick might disagree.

iossarian  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:43:33pm

1) It’s not satire - it’s stupidity

2) Anyone who thinks men are better drivers than women needs to stay the fuck away from the insurance underwriting business

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:46:23pm

re: #114 iossarian

1) It’s not satire - it’s stupidity

2) Anyone who thinks men are better drivers than women needs to stay the fuck away from the insurance underwriting business

When someone’s driving poorly, I try to get a look at the driver. 80+% of the time, it’s a middle-aged white guy, rather than anyone who could be associated with a bad-driver stereotype.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:46:35pm

re: #114 iossarian

1) It’s not satire - it’s stupidity

2) Anyone who thinks men are better drivers than women needs to stay the fuck away from the insurance underwriting business

How many of them have had to insure a teenage male driver?

WhatEVs  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:47:28pm

How do women read Breitbart and think “Oh, yeah!” to any of this stuff?

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:48:33pm

re: #117 WhatEVs

How do women read Breitbart and think “Oh, yeah!” to any of this stuff?

Because their husband will beat them if they don’t.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:49:29pm

re: #117 WhatEVs

How do women read Breitbart and think “Oh, yeah!” to any of this stuff?

Because womenz don’t want to be dependent on Big Government like Libtards and because Gunz!!1

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:49:30pm

re: #96 Belafon

Do you have a link for the correction circuit switch?

I read it in one of those sliced-tree thingies we used back in the Paleozoic Era. My Google-fu isn’t turning it up online right away. I’ll keep looking….

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:50:47pm

re: #117 WhatEVs

How do women read Breitbart and think “Oh, yeah!” to any of this stuff?

Unfortunately women have often been partners in their own oppression. People who grow up in oppressive subcultures like the hopeless Conservatives, often expect and demand to be oppressed. Lots of people will chose the familiar over any improvement even when the familiar is terrible.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:51:32pm

re: #117 WhatEVs

How do women read Breitbart and think “Oh, yeah!” to any of this stuff?

I do not understand these “Anti-Feminist” women. For example, “Madame Voldemort” that I had a conversation with this morning, who simultaneously argued that the “gender pay gap” doesn’t exist and that women should be paid less because they take more time off.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:53:21pm

re: #122 The Vicious Babushka

I do not understand these “Anti-Feminist” women. For example, “Madame Voldemort” that I had a conversation with this morning, who simultaneously argued that the “gender pay gap” doesn’t exist and that women should be paid less because they take more time off.

[Embedded content]

The worst are those who admit it exist but claim stupidly that women don’t want to be paid equally. I believe that was Crazy Granny Schalfry’s claim.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:57:04pm

This can’t be good:

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 12:58:22pm

re: #124 lawhawk

This can’t be good:

[Embedded content]

Agh. Should have expected that when Murdoch bought the magazine. Does anyone know of a good publication like that. Thinking about getting my brother subscripition to an intellectually stimulating magazine like that for CHristmas.

Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:00:30pm

re: #92 No Country For Old Haters

Why not just adapt, and sexually harass the computer? You look so good in that Antec case…

See thru case, sexy!

sizzzzlerz  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:05:46pm

re: #87 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Hell, there are still Relativity-deniers who hate GPS because the satellites’ clock rates have to be corrected for both Special- and General-Relativistic effects—and it works.

They were forced to launch the satellites with the correction circuits capable of being switched off—just in case Relativity turned out to be baloney!

Real men use astrolabes

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:17:36pm

They forgot to insert the words ‘appropriately named’ right before ‘Union County.’

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:18:03pm
goddamnedfrank  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:19:17pm

re: #87 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

They were forced to launch the satellites with the correction circuits capable of being switched off—just in case Relativity turned out to be baloney!

This sounds apocryphal. The time dilation effect of relativity was experimentally confirmed at least seven years before launch of the first NAVSTAR satellite, in the Hafele-Keating experiment.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:20:02pm

re: #129 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Explains why Canada has legalized rape and cannibalism now and that’s why Ted can’t go back. Oh wait, this is more hyperbolic fundie bullshit that has no basis in reality but instead in the minds of a twisted son of a bitch envies gay people for being comfortable in their sexuality. Nice pastor you and Huck got there Ted, tell me again how his kind are different from the Islamists how.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:20:40pm

re: #130 goddamnedfrank

This sounds apocryphal. The time dilation effect of relativity had was experimentally confirmed at least seven years before launch of the first NAVSTAR satellite, in the Hafele-Keating experiment.

Also, a Google search turns up nothing on the topic, so I’m almost sure this isn’t true.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:22:01pm

re: #131 HappyWarrior

Explains why Canada has legalized rape and cannibalism now and that’s why Ted can’t go back. Oh wait, this is more hyperbolic fundie bullshit that has no basis in reality but instead in the minds of a twisted son of a bitch envies gay people for being comfortable in their sexuality. Nice pastor you and Huck got there Ted, tell me again how his kind are different from the Islamists how.

They want to impose a weird, right-wing-authoritarian version of Christianity, instead of a right-wing-authoritarian version of Islam. Totally different ;>

bratwurst  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:23:44pm

Your liberal media at work!

sffilk  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:28:21pm

He’ll never learn.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:32:02pm

re: #135 Nyet

I picked up a couple of these. They’re very hard to fly without crashing into something. I was going to give them to my nephews, but they seem like a serious eye-hazard, so I’ll have to buy them some safety glasses if I give them the quadcopters.

Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:32:11pm

The GPS discussion got me thinking about the new Henry Rollins driving app:


Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:32:55pm

re: #128 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

They forgot to insert the words ‘appropriately named’ right before ‘Union County.’

Should see what we do in Intercourse, PA.

Nyet  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:33:28pm

re: #137 No Country For Old Haters

Cute! :)

goddamnedfrank  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:34:04pm

re: #132 No Country For Old Haters

Also, a Google search turns up nothing on the topic, so I’m almost sure this isn’t true.

Also, the way GPS works what matters is the fidelity of each satellite’s clock time and drift compared to the constellation, and the only thing that is really going to impact that is different eccentricities in their individual orbits. This is because ground receivers do not contain atomic clocks, and ground station time keeping is irrelevant. What matters is the quadrangulation of the signals from at least four satellites. Also, the way I understand it the satellite clocks are recalibrated once a week during the computer epoch change, so any minor drifts can be addressed then. My guess is that relativity is taken into account, because why pass up an opportunity to make the system better, but I’m not sure it’s necessary to get to within the advertised accuracy.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:34:46pm

re: #138 Barefoot Grin

The GPS discussion got me thinking about the new Henry Rollins driving app:


Satire of course. Damn, Henry is looking old.

Tigger2  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:35:17pm

Breitbart is a place where brains go to die.

Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:36:03pm

re: #135 Nyet

[Embedded content]


Nice shot. Maybe we need to use pumpkins for the Star Wars defense program.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:36:17pm

This fucking guy.

He submits some files for me to review. There is something not annotated properly, so I try calling him. He’s not in so I email him asking him to give me a call about the files.

I literally typed “Give me a call about the files you submitted so I can verify some of the info.”

An hour goes by…

He then forwards the email to back to the clients telling them something is wrong with the files and then they freak out wondering what happened. He then emails me back asking what I need.

“I need you to call me, like I asked you to.”

3 minutes later the question is answered and it was minor, but this asshat got the clients worked up over nothing.

Nyet  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:37:00pm

re: #143 Tigger2

Breitbart A place where brains go to die.

Are you sure there were any brains there in the first place? :)

Tigger2  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:37:57pm

re: #146 Nyet

Are you sure there were any brains there in the first place? :)

There had to be at least one brain cell left for them to find the place.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:38:42pm

I found recently that if I grasp the whiskers on one side of my cat’s face and push (not pull), he will sneer like that.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:39:05pm

re: #146 Nyet

Are you sure there were any brains there in the first place? :)

There weren’t. When someone with critical thinking skills stumbles onto a wingnut site like Breitbart, they quickly realize it’s a crank site. You have to mindlessly accept whatever derp you’re fed to fail to recognize and reject wingnut fake-news.

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:39:44pm

re: #138 Barefoot Grin

Is it wrong that I actually want that?

Nyet  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:39:47pm

re: #148 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

I found recently that if I grasp the whiskers on one side of my cat’s face and push (not pull), he will sneer like that.

So, you’re doing experiments on animals. //

Nyet  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:40:18pm
No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:41:01pm

re: #147 Tigger2

There had to be at least one brain cell left for them to find the place.

Just enough to click a link in a crazed email, where if they had a few more brain cells, they’d call out whatever yahoo sent them the email, instead of accepting it as something rational.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:41:42pm

re: #151 Nyet

So, you’re doing experiments on animals. //

They love it when I experiment with the hair brushes. :)

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:42:03pm

re: #104 KGxvi

“Femsteering” sounds like something Limbaugh would say.

I’ve had some GPS devices that I’ve absolutely hated. I have one in the company car that continues to insist that I drive on freeways that are not moving instead of taking service streets - that shit drives me nuts because when I get off the freeway it then keeps telling me to get back on the freeway. The GPS in my personal car is better than that, but it has to be linked to Sirius traffic and I just can’t bring myself to pay extra for that.

That’s why I like Google maps—you can decide whether you want to do freeways or surface roads, and which surface road you want, ahead of time.

I remember the first time friends came to visit with their Garmin (sp?). We wanted to take the scenic route along the beach road, and the freaking thing would tell us to turn at every single intersection, to get back over to the limited access road. I (oh so logically) was swearing at the disembodied voice, “NO, you fucking moron, we don’t WANT to go that way.”

Nyet  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:42:39pm

re: #154 wrenchwench

The one on the photo doesn’t look like it loves it :P

Tigger2  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:43:01pm

re: #153 No Country For Old Haters

Just enough to click a link in a crazed email, where if they had a few more brain cells, they’d call out whatever yahoo sent them the email, instead of accepting it as something rational.

Forgot about yahoo comments, what a fucking cesspool.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:43:51pm

re: #154 wrenchwench

They love it when I experiment with the hair brushes. :)

My cat goes berserk with joy when brushed with a couple of these.

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:44:26pm

re: #108 Jack Burton

That’s not talking about using GPSes, it’s this pile of stone age misogyny:

What follows on that article gets worse. I feel dirty having looked this up.

Thanks for doing the dirty work for me!

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:46:42pm

re: #114 iossarian

1) It’s not satire - it’s stupidity

2) Anyone who thinks men are better drivers than women needs to stay the fuck away from the insurance underwriting business

Allstate Voice Commercial - Bonus Check

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:49:00pm

re: #161 BeachDem

[Embedded content]

Thanks. I was thinking of that commercial, but I can’t do youtube at work.

Dr. Matt  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:50:11pm

re: #163 Belafon

This is where Bush’s library is located.



Nyet  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:50:27pm
HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:50:28pm
wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:50:56pm

re: #158 No Country For Old Haters

My cat goes berserk with joy when brushed with a couple of these.

One of mine loves this one best:

The other one totally lacks discernment.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:51:11pm

re: #160 Dr. Matt

Another black eye for Texas. They should probably look into why their state produces so many openly-terrible people.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:53:03pm
The alpuzzzzz from Wisconsin  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:54:18pm

So, I just got here. Is droogies a word? If not it should be.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:55:27pm

re: #170 Jack Burton

Yet again…

[Embedded content]

This has happened at other schools in other states. But your map would make an interesting web page: Show each state, and the days since being an embarrassment. Texas, Florida, and Kansas would probably stay really close to zero.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:55:52pm

re: #171 The alpuzzzzz from Wisconsin

So, I just got here. Is droogies a word? If not it should be.

Already covered above, from A Clockwork Orange.

Stanley Sea Toujours  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:56:31pm

re: #134 bratwurst

Your liberal media at work!

[Embedded content]


No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:56:55pm

re: #172 Belafon

This has happened at other schools in other states. But your map would make an interesting web page: Show each state, and the days since being an embarrassment. Texas, Florida, and Kansas would probably stay really close to zero.

I have the skills to set up a map like that on the web, but there’s no way I’d keep up with maintaining the data. It would have to be updated almost daily.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:57:36pm

I have no sympathy for Dianna Duran, because of this:

If she hadn’t been so hard nosed on alleged voter fraud—which later turned out to be minimal.

And everything else about her (in the article).

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:59:00pm

re: #123 HappyWarrior

The worst are those who admit it exist but claim stupidly that women don’t want to be paid equally. I believe that was Crazy Granny Schalfry’s claim.

Also, that intellectual giant, Marsha Blackburn (currently heading the PP investigatory committee—sigh).

“You know, I’ve always said that I didn’t want to be given a job because I was a female, I wanted it because I was the most well-qualified person for the job,” Blackburn said.

Well, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, THAT certainly hasn’t happened in your case…

Blackburn has consistently opposed equal pay measures in the House. In 2009, she voted against both the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act…and the Paycheck Fairness Act


HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 1:59:06pm

re: #176 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

I have no sympathy for Diana Duran, because of this:

And everything else about her (in the article).

I felt the same way about Bob McDonnell here in Va WW. Loved touting himself as a tough on crime type and ended up violating the laws thimself.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:00:03pm

re: #177 BeachDem

Also, that intellectual giant, Marsha Blackburn (currently heading the PP investigatory committee—sigh).

“You know, I’ve always said that I didn’t want to be given a job because I was a female, I wanted it because I was the most well-qualified person for the job,” Blackburn said.

Well, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, THAT certainly hasn’t happened in your case…

Blackburn has consistently opposed equal pay measures in the House. In 2009, she voted against both the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act…and the Paycheck Fairness Act


Was it Marsha or another GOP lady that pretty much destroy their own argument against minimum wage by pointing out their wage in 1968 was “only 2.10” which adjusted for inflation is higher than today’s present minimum wage?

The alpuzzzzz from Wisconsin  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:00:38pm

re: #173 Belafon

I couldn’t help it. I was being a smart-ass.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:02:38pm

re: #180 The alpuzzzzz from Wisconsin

I couldn’t help it. I was being a smart-ass.

That’s not allowed here! Oh, wait. It’s required. Or whatever.

Stuff Happens  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:03:25pm

re: #179 HappyWarrior

Was it Marsha or another GOP lady that pretty much destroy their own argument against minimum wage by pointing out their wage in 1968 was “only 2.10” which adjusted for inflation is higher than today’s present minimum wage?

2.10 would be 14.36 in today’s moolah.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:05:10pm

Also my Twitters still doesn’t have the heart button.


HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:05:34pm

re: #182 Stuff Happens

2.10 would be 14.36 in today’s moolah.

Yeah not just higher but considerably higher. I make around that much and with a college degree too.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:06:48pm

re: #183 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Also my Twitters still doesn’t have the heart button.


Maybe they’re A/B testing. There are already several programs that replace the heart with a star for people who can’t cope with even small changes.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:07:30pm

re: #174 Stanley Sea Toujours

Someone in the comments recommends that she deletes it and someone else says don’t because she wouldn’t be bashed if it were Sanders. I’m pretty sure the last commenter would be doing the bashing if it had been Sanders.

Jack Burton  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:08:33pm

re: #179 HappyWarrior

Was it Marsha or another GOP lady that pretty much destroy their own argument against minimum wage by pointing out their wage in 1968 was “only 2.10” which adjusted for inflation is higher than today’s present minimum wage?

If it kept up with inflation it would be 15-ish an hour. If it kept up with Inflation & worker productivity, it would be 22-ish an hour.

I’m not saying jumping to these rates over night would be a good idea but, any argument against raising it to anything up to 15 is at best a product of 35 years of right wing bullshit repeated over and over or at worst malicious and greed driven.

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:08:53pm

re: #179 HappyWarrior

Was it Marsha or another GOP lady that pretty much destroy their own argument against minimum wage by pointing out their wage in 1968 was “only 2.10” which adjusted for inflation is higher than today’s present minimum wage?

Yep, that was braintrust Blackburn—

I remember my first job, when I was working in a retail store, down there, growing up in Laurel, Mississippi. I was making like $2.15 an hour. And I was taught how to responsibly handle those customer interactions. And I appreciated that opportunity.

Blackburn was born in 1952, so she likely took that retail job at some point between 1968 and 1970. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator, the $2.15 an hour Blackburn made then is worth somewhere between $12.72 and $14.18 an hour in today’s dollars, depending on which year she started.


No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:10:10pm

re: #186 Belafon

Someone in the comments recommends that she deletes it and someone else says don’t because she wouldn’t be bashed if it were Sanders. I’m pretty sure the last commenter would be doing the bashing if it had been Sanders.

Yeah, that comment stood out as standard conservative delusion. They think that modern people are just disgusted because she’s on the lap of someone who panders to stupid Conservatives, not because it’s terribly sexist and totally unprofessional. The willfully ignorant will never get it.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:12:03pm

re: #187 Jack Burton

If it kept up with inflation it would be 15-ish an hour. If it kept up with Inflation & worker productivity, it would be 22-ish an hour.

I’m not saying jumping to these rates over night would be a good idea but, any argument against raising it to anything up to 15 is at best a product of 35 years of right wing bullshit repeated over and over or at worst malicious and greed driven.

Right. I knew about it being higher than today’s MW but my question was if the genius that uttered that was Blackburn or some other GOP woman representative?

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:12:16pm

re: #188 BeachDem

Yep, that was braintrust Blackburn—

I remember my first job, when I was working in a retail store, down there, growing up in Laurel, Mississippi. I was making like $2.15 an hour. And I was taught how to responsibly handle those customer interactions. And I appreciated that opportunity.

Blackburn was born in 1952, so she likely took that retail job at some point between 1968 and 1970. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator, the $2.15 an hour Blackburn made then is worth somewhere between $12.72 and $14.18 an hour in today’s dollars, depending on which year she started.


also you could compare the cost of subletting a room in apartment or house then and now

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:14:34pm

re: #188 BeachDem

Yep, that was braintrust Blackburn—

I remember my first job, when I was working in a retail store, down there, growing up in Laurel, Mississippi. I was making like $2.15 an hour. And I was taught how to responsibly handle those customer interactions. And I appreciated that opportunity.

Blackburn was born in 1952, so she likely took that retail job at some point between 1968 and 1970. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ inflation calculator, the $2.15 an hour Blackburn made then is worth somewhere between $12.72 and $14.18 an hour in today’s dollars, depending on which year she started.


All I can say is I would have loved to had those kind of wages in my late teenage years, I made 5.50 a hour in 2003-2004.

Whack-A-Mole  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:16:01pm

re: #152 Nyet

Maybe it’s just my own arc of involvement in the game being well done and over, but it just feels like the Warcraft movie is coming out a few years too late. I think they missed their target window back when it was being advertised on TV and had all the celebrity players coming out, things like that.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:17:09pm

ben carson

and in news from the not too distant future today, in july 2016 in cleveland, the wingnut, teabag and fundie crowd, despite two solid years of spitting and whinging, supinely accepts jeb bush and john w acceptable as their nominees for pretzlenut and vice

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:17:22pm

re: #193 Whack-A-Mole

Maybe it’s just my own arc of involvement in the game being well done and over, but it just feels like the Warcraft movie is coming out a few years too late. I think they missed their target window back when it was being advertised on TV and had all the celebrity players coming out, things like that.


ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:17:25pm

re: #113 WhatEVs

Danica Patrick might disagree.

And just like anything, their are degrees. There are better women racers than Danica. Danica is fortunate because she turned her cuteness into being a star and that brings sponsorships that help keep her in the game.

Janet Guthrie - First woman at Indy, Shirley Muldowney - many time top fuel drag racing champion, Lyn St. James - TransAm - Sportscars - Indycar, Michele Mouton - World Rally Champion, Susie Wolff - F1 test driver, The Force sisters in drag racing, Simona de Silvestro and Kate Legge in Indycars…all could hand a lot of men their heads behind a steering wheel, and with any kind of a transmission. To name just a few of the more succesful women racers.

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:18:19pm

Trollin’ our governor. I like it:

Stanley Sea Toujours  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:18:30pm

re: #186 Belafon

Someone in the comments recommends that she deletes it and someone else says don’t because she wouldn’t be bashed if it were Sanders. I’m pretty sure the last commenter would be doing the bashing if it had been Sanders.

It is just so unprofessional.

Add to that Trump is a pig who lurves himself young mannequin women. Beyond gross.

Unprofessional & stupid for ANY woman to sit on ANY Man’s lap unless your intention is to snog.

Is that old fashioned? I’m creeped out.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:20:01pm

re: #197 Lidane

Trollin’ our governor. I like it:

[Embedded content]

That’s not fair. Abbott does believe all guns are created equally. //

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:22:29pm
Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:23:10pm
SirMixALot  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:23:26pm

re: #46 Skip Intro

Or he’s running as dead Reagan’s VP.

Strange picture. Love the woman in the right corner though.

That woman is Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen from South Florida.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:25:48pm

re: #193 Whack-A-Mole

Maybe it’s just my own arc of involvement in the game being well done and over, but it just feels like the Warcraft movie is coming out a few years too late. I think they missed their target window back when it was being advertised on TV and had all the celebrity players coming out, things like that.

I still play and have no idea why they think the movie is a good idea.

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:28:06pm

re: #190 HappyWarrior

Right. I knew about it being higher than today’s MW but my question was if the genius that uttered that was Blackburn or some other GOP woman representative?

Maybe you were thinking of the always lovely, thoughtful and understanding Virginia Foxx, who has no tolerance for kids today and their frivolous student loans.

“I have very little tolerance for people who tell me that they graduate with $200,000 of debt or even $80,000 of debt because there’s no reason for that,” Foxx continued…Foxx also noted that when she went to college, back in 19-diggity-two, she never took out one dime in loans over the seven years it took her to learn nothing and graduate.

So yes, you’re right, we do in fact have a leader of a House education committee who is not aware of exponential rise in higher education costs over the last 20 years, which, along with exponentially rising health care costs and exponentially rising mortgage/rent payments, are the three most visible threats to our viability as an “opportunity society” that doesn’t randomly fuck people over with hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, at birth, for the crime of trying to secure basic modern needs.

You know what happened in the last several decades, Virginia Foxx? The last several decades happened:

That’s right, Virginia Foxx paid $87.50 in tuition. That was the price of a full semester’s tuition at UNC in 1961. The Chair of the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training is completely out of touch with the very different realities facing today’s students.

To be fair, prices have gone up a lot since 1961. If you take that $87.50 and adjust it for inflation, the actual dollar amount is a whopping $671.30 per semester.


Archangelus  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:29:17pm

re: #201 Jenner7

[Embedded content]

What. The. פאאאאאאקקקק!!

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:33:11pm

re: #204 BeachDem

Maybe you were thinking of the always lovely, thoughtful and understanding Virginia Foxx, who has no tolerance for kids today and their frivolous student loans.

“I have very little tolerance for people who tell me that they graduate with $200,000 of debt or even $80,000 of debt because there’s no reason for that,” Foxx continued…Foxx also noted that when she went to college, back in 19-diggity-two, she never took out one dime in loans over the seven years it took her to learn nothing and graduate.

So yes, you’re right, we do in fact have a leader of a House education committee who is not aware of exponential rise in higher education costs over the last 20 years, which, along with exponentially rising health care costs and exponentially rising mortgage/rent payments, are the three most visible threats to our viability as an “opportunity society” that doesn’t randomly fuck people over with hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, at birth, for the crime of trying to secure basic modern needs.

You know what happened in the last several decades, Virginia Foxx? The last several decades happened:

That’s right, Virginia Foxx paid $87.50 in tuition. That was the price of a full semester’s tuition at UNC in 1961. The Chair of the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training is completely out of touch with the very different realities facing today’s students.

To be fair, prices have gone up a lot since 1961. If you take that $87.50 and adjust it for inflation, the actual dollar amount is a whopping $671.30 per semester.


and today:

N.C. Residents Out-of-State Residents
Tuition & Fees $8,562 $33,644
Room $6,106 $6,106
Board $4,796 $4,796
Books & Supplies $1,442 $1,442

Cost of Attendance - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Whack-A-Mole  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:34:23pm

re: #203 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I actually do have hope that it will be a decent fantasy movie; the talent in the cast is there and the world’s backstory is more than fertile ground for good storytelling.

It’s just that I think they missed their opportunity to build the tentpole franchise they’re hoping for.

Lidane  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:34:47pm

re: #203 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I still play and have no idea why they think the movie is a good idea.

Because making a movie about an MMO a decade after it comes out is a great idea.


klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:35:24pm

re: #207 Whack-A-Mole

I actually do have hope that it will be a decent fantasy movie; the talent in the cast is there and the world’s backstory is more than fertile ground for good storytelling.

It’s just that I think they missed their opportunity to build the tentpole franchise they’re hoping for.

What would be a hell of a lot smarter is to collaborate with Pixar and do an Overwatch movie.

Hell, the intro trailer for that was fantastic.

Whack-A-Mole  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:36:05pm

re: #209 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Agree completely there. That would have some potential.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:39:50pm

but it might be that the gop has unintentionally stumbled across a winning candidate in carson, seeing as how he consistently does the best in matchups against hillary

i think the gop may have found itself the perfect combination of moron, religious nut and black person that brings just enough devout church going black folk into the republican fold to tip the election outcome to the gop

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:42:31pm

Carson supported various initiatives at both companies, such as barring discrimination based on gender identity, providing health insurance for employees’ domestic partners, and offering more diversity training. Because of such changes the companies now are ranked as some of the best in the United States by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocates.

Thanks in part to the support of Dr. Carson, the Human Rights Campaign, the largest and most aggressive promoter of special rights for homosexuals in the country, gave Kellogg a perfect score of 100, and graded Costco out at 90. YouGov BrandIndex, which measures consumer perception, named Costco the “best perceived brand among LGBT Americans.”

The problem here is quite simple: laws that ban employment discrimination against homosexuals require employment discrimination against Christians.

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:44:54pm

Jeez, guys and gals. Don’t strain yourselves. (House schedule for 2016—hey, they’re going to work 17 days in September! That’s after taking half of July and all of August off. Then they’re taking all of October and most of November off.) Paul Ryan will have beaucoup time to be the best dad and husband on the planet, right?

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:45:31pm

re: #213 BeachDem

I thought for a moment there that the blue was the vacation days.

Silly me.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:49:43pm

re: #212 Kragar

The problem here is quite simple: laws that ban employment discrimination against homosexuals require employment discrimination against Christians who can’t shut up about what flaming bigots they are.

Fixt for the AFA.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:18:11pm

re: #155 BeachDem

That’s why I like Google maps—you can decide whether you want to do freeways or surface roads, and which surface road you want, ahead of time.

I remember the first time friends came to visit with their Garmin (sp?). We wanted to take the scenic route along the beach road, and the freaking thing would tell us to turn at every single intersection, to get back over to the limited access road. I (oh so logically) was swearing at the disembodied voice, “NO, you fucking moron, we don’t WANT to go that way.”

The Garmin voice gets more and more angry if you don’t drive the way it orders you.


Eric The Fruit Bat  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:22:43pm

re: #216 The Vicious Babushka

I prefer the Here series of software myself. It’s available on all major phone platforms and maps can be downloaded so you don’t require a active data connection.

Reality Based Steve  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:09:31pm

re: #19 Charles Johnson

The Oakbrook College “Statement of Faith:”

Aaaall righty then.

Looking at it, it has strong elements of Calvinism, which isn’t surprising considering the original source. I also found very disturbing the posts on “Counseling Child Abuse Victims”. There was a LOT of “It was your fault for tempting him” and “He only used your body, dedicate your soul to Jesus”

Religion is like a Penis. It’s fine to have one, you can even be proud of it. But don’t wave it around, don’t write laws with it, and especially don’t force it on children.


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